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STANDING in front of the flower shop, Lee Donghyuck took a deep breath and pressed his lips together. He could hear people chatter inside, while the fragrance of beautiful smelling flowers tickled his nose.

Was this a good idea? Just walking inside and giving the girl a drink and chocolate? Dongyhuck stood frozen, next to a bucket with tulips and sighed. What would he say, if he stood in front of the florist?

‚Hi, thank you for doing first aid on me! Again!'... Donghyuck quickly shook his head. That sounded ridiculous. He sighed and furrowed his eyebrows. Wouldn't it seem weird if he would give her something to drink, once again? He didn't even know the girl properly!

Noh Mira could be a weirdo. Or a psychopath! Donghyuck widened his eyes and turned around to walk away when he felt someone's presence close to him. With blown-up cheeks, he turned around to the person in front of him and flinched.

That man was huge!

„Welcome to S&C Flowers. Can I help you with something?" The tall male asked, making Donghyuck shiver. „Ehm, well... you see", he giggled nervously and held the drink and the chocolates in front of the tall males face. „Is Noh Mira here today?" He asked, a pink tint covering his cheeks. The mall in front of him chuckled.

„She is. But she's busy." The man said and fixed his snapback. „Is there anything I can tell her?" - „Ehrm, no. I would like to take a sunflower then!" Donghyuck stuttered and the man nodded. „A single one?" He asked and Donghyuck nodded again, putting the bottle and the chocolates on the floor for a second, so he could take out his wallet.

The tall male disappeared in the store for a second and came back with a single sunflower, wrapped in brown paper. „There you go. That'll be 2.000₩." The man said, handing Donghyuck the flower. Donghyuck quickly handed the man the money, took his sunflower and the items he bought for Mira and started walking back to Renjun when he turned around once more. „Would you mind giving these to Mira?" He asked, blushing once more.

The tall florist chuckled. „Sure", he said and smiled at the tiny chocolate-flowers. „Should I tell her from whom they are?" The man asked and Donghyuck nodded. „Donghyuck. Lee Donghyuck." The student said, turned around and ran towards his friend. The sunflower tightly in his hand.

Renjun cocked his eyebrow. „Did something happen?" The Chinese lad asked when the two students started walking up the hill to their university. Donghyuck chuckled slightly. „Maybe I met someone", the ginger-haired boy smile and Renjun widened his eyes.

„And you haven't told me?!" - „It was so sudden, Injun!" Donghyuck exclaimed and smelled the sunflower in his hand. „She and her boss, I guess, were the ones that found me when I fainted." Donghyuck blushed. „And then I kinda met her again and we talked a little bit."

Donghyuck was exaggerating at this point. Exchanging names wasn't a real conversation, but somehow it meant a lot to the music major. He smiled happily and looked at his best friend. „Aren't flowers so magical and beautiful?" He asked and Renjun only chuckled and slapped the back of his head.

„You're kinda cute when you're lovesick", Renjun said and threw his arm around his friend. „The next time I want to get treated to Oolong and chocolate as well!" He laughed and Donghyuck joined him, chuckling slightly.

„Mira-yah!" Chanyeol called towards the office, waving the bottle and the bag with chocolates around. Mira looked through the open door of the office, looking tired. „I have something for you!" Her boss smiled and walked towards her.

Her head was buzzing from all the numbers and calculations she had to type into the computer and let's not start with the fact, that she had to sort the online orders. She sighed.

„What is it?" She asked when a bottle of her favourite ice tea and a bag of flower-shaped chocolates appeared in her vision. „A boy just came and gave me these. They're for you!" Chanyeol sang and dropped the items on the desk in front of Mira. „For me?" She asked and eyed the bottle in front of her.

„A guy named Lee Donghyuck gave them to me. He looked like that dude that fainted a few days ago." Chanyeol added and saw Mira's lips curl up in a smile. „He is that guy", the teenager grinned and looked at the stuff in front of her. With a smile, she opened the bottle and took a big sip out of the drink.

„Are you dating this guy?" Chanyeol asked and Mira shook her head. „Of course not!" She said trying one of the chocolate flowers—it was a daisy.

„Then why is he getting things for you? Guys usually do that for their girlfriend!" Chanyeol said, wanting to know more about what was going on between little Mira and that boy. "Hyung, would you stop stuffing your nose in other people's business and would get back to work? Mira has to work as well", said Sehun, looking up from his own computer with tired eyes.

Chanyeol pouted. „Sorry, Mira. Sehun is no fun today." Mira giggled about the older males comment and put the stuff Donghyuck got for her on the side of her computer, before continuing sorting out the online orders.

When her shift ended, and she started packing her stuff, her eyes fell on the flower chocolates once again and she blushed. How did he know she liked flowers?

Well, it was an easy guess, she worked in a flower shop, so of course, she had to like flowers. Mira shook her head at her own stupidness. She said goodbye to Sehun and Chanyeol, that were finishing the last bouquets for the day and left the flower shop. She walked down the street, past the convenience store and took a look at it.

She should get Donghyuck something, shouldn't she? He bought her a drink and chocolate after all. She should give him something in return. But Mira didn't really know the guy so she only sighed and continued to walk home.

There was always another day.

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