Chapter 69 (Heroes)

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(Readers POV)

Me, Goki, and Vegeta all walked into Capsule Corp and walked into the room where Whis and Beerus were when we left. We saw them sitting in the same spot eating some food. Bulma is also in the room, sitting nearby a baby crib with a baby Sala laying in it. She's currently asleep.

Bulma: Oh, welcome back everyone.

Whis: Oh my, that was quick.

(Y/N): Was it?

Goki: Definitely didn't feel like it.

Beerus: So what was all the commotion about?

Goki: So there was another me, but she wasn't an evil version or anything, and she was part of the Time Patrol and she came here since a guy named Fu was hiding about in this timeline and we decided to help her stop Fu and we became like temporary members of the Time Patrol and we like almost died at least twice!

Goki explained really excitedly. She then pointed at the new blue gi she is wearing.

Goki: And I found this nice new gi at Conton City.

Whis: Oh my. If I knew you were going with the Time Patrol, I would've told you to say hi to the Supreme Kai of Time for me.

Vegeta: You know about here?

Beerus: Of course we know about her. I don't care if I say hi to her or not.

Whis: Still upset about her pudding?

Beerus: Of course I am!

We all heard footsteps behind us. We all looked back and saw Goten and Trunks walk into the room. A little girl with black hair, a blue skinned boy, and a dog boy that all looked to be the same age as Goten and Trunks walked in with them. They all saw the baby crib and Sala inside.

Goten: Wow! My baby sibling!

They all ran over to look at the sleeping baby.

Pilaf: I can't believe I'm this excited to see Goki's baby.

Shu: You always have to be happy to see a new baby in the world, sir.

Mai: I hope I have a baby as cute as this one some day.

Trunks: So is it a boy or a girl?

(Y/N): It's mine and Goki's daughter. And I'm sure that she'll grow up to be very strong indeed.

Goki: Yeah, after seeing that other Sala, I can't wait to fight her!

Vegeta: She definitely has the potential to be strong. I'm curious if she'll live up to it.

(Y/N): Who knows? She might even surpass Lord Beerus someday.

Beerus: I heard that. I'm not just some goalpost for your saiyans.

I chuckled as I stared at my sleeping daughter. She seems so peaceful, but since I saw that future version of her. I know exactly what lays deep inside of her.

Goki: So how was she Bulma? I hope she didn't bother you too much.

Bulma: She was an angel. Didn't fuse at all really. But you better start taking care of her. I want her to see me as her aunt, not her mommy.

Vegeta: So that's why she called me uncle.

Vegeta said to himself under his breath.

Goki: Don't worry, me and (Y/N). We will just ask you to babysit a lot so we can train.

Goki put her arms up and put her hands behind her head, giving a big smile to Bulma. Bulma just let out a sigh.

Bulma: You saiyans, I swear. At least Bulla and Pan will have another friend to play with and grow up together.

I walked over to Bulma.

(Y/N): So can I ask for one last favor?

Bulma just gave me a... Look. I put my hands together and got down on my knees.

(Y/N): Please? Just one more favor? I won't ask for anymore, promise!

Bulma thought about it for a moment and sigh, agreeing to do it. I smiled and gave her a quick hug as thanks.

(Y/N): Thank you!

Vegeta: Ok, that's enough thanking her.

I let go of Bulma and started to whisper into her ear for my favor. After I asked her, Bulma smiled at me.

Bulma: That's it? I thought it was going to be a much bigger ask.

She pulled out a case of capsule and gave me one of them. I put the capsule in my pocket and stood up on my feet. I looked down at Sala and gently put my hand on her head. I smiled at her before starting to walk away.

Goki: Hey, (Y/N). Where are you going?

(Y/N): Uh... No reason in particularly. I'm just going to go around for a bit. But don't follow me!

I quickly left the room and then left Capsule Corp. I started to fly through the sky, looking for a good spot.

(Goki's POV)

I stared at the door as (Y/N) left the area. I put my hands on my hips and pouted.

Goki: Where could he be going? And why doesn't he want me to follow him?

Bulma: Who knows? I'm sure he'll be fine.

I looked over at Bulma.

Goki: So what kind of capsule did you give him?

Bulma just shrugged at me.

Bulma: I don't know.

Now I know she's not telling me on purpose! I crossed my arms and lightly tapped my foot on the floor. I can sense (Y/N)'s energy and I could Instant Transmission over to him, but I guess I won't see what he's doing.

(Readers POV)

I am flying around the world, trying to find a good spot. I flew to a mountainous area and landed down on the ground. I started to walk around and look.

(Y/N): Hmm... Is this a good spot?

As I was looking around, I noticed something shiny in a bush. I walked over and saw that it was the 4 star Dragon Ball. I picked up the ball and looked at it. I smiled as I looked at the area.

(Y/N): Yep! This place is the one!

I took out the capsule Bulma gave me and I pressed the button on top of it. I tossed it and when it hit the ground, a bunch of smoke appeared.

(Y/N): Alright, I think it's ready.

(Time Skip) (Goki's POV)

I am holding onto a baby Sala. She is sleeping in my arms. I heard someone walking over to me. I looked over and saw it was (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey Goki!

Goki: There you are. Where did you go run off?

(Y/N): Well I did some looking around and I have a surprise for you.

Goki: A surprise?

I tilted my head in confusion. I saw Goten run into the room and pointed at me while holding a piece of black fabric

Goten: Yeah, a surprise! (Y/N) says you need to wear a blindfold!

I looked at (Y/N). He smiled at me. I smiled back and handed Sala over to him.

Goki: Ok, I'll see what this is about.

Goten flew up to me and helped tie the blindfold over my eyes. I felt my hand get held as I was led outside of Capsule Corp. I was pulled upward and started to fly. I can't really see anything through this blindfold, but I can tell that we are flying quite the distance.

Goki: Why is this surprise so far away? Couldn't we just use Instant Transmission?

(Y/N): I guess we could of... But that wouldn't build as much tension.

I nodded my head. I felt that we slowly descended down until my feet hit the ground.

(Y/N): Alright, you can take the blindfold off now.

I untied the blindfold from my head and saw that I'm now in a mountainous area, standing in front of a house. I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head.

Goki: Huh?

(Y/N): I asked Bulma for a small favor. I figured since we have a kid now, we should live in our own place from now on.

Goki: Really? I didn't really mind living at Bulma's.

(Y/N): I guess, but we aren't that far away from Capsule Corp. And plus, I know that this place is the perfect spot to have a house.

Goki: Really? How do you know that?

I saw (Y/N) reach into his clothes and pulled out a Dragon Ball. He tossed it over to me and I caught it in my hand. I looked down at it and saw that it's the 4 star ball. I couldn't help but smile at it as I remembered a lot of good memories starting all because grandpa had this ball. I nodded my head and looked up at (Y/N).

Goki: It's decided then! This is our home from now on!

Goten: So do you like the surprise?

Goki: I love it!

I saw (Y/N) let out a sigh.

(Y/N): Thank goodness.

I saw Sala wake up in (Y/N)'s arms and looked up at him. He noticed and looked down at her.

(Y/N): Good morning, Sala. Did you enjoy your sleep?

She started to smile at (Y/N). He smirked to himself and walked over to the house and opened the front door. Me, him, and Goten all walked into the house. It definitely is going to take some time to get used to this place, but I know I'll manage.

(Time Skip)

We all sent a couple of hours looking around the house and getting used to it. I saw (Y/N) put Sala in a nearby crib. He pulled out the Time Scroll that Xeno Goki gave him before and looked at it.

(Y/N): Now there is one last thing I want to do today.

He looked over at me.

(Y/N): Do you wanna come with?

Goki: Is it something dangerous?

(Y/N): No. It shouldn't be anyway.

Goki: Then should we bring Sala?

I saw Goten walk up to me.

Goten: Don't worry, I can call Trunks over and we can watch over her!

I smiled and put my hand on top of Goten's head.

Goki: Alrighty! Me and (Y/N) will be back very soon.

I walked over to (Y/N) and put my hand on his shoulder. He clenched into the scroll as a bright light covered us. When the light disappeared, I looked around and saw that we are now in the middle of a ruined city.

Goki: What happened to this place? Why did we end up here?

(Y/N) flew up into the air and started to fly in a direction. I quickly flew up to follow him and felt a bunch of familiar ki signatures up ahead. We landed on the ground and I saw a bunch of people standing around.

GT Vegeta: Hmm? What the hell?

Everyone looked over at me and (Y/N). They all called for his name as they ran over to get a closer look at him. Now I get it. This is the timeline he originated from!

(Y/N): Hey everyone! Sorry I was gone for a bit!

I noticed a little boy that looks like me. He noticed me and we both pointed at each other.

GT Goku and Goki: You look like me, but not at the same time!

GT Vegeta: What is a female version of Kakarrot doing here?

GT Gohan: This is very strange.

GT Goten: Is that technically my mom?

GT Pan: Seriously, what is going on here?

GT Trunks: This isn't something you see everyday.

GT Uub: Most definitely.

(Y/N): Well... It's a bit of a long story.

Me and (Y/N) explained to everyone what happened in our timeline.

GT Goku: Super Saiyan God?

Goki: Yeah, watch.

I let out a small sigh and transformed into Super Saiyan God.

GT Vegeta: I can't even sense that form at all. How did you even get that?

Goki: It's not that hard actually. All you need is five saiyans to give their energy to a sixth saiyan.

GT Goku: Really?! That's it?! To think I was so close to accidentally obtaining that form!

Goki: Wait, you did?!

GT Goku: Yeah! Goten, Gohan, Trunks, and Pan gave me some energy when we had to fight Omega Shenron. If only (Y/N) or Vegeta were around to help give me energy too.

(Y/N): Oh, but that's not all this form can do! Show them Goki!

I smiled as I started to scream out, transforming into Super Saiyan Blue.

Goki: And this is Super Saiyan Blue. It's basically a Super Saiyan God going Super Saiyan.

GT Goten: So why isn't it called Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan?

GT Pan: That's way to much of a mouthful!

(Y/N): Agreed.

GT Vegeta: To think such forms even existed. Our fights would have ended up much differently if we had knowledge of this.

Goki: Hey, (Y/N). Since I showed off my forms, you should show off yours.

GT Goku: (Y/N) has a new form?!

(Y/N) smirked as he started to power up. A bright light covered his body and when it disappeared, he is in Super Saiyan 5. Everyone took a step back in surprise.

(Y/N): This is what I named Super Saiyan 5.

GT Goku: That's so amazing! I just want to try fighting you two now!

Goki: Same here. I'd love to have a sparring match or two with you all.

Me and (Y/N) went back into our base forms.

(Y/N): So what happened after I left?

GT Uub: Well after you disappeared, we all thought Omega Shenron did something to you. Gogeta decided to kill Omega immediately and they defused soon after.

GT Pan: But that wasn't the weirdest part! Soon after grandpa became a green guy!

GT Gohan: Then some version of dad appeared and somehow became an adult.

GT Vegeta: We tried to fight back, but we were too drained from our previous fights.

I saw (Y/N) look down at ground for a moment before nodding to himself and smiling.

(Y/N): I'm glad that you all are back to normal.

GT Goku: So what happened to us? How are we all back to normal?

Goki: Now that's quite the story.

We explained that we had to fight in the Tournament of Power and (Y/N) managed to win the tournament and used a wish from the Super Dragon Balls to restore his timeline from Zamasu.

GT Goku: A tournament between universes?!

GT Uub: 12 universes?!

GT Vegeta: Super Dragon Balls?!

GT Pan: How come we can't do all of that stuff?!

GT Goku: After hearing all of this, now I want to try fighting those other universes!

He pointed at me.

GT Goku: I might be small, but I promise I can still put up a good fight! I want to try against those forms of yours!

Goki: Hehe. I would love to have a fight, but me and (Y/N) are going to have to get going soon.

GT Goten: Aww, what's the rush?

(Y/N): Well... I kinda have a kid now that I have to watch.

Everyone else's jaws dropped.

Goki: He's now a dad to my daughter!

I said. Everyone else's jaws went all the way down to the ground. They all managed to recover. I saw the Vegeta and Goku of this timeline walk up to (Y/N).

GT Vegeta: It seems like you found a good place to live. Make sure you remember us.

(Y/N): Don't worry, I'll still visit from time to time. If anything cool happens, I'll make sure to tell you guys about it.

GT Goku: I'm glad to see you have finally surpassed me! Just by seeing that Super Saiyan 5 of yours, I can just tell!

(Y/N) rubbed the back of his head and laughed a bit.

(Y/N): That really means a lot to hear that from you... I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today without every single person here right now.

He took out the Time Scroll and put a hand on my shoulder.

(Y/N): This is goodbye for now everyone! I'll see you all again sometime soon!

Everyone started to wave bye as the Time Scroll started to glow and a light covered us. When the light disappeared, me and (Y/N) are back in our house. Sala is still asleep in her crib and Goten and Trunks are sitting on a nearby couch, playing some video games.

Goten: Oh! Mom and (Y/N) are back!

I pouted as I walked over and put my hands on my hips and bent forward to look at Goten and Trunks.

Goki: Were you two playing games the entire time?! You're supposed to watch Sala!

They both got nervous.

Trunks: W-We did! I swear!

Goten: Sh-She was just asleep the whole time!

I stared at them for a moment in silence, making them lean back and start to sweat. I stood up straight and smiled.

Goki: Alright. Glad that she wasn't mean to you two.

Goten and Trunks let out a sigh of relief and they got off the couch.

Trunks: Cmon Goten, let's go out and do stuff!

Goten: Ok Trunks!

I saw the two run out of the house and soon after fly into the sky. I walked over to (Y/N) and wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.

Goki: It was nice seeing everyone from your timeline.

(Y/N): It was nice. And thanks to this Time Scroll Xeno Goki gave me, we can visit them whenever we want.

He hugged me back before kissing me on the lips. He broke the hug and let out a small stretch as he checked the time.

(Y/N): Welp. It's going to be nighttime soon. Guess we should get ready for some good sleep tonight.

I nodded my head.

Goki: I really do love some good rest. But tomorrow morning we are training hard!

(Y/N): Well of course!

(Chapter 69 end)

(So... I am at a bit of a conundrum. With (Y/N)'s character now being pretty much wrapped up in a nice bow at this point, I am wondering if I should continue this book with the Moro Arc. So leave a comment if you would want that or not.)

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