Chapter 17 (Universe 6 And 7 Tournament)

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(Goki's POV)

Me and Vegeta flew at (Y/N) and we both punched him in the stomach, sending him down towards the ground. I quickly turned my attention towards Vegeta and kicked at him. Vegeta grabbed my leg and threw me down.

(Y/N): That one hurt...

I came crashing down on (Y/N). I groaned in pain and started to get up.

Goki: That wasn't the best landing.

I looked forward and saw Vegeta charging a ki attack in his hand.

Vegeta: Big Bang Attack!

Vegeta shot the ball forward. I quickly jumped to the left, getting out of the way. (Y/N) stood up and just noticed Vegeta's attack. (Y/N) put his arms up to block the attack. The Big Bang Attack came into contact with (Y/N), causing an explosion.

Vegeta: Didn't get out of the way? What an idiot.

The smoke cleared and (Y/N) is back in his base form. He fell down to his knees.

Vegeta: We should stop for now. (Y/N), you're clearly at your limit.

Vegeta powered down from Super Saiyan Blue. I did the same and took a few deep breaths.

Goki: First training session went great!

Me and Vegeta started to walk towards the building of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

(Y/N): No... We can't stop now...

Me and Vegeta turned around to see (Y/N) trying to stand on his feet.

Vegeta: Me and Kakarotta are only stopping because you're at your limit. In the state you're in, you'd only get in the way.

Goki: That was harsh, Vegeta! You're only stopping because you're at your limit! Don't listen to him (Y/N)!

(Y/N) fell back down to his knees. Tears dropped onto the floor. I felt really bad for (Y/N). He really took what Vegeta said to heart. (Y/N) punched the ground over and over again. He started to power up, a strong ki aura surrounded him.

Vegeta: Where was this power before?


(Y/N) went Super Saiyan 4 and everything started to shake.

Goki: Oh man! This isn't good!

(Y/N) continued to scream and power up, while the pupils in his eyes disappeared. Parts of the floor started to crack.

Vegeta: Shit! If we don't stop this now, he'll destroy the Time Chamber!

Before me or Vegeta could act, (Y/N) stopped his screaming and his ki went away. (Y/N) fell down and wasn't moving. I ran up to him and checked on him. He's still breathing, but he's knocked out. I picked him up and carried him to the building. I laid him down on one of the beds.

Vegeta: You felt his energy during that, didn't you?

Goki: Yeah, it felt different. I could also sense that was only a fraction of his power.

Vegeta: All I felt was a thirst for blood. You think he's hiding something powerful?

Goki: No. We would be the first people he tells about a new power.

Vegeta: Whatever. Let's just make sure he doesn't do that again. We can start training again after he wakes up.

Goki: Right. I'll tell you when he wakes up.

Vegeta walked away from the bed. I gently put my hand on (Y/N)'s forehead. I thought about what happened.

Goki: That only happened because Vegeta had to be mean to him.

I gave (Y/N) some of my ki, hoping it would help him wake up faster. I saw his tail start to swing from side to side. It wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to (Y/N).

Goki: Are you actually awake?

I waved my hand in front of his face. He didn't react. I guess he's actually asleep.

Vegeta: Here.

I looked over and saw Vegeta toss some bread at me. I caught it and took a bite from it.

Goki: Thanks Vegeta.

Vegeta just scoffed and walked away. I smiled to myself and looked back at (Y/N). I put my hand on his cheek. (Y/N) groaned and moved a little. He slowly opened his eyes. He looked over at me. I smiled at him.

Goki: Hey there sleepyhead. How are you feeling?

(Y/N): I'm feeling fine.

Goki: That's good to hear.

(Y/N) looked down and noticed his tail around my waist. His face went red and he sat up straight, moving his tail off of me.

(Y/N): S-Sorry!

Goki: It's fine. I didn't mind it.

(Y/N): So, when did I end up in this bed?

Goki: You... Don't know what happened?

(Y/N) shook his head no. I got confused. Does he actually not know what happened, or does he just not want to talk about?

Goki: Well... Never mind. You should get something to eat, we'll be training again soon.

(Y/N): Alright.

(Y/N) got out of the bed and went to get something to eat. I shoved the bread I'm holding in my mouth.

(Three Years Later)

Me, Vegeta, and (Y/N) walked out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

(Y/N): Outside world! I've missed it so much!

Goki: Ok. Let's go to this tournament.

I sensed everyone's energy's at Capsule Corp. Vegeta and (Y/N) put their hands on my shoulders and I used Instant Transmission. I made it to Capsule Corp and I saw everyone there.

Goki: Hello! We're back!

Bulma: You aren't going like that!

Goki: What do you mean?

Bulma: Just look at you three! All dirty and smelly!

I looked at my clothes and they are torn in several places. I looked at (Y/N) and Vegeta and their clothes aren't looking much better. They also have beards.

Bulma: Go and get cleaned up!

Vegeta: Fine.

(One Cleanup Later)

Goki: There. We're cleaned.

Bulma: Good. I wasn't going to deal with that on the way there.

I looked over and saw a weird cube thing.

Goki: What is that?

Whis: That is what we will be using to travel to the Universe 6.

(Y/N): So where is the fighter that Beerus was supposed to bring?

I saw Beerus walking up to us. There is a short man with red skin, wearing a green suit, and pointy... Ears.

Beerus: This here is Monaka. He is the strongest mortal I've ever fought.

I ran up to Monaka.

Goki: Hi there Monaka! I'm Goki! Do you think we can have a quick sparring match?!

Beerus: Goki!

Goki: What?

Beerus: You can't fight him! We can't have you fight him and you die! We have a tournament to win!

I'd die if I fought Monaka?! Now I just want to fight him even more!

Beerus: Come on Whis! Let's get going!

Whis: Right away.

Beerus and Monaka started to walk away. I reeled my fist back and punched Monaka in the face. His body didn't move at all.

(Y/N): Goki!

Vegeta: You idiot!

Beerus: What did I just say?!

I moved my hand away and Monaka has tears in the corner of his eyes. Beerus looked really pissed. I started to laugh nervously. Beerus grabbed Monaka and put him inside of the cube thingy.

Beerus: Whis! Make sure Monaka doesn't blow a fuse!

Whis: Alright, my lord.

Beerus looked over at me with a death stare.

Beerus: If there wasn't a tournament you'd have to fight in, I'd destroy you without a second thought.

I gulped and bowed down.

Goki: I'm sorry Lord Beerus! I just really wanted to see some of his power!

Beerus: You'll see it during the tournament. Let's just get this over with.

I nodded and jumped inside of the cube. Everyone else walked inside and it started to fly. This is really cool! I just can't wait for to fight whoever is in Universe 6!

(Chapter 17 end)

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