Chapter 68 (Heroes)

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(Readers POV)

Goki: Mom?!

(Y/N): Dad?!

I looked down at the crying girl hugging me and Goki.

Adult Sala: I'm so happy to see you two again!

(Y/N): Wait, you're Sala?!

She looked up at me and nodded her head. She looked over and saw Vegeta. She stopped hugging me and Goki and ran over at Vegeta and started to hug him, catching him off guard.

Adult Sala: Uncle Vegeta! You're here too?!

Vegeta: Uncle?

Vegeta grunted and got out of the hug. Sala looked over and saw Xeno Goki.

Adult Sala: Huh? Why is there another mom?

Xeno Goki: I'm from a different timeline, don't worry too much about that.

I looked over at Fu. He smiled to himself.

Fu: Ain't this such a nice reunion?

I got confused. Why would Fu want to do this? Sala wiped the tears away from her eyes and looked at Fu.

Adult Sala: I'm not sure who you are, but thanks for doing this.

Fu: It's no problem. But this is just the first part of the reunion!

Fu got out his sword and slashed the air, making a portal. Sala got confused as everyone else got ready for anything.

Adult Sala: Hey! What's going on?!

Suddenly, a beam of ki came out of the portal and hit me in the chest. I got knocked back from the sudden attack. I looked down at my chest and saw a mark on my chest.

Adult Sala: Dad!

(Y/N): I'm fine, just a small wound is all.

I saw a person come out of the portal. It looks like Frieza, but a bit shorter and his head is in the shape of a chestnut and instead of having purple parts, they're brown.

Fu: Welcome here, Kuriza!

That dude is called Kuriza? He smiled and started to laugh.

Kuriza: I didn't think I would see the monkeys my father failed to kill again.

Vegeta: Father? Are your Frieza's kid?

Kuriza: That is correct.

I saw Sala start to shake with rage and she quickly turned into a Super Saiyan.

Adult Sala: You are a monster! You killed my parents already! Aren't you satisfied enough?!

So me and Goki of this timeline died? So that's why Sala was so emotional to see us again.

Goki: I never thought Frieza could have a kid.

Sala dashed forward and tried to punch Kuriza. Kuriza caught her fist in his hand and a bright light surrounded his body. Everyone felt a large burst of energy and a huge raise in power level from Kuriza. When the light disappeared, he was now in a golden form of his own.

Kuriza: I'll enjoy doing this a second time!

Kuriza kicked Sala in the stomach, making her gasp in pain and get sent flying backwards. I flew over and caught Sala in my arms. I saw Goki turn Super Saiyan Blue and dashed forward at Kuriza.

Adult Sala: Wh-What transformation is that?

(Y/N): You don't know what Super Saiyan Blue is?

Sala just looked up at me and shook her head no. I put her down and watched Goki charging over at Kuriza.

Goki: She may not be the Sala from my timeline, but that's still my daughter!

Kuriza: Then I'll make sure to send you in the same grave!

Fu smirked and pointed his sword at Kuriza and gave him some energy. Kuriza gained a dark purple aura and his energy went even higher. He let out a large blast of ki from his body, hitting everyone in the area. Everyone got blown away from the attack. Goki went out of Super Saiyan Blue. We crashed into the ground. I tried to get up, letting out some groans.

(Y/N): That wasn't fair, Fu...

Fu: If this works, the pay off will be worth it!

I saw Kuriza walk over to me and grabbed me by the neck. I transformed into Super Saiyan 4. Fu swung his sword and hit me with some energy, making me go back into my base form.

Fu: Sorry, but I had to lock up some of that power, kay?

Kuriza: I am upset that this is so easy, but I'll take pleasure in finishing what my father started, again.

I tried to kick him off of me, but he wasn't budging from his spot at all. I felt the grip around my neck get tighter, making me lose the air in my lungs. I looked over and saw Sala trying to get up and saw me. Her eyes dilated and she froze in place.

Fu: Now it's time for the last thing to do!

Fu pointed his sword at Sala and a bunch of energy got poured into her. She got up and started to scream as a large aura came out of her body. Her hair spiked up and turned into a grey color. She opened her eyes, revealing that they're now red in color.

Fu: Ah ha! Yes! I managed to do it! I awoken the beast within Sala!

This was Fu's plan? To make Sala reach this level of power? Kuriza looked over at Sala.

Kuriza: Wh-What kind of form is that...?

Adult Sala: Let my father go. Or I'll kill you.

Kuriza just smirked and tossed me towards Sala. He quickly pointed his hand at me and shot out a blast at me. Sala quickly got in front of me and blocked the beam with her body. A bunch of smoke covered the area. I landed on the ground.

Kuriza: That was unexpected, but it didn't matter in the end-

A huge blast of ki came out of the cloud of smoke. Kuriza tried to dodge it, but it hit his arm. His arm got completely destroyed by the energy blast. The smoke faded away, revealing that Sala is completely uninjured. Sala started to scream and power up even further. Her aura turned a dark purple and she brought one hand back.

Adult Sala: Kamehameha!

She threw her hand forward and a large beam of blue ki came from her hand and hit Kuriza. He started to scream, but quickly got vaporized from the blast. Sala stopped the blast and took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Woah...

I figured Sala would have a lot of potential, but seeing just how high her power got from this transformation... It's crazy. She might have even more potential than someone like Gohan.

Goki: Ah, that was unexpected.

I looked back and saw that Goki, Vegeta, and Xeno Goki are fine, just a few injuries on their bodies. I heard Sala start to grunt in pain. Everyone looked at her and she started to hold her head and scream out in pain. Her energy got larger.

Fu: Uh oh, that's not good! Gave her a bit too much energy! I should-

Sala looked over at Fu and quickly dashed over at him and kicked him in the stomach. Fu gasped out, some blood coming from his mouth, and he crashed into the ground. A big crater was caused from his impact.

Fu: O-Ow! H-Hey! I'm not the bad guy! I'm just trying to help calm you down!

Adult Sala: No one is going to hurt my family! Not again! They won't get hurt again!

Everyone got up.

Fu: Listen, I'm going to need your help with this.

Vegeta: You want us to help clean up your mess?

Xeno Goki: We are going to need to stop her. If she keeps going, she might destroy this timeline and continue to destroy more.

Fu: I'll try to lock up some of her power.

Fu got up and slashed the air with his sword. He send forward a ki shaped X at Sala. She saw it coming and dodged the attack. Sala opened her mouth and let out a beam of ki at Fu. Xeno Goki used Instant Transmission to get over to Fu and used it again to get her and him back to everyone else.

Fu: Phew! Thanks for the save!

Vegeta: Sala is way stronger than that Goki Black we fought before. How are we going to stop her?

Goki: We need to find some way... If only I can use Ultra Instinct...

I thought about what to do. I started to fly over to Sala.

Xeno Goki: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Let me try something...

Sala started to look over and charge a ki ball in her hand. She saw it was me, making her flinch.

(Y/N): Calm down Sala. It's me, your dad.

She gripped her head and started to scream, letting out a bunch of ki from her body. I got pushed back from the force.

Adult Sala: N-No! I need to protect them! I have to be strong, for them!

I quickly powered up into Super Saiyan 5 and managed to push through all the ki Sala is letting out. I reached forward and managed to wrap my hands around her, making Sala let out a gasp.

(Y/N): You're already strong. You don't need that dark energy someone gave you to be strong.

Vegeta: Where is that saiyan pride of yours?!

Goki: We may not be from here, but we know that you're already plenty strong!

I saw Sala start to power up further, making me have to hold onto her tighter. The dark purple energy disappeared, now being a blue color with a red-ish outline around her body. She powered down from her new form and started to hug me, hiding her face in my chest. I smiled as I powered down into my base form too. We both slowly flew down until our feet landed on the ground.

Adult Sala: I-I'm sorry...

(Y/N): It's alright now... It's all over.

I saw everyone else let out a sigh of relief. I'm not sure if we wouldn't have been able to stop Sala if she continued to rampage.

Fu: That was really close! Almost flew too close to the sun with this one!

Fu flew back, getting some distance from everyone.

Fu: I think I'll take a small break, figure out what I'm going to do next, and make sure things don't get so out of control for me!

Xeno Goki: Fu!

Fu: Until next time! Ta ta!

He used his sword to make a portal and flew into it, closing it before anyone could follow him.

Adult Sala: Um... Who was that?

Xeno Goki: It's a very long story...

Sala broke the hug and walked over to Xeno Goki.

Adult Sala: Well I wanna hear it! Even if it is a long story!

Xeno Goki let out a sigh before starting to explain to Sala about the Time Patrollers, Fu, and other stuff. Goki and Vegeta walked over to me.

Goki: This was a very exciting day!

Vegeta: But I'd like to get back to our original timeline.

(Y/N): Same here. All of this timeline jumbo is starting to confuse me.

We all looked over at Xeno Goki and Sala.

Xeno Goki: And I'm pretty sure that's all of it.

Adult Sala: Wow... I want to be a Time Patroller!

Xeno Goki was a bit caught off guard, but quickly smiled and ruffled Sala's hair.

Xeno Goki: You sure you want to? It's a tough job.

Adult Sala: Of course I want to! I want to be able to help everyone and keep their homes safe! And I want to try out that new form against so many strong opponents!

Xeno Goki: Hehe, you really are (Y/N) and Goki's daughter. Alright everyone, let's head back to the Time Nest!

Xeno Goki and Sala walked over to me, Goki, and Vegeta. Everyone put a hand on Xeno Goki before a bright light covered us all, sending us back to the Time Nest.

(Goki's POV)

When the bright light disappeared, I saw that everyone is back at the Time Nest.

Chronoa: There you all are!

Xeno Trunks: So how did the mission go?

Xeno Goki: So... Fu got away...

Xeno Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time fell down to the ground before quickly getting back up.

Xeno Goki: But on the good side, it sounded like he won't be causing trouble for a good bit.

Chronoa: I guess that means we can rest easy for a bit... Why is there a Sala here?

Sala looked a bit nervous before taking a step forward.

Adult Sala: Pl-Please let me be a Time Patroller!

Chronoa: What?!

Xeno Goki: I couldn't say no to her.

Chronoa: Then welcome to the Time Patrol, Sala!

Sala started to smile and thrusted her fist up in the air in excitement. The Supreme Kai of Time started to walk off.

Chronoa: To celebrate today, I'm going to make us all something nice to eat.

Goki: That sounds amazing! That would be the best!

Xeno me and Xeno Trunks looked at me, shaking their head no. I got confused. Why wouldn't I want some free food?

Xeno Goki: That's very kind of you to offer, but I have to get these 3 back to their timeline.

Chronoa: Oh fine, but you, Trunks, and Sala are going to eat!

Xeno Trunks: Ah man...

Adult Sala: I look forward to it!

(Y/N) looked down at the ground for a moment before walking up to Xeno Goki.

(Y/N): This might sound selfish, but can I ask for a favor?

Xeno Goki: Ask away!

(Y/N) leaned forward and started to whisper into her ear. I want to hear what he's asking for. Whatever (Y/N) said, it made Xeno Goki smile before quickly running over and grabbed onto a Time Scroll and she tossed it over to him.

Xeno Goki: Keep it.

He asked for a Time Scroll? (Y/N) smiled and held onto the scroll tightly.

(Y/N): Thanks... This means a lot to me.

He turned to look at me and Vegeta.

(Y/N): I think we are ready to head back home.

Xeno Goki: Ok, tell everyone I said hi!

Adult Sala: Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye uncle Vegeta!

They waved bye to us as Xeno Goki made a light surround our body, sending us back to our proper timeline. When the light disappeared, the 3 of us were standing outside of Capsule Corp.

Vegeta: Finally back. About time.

(Y/N): Heh. Time.

(Chapter 68 end)

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