Chapter 62 (Broly)

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(Goki's POV)

Me and (Y/N) went back to earth after I used Instant Transmission. We are back at Capsule Corp. I noticed (Y/N) staring at me.

Goki: Hey, are you ok?

(Y/N): Oh, it's nothing.

Goki: I know it's something when you stare at me.

(Y/N): Well... I was thinking... If you wanted to hang out today?

Goki: So a date? Right?

(Y/N): Yeah. That.

I giggled to myself as I wrapped my arms around (Y/N) in a hug and rested my head on his shoulder. I noticed his tail swaying back and forth quickly before wrapping around my waist.

Goki: Hehe, you get so cute when we're together.

(Y/N): Whatever. Say what you want to say.

Goki: So what do you want to do on our date?

(Y/N): I... Didn't really think that far ahead.

Goki: What? Did you think I would've said no or something?

(Y/N): N-No. I didn't think that. It's hard to think about stuff we could do on a date.

I started to think about what me and him could do. Before I could give a suggestion, I heard some footsteps getting closer to me.

Goten: Mom!

I looked over and saw Goten running over to me. I stopped hugging (Y/N) and picked Goten up when he got close enough to me.

Goki: Heya Goten! How's my little boy doing?!

Goten: I'm not little!

Goki: You'll always be my little Goten!

I put Goten up on my shoulders as he held onto my head to make sure he doesn't fall.

Goki: Oh! (Y/N)! I just thought what we could do!

(Y/N): You did?

Goki: We can have a family bonding trip!

(Y/N): A family bonding trip?

Goten: That sounds like fun mom!

Goki: Glad you think so Goten! Let's get going you two!

I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and started to run, leaving the Capsule Corp building.

Goki: Nimbus!

I saw my yellow flying cloud fly down from the sky and stopped right in front of me. I grabbed Goten and put him on the Nimbus, seeing he has absolutely no trouble riding on it. Goten looks like me back in the day! All he needs now is the Power Pole.

Goki: You wanna ride on the Nimbus with us (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I'm good. I prefer normal flying.

I stepped onto the Nimbus as I started to bounce up and down on it.

Goki: Cha La! Head Cha La!

I sang to myself as I sat down and put Goten on my lap. The Nimbus quickly flew up into the sky. I saw (Y/N) flying next to the nimbus. I looked down at Goten. He looked up at me and we smiled at each other. I took a deep breath as I felt the wind blowing against me. I started to remember doing this with Gohan when he was young.

Goki: We should see if Gohan is available!

Goten: I would love it if big bro can come along with us!

(Y/N): Then let's stop by and see if Gohan can come.

I nodded my head as we started to fly over to Gohan's house. After a bit of flying, I looked down and saw Gohan's huge house. We flew down and got near the ground. I got off the Nimbus and walked over to the front door. I started to knock on it over and over again.

Goki: Gohan! Open up! Gohan!

After some waiting, the front door opened. I saw Gohan holding Pan as he looked at me.

Gohan: Oh, hey mom! What brings you over?

Goki: Me, Goten, and (Y/N) are going on a family trip and we wanted to know if you wanted to come.

Gohan: That sounds nice, but I'm afraid I'm a bit busy with watching Pan and a project I'm working on.

Goki: You can just bring Pan along! And what's wrong with taking a break from your project?

Gohan: Ah, well it's just that my schedule has been tight lately and-

Goten: Cmon big bro! It's been forever since we last had fun together as a family!

Gohan looked at his wrist, checking a watch as he started to smile.

Gohan: I am ahead of schedule on my project... Alright, I can spare a few hours.

Goten: Yay!

I smiled at Gohan as he handed Pan to me. I got back on the Nimbus as I started to fly away. (Y/N), Gohan, and Goten are flying next to me as I looked around for a good spot. After a bit of time, I saw an opening in a small forest.

Goki: Let's go down there.

Everyone nodded at me as we headed down at the opening. We landed on the ground.

Gohan: So what are we doing here?

Goki: I was thinking we could make a camp fire and eat some fish we catch!

Goten: Oh, that sounds good! I bet I can catch the most fish!

Gohan: Well I hope so. We're going to need a lot of fish to feed mom and (Y/N) alone.

(Y/N): I'll take that as flattery.

Gohan: I'll work on the fire then while you all can work on catching fish.

Goki: Sounds like a plan!

I put Pan down on the Nimbus, making it work like a crib. Me, (Y/N), and Goten walked away and we found a huge river of water.

Goki: Ok Goten. Want to see who can catch the biggest fish?

Goten: Ok mom! I'll make sure to catch the biggest one possible!

Goten jumped into the river, trying to catch a fish. I looked over at (Y/N).

Goki: You gonna jump in?

(Y/N): Nah. I'll fish in a different way.

I saw him walk over to the river and turn around, letting the tip of his tail dip into the water.

Goki: You're not gonna catch as much fish as me or Goten like that.

(Y/N): You wanna prove that?

I smirked as I quickly jumped into the water, fully submerging myself in the water. I looked around, trying to find a big fish to catch. Come on out fishy fishies.

(Readers POV)

I watched as Goki jumped into the river, leaving me by myself. I let out a sigh as I crossed my arms, occasionally wagging my tail slightly to hopefully entice a fish to grab onto it. After about a minute, I felt something start to nibble at my tail before it bit down. I quickly yanked my tail up out of the water. I was expecting a fish to pop out of the water, but instead it was Goki that has bitten my tail. Only her head was out of the water as her spiky hair barely went down from the water.

Goki: Hehehehe, Uh oh, looks like I got caught.

I saw her smile at me. It was cute, but did she really have to do all this just for that? Was this even some kind of plan or was it just something she decided to do?

(Y/N): That's a weird looking fish.

Goki: Did you just call me weird looking?

Goki puffed her cheeks out and looked mad at me before opening her mouth wide open and chomping down really hard. I clenched my teeth from the sudden bite, making me jump up really high into the air and bringing Goki along too. We both landed on the ground as I started to try to get Goki to let go of my tail.

(Y/N): S-Stop biting!

Goki: No! You said I looked weird!

(Y/N): Yeah! For fish standards!

Goten: I caught one!

Me and Goki stopped and looked over at the river. We saw Goten fly out of the river, holding onto a giant fish. It definitely was a big one. Goki opened her mouth, letting my tail go.

Goki: Good job Goten! I'm so proud of you!

I brought my tail up in front of me and started to rub it, trying to soothe the pain. Goki walked up to Goten and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Goki: Go take that bad boy to Gohan. I'm sure he's got that fire ready by now. And make sure to not wake up Pan.

Goten: Yes mom!

Goten quickly ran towards the direction of Gohan, dragging the giant fish behind him. I let go of my tail and stood up. I noticed Goki staring at me, but she crossed her arms and looked away from me.

(Y/N): Hey. You didn't take what I said seriously, did you?

Goki: Hmmp!

(Y/N): Don't give me the Vegeta attitude! I'm sorry, ok?

Goki: ...

She turned, making her back face towards me. I let out a sigh as I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): I'm sorry for calling you weird.

She glanced over at me before looking away.

Goki: What else?

(Y/N): What else?

Goki: I haven't heard everything I want.

(Y/N): Uh... You're the most beautiful woman in the world- Actually, in all the Universes!

Goki: And?

(Y/N): And I love you.

Goki smiled at me and quickly wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

Goki: I love you too!

I just smiled and wrapped my arms around her, joining in on the hug.

Goki: Teasing you is fun.

(Y/N): W-Whatever.

Goki: Admit you like it!

(Y/N): I-I don't like it!

Goki: Oh yeah? Then why is your tail making a heart shape?

I looked back and saw my tail is actually making the shape of a heart. I quickly broke the hug and straightened my tail out. Goki giggled to herself.

Goki: Your tail never fails to show your true feelings. It's just the cutest-

I cut Goki off by giving her a kiss. After a few seconds, I broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes.

(Y/N): This stays between us.

Goki: Ok fine. I'll keep my lips shut, cutie.

She playfully punched me on the chest.

Goki: Let's not stay behind for too long. Don't want to keep Gohan and Goten waiting.

I nodded my head as we started to walk back to where they were. After a bit, I saw Gohan lighting a fire.

Gohan: Alright, it's ready.

Goki: Let's get cooking, I'm starving!

Gohan: When are you not starving?

Goki: Only after a buffet from Bulma's.

(Time Skip)

Me, Goki, Goten, and Gohan are all eating cooked meat from the fish that Goten caught, and it's really good.

Goki: This is amazing. I'm loving this trip.

She said with her mouth full. Everyone else nodded their heads. I noticed the fire started to die down. I swallowed the fish in my mouth and started to stand up.

(Y/N): I'll get some more fire wood.

Gohan: Actually, I can go get some.

Goten: Can I come with?

Gohan: Sure thing Goten.

Gohan and Goten got up and left the area to get more fire wood. I sat back down. I noticed that Goki scooted to sit right next to me.

(Y/N): So how are you liking the fish?

Goki: It's not bad. But it's so much better with you around.

I smiled at Goki as she pushed her head against me, snuggling and rubbing her cheek against mine. I put a hand on her hip, holding her closely and using my other hand to continue eating my fish. I heard Pan start to act up. Goki noticed and swallowed the food in her mouth.

Goki: Nimbus.

The Nimbus flew over to Goki as she picked up Pan from it, making Pan calm down, closing her eyes, and grab onto Goki's gi.

Goki: She's just so adorable.

(Y/N): Yeah, she is huh?

Goki looked up at me and smiled.

Goki: I want a baby with you.

I felt my cheeks hit up as I started to choke on the food in my mouth. I pounded on my chest as I coughed up some food bits.

(Y/N): You can't just say something like that so casually!

Goki: Hmm? Why not?

(Y/N): It's just- You can't- That's not-

I just let out a sigh. I noticed Goki just staring at me confused.

Goki: Do... Do you not want one?

(Y/N): Well... I'm really not against the idea of having a child with you.

Goki: Gotcha. Then it's settled!

How can she be so casual about something like this? I guess that's Goki for ya. Goki rested her head on my shoulder.

Goki: Are you as excited as I am?

(Y/N): I am excited, just also nervous.

Goki: There's nothing to be nervous about. I'm here with you.

I felt her put one of her hands over mine. I smiled and rested my head on top of her's. I felt... Happy. Happy that I can start a new chapter of my life. Happy that I can start it with Goki.

(Chapter 62 end)

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