Twenty-fourth Cliché

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Also don't forget to vote and talk to me. I know. Im so needy.
I can't help it.  😚


Late afternoon, after winter was over and springtime was in the air and also in the campus, one came upon something specifically a crowd.

When the easy going—lazy in another word—Yoongi was going by his day at the university, he did not expect his voice to be used.

At all actually.

But when Yoongi came to the crowd, he was going to pass by if it wasn't for the fact that the person of attention was none other than Taehyung's new found toy. And Jungkook's childhood friend.

Pushing aside some in the crowd, he managed to enter the inner ring of the crowd. Having no choice, he had to intervene. If not, Mia would have been punched by some dickhead.

"Stop!" He shouted.

"Who? Me?" Someone shouted as the group was having too much fun. They wanted to know who was brave enough to go against all of them. "Why?"

When they turned around they realized that it was one person who could end everything for them at the school.


Mia didn't turn around to face him for she didn't care who had saved her because she knew it was one of them. There was only a few who could actually stop anyone at this insufferable school.

Yoongi gazed at Mia for a bit as he walked toward Mia and her boyfriend. The crowd made a path for him as if he was Moses parting the crowd into two so he could pass. Standing in the middle where Mia and Mark was, Yoongi stood straight, which was odd for him since it was his natural state to stand slumped.

Cocking his head from one shoulder to the other, he cracked his neck and loosened up. Putting his hands in his pocket lazily, he stood with no strength but he looked terrifying nonetheless. He was intimidating and he knew it.

It was his narrowed hawking eyes that dared them coldly, his status at the school and backing, and his reputation from high school and till now. All of it added up to make him highly formidable.

"Leave." And Yoongi meant all of them, including those who were watching. Seeing the state Mia's boyfriend was in, Yoongi knew what had happened. Mia had charged between—without thinking, of course—to make them stop ganging up on her precious boyfriend. "Now..."

"Taehyung..." one started to say.

"Taehyung? What about him?" Yoongi scoffed as he rolled his eyes. He took one hand out of his pocket to push his bangs out of his face. It seemed they weren't taking him seriously.

Apparently they weren't because one had the nerve to reply to his question that had been rhetorical.

"He marked him. And her." The male pointed to Mia.

"He took the mark off Mia as I remember."

One interjected. "But he wasn't."

"Are you all testing my friendship with Taehyung?" Yoongi spat angrily. They shook their head quickly as their hearts began to pump more blood and the color in their cheeks drained. "No? Then why the fucking abyss did I see you about to punch her?"

"It was not aimed at her." A meek voice voiced out. Yoongi knew that it belonged to one of their girlfriends.

"She got in the way?" Yoongi finished for her. The top of his lip quivered as his harsh glare turned even harsher at the girl. The girl cowered behind someone, who Yoongi did not care for. No other protection was given by her guardian.

"Taehyung's orders were simple. Keep your hands off Mia Jung. Did he not relay his wants clear enough?"

Yoongi settled his orbs on Mia whose cheek was swollen red and a hand print was imprinted red. Though it was not too bad, it severely angered him as well.

"If I had not seen this and stopped you all, you would have continued until she was beaten blue and what would your excuse have been then?" He spat.

No one did anything.

No one said anything.

"Taehyung does not like his girl being touched. Be glad I'm the one who stopped you, not him."

No one had anything to say.

With no one to go against him, Yoongi then finally looked around to notice that the crowd was still surrounding them in a large circle. And more had come to see the commotion and Yoongi's veins were popping from his arms as he flexed his arms and clenched his jaws.

He would have snapped at them with curse words that he had not refrained from recently but was stopped when he heard Mia's voice gentle and soft. Which was a rare occurrence so Yoongi took the opportunity to look at her with his dark brown hooded eyes.

"Wait...Mark." Mia now felt Mark's body become limp as he was losing consciousness. "Mark." Mia unable to hold his body weight up was dragged down to the floor of the courtyard.

Yoongi yelled one word. "Scram!"

Mia groaned at the added weight on top of her. Mark was heavier than he looked.

"Mia we need to get away from these people." Yoongi tried to reach for Mia to pull her away. His phone that dinged did not help his anxiousness.

"Don't touch me!" Mia pushed Yoongi's hand away from her as if it was a disgusting tray of disease.

Yoongi was not insulted though.

He was in fact more worrried about her. Mia was about to blow up in tears. He just put his hands next to his side and made sure no one paid attention to them or at least made them stay away from them. If a glare did not work, he would signal them with his aching fists that were looking for a fight.

"Why the fuck is he doing this? Is he not brave enough to actually attack me?" Mia snarled as she looked at the bruised face as she cuddled him next to her.

Mark's lips were bleeding and the bruises were already settling on his face.

It pained her. This would not have happened if it was not because of her.

"Calm down, he wants to see you." Yoongi said, as he stuffed his hands into his grey pant pocket. He tilted his head as he watched Tae's new toy. He had gotten used to her new nickname but he didn't particularly like it. He almost felt bad, because Taehyung was not known to being kind. "Let's go."

"NO!" Mia could not keep her eyes off of him. He was in such a bad state. He must be in so much pain, Mia was glad that he had fainted from the beating.

"What?" Yoogi was startled by the girl's shouting. From the few meetings he had with Mia, he knew that she had always been collected so he was shocked at the sudden outburts Mia had. "Mia..." Yoongi reached out for the girl's shoulder as he felt pity for her.

Mia turned to the male with a glare as she kept her embrace on her boyfriend. Yoongi was taken aback. He was not the type to get intimidated by anyone or anything or any situation, but the female in front of him somehow seemed to instill the fear that he only felt from one other person.

"No, I am going to take him to the nurses before I leave with you to go see that bastard." Her words were firm as Mia slapped Yoongi's hands away from her. She didn't want any of them to touch her.

"Fine by me, but he isn't going to like that even more." The black haired male muttered under his breath.

Yoongi could tell already that Taehyung was impatiently waiting with his elbows resting on his knees as he set in a armchair at Rest Lodge. He could see it already playing out. Taehyung never had much patience.

Yoongi watched as Mia struggled to lift the taller male on her shoulders. Mia was strong and she was by no means weak or thin, but Mark was near six foot. Even if he was lean, it was difficult for Mia. Yoongi sighed as he went to the struggling female and lifted up Mark's free arm, which was dangling to the side, over his shoulders.

Mia looked at Yoongi as he took majority of Mark's weight of her. Yoongi kept his eyes forward. His reason for helping was simple. The faster he brought Mia to Taehyung, the faster he could take a nap. He was not being nice or siding with her.

Once Mark was resting on the bed at the East Infirmary as he was being tended to by the nurse and medical interns, Mia followed Yoongi out. Following his footsteps, she made sure to walk slowly and away from the male.

Yoongi knew why she chose to stay far from him. He was part of the group. To her, he was her enemy who was hunting her down. "Mia. Come on."

"Just because I am following you doesn't mean it's willingly."

"Mia, you have a choice, like your choice to enter this university."

Mia scoffed as she reached the male in front of her who waited for her near the entrance to a building that she had continuously passed but never gone in. "How is this a choice? You are not giving me any choice. Did you look through my files?"

"I didn't look it up. It was on my desk when you were accepted by the school. You were one of the dozens that personally came to my office." It was true. Most people did not know, but he had eidetic memory. He remembered everything.

"Office? Oh, Vice President. Whatever, it's not my choice when I'm not the one calling the shots." Mia rolled her eyes but kept her body facing toward the door. "What are we doing here?"

"This is our Lodge. It's our hang out zone. Something Tae had built for himself. No one can enter it without a chip." Yoongi sighed as he pulled his hands out of his pockets, as he did so, he pulled out his keys which had various tabs and chips attached to it. He had masterkeys for every building and room for Min University, Grade Schools etc. "Mia before we enter, I need you to listen to me."

"Why?" Mia asked unpleased. "Why do I have to listen to you. You're his friend."

"Yes, but I am also Jungkook's friend too." Mia kept her pokerface and stayed expressionless. "Look, Mia, I already know that you and Jungkook are childhood friends. I guess you don't remember me. Whatever, that's not important," Yoongi looked at his fancy watch, "Look Mia...Taehyung isn't as cruel as you think he is. Try to get to know him before you judge."

"Whether or not I judge is up to me. And 'cruel' is a compliment compared to what he is." Mia spat as her anger would not reside. Images of Mark's face battered and bruise refused to escape her mind.

"Mia, just...don't antagonize him. And do not fall into his goading." Yoongi warned before walking up to the door.

Once the panel acknowledged the chip, he pushed the door open and waited for Mia to follow him but she didn't. She was angry and just like she had done before, her lips pressed out like a pout.

It was rather cute and it made Yoongi smile. "Come on, sooner you do this, the faster you get away from us."

"Fine. We'll talk about Jungkook later."

Yoongi nodded, Mia stared at the hallway from the door and hesitated. She licked her lips before walking into the dimly lit building. As she walked, she noticed that the dark blue walls of the hallway extended much longer than she thought it should.

"Why does this never end? Where does this lead, Mr. VP?"

"The building is just a cover, we're going underground, just keep walking." Yoongi replied softly, never raising his voice higher than needed. The earlier event had depleted all his energy. He was in dire need for a four hour nap. "The gathering room is the open door to the right."

"Where are you going?"

"To my room. I'm going to sleep." Just before Mia was too far, he called her back. "Mia good luck. I mean it."

"Yeah...sure. I'll probably need it, even if it comes from one of you." Mia mutters as she continues walking down the hall. She ignored the chuckling that came from the lazy man.

"Here I go."

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