Chapter Six: The Partner

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"Be careful the roads are icy this time of year." My father tells me as I shoulder my bag.

"Dad, don't worry. I'm fine. I'll see you guys when I get home." I tell my family before walking out the door and running to my car, the cold winter morning nipping at my skin and clothing like an angry animal.

"Good Lord it's cold." I shiver, cranking the heat up on full blast and buckling up.

I make it to school half frozen and half asleep, the sun barely peaking up over the horizon as I walk into the school building.

This school year has been really hard because of Elizabeth's absence but hopefully the second semester will be easier than the first.

I think our whole friend group feels the large gap that Scarlett and Liz always filled. When they graduated we all walked around not knowing what to do without ourselves the first few months of the school year.

Luckily we realized that the hard part of high school is over and all we have to do is come to school most of the time and basically do nothing.

I worked so hard through out my freshmen, sophomore, and junior years that I have enough extra credit, extra circulars, and athletic training to last me a life time. So as I entered my senior year I took the L on literally everything.

So here I am. Back at school and more bored than ever. I barely had to take any classes and so most of my periods are free or time set aside to study. At first I loved it but now I count the seconds until I can leave this hellhole.

Will, on the other hand, is always more chipper than should be humanly possible.

"I had the most amazing sleep last night. I feel so refreshed." He tells me as we sit in homeroom, the monotonous teacher taking attendance at the head of the class.

"Oh really? How nice for you." I yawn.

He chuckles, leaning forward to whisper something in Korbin's ear. He just laughs and nods in agreement. I decide to not even try to inquire about what the heck they're on about.

"How did you sleep?" He whispers.

I simply lull my head to the side and give him a glare. He quickly holds his hands up in surrender, chuckling under his breath. "Message received."

The lulls on and soon I'm entering my A.P English class. It's the one class I enjoy and didn't mind taking.

As I walk in I notice someone sitting in the back of the class causing me to stop in my tracks. I quickly approach him.

"Korbin? Since when do you take A.P English?" I know that Korbin is known to be smart and intellectual in many different aspects of his life but English has never been one. He's a wiz at Math. Something I've always been envious of.

His head rolls to the side to look at me, his arms crossed over his chest comfortably. "The principal suggested it to me. It's the only class I haven't aced and it'll look good on my college applications."

I press my lips together, nodding. English has always been my thing and while I'm happy Korbin is good at everything, I loved having something to myself that he wasn't well...perfect at.

Korbin and Will met at a summer camp six years ago. It was the one summer Will and I didn't spend every second together and I thought we would both be miserable. He was fully prepared to be but fate had other plans. Korbin was in his cabin and, at first, he was cold and distant. His parents had just divorced and sent him off so they could move apart and settle into separate homes.

Will, as usual, was kind and gentle, earning Korbin's trust and respect. They became fast friends and have stuck together ever since.

Since then there's always been in unspoken rivalry between Korbin and I. I always feel pressured to live up to his shadow and make myself known over him. Which is aggravatingly difficult seeing as he never asks for the attention in the first place. All heads just always turn to him.

"Class! Settle down please." Miss Sanders speaks smoothly and evenly as she holds a book in her hands.

I hear Korbin snort and I hold back a chuckle myself because no one was talking or causing ruckus in the first place.

She clears her throat, standing up straighter. "Today we will begin reading the novel Jane Eyre by Jane Austin. Usually, the first book of the semester would be set on a more difficult level but I thought we could work on some simple composition exercises as we read through this. The tragic and beautiful story has many twists and emotional turns. I would like to see what each of you have to say about it. Read through the first three chapters today with the partner I will assign you. The two of you will put together a thesis and your own personal outtake on the beginning." She explains softly, walking through the isles and dropping a copy of the book on each of our desks.

I hear Korbin groan beside me.

"What's wrong with you?" I whisper, opening the cover of my book and reading the first sentence over.

"Nothing. This is just a chicks book." He complains, tossing the novel down onto his desk and crossing his arms stubbornly.

I laugh, "Have you ever read it?"

He pauses, shaking his head.

"Then give it a chance. It's made of more than you think." I wink at him before returning my attention back to Miss Sanders.

She begins listing off names and partnerships and soon my name is spoken.

"May-Bell and...Korbin. I think you can help Korbin out quite a bit with this, May-Bell. He's new to this class and you know the ropes. Good luck to both of you." She nods with a smile.

I internally groan. Could this be any more cliche? I hate my life.

"Well, looks like we're going to be spending a lot of time together." Korbin sighs. "Want to meet in the library after school and get a start on this thing?"

I consider this, attempting to rack my brain for an excuse to say no but I come up empty handed. "Uh yeah. Sure."

Nothing more is said between us as the class lulls on, Miss Sanders explaining the assignment more thoroughly and telling us exactly what she's expecting.

The bell rings overhead and I make a dash for my the door, eager to use this next free period to have some time to myself and think for a while.

I've been going nonstop the past week or so and I'm ready to just sit in some peace and quiet.

I'm heading to the library when I feel someone's hand catch my arm.

"May-Bee, how was English?" I'm met with Will's toothy grin.

Against my will (no pun intended), a smile forms on my lips. "It was fine. Korbin and I got paired up so that should be interesting." I laugh.

He raises his eyebrows approvingly. "I think it'll be good for the two of you to spend some time together. Just try not to kill one another alright?"

I laugh again, shaking my head. "No promises."

Will rocks back on his heels, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. I take a moment to assess his appearance.

As always, he took the time in the morning to tame his thick hair. His teeth look extra white today so I'm assuming he whitened them this morning. This causes me to internally chuckle. He's always been overly obsessed with pearly whites.

I grin at his choice of sweatshirt. A dark gray Champion hoodie I purchased him a while back. The thought of a gift reminds me that his birthday is coming up fast. January the tenth to be exact.

"You're birthday is coming up. Are you excited to be an official adult?" I poke his bicep.

His hand comes up to touch the area, a dimpled smile appearing, "Nah. It's just another year of knowing you that makes it special." He tells me.

I blink, not knowing what to say. "I'm more than likely more excited about it than you are." I laugh.

He shrugs, leaning forward quickly and placing a kiss on my forehead. "I've gotta run. I have a study hall in two minutes. I'll see you later?"

I nod slowly, watching him walk away.

"You two seem to be getting along well." I turn around quickly to see Korbin standing at his locker, fidgeting with the lock.

I take a deep breath, running my hand through my hair. "Yeah I'm glad we worked things out. I never know what to do with myself when we're at odds."

He hisses through his teeth. "Yeah lying constantly must get really tiring."

Heat sears my cheeks as I clear my throat, my hands balling into fists. "Shut up. You know it's more complicated than that. And maybe if you'd help me then all this could be over."

He scoffs, opening the door to his locket and retreating what looks like a copy of The Maze Runner. I laugh internally.

"Why would I help you? Look, I understand your whole story and excuse you think you have for lying to my best friend. But you need to deal with this on your own. I think me keeping my mouth shut is more than enough help." He snaps before shutting the door and walking off.

I stand there feeling humiliated and ashamed.

Maybe I should just come clean? It might be better for everyone if Will and I go back to being friends and we can get the mourning process over with.

I begin my journey to the library once again, walking absentmindedly as I think this over, feeling defeated.

Maybe I could just tell him I want to break up? That I want to preserve our friendship without the complications of worrying so much about the others feelings? I'm not sure he'd go for that if he really does have serious feelings for me. Or if he believes I have the same feelings. He wouldn't give up so easily.

I smile despite myself, a warm feeling building inside.

I really do wish I could bring myself to fall for Will. He's perfect in every way.

Just not perfect for me.

I'm about to give up on the whole thing and just tell the truth right now when I hear a loud sob come from the girls' restroom.

I stop in my tracks, eyes flickering to the entrance, debating on whether I should just leave it alone or go see if they're okay.

I decide that the latter is probably the best thing to do, looking around to see the hallway completely vacant, not a person in sight before walking into the restroom.

I don't want to embarrass whoever it is so I just stand there for a little while as I look at myself awkwardly in the mirror.

I roll my eyes when I see a strand of my hair sticking straight up, patting it down quickly before approaching the stalls. I cringe when my sneaker squeaks against the floor.

"H-hello?" A small voice speaks up from behind the second door.

I pause, gathering myself before speaking, "Uh name is May-Bell and I just um...heard you from outside. Are you...are you okay? Do you need something or...something?" I speak short and awkward.

And the most cringe worthy person in the world award goes

I hear several sniffles before the lock clicks to the side, the door swinging open to reveal a petite girl, about 5'4, with long blonde hair and big blue eyes, blood shot from tears.

Her lips quiver as she looks at me, wiping furiously as their eyes. "I-I'm okay. May-Bell you said?"

I nod.

"That name sounds I know you?" She hiccups, her eyes squinting slightly.

I shake my head.

"Oh." She shrugs, looking around, "Is anyone else in here?"

"No. Just me." I tell her kindly.

She groans, hanging her head back. "Girls can be idiots you know that?"

I laugh. "Oh trust me...I know. I'm one of them." I blurt without thinking.

Her eyebrows raise questioningly. "You? Why what did you do?"

My gaze is cast to the floor. "Trust me, you don't want to know. It's way too complicated." I release a laugh.

The blonde purses her lips at me suspiciously but quickly shrugs it off. "Okay. Sorry for disturbing you by the way...I guess I was just a little upset and needed a good cry." She chuckles, her cheeks turning slightly red.

My eyebrows pull together. "Does this happen often?"

She shrugs again. "I guess so. Not every day but...well Jules can be a real jerk sometimes and I guess I can be a bit sensitive."

I freeze, my eyes staring at her intently. "You're friends with Jules?"

The petite girl sighs, her eyes drooping sadly. "She wasn't always the way she is now. We've been friends for...well, as long as I can remember. But it seems the longer we're friends, the more cruel she becomes towards me. Sometimes it's just...too much to handle, you know?"

"Yeah of course. I think if someone is really you're friend then they will treat you with respect and kindness. I actually have a friend I've been friends with since...well, forever. He's always been kind to me and has always been here for me through anything and everything. Of course you deserve the same." I tell her, my hand going out to be place on her arm comfortingly. I give her a warm smile.

The corner of her mouth quirks upward. "He sounds great. And you're right, I should stop allowing Jules to walk all over me. This ends today." Her smile widens and her chin tilts upward.

I think for a moment, bits and pieces of what she said coming together in one small puzzle. "Do you happen to know my friend, Will?" I ask her.

I realize I introduced him as my friend rather than my boyfriend but I don't think that would help my case in this situation so I leave it be.

A light of interest flickers over her blue eyes and her mouth opens slightly. "Will?"

"Yeah he's the guy I was talking about. The one I've been friend with forever." I laugh lightly.

She swallows, nodding. "Yeah I know him. least I used to. That must make you the girl he as always talking about. May-Bell! I knew I heard that name somewhere." She laughs.

I nod, smiling brightly. "And that makes you Heather."

Her smile falters. "Yeah. How did you..."

"I've heard about you too." I wink.

She bites her full lip, thinking. "So...I know we just met and all but I'd rather not sit with Jules and the cheerleaders today at lunch so do you think that maybe..."

"Maybe you could sit with us?" I offer. "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Heather nods, letting out a sigh. "Thank you."

"No." I grin, happy that everything seems to be falling into place and the stars have aligned. "Thank you."

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