Chapter 63

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Hi readers

Hope you will be happy to know this chapter is the last one of this book.

Happy reading...

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Rithwik POV

" Who is he? " Raagini asked in a low voice but I lied that I didn't know that person.

I was so confused to see this person because he didn't like me. According to Aarushi, he hates me so much.

" What is happening, madam! " Our lawyer asked, looking at him.

" Who are you! " Raagini shouted at him.

" My name is Vamsi. I am a good wisher and family friend of Aarushi. " He introduced himself to Raagini. Just then we saw three policemen behind him.

" Sir...Arrest them. These people are frauds. They kidnapped Rithwik Varma, CEO of Varma company. Moreover, this lady is a criminal who escaped a long time back " he informed the police officer who was standing with him.

" You both are under arrest..." the police officer said.

" He was telling lies. He is Rithwik Varma and I am his family friend.." Raagini stuttered in fear.

" Miss. Ragini...we have evidence against you. So stop acting in front of us. It's a waste of time..." the police officer informed.

When the police officer was walking towards us with handcuffs. She took a revolver from her handbag and threatened them to stop in their places.

" You can't escape from us...." The police officer threatened. Just then she tried to press the trigger of the revolver, but I held her hands to the ceiling. Luckily no one was harmed due to the firing.

" Leave me ..Rishab... twenty-eight years I waited for this day....but this fool spoiled everything in one minute..." she shouted looking at Vamsi as I still held her hands together.

Meanwhile, the police officer came and handcuffed her wrist.

" Rishu... please help your mom. I know you love me so much ..." she pleaded, looking at me.

" Mom and you? " I questioned her.

" Rishu .... What happened to you! Why are you talking to me like that? Is it the way to talk with me? Where is your respect and love for me? " She asked me.

" Do you know the meaning of mother's love? " I asked her.

" Mother's love means loving their child without any limit and sacrificing anything for him. But your love is fake. You used Rishab for your selfishness. You used his love for the thirst for your revenge. You are a devil in the form of a woman..." I shouted at her.

" That means are not Rishab..." she asked, fisting my shirt anxiously.

" You can only play the games with my family! " I asked her. She was shocked by my answer and asked, " Where is Rishab? "

" You killed Rishab by your men...'' I replied.

" No...." She screamed as the whole room echoed her voice. " What did I do with my son? " She cried hysterically.

" Your son! " I questioned her.

" Even though I didn't give birth to him. I love him like my son. He too loves me so much ..." she shouted like a mad person.

" I will kill you..." she strangled my neck while fuming in anger. The police officer pulled her away from me.

" should get an award for your acting skills..." I said sarcastically.

" My love for him looks like acting. I think just like your father. He too insulted my love for him..." she yelled at me.

" Love means making the beloved one happy. My father's happiness is with my mom. Instead of understanding their feelings for each other, you created many problems. Not only that, but you also kidnapped my brother who was just born. Yours is not loved but an obsession " I said.

She was glaring at me as if she was going to kill me. " Take this woman..." I informed the police officer.

At the same time, Rishab came with his friend, Vivek and another young lady.

As soon as Raagini looked at him, she ran towards him and hugged him tightly. " I am so happy to see you..." she cried. But Rishab didn't react to her words. He stayed quiet. His face looked as if he was struggling with an inner battle.

" Rishu.... I am happy to see you alive..." she spoke.

" Why? To utilise me as a weapon for your revenge! " He asked her, giving a cold stare. Raagini instantly stepped back and looked at his face. " Is this a way to talk with your mom! " She asked him with tears in her eyes.

" My mom is Jhanavi Varma but not you. Stop telling me your sweet poisonous lies..." he replied.

" Don't talk like that. I am only your mom. They are trying to separate you from me. A few later that bitch separated your dad from me. Now, this son of bitch trying to separate you from me..." she shouted.

" Not one more word against my brother ..." Rishab said in a dangerous tone.

" Officer...take this woman... I am feeling disgusted to see this woman..." I said, turning away from her.

" can you do this your mom? " She asked in a broken voice. But he turned away showing his back to her.

" Then how could you separate a just born from my mother? Do you know how my mom feels? " I asked her.

" It's your time to go through the same pain " I added. She tried to touch Rishab's arm but he jerked away from his hand not to touch.

" Please talk to me, Rishu. I can't take your silence. Please..." she begged him. Immediately, he turned towards her and said, " Do you know what you did with my life? You raised me to hate my biological parents just for your bloody revenge. Even once you didn't think what if I came to know the truth. Now my parents don't forgive my sins. I hate myself that I loved you blindly and agreed to do whatever you instructed me..." Rishab expressed his state. I felt so bad for him and placed my palm on his shoulder.

" I can't see your hatred in your eyes which looked at me with adoration and respect earlier ..." she said. All of sudden, she took the revolver of hers from the officer's hands and placed it at her temple.

" No..." the police officer screamed. I and Rishab remained in shock looking at her stunt.

" Please call me, Amma for the last time..." saying she pressed the trigger of the revolver in her hand. Before we came out of the shock, she shot herself and collapsed on the ground.

" Amma...." Rishab screamed, looking at her lying body where blood was oozing out. Her eyes were wide open as if she was looking at Rishab with pleading eyes and there were tears at the corner of her eyes.

Without blinking his eyes, Rishab was looking at her blankly. He was still in shock. On the other side, the police officer informed someone on the call to send the ambulance to our place.

" Rishab... It's not your fault .." I said, placing my palm on his shoulder.

" But ...I never wanted her to die. I wanted her to get punished. Even though I hate her now, I have many memories with her since my childhood..." he mumbled in a sad tone. I patted his shoulder, understanding his condition.

Then the next thing happened so fast, her dead body was taken by the police officer according to their formalities. The police officer took a statement from us and permitted us to leave. Later, we started in our car to our Mansion along with his friends. Rishab was so silent while returning home. I was scared to see Rishab's condition and made a call to Tony to come fast.


Once we entered the hallway, they informed the maid to prepare coffee for us. It was one of the hardest days for everyone. I told him briefly that the problem was solved. On the other side, Dr Vikas and Other friend Anjali were trying to make him speak so that he could come out of the shock. But he was not uttering a single word.

" Rishab... Are you alright? " I asked him.

" Hmmm..." he responded, looking at me.

" Forget everything..." I suggested. He nodded his head, looking at the floor.

Suddenly he looked at me and asked, " Can you help me if I ask you something? "

" Sure..." I agreed.

" Shall you manage the police officer to get Raagini's dead body! " He asked me, making everyone around us startled.

" What! " I asked him with disbelief.

" I want to give her goodbye by performing her last rites as showing my gratitude to took care of me since my childhood " he replied which make me feel so proud to be his brother.

" Sure..." I promised him.

Meanwhile, Aarushi, Manaasi, Tony and Aarushi's mom came to our Mansion. Manaasi stopped in her place looking at both of us.

" I can't believe that I have two protective brothers .." saying she ran towards Rishab. She hugged him, feeling so emotional. Then Aarushi's mom walked towards him and called his name. Manaasi broke the hug. Whereas Aarushi's mom kneeled on the floor, " I am sorry to separate you from your mother. I was so helpless at that time. If possible, please forgive me..." she apologised with tears rolling down her cheeks.


" Okay. ...okay ... stop crying now. Now everything has ended well. I will inform mom and dad..." I informed them to make them smile.

Instantly, I made a call to Ishita to inform them everything but she was not attending the call then I made a call to Nandan Uncle. After a few rings, he attended to my call. As everyone was present in the hallway and was talking with each other, I went to the lawn to talk with him.

I explained everything in brief and then asked about my father's health condition.

" Okay, then we come tomorrow evening..." Nandan Uncle finally said to me and ended the call. I came back to the hallway and noticed everyone except Tony and Rishab.

" Where is Rishu? " I asked everyone over there.

" I think...they were talking about something outside..." Maanasi replied. Then I noticed Dr Vamsi who was talking with Aarushi.

I went to him and said, " Thanks for your help. If you wouldn't come at a time, everything went in vain "

" It's my job to help a friend's family..." he replied humbly.

" I am also sorry to accuse you of cheating Aarushi..." Dr Vamsi said. I smiled at him and said, " it's not your fault. Just forget it...". Then we shook our hands with a small smile.


After a few minutes, Tony and Rishab came towards us with straight faces.

" Is your best friend okay now? " I asked Tony. Tony looked at Rishab from the corner of his eyes and replied, " Almost fine..."

Sometimes was so wrong ....I thought on examining Tony's face. MMaybeaisththingsoo much....

Ignoring all negative thoughts in my mind, I asked Rishab to take some rest as he had not recovered completely.

Rishab POV

Rithwik took me to his bedroom, which once belonged to Ishu and me. When I stepped inside, I found our wedding lamination hanging on the wall.

" Why do you bring me here! " I asked him.

" This is your bedroom. After Aarushi and I came here, we stayed in the guest room. I don't want to occupy your room..." Rithwik said.

" But ...from the beginning this room is yours..." I said.

" Now ...this room belongs to you and Ishita. Once everyone comes here, I will talk with our parents and Ishita's parents about your marriage. Then everything would be fine..." he informed.

" We should not force our opinion on others, especially in the matter of love and marriage. I respect her decision as he thinks of me now as her family friend..." I informed them that he doesn't expect anything from me. I don't want to hurt my loved ones again by giving false hope.

" We will talk about it later. Take some rest..." he said and left the room. I lay on the bed looking at the couch. I remembered the day of the first night when she slept on the couch. Then I turned to the other side and closed my eyes. Slowly I drifted to sleep.


After some time, I opened my eyes when I sensed that someone entered the room. I turned towards the door and found Aarushi and Manaasi standing with the food tray.

" Anna...shall I feed you with my hands? " Manaasi asked for my permission. I felt so happy that she accepted me even though she knew about my identity. I smiled at her and nodded my head. She jumped with joy and sat at the edge of the bed.

" Aaru... give me the plate. I will feed my brother..." Manaasi took the plate from the tray. After feeding me the food, Manasi thanked me for saving her by sending Tony to Australia.

" It's my responsibility as your brother," I said, placing my hand on the top of her head. " We are all happy because of you. You made the right decision at the right time..." Aarushi said with tears in her eyes.

" I created problems and I must solve them...." I said.

The day passed like that....

The same night, Anjali came to my room before leaving for Vizag. Being a doctor, her schedule was busy so she booked the ticket for her. When we were talking, she saw my marriage photo which was hanging on the wall. She was surprised to know that I am married to Ishita. She looked at me with confusion and asked me why Ishita introduced herself as a family friend. Then I told her how I married by cheating. She was angry at me but later she understood my situation as she knew me for a long time. After a while, she went to the airport.

I had dinner with everyone. I felt so happy to see the smiles on their faces. When I was going to sleep in the room, Rithwik told me that he arranged everything for Raagini's last rites and told me to complete the rituals by morning seven. I thanked him for the help and went to sleep.


All night, I tossed and turned on the bed thinking about everyone. I turned on the light in my room and wrote a letter to my loved ones.

When I turned my head, I checked the time, it was four in the early morning. I walked towards the second floor and woke up Tony who was in deep sleep.

" It's time to leave for us..." I said. He nodded his head and completed his morning business. Then he went to the Government hospital to take Raagini's dead body. We finished all the formalities over there and went to the burial grounds. As Rithwik arranged everything for the last rituals, I completed it without any hurdles. I don't know whether loved me as her son or not. But I want to fulfil the rituals of being her son as I loved her blindly. Tony was there all the time with me.

When we were walking out of the burial ground, Tony held my wrist and stopped me. " Are you sure about this decision? I don't want you to regret it later " he said to me.

" I took this decision thinking for a long time. If I stay with them then many problems would arise. It's better to leave everyone and start a new life..." I told him my decision.

" Okay then let's go and start a new life..." Tony said with a small smile.

We both walked out in the search of new life.....

Hi readers

This is the small announcement of my coming book and the sequel of this book, " Blooming Love" The first chapter will be released on February 14th of this month.

I will be going to update weekly one chapter. Hope you support me through your comments and votes.

With love...

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