Chapter 16 (Universe 6 And 7 Tournament)

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(Goki's POV)

Me, (Y/N), Vegeta, Whis, and Beerus arrived back at earth.

Goki: Alright. Let's find two more people for the tournament.

Beerus: Actually, you need to find one more.

Goki: One more?

Beerus: I already know someone to participate. He's the strongest mortal I've fought, even stronger than you.

I got really excited when I heard that.

Vegeta: Strongest?

(Y/N): Stronger than Goki?

Beerus: That's right.

Now I'm super excited! Someone even stronger than me! And I get to meet them soon!

Goki: Who is he?! Just how strong is he?!

Beerus: Calm down Goki. Just focus on finding one more person for the tournament. Me and Whis will go find "him".

Beerus and Whis went up to space.

(Y/N): Weird. Beerus didn't even say his name.

Goki: Maybe his name strikes fear in people's hearts if they hear it.

Vegeta: Don't be ridiculous, Kakarotta. Still... It's hard to believe that someone else fought Beerus.

(Y/N): Can't wait to see him. Maybe even be able to fight with him.

Goki: I thought the same! But, we should think about who should be the last competitor for us.

(Y/N) started to think.

(Y/N): First person to come to mind to me was Uub, but then I remembered this is the past. He's may not even be born yet.

Goki: Uub?

(Y/N): Uub is the reincarnation of Kid Buu.

Goki: Oh yeah. You told everyone about him during Bulma's birthday party.

Vegeta: What about Gohan? Out of all of use he has the most potential.

Goki: Yeah, but we need someone who can fight now. Gohan was too busy with other stuff to be in fighting condition.

(Y/N): We can ask Piccolo. I'm sure he would be willing to fight in the tournament.

Goki: Alright. If he agrees, then we have our team. We should train to make sure we are strong enough for this tournament. I have a feeling there will be some really strong fighters there.

(Y/N): I don't think we can get that much stronger in a few days.

Goki: So we'll use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Let's go ask Piccolo and then head out to the Lookout.

(Time Skip)

Me, (Y/N), and Vegeta landed on the Lookout. We asked Piccolo to fight and he agreed to. I knew Piccolo would help us. Dende walked up to us.

Dende: Hello Goki and Vegeta. It's so nice to see you again.

Vegeta: We're here to use the Chamber for a few days.

Dende: Really? A few days?

Goki: Yep. There is going to be a tournament with fighters from another universe and we are trying to get as strong as possible before it starts.

Dende: Well, I hope you three do well.

We walked towards the building and went to the door that leads to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Vegeta: I better not hear any complaining from you!

He shouted at (Y/N). (Y/N) laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

(Y/N): Why would I complain about becoming stronger than you?

Vegeta: Like that's going to happen.

Vegeta opened the door and we all walked through. I looked around the room.

Goki: It's been awhile since I've last been in here.

I stepped out of the room and saw the huge white void.

Goki: Hello!

I shouted, not really expecting an answer back. I chuckled to myself. (Y/N) and Vegeta walked up to me.

Vegeta: Time to start training.

Me and Vegeta both powered up to Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, while (Y/N) powered up into Super Saiyan 4.

Goki: Let's all fight at once. I think it will be some great training.

Vegeta: Whatever. Now we can truly see the full extent of Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.

(Y/N): Time out.

Me and Vegeta looked at (Y/N).

Vegeta: What now?

Goki: Is something wrong?

(Y/N): Can we change the name of Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan? I think it's way too long.

Vegeta: You can't be serious. That's what you want to talk about?!

Goki: I guess it is a mouthful. I think we should change the name.

(Y/N): What about Super Saiyan God 2?

Goki: Hyper Saiyan God?

(Y/N): Super Saiyan God Above?

Goki: Super Duper Saiyan God?

Vegeta: Shut it you two!

Me and (Y/N) looked at Vegeta and he looks pissed.

Vegeta: Let's just make it Super Saiyan Blue!

I thought about the name Vegeta gave it.

Goki: I like it.

(Y/N): Me too. Short and simple.

Goki: Do you name things all the time Vegeta? You seem to have a talent for it.

A blood vein showed up on Vegeta's head. He clenched his hands into fists and got really mad.

Vegeta: Glad that we are training. I have to release some stress you two are causing me.

(Y/N): Come on. We don't-

Vegeta punched him in the face, sending him flying backwards.

Goki: Vegeta!

Vegeta kicked at me. I put my arms up and blocked Vegeta's kick. I saw (Y/N) rush over at Vegeta and tried to punch him. Vegeta caught (Y/N)'s fist.

(Y/N): That was really unfair, Vegeta!

Vegeta: Keep crying about it.

The three of us all jumped back to get some distance.

Goki: It really was a dirty move Vegeta.

Vegeta: Since when did we agree to play fair?

(Y/N): Fair enough. Guess I'll just play dirty too.

(Y/N) and Vegeta rushed at each other. (Y/N) put his hands up to his face.

(Y/N): Solar Flare!

A bright light came out, making me and Vegeta close our eyes. I heard Vegeta grunt in pain. I sensed (Y/N)'s energy coming at me. I put my guard up and felt something hit my arm. I opened my eyes and saw a shoe against my arm.

Goki: What?

I felt a kick hit my back. I turned around and saw (Y/N).

Goki: You really are a tricky one, huh?

(Y/N) chuckled and crossed his arms. He put on a smug smile on his face. He does look pretty cute doing it.

(Y/N): I guess being from the future has its advantages. I've had a lot of fighting experience back in my timeline.

I smiled at him and used Instant Transmission to get behind him and grabbed on his tail.

(Y/N): AAAH! Why do I fall for that every time?!

Goki: Not so smug now are you?

I saw Vegeta dash at me and punched me in the stomach, making me let go off (Y/N)'s tail and flew back a few yards back.

(Y/N): You helped me Vegeta?

Vegeta: You can't be a good training partner if you can't move.

(Y/N): Heh. That's the nicest thing you've said to me today, Prince.

Vegeta launched several ki blasts at me. I flew to the left and right, dodging the blasts. (Y/N) flew at me and vanished behind me, putting me in a headlock. Vegeta flew at me and tried to kick me. I released a wave of ki, blowing (Y/N) and Vegeta away.

Goki: This is getting my blood pumping! Be careful guys, I won't be holding back anymore!

I charged up a lot of ki, making big winds. Vegeta and (Y/N) charged up their ki in response. This is going to be fun and it's going to be going on for awhile!

(Chapter 16 end)

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