Chapter 24 (Universe 6 And 7 Tournament)

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(Goki's POV)

Whis: The arena is fixed!

Vados: The tournament may continue!

I looked down at the arena and it's brand new. They sure work fast. I jumped down to the arena and landed on my feet. Hit looked at me and smiled. I guess he's also excited for our match.

Announcer: Begin!

The bell rung, signaling the beginning of the match. I wasted no time and immediately went to Super Saiyan Blue.

Goki: After watching your fight with Vegeta and (Y/N), you're really impressive. I've never seen someone that can skip through time.

Hit: Are you sure you don't want to quit out?

I smiled at Hit.

Goki: I got a trick up my sleeve. Plus, I never back down from a challenge.

I started to scream while powering up. I hope this works, otherwise I'm dead! Everything started to shake around me. A subtle red aura surrounded my blue ki aura. I felt my power start to surge.

Champa: Hit! What are you doing?! Knock her out while she's powering up!

Hit got into his fighting stance. He put his arms down.

Hit: After fighting friend, I've realized that no one has ever pushed me to my limits and make me go higher. If what you're doing is going to make you even stronger, then it should make me stronger too. I want this match to go to the next level.

Good to hear that Hit will let me do this. After powering up some more, I stopped. I looked at Hit.

Goki: Now I'll show you the Kaio-ken!

A huge red aura surrounded me. I felt my power spike. Hit looked at me in surprise.

Goki: I pulled it off! All the power of Super Saiyan Blue intensified with the Kaio-ken technique! If I messed this up even a little bit, I would've been toast!

I felt a subtle pain going through out my body, but it's not much. I smiled to myself.

Goki: Good old Kaio-ken. Guess it was worth the risk after all.

Hit: And what exactly does this technique do?

Goki: It's an energy multiplier! This version doubles my strength, speed, senses, and all the other traits I use in a fight!

Hit looked worried and immediately got in his fighting stance.

Goki: Here it comes!

I dashed at Hit. I quickly went behind him. Hit looked behind at me with shock in his eyes. I kept going around the arena. Hit is having trouble keeping track of me.

Goki: Over here!

I stopped and looked over at Hit. Hit stared at me in awe.

Hit: I couldn't track her movements at all.

I heard him talking to himself. I smiled to myself.

Goki: I know this is risky, but there's a big payoff too! Super Saiyan Blue is all about power through extreme control! Combining that with the calming focus of the Kaio-ken and now there's no telling how high I can go!

I started to power up again. Red sparks appeared around me.

Hit: Her energy keeps shooting higher, it's extraordinary!

The tiles on the arena started to crack and rise up because of my power. I felt my muscles grow a little in size.

Hit: It's triple, quadruple... No, it's-

Goki: TIMES TEN!!!

A huge amount of energy shot out of my body, surrounding the entire area in red.


I dashed at Hit, catching him off guard, and punching him in the face. Hit jumped at me. I felt something about to touch my arm. I swatted it away and saw that it was Hit's arm.

Hit: What the?!

I punched him in the gut.

Goki: That won't work! I don't care how strong your time skip is! It won't stand a chance with what I am now!

Hit tried to kick me, but I blocked it and gave Hit a flurry of punches and kicks. I kicked Hit up into the air and flew after him. Hit tried to hit me, but I dodged his fist and punched him, sending him up higher. I felt my right arm start to twitch in pain.

Goki: Even with Super Saiyan Blue's ki control, I can't keep this up for much longer. I have to end this with one shot!

I flew up to Hit again and slammed my fists into his stomach, sending him down to the arena floor. I quickly flew down and landed on the arena. I brought my hands back and a blue ki ball appeared in my hands.

Goki: Kamehame...

Hit got up and put his arm up to block my attack.

Goki: ...Ha!

I threw my hands forward and launched my Kamehameha at Hit. My attack came into contact with Hit. I saw Hit disappear and reappeared in my Kamehameha, trying to get close to me.

Goki: You're mine!

I flew forward into my Kamehameha and reeled my fist back. I got in front of Hit and punched him as hard as I could. Hit got launched forward, sending him off the arena and landed on the ground. I stopped myself and went down on one knee.

Announcer: Oh... And that's the final match! Goki is the winner! Making Universe 7 the winners!

I heard everyone start to cheer, except for the people from Universe 6. I stopped using Kaio-ken and went to my base form. I felt my muscle contort in pain. I fell down on my back and screamed in pain.

(Y/N): Goki!

(Y/N) flew down to me and quickly put a senzu bean in my mouth. I felt my body start to heal. I slowly got up. (Y/N) grabbed me and put my arm around his shoulder, keeping me up.

(Y/N): What was that? Why would you try something that stupid?!

I just smiled at him.

Goki: I only did it... Because you wished me luck.

(Y/N) looked at me shocked. He pouted and looked away.

(Y/N): You can warn me next time you try getting yourself killed. I'm never wishing you luck again.

Goki: I'll keep that in mind.

Champa: I can't believe it! I lost?! No fair!

Beerus: What's wrong Champa?! Being a big baby?!

Champa: Whatever! Take the stupid wish orbs! I don't even care anymore!

I looked over and Hit managed to stand up.

Goki: Hey! Hit!

Hit: Hm? What is it?

Goki: ...Let's fight again sometime.

Hit: ...Right. I also want to fight your friend again sometime.

(Y/N): The names (Y/N). Make sure you remember it.

Hit: I will. Until we meet again.

He smiled and disappeared. I looked over at the platform all the Universe 6 contestants are and Hit is there. (Y/N) flew up to the platform with everyone else.

Beerus: Good job Goki! Thanks to you, I beat my brother and saw him whine!

Goki: I don't deserve all the credit. Piccolo, Vegeta, and (Y/N) pulled their weight too.

I looked over at Monaka. He isn't moving at all. I was hoping to see him fight. Maybe I can fight him after we get back to earth. That got me excited! I heard Champa start to scream. I looked down at the arena and saw a little guy with a blue and purple head. There are two tall people standing next to them.

Goki: Who is that guy?

Beerus: N-No way! That's Zeno, The Omni King! The supreme ruler of all twelve universes!

Vegeta, (Y/N), and Piccolo looked shocked. So that little guy is Zeno, huh? Beerus and Champa flew down and bowed down in front of Zeno. Whis and Vados appeared next to them.

Zeno: You had a big fight and you didn't tell me. But I watched it and it was super fun! And fun is good, right?

Beerus and Champa: Yes! Sire!

Zeno: So I was thinking, we should have a match between all twelve universes.

I got excited when I heard that. I flew down to the arena and started to walk towards Zeno.

Goki: Can we really do that, little dude?

Beerus: Stop! What are you doing?!

I walked past Beerus and Champa. The two people standing next to Zeno got in front of me and shook their heads no.

Beerus: You are an insignificant mortal! You shouldn't be talking to Zeno let alone looking at him!

Zeno walked past the two guarding him.

Zeno: You had some great matches.

Goki: Really? Thank you. I really want to fight people from the other universes and I think you're the only one that can help me with that.

I offered my hand to him.

Goki: We can make it a tournament like this one. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun to watch. What do you say?

Zeno looked up at me. He raised his hand and grabbed onto mine. I lifted my hand up, raising Zeno off his feet.

Zeno: Ok. It'll be fun.

I smiled at him. He let go of my hand and slowly descended on his feet.

Goki: Thank you so much, little dude!

Zeno lifted his hands up and the guards grabbed them.

Beerus and Champa: Thank you for coming, Sire!

Zeno: Bye bye!

Zeno and his guards disappeared.

Beerus: You idiot!

Goki: What did I do?

Beerus: If Zeno ever felt like it he can destroy all twelve universes in a blink of an eye!

Goki: Really? Well it didn't seem like he had a reason to do that, so I'm sure we'll be fine.

Beerus: Whatever. It's done with now. Hey Champa, don't you dare try to squeeze out of our bet.

Champa: I know I won't. You can have the six Super Dragon Balls are yours! Come on Vados! Let's go get me something to eat.

Vados: Very well my lord.

Champa, Vados, and all the Universe 6 contestants all disappeared.

Beerus: Well Whis, I now have six of these Super Dragon Balls.

Whis: I shall bring them back to your planet, my lord.

Whis made the weird cube pod appear and everyone stepped inside.

Krillin: That was fun! Talk about a great vacation!

I looked over at (Y/N). He noticed me staring and looked at me confused.

(Y/N): What?

Goki: I just thought back to how cute you looked when you were worried about me.

(Y/N)'s face went red. He crossed his arms and walked over to one of the corners of the pod. Everyone laughed at his reaction.

Bulma: Hey, wait a minute. Beerus, you said there are six Super Dragon Balls, right?

Beerus: Well yeah. Can't you count?

Bulma is looking at a big Dragon Ball radar.

Bulma: Here on my radar, it says that there's seven.

Vegeta: What? But there's only six. Are you sure that thing isn't busted?

Bulma: Are you really questioning the brilliance of your wife?!

I looked back at all the Super Dragon Balls. I started to count them. Yep, there's definitely six.

(Y/N): Wait. Whis.

Whis: Yes, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): The purple planet we were just fighting on is the same size as the rest of the Super Dragon Balls.

Whis's staff started to glow. The purple planets outside disappeared, revealing the last Super Dragon Ball!

Goki: No way! We've been fighting on a Dragon Ball this entire time?!

Beerus: So that means I get a wish now. Whis, summon the dragon so I can make it.

Whis: Very well sir. Emoc Htrof Enivid Nogard Dna Tnarg Ym Hsiw Peas and Carrots!

The Super Dragon Balls started to glow. A beam of light came out of them and a giant golden dragon formed. It's absolutely massive! I can't even see all of it! It roared and moved its head forward. It opened its mouth and closed it's mouth over the capsule everyone is in.

(Chapter 24 end)

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