Chapter 63 (Heroes)

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(Readers POV)

I heard an alarm start to go off. I groaned as I opened my eyes, seeing the ceiling of my room. I reached over and turned the clock sounding the alarm off. I looked down and saw Goki asleep on my chest, holding onto me tightly. The covers to the bed covering both of us. I put my hand on her shoulder and began to gently shake her.

(Y/N): Hey Goki... Wake up...

She let out a small groan as she moved a bit before opening her eyes. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

Goki: Good morning (Y/N).

(Y/N): It's time to get up.

She shook her head no and hid her face on my chest.

Goki: I wanna cuddle.

(Y/N): Alright, fine.

I wrapped my arms around her and we stayed like that for around five minutes or so. Goki eventually let go of me and sat up, letting out a yawn. I began to blush slightly, making her look at me confused.

Goki: Are you feeling ok?

She then looked down, realizing that she still isn't wearing any clothes. She laughed to herself as she used the covers to cover herself up.

Goki: Oh right. Kinda forgot about that for a moment. Hehe...

I got out of bed and started to stretch. I walked over to a closet and grabbed some clean clothes as I quickly put them on. I saw Goki get up and walk over to the closet and put on an orange gi that is a perfect replica of her usual gi. We walked out of the room and tried to find the room in Capsule Corp with all the food. After some walking around, we found Bulma working on a machine.

Goki: Good morning Bulma!

Bulma stopped her work and looked over at me and Goki.

Bulma: Good morning you two. You seem like you two are in really good moods.

Goki: Yeah we are. Me and (Y/N) are having a kid!

Bulma: Oh my goodness! Congratulations!

(Y/N): Thanks Bulma. Do you know where the room with all the food is? Me and Goki are starving.

Bulma: Ok, you two follow me.

Bulma guided me and Goki to where all the food is. Me and Goki wasted no time and started eating as much as possible. I heard someone walk into the room. I looked over and saw Vegeta.

(Y/N): Hey Vegeta.

Vegeta: Are you two ready for training?

Goki: Sorry Vegeta, but I'm not available for that stuff for awhile.

Vegeta: What? Why not?

Bulma: She's pregnant.

Vegeta: Oh... What?!

(Y/N): Yeah... I guess Bulla will have someone to grow up with.

Vegeta: Hmmp... So I guess I'm stuck with sparring with just you for the meantime.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess you are right about that.

(Months Later)

Me and Vegeta are outside of Capsule Corp, doing some light sparring while staying in our base forms. He tried to kick me, but I managed to block the kick. I threw my fist forward, but Vegeta grabbed it and head butted me. I kicked Vegeta in the stomach as we both flew back a bit to get some distance.

(Y/N): Phew... You haven't been letting up on me.

Vegeta: Afraid you can't keep up with me anymore?

(Y/N): Don't flatter yourself too much, Prince.

Before me and Vegeta could continue our match, a small ball of ki flew past us. We looked down at the ground and saw Goki standing there as she was the one who launched the attack. Her stomach is really big now thanks to the baby.

Goki: Sorry to interrupt you two, but I figured I should let you know that Beerus and Whis are here.

(Y/N): Thanks for the heads up!

I looked over at Vegeta.

(Y/N): I guess this is where our fight ends for now.

Vegeta: Fine. But when we continue, I won't be holding back.

Me and Vegeta landed on the ground. Goki wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. I hugged her back and placed a quick kiss on her lips. We broke the hug as me, Goki, and Vegeta all walked over into Capsule Corp to get some food. Thank goodness Bulma has a lot of money to buy food, otherwise I wouldn't be able to feed Goki since she eats for two now. The three of us walked into a room and found Beerus and Whis sitting at a table, eating some food.

(Y/N): Hey Whis. Hey Lord Beerus.

Whis looked back and saw us.

Whis: Ah. Why hello!

He looked at Goki and noticed her huge stomach.

Whis: Now I understand why you haven't been training with me for the past months.

Beerus: Huh? What are you on about Whis?

Beerus looked and saw Goki. He just stared at Goki, making her a bit nervous as she took a small step back.

Goki: Lord Beerus, are you good?

Suddenly, his jaw dropped.

Beerus: You're pregnant?!

Goki: Y-Yeah, me and (Y/N) are going to be parents to the kid in me soon.

Beerus: But that means you can't fight! What if Lord Zeno starts another Tournament of Power?! You can't be battle ready when you have a baby inside of you!

(Y/N): You worry too much Lord Beerus. Besides, me and Vegeta are battle ready, so we shouldn't have to worry too much if something were to happen.

Beerus: That doesn't make me feel any better.

Whis: Well allow me to give you my congratulations for your soon to be parenthood!

Goki: Thank you Whis.

(Y/N): ...Hey Whis? Couldn't you just do the thing you did with Bulma when she was pregnant?

Whis: Oh, you'd like for me to do the honors? I am in a good mood thanks to this delicious food, so might as well!

Whis stood up and summoned his staff in his hand. He walked over to Goki and pointed his staff at her stomach. The ball on his staff started to glow as a bright light surrounded Goki. When the light disappeared, Goki's stomach wasn't big anymore and there was a baby with a tail floating above her. The baby floated down as Whis wrapped the baby up in a blanket. The baby floated down into Goki's arms as she began to hold it.

Whis: Congratulations! It's a healthy baby girl!

(Y/N): Woah...

I looked at the sleeping baby in Goki's arms. There is a small bit of black hair on her head. It's crazy to think I'm a dad now.

Goki: How do you even do that Whis?

Whis: It's a bit complicated, so let's just say that I use a bit of magic to do so.

Goki looked down at the baby and smiled to herself. She turned to look at me.

Goki: So what are we naming her?

(Y/N): Oh um... I'm not sure. She's a saiyan, so it would make sense to give her a saiyan name. But she was born here on earth, so it also makes sense to give her an earth name...

Goki: It's hard to think of one. I haven't named a kid since Gohan.

(Y/N): Hmm... How about... Sala?

Goki: Sala...? I like it.

Goki looked back down at Sala.

Goki: You hear that? Your name is Sala now.

Whis: There you go, Lord Beerus. Now Goki should be able to fight again if it's needed.

I saw Beerus just sigh to himself as he continued to eat his food. I thought about what me and Goki are going to do now. Now I have to make time not just for training, but to being a father as well. I heard someone walk in. I looked back and saw Bulma. She saw Goki holding Sala, making her gasp.

Bulma: You could have told me you that you gave birth.

Goki: Hehe, sorry. There was kinda no time to tell ya thanks to how fast Whis is.

I walked over to Bulma.

(Y/N): Hey Bulma. Since Sala, that's her name by the way, is born, do you think you could watch her from time to time so me and Goki have time to train?

Bulma: Ugh, you saiyans are absolutely hopeless. But yeah, I will be able to do that. Maybe Uncle Beerus could watch her too?

Beerus: Leave me out of this. I had my fill of being a babysitter for this century.

Goki: Thank you so much Bulma! I want to get to do some training now, so I can catch up to (Y/N) and Vegeta.

(Y/N): I can watch Sala while you train with Vegeta.

Goki: Ok sweetie!

Goki kissed me on the cheek and handed me Sala.

Goki: Cmon Vegeta! I'm ready to start fighting again!

Goki and Vegeta left the room to go and train. I looked down at Sala. I felt... Weirdly complete... Holding her. I can feel my tail start to swing back and forth quickly, showing just how happy I am. Sala opened her eyes and looked up at me.

(Y/N): Oh, hi there Sala. I'm your dad.

She just stared at me for a bit before smiling. Her smile is so precious and cute.

(Y/N): I will protect you with my life.

Bulma: Wow, you certainly got into the role of father way faster than Vegeta. I'll get some supplies ready for little Sala over there.

Bulma left the room, I can only assume getting stuff like a bed and food for Sala. I sat down as I just kept holding onto Sala. Before I could do anything else, I saw Goki run back into the room.

Goki: (Y/N)! We have a bit of a situation!

(Y/N): Why do I have a feeling that it's something bad?

Goki: Kinda? It could be trouble though.

Whis: Now I'm curious as to what you are talking about.

Goki left the room. I got up and left the room, trying to follow Goki. I saw Bulma walking back with a small bed for a baby and some capsules which are probably baby food stuff. I quickly put Sala in the bed and started to run to catch up to Goki.

(Y/N): Sorry to be sudden Bulma! But watch Sala!

I heard her let out a sigh as I ran over to where Goku went. I went outside of Capsule Corp and saw Goki and Vegeta in a fighting stance. I looked past them and saw... Another Goki?!

Goki: Who are you?! And why do you look like me?!

Vegeta: Another body snatcher like Black? Just to warn you, he isn't around anymore.

Xeno Goki: H-Hey! Calm down! I'm not here to hurt you guys! I promise!

(Y/N): Hey! You're that other Goki!

Everyone looked over at me.

Xeno Goki: Yeah, (Y/N) can vouch for me! I'm a good person!

Vegeta: You know her?

Goki: Wait... Don't tell me... Have you been cheating on me with other me?!

I saw Goki got mad at me. I quickly put my hands up in defense to try and protect myself from the danger of an anger Goki.

(Y/N): N-No! I promise it's not that!

Xeno Goki: It really isn't like that. I can assure you that (Y/N) is loyal to you and you alone, Goki.

Goki calmed down from that and looked over at the other Goki.

Goki: I'm still weirded out by this situation. What's going on?

I saw the other Goki walk over to me and she put her hand on my shoulder.

Xeno Goki: Thanks for what happened back then. If you didn't hold off Mira until I got there, he would've escaped from me. You have no idea how much that helped.

(Y/N): Oh, you're welcome.

She let go of my shoulder looked at Goki and Vegeta.

Xeno Goki: So to keep things simple. You can call me Xeno Goki. I work for the Time Patrol.

Vegeta: Time Patrol?

Xeno Goki: Yep! Time Patrollers work to fix alterations in time itself. We just make sure history isn't changed and stays on the right track.

(Y/N): Fix alterations in time?

Goki got into fighting stance again.

Goki: Are you here to take away (Y/N)?!

Xeno Goki: Because he came from a different timeline? Oh no, if timeline jumping is supposed to happen, then it's completely fine. I would be stuck stopping no one but Trunks for all eternity if that was the case.

Vegeta: So what is a Time Patroller doing here?

Xeno Goki: Yeah... So... I was trying to stop someone, but they ran off into this timeline. Maybe you all could help me? Could save a lot of time.

Goki: Could that wait? I was hoping to not have to go anywhere or go on an adventure since I just had a child and-

Xeno Goki: You had Sala?! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

(Y/N): Wait, you know Sala?

Xeno Goki: You get to know a lot of people when you travel through timelines as a job.

Vegeta: Whatever. Who is this person you were chasing down?

I suddenly felt someone else's ki. A ki I've never felt before. I looked up and saw a purple skinned man with white hair, wearing a black shirt, yellow shorts, and glasses. He grabbed onto a sword and slashed it in the air, making purple smoke appear.

Fu: Now this is going to get interesting!

The purple smoke covered me, Vegeta, and both Goki's as I felt my consciousness slipping from me.

Xeno Goki: F-Fu...

(Chapter 63 end)

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