Dance (Nigel)

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Our first piece was a classic from the doo-wap genre. Nathan seemed a little nervous at first. Though it would be a mistruth if I claimed that I didn't share his nerves. It was my first time dancing with someone like this, outside of a club environment.

Though there were plenty of other couples, both gay and straight dotting the dance floor, adding a sense of acceptance to the atmosphere. Gently, I curled my arms around Nathaniel's waist as his hands rested timidly on my shoulders. Even beneath the spiraling colored lights, I could note his embarrassment. His face was flushed. He kept his gaze trained on the floor behind me as we swayed to the familiar rhythm.

"Are you alright?" I asked him in a soft tone, to which he replied with a darker flush on his cheeks. He didn't say anything, instead pulling himself closer. I tightened my arms as well, curling down so he could reach my shoulders without trouble. "You look very handsome tonight." I complimented, flustering him even more.

"Shuddup." He mumbled, eliciting a chuckle from my own lips; Adorable. Instinctively I leaned down and rested my chin in the crook of his feverish neck. Lately, flustering the usually stone-faced Nathan had become a hobby. I loved seeing his expressions. They were so soft and vulnerable. Nothing at all like the first time we'd met. The image flashed through my mind for a second.

"You...smell good." His soft comment brought a smile to my face. "You think so? Fragrance is called Light Blue; Dolce & Gabbana..." I informed.

"Sounds expensive." He replied softly as his fingers reached for the hair on the nape of my neck. His touch sent chills up my spine. "It isn't..." I assured, no space left between our torsos at this point. As the song slowed, so did our steps, eventually bringing us to a halt. For a second I stared down at him, my eyes lingering on his chapped lips.

"Nigel?" He began, pulling me back to reality. "I'm sorry..." He began, his voice nearly a whisper against the new song blaring through the speakers. "I'm sorry for, you know..." He trailed off, eyes trained on the floor. "Stop." I urged him, my hand rising up to lift his chin. "I've already forgiven you. I was never mad at you." I admitted. "Promise?" He asked, amber orbs shifting up to hold my gaze.

My heart caught in my throat. His eyes were watery and round. They reflected the lights that swirled around the room perfectly. Like a galaxy filled with endless colors, the sight became engraved in my mind. "Hey...don't make that face." I begged, cupping his cheek. He leaned into it slightly, closing his eyes as if reveling in it.

I wanted to kiss him then. In public, with no regard to who may be watching or commenting. An odd desire considering that PDAs weren't really my thing. "Do you wanna get out—" I began to ask but my voice was drowned out by the new song that came on next. Cheers erupted from the crowd and nearly everyone began to dance and twirl their partners to the rhythm.

"Heh. I love this song." He admitted, turning to look at the other dancing patrons. I followed suit, not really sure how to dance this type of music. "I used to dance Salsa a lot as a kid heh. Family used to have these ragers and naturally as a member of a South American family, dancing this music was a right of passage."

"I didn't know you liked dancing so much." I admitted. Nathan messed with the back of his hair sheepishly. "Yeah... Lame huh?" He asked, not making eye contact. "Not at all. Teach me?" I asked, the petition causing his eyes to widen. "Really?" He asked, face filled with excitement. "Lead the way sir."

Nathan proceeded to take my hands and rearrange our position, so that we were about a foot apart. "Everytime you hear the cowbell, you bring your foot forward then back..." He began, leading me into a few rhythmic steps. "Then all you have to do is sway your hips a little as you do." He demonstrated, entrancing me for a second. "Something like that, heh. I know I look stupid." I shook my head. "No not at all! On the contrary, that was—"

"Hey dweeb!" Jade's voice rang out from a couple of feet away; interrupting my sentence. She'd taken off her coat, which now allowed her to showcase the tube dress that hugged her curves. Her ebony tresses fell loosely down her back with a singular strand resting over the front of her shoulder.

"Wanna dance, or what!?" She shouted to be heard over the speakers. "I'm teaching Nigel!" Nathan called as she approached us. "Well perhaps a demonstration will help with your lesson." She enticed wiggling her eyebrows as she held out a hand for him. I glanced over at Nathan, who's body language gave away everything. He wanted to dance this song properly with someone who was already versed.

"Nate, go ahead! Either way, I'm going to go get myself a drink. Did you want anything?" I lied smoothly. "Are you sure?" He asked, taking Jade's hand in his a second after. "Sure, any type of cocktail is fine! I don't like beer." He informed before taking off with Jade through the crowd. I turned and began making my way towards the drink table, for a second feeling...jilted. Though it was silly to feel so.

I told him to go dance with her, even if my enthusiasm wasn't genuine. I still wanted him to have fun. With a sigh I approached the line, digging through my pockets for the drink tickets we'd all received at the entrance. It would be a shame to let them go to waste.

"Parched as well?" I turned to find Archie's familiar silhouette standing behind me, his own drink tickets in hand. "Ah, yeah. Plus...I can tell they really wanted to dance together." I admitted. Archie nodded. "I'm not the best at this kind of dancing...and she tends to make this face when she's disappointed..." He trailed off, an enamored smirk quirking his lips. "I know what you mean..." I admitted for a second glancing back into the crowd at Nathan.

"Plus it would be a shame to waste these." He added while holding up the little green rectangles. "I agree." When it was our turn, Archie and I got similar beverages. A glass of wine for our first and vermouth for our second. Archi opted for the dry while I tried my hand at the sweet. Once we had our drinks, we lingered around by the table where I'd draped my jacket. 

The last song had ended and the crowd now readied themselves for the next piece. I watched as Nathan's hand curled itself securely around Jade's waist at the commencement of the song. Archie tossed back his drink in one go, an obvious sign of his discomfort with their proximity.

A sultry piece rang out through the speakers, drawing more cheers from the crowd. Once they started...I couldn't look away. The control they had was incredible. Not a single missed step, nor misused beat. Jade's silhouette was mesmerizing and seductive and Nathan...

I also tossed back the rest of my second drink then. The strength...the power he exuded while confidently handling the female's weight with one hand. He kept his casted one behind his back, making the presentation of their ritual even more impressive.
Nathaniel twirled her like a top, with a certainty in his movements that gave me chills. I tugged at my collar, bothered a tad by how incredibly sensual I found his dancing to be.

He was like a different person. "I need another drink. Do you want one?" Archie asked. "Yes please. Anything you choose is fine..." My voice trailed off as my eyes stayed glued on the pair. When Nathan dipped Jade, my heart nearly stopped. Could he hold her weight with only one hand? The circle of people that had gathered around them cheered as he pulled her up slowly. I swallowed thickly, for a second feeling an odd constriction in my throat.

Thankfully Archie arrived a few seconds after, handing me the tumbler of whiskey which I tossed back immediately after. He did the same. Their dance was choreographed. Their years of experience obvious in their movements. The burn that lingered in the back of my throat only served to exacerbate the tightness as the song ended and Nathan's face froze just inches away from Jade's.

Her hair now messily clung to the fabric of her dress and sweat dampened her forehead. Nathan's shoulders rose and fell quickly, showcasing how out of breath he really was. The crowd cheered and applauded, never having witnessed such a carefully executed spectacle in the history of their compound's establishment. As if by magic, the spell was broken soon after, Nathaniel's stance shifting to a sheepish one as he bowed and messed with his hair.

The tightness in my throat subsided when we locked eyes. The warmth that darkened his complexion was enough to fill me with security. I had nothing to fear; Nathan only had eyes for me.

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