Twenty-fifth Cliché

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When Mia entered the spacious room where Yoongi had indicated, her eyes widened as she attempted to take in all the details of the space at once.

The spacious room was lavishly decorated and contained anything imaginable. There was even a jacuzzi and a dancing stage with a pole to the side. She was just glad it wasn't being used.

She could see that other than Yoongi, the rest of the six males were in here. They had glanced at her but went back to whatever they had been doing. There were only two who kept their eyes on the newcomer.

One was the devil himself and the second was Jungkook.

Her childhood friend's eyes were guilty and Mia knew why they held such emotion. He felt bad for being and doing nothing. She was here about to confront the worst person to have as a foe and he was there pretending to be focused on a basketball game on the screen opposite him.

Mia held Jungkook's gaze for a moment before she was called by the main character of why Mia's life was falling apart. Somehow she didn't resent him even if he couldn't support her. Jungkook physically being there was enough for her.

"Mia, you're here." Mia was still speechless at the room as she turned her pretty head toward the one who spoke, but stopped gaping at the room and glared at Taehyung, all the while Jungkook kept his eye on her, in case it would get violent.

"Why you piece of shit! You coward!" Mia disgruntled at him shouted as her feet brought her closer to him. She couldn't keep her voice calm.

While Mark was laying unconscious because of him, the culprit was happily sitting and resting in a fancy ass lounging area. And he looked so smug about it, Mia wanted to pull someone's hair out but mostly Taehyung's.

Did he feel no shame whatsoever when someone was about to get beat up to death because of a single word he said?

"Using others to beat someone?! Mark was innocent. He hasn't done anything to you, why did you turn your goonies to him!"

"Mark? That's his name, I didn't know." Taehyung rolled his eyes. Since learning about the male, he had only been a nuisance to Taehyung and he abhorred the male completely. "But I didn't do anything. I don't have goonies."

Taehyung rolled his dark eyes at that. He didn't have any goonies. This wasn't like drama or comic books where he had his minions do his work. He had never forced anyone to do anything or ordered them to obey him. They just did.

"Taehyung!" Mia shouted as she could see that Taehyung was not taking her seriously.

Taehyung could not help but be pleased by the way she was falling for every single provocation that he tossed at her. He liked that her usual coldness was now the opposite. He wanted to laugh but kept his facade the same.

It was strange wanting to laugh so many times. He had never really wanted to laugh in sincerity, in truth, but recently laughter was so much easier to do.

Besides he found that riling the female in front of him was amusing. She was unlike any other around him. Generally he was able to charm anyone—female or male—but he found her fighting her urges to succumb to him...satisfying.

In addition, he was bored. This was just another way to kill time till graduation. Taehyung grinned as he leaned back into the armchair.

"You're late. Your seminar accounting class ended thirty minutes ago." Taehyung tapped on his fancy shiny watch. "Which is less than 10 minutes away from the lodge. No doubt Yoongi-hyung walked slowly after helping you but still...why were you so late?"

"You!" Mia was already so enraged that she had realized the fact that he knew her schedule, which was creepy. "You know very well why I was late."

"Perhaps...but Mia, that doesn't change the fact that you were late for our appointment. Even though I was so kind in letting you be, for ditching me on Saturday for our date few weeks ago." Taehyung clicked her tongue as he remembered that moment he had been sitting on that velvet seat alone. And then sitting alone in the car.

"What appointment? And I have no reason to follow your every command, Mr. Kim." Mia hissed. "You don not own me and my promise with my boyfriend comes first."

"Mr. Kim?" Taehyungs eyebrows hitched up in amusement. He almost wanted to purr like a cat.

He couldn't deny that he liked the way she said it. It was thrilling.


Someone albeit distracted, or at least acting like it, was eavesdropping to every word spoken by Taehyung and Mia.

Jungkook groaned internally as he listened to Mia and Taehyung's conversation secretly. Mia was falling for every single provocation, but with news of Mark's state at the infirmary, Jungkook did not blame her—not too much anyway.

Jungkook also didn't understand why Taehyung was acting like this. He was not like this usually, especially with girls. Taehyung didn't hit girls nor did he try to banter with them, but Jungkook was getting worried if that would change for Mia, because now, it was too hard to predict what Taehyung would do.

Taehyung had already changed all his typical ways and methods. All that was done since Mia's slap was completely off the book. Nothing that Taehyung had done had been the norm; they were not the things that Taehyung would do.

For example, getting others involved was unlike Taehyung, who never forced others to get involved.

That meant neither Jungkook nor anyone could predict what he would do. It was so freaking frustrating for Jungkook since Mia's life now depended on Taehyung and his every whim. And he himself couldn't do anything for Mia.

In addition, to deal with Mia, Taehyung had even decided to get assistance from all six of them. Something that the young heir would have never done before. Mia had stirred something in the cynical, brooding, emotionless male. And somehow whatever they had been told by Taehyung had been enough to convince the older members to help this one time.

Mia had upset the order that Taehyung lived in and what terrified the younger male was that Taehyung was enjoying every single moment about it.

He stopped his thoughts to listen to the two again. Jungkook needed to know what was happening now to know what will happen in the future.


"I hear that your boyfriend got what he deserved." Taehyung playfully said. His eyes never left Mia's face, which was flushed a rosy red from being angered. "But...Mia, know that I didn't tell them to hurt him or do anything to him. If they did anything, they did it because they wanted to. Not because I wanted them or told them too."

"For what? He didn't have anything to do with any of this." Mia shook her head in frustration but Taehyung only watched her hair sway. He thought it was rather elegant the way her hair would move with the movement of her body. Snapping her fingers, Mia attempted to gain Taehyung's attention, "Taehyung Kim, focus! Mark does not have anything do with this. You keep him out of it." Mia snapped as her thoughts turned to Mark.

She was worried now as a frown was etched into her face. By now, he could have gained consciousness and was probably looking for her. How was she supposed to explain to Mark what was happening to them and it was all because of her?

There would be no progress or fixation if she just stood here arguing and playing word games with the one and only Kim Taehyung.

Taking a breath, Mia started again, "What do you want from me?"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung smiled as his eyes sparkled mischievously. The conversation was finally turning to what he had been manipulating into. He was so glad that Mia asked. He was done with waiting. He wanted to get the things he had planned for her into action. "The better question is what can you give me?"

Mia scoffed as she straightened up. He was definitely playing with her and she did not appreciate it. "There is nothing that I can give you that you don't already have."

"True, there isn't anything that I cannot get but there is something I want specifically from you." Taehyung pointed Mia, as he eyed Mia's neck and collarbone.

"And that is?" Mia asked cautiously. She had a bad feeling and her heart was pounding for some reason. She discerned that it was fear. Her conclusion though made her feel worse for herself...and for Mark.

Pointing at the female in front of him, Taehyung seductively grinned, "You."

Mia gaped at him as her brain processed his 'you' which just didn't make sense to her. Why would he possibly want her?

Then she came to a conclusion; it was the only thing that made sense to her.

"Like a lackey."

That took Jungkook off guard. He almost scoffed out loud.

Mia...that is not what he implied...

Taehyung on the other hand was... only amused as he smiled, almost deadly sweetly.

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