chapter 62

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Hi readers

The next chapter will be the last chapter of this book. I will try to post within three days. I am planning to start the next part of the book " Blooming Love" on February 14th of this month.

Enjoy reading. And also please vote and comment on this chapter.

Rishab POV

As I knew it will take at least two to three hours for Ishita to return to the hospital. Already I instructed Anjali to come in one hour so that we leave the place before she comes.

Being a doctor, Anjali completed all the formalities for my discharge from the hospital. We went to the airport in her car to board the flight.

Just when we stepped inside, my mobile rang. As I was not in a condition to stand properly, Anjali took my mobile from my jacket pocket. She disconnected the call so that we can take the seats to sit.

When my mobile rang once again, Anjali huffed and muttered, " No common sense to this person. Can't he understand disconnecting the call means that the person is busy". The next time she heard the ringing sound, she disconnected the call and kept silent.

We sat and fastened the seat belts. Once we settled in our seats, I took my mobile from her and found the calls from Ishita. As I didn't save her new mobile number, Anjali doesn't know who was the person who made a call to me. If she found I got a call from a female person, she would start an inquiry because I had never been close to the girls. I sighed in relief as Anjali didn't catch me as I didn't save Ishita's mobile number as a Wife.

I came back from my thoughts when I heard the announcement of the flight when it was going to fly in the sky. Instantly, I made a call to Dr Vikas. I informed him to send the car to pick us up from the airport. But Anjali snatched my mobile and said, " Don't send any car. We will come by ourselves"

" Why!! No need to pick up?" I said.

" said if Raagini finds you then it would be dangerous to your twin brother. What if she keeps her eye on Vikas as he is your best friend" Anjali doubted.

" You are smart..." I said.

" Of course..." she giggled and leaned back on the seat. Then she informed me to take some rest. I too leaned back and closed my eyes. All my thoughts were filled with Ishu. I don't know what she was thinking of me as I left the hospital without informing her. I knew she would be so angry at me for going to Bangalore even though she strictly told me to not travel.

Finally, we reached Bangalore and exited the airport. It was almost midnight when she came to Bangalore. Vikas told us to go to stay at his farmhouse. It would be safe for us and all facilities will be available. As soon as we reached the farmhouse, Anjali gave me a painkiller injection so that I could sleep peacefully.


The next morning, I opened my eyes to Anjali's voice.

" Rishu....go and brush your teeth. We have to start with the registrar office...'' She reminded me of my work. I stood up from the bed and walked slowly to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and changed my dress. When I came out of the room, I found Vikas in the hallway and was talking to Anjali.

As soon as he noticed me, he hugged me gently. " I am glad to see you fine," Vivek mumbled in my ears.

" Devil's lifespan will be very long. Don't worry about me..." I replied.

" Shut" he yelled at me.

" Okay. ...okay...come to the point..."

"Do you make a call to Tony? Are my sister and Aarushi fine? " I asked Vivek.

" Hmmm...Tony is with them and also arranged guards for security ..." he answered.

" Good..."

" Let's start...we have to reach the registrar office. Is our plan ready to execute? " I asked him while sitting in the car. " Hey...wait...for me...I am also coming with you. ..." Anjali was running towards the car.

" You stay here. Don't come with us. There will be a risk to your life if you come with us. Try to understand..." I refused to take her.

" Then why did you bring Huh," Anjali shouted at me. " Please...Anju... try to understand..." I pleaded.

" No...I will come with you..." she said, stubbornly.

" Let her come with us. Don't you know about her! Such a drama queen..." Vivek mocked playfully. She glared at Vivek and sat on the passenger seat.

When we were going in the car, I got it from Tony. " Rishu... Rithwik and Raagini started at the house. Be ready to end her game..." Tony said.

" Yeah... today...she can't escape ..." I replied determinately.

Rithwik POV

" Good Morning...Rishu..." Raagini said with a bright smile. She looked so happy as I am going to transfer our property to her name.

" Good morning..." I replied dryly.

" Is your wife at her maternal home? " she asked all of a sudden.

" Hmm..."

" I already informed you that she is going to her mother's home. I don't want her to suspect us..." I said nervously.

" informed me. Just I want to know whether she left or not" she said while making a call to someone.

" Kill...mother and daughter by the time we completed our registration..." Raagini ordered someone on the call. I was shocked to know that she arranged for someone to kill Aarushi and her mother. I don't know how to save my Aarushi.

Suddenly one idea popped into my mind. I excused myself and went to the bathroom to make a call to Tony to give the information.

" Tony...listen carefully. Raagini sent someone to kill Aarushi and her mother. Be careful..." I informed him over the call and came out of my room so that she could not suspect me.

" Shall we start! " she asked me while I was descending the stairs. I sat silently in the car looking outside. I was so nervous.

" Are you angry at your mom? " she said, placing her palms on my knuckles. I wanted to break her hand to touch me with her filthy hands. But I controlled myself and replied, " No. "

" I knew you from childhood. You are so sensitive and sincere on a few things. I can understand that you are upset that I ordered someone to kill Aarushi. It means killing your baby in her womb, " she said, looking at me. I remained silent, turning my head away.

" Rishu... I will find a beautiful bride very soon for you who will be perfect for you " she informed, patting my knuckle. I nodded my head and looked outside the window.


The driver stopped at the registrar office after some time. We got out of the car and walked inside. Meanwhile, Raagini's lawyer walked towards us and gave legal documents to her to make me sign the papers.

" Remember, my should be nervous while signing the documents. Everyone should believe you as Rithwik..." Raagini instructed me. I laughed inside asking me to act like myself.

I took the legal documents from her and studied the document. She cleverly prepared a document such that all the property and rights belong to her after my one signature.

" Rithwik Varma..." I heard someone calling my name from inside. Raagini held my wrist and dragged me inside. " In thirty minutes...this property belongs to me..." she said with a proud smile. I don't want that to happen but I can't stop her as Tony could not reach this place as he has to save Manaasi and Aarushi.

"Mr have to sign here..." the officer informed me, giving me a pen. I prayed to God in my mind to send someone to stop this registration. Just then I heard a male voice who was calling me Rishab.

I looked at the person and was shocked because I didn't expect him to come. For a few minutes, I didn't understand what was going on.

" Who is he? " Raagini asked me in a low voice. I looked at her and lied, " I don't know..."

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