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𝙿𝚎𝚑𝚕𝚒 𝙽𝚊𝚣𝚊𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚒𝚗 𝚔𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚊 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚘 𝚔𝚊𝚛 𝚍𝚒𝚢𝚊
𝚃𝚎𝚛𝚊 𝚋𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚒 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊 𝚓𝚒𝚢𝚊.....


Currently I was waiting outside the changing room for Nisha. Its been fifteen minutes she is inside. Yes , we are shopping for Nisha's engagement which is going to be on Sunday this weekend. Today is Tuesday and her parents along with her brother are flying down tomorrow from Delhi. Their engagement is going to be here in Mumbai but they are going to have a destination wedding in Udaipur being it Nisha's dream place.

Coming to me after our discussion that night , the next day the boy's family came to meet us. They were good but they have a issue of me being a surgeon because it requires probably a little bit more commitment as it is not a 9 to 5 job. They want someone who will be committed more towards her home keeping the job as a showcase. So clearly my Ammu being Ammu clearly sent them away. I became a doctor because I wanted to serve people, help people . I was happy that she understood me so well. I love her soo much she was infact is with me when no one is there. After that we became very busy for Nisha's engagement. Me being her bestfriend I had to help her in choosing her outfits to jewellery her shoes makeup everything.

Finally she came out picking up a bunch of outfits and said " I am done these two are fitting me & these are not that good" . Then we went towards the billing station and paid the bill . My shopping was already done . My stomach was grumbling with hunger. I had 8 hour shift starting in the afternoon from 3.00 pm. Finally after paying the bill we went in the restaurant which was located in the adjacent mall. Shreyas bhai will be joining us there. It was 1.45 pm in the afternoon. We entered and saw Shreyas bhai already present. We went near him and they both hugged and shreyas bhai kissed her temples.

It is so good to have someone who will be your home. Lucky girl!!

He then came and side hugged me and said " How are you Naina??"

I chirped , " I am fine... how are you??"..
" I am good.... let's have our lunch... I am famished...." he sighed dramatically and we giggled....

The food was nice, actually good. When you get hungry everything feels good. I bid them goodbye as I was getting late. It was 2.15 already. I went to the hospital. Today my duty was basically in the ER (Emergency Room) I had to guide few interns there and there was no surgery for today until and unless its an emergency. I already told Ammu that I am in hospital and I will be pretty late.

The day was going fine. I was having a break time. I was sitting with my colleagues Siddharth who was a Paediatrician and Fatima who was a gynecologist. Fatima and I were college mates. We were chitchating mostly they were talking and I was listening. Fatima was having appointments so she went to attend them. I was the one with Siddharth. Actually things are not good between us. He kind of proposed me saying that he likes me. But I refused him. He kind of went overboard with things like gifting stuffs. Finally after much persuasion he stopped but still I avoid him. I was getting up telling him then he stopped me , " Naina can we go on a coffee tomorrow??" He asked with hope.

"uh!! Siddharth I don't think I will be able to actually I am quite busy right now..." hoping that he will get my point..

"okay!! So next week please...." he asked again...

" look Siddharth..... you are not getting me correct..." I was going to make him understand when a nurse came and said that there is something in the emergency which is needed to be taken care of. I wished him bye and went towards the ER ....

There was a commotion .Two of the intern doctors who were girls surrounding a man fighting over who will treat him.. There was a cat fighting going on... I was angry on how they can be so careless. It was not their first time.... The man!! well a good looking man approximately 6 ft height well built was standing with a girl around 10 years of age. Looks like he had fought with someone and the girl was clinging to him and it seemed like she was harrased. There were dry tears in her face. The man was holding her by her shoulders. She was terrified. His big coat was hanging from her shoulders. His hand around biceps was bleeding profusely which was tied with a handkerchief loosely. It was not doing any job due to his bulging biceps.

"Doctors!! Are you guys mad or what!!! A patient is waiting here, a girl seems to be harrassed... and you both are fighting... You guys are not worthy being called a doctor... JUST GET OUT OF HERE!!!!" ..... I shouted at them...

The whole ER went silent. I told them, "Back to work everyone.." ... I went near them I could feel his eyes on me.... I told him ," Sorry for the inconvenience Sir... I apologize... "..He said, " Its ok... I guess your interns are not responsible.." He said anger and annoyance clearly visible. I replied "I am sorry sir!! I apologize ... If you could please sit here... " I gestured him to sit.
I turned to ask the sister "what happened ?? You didn't take the girl for primary checkup!!".. She replied , " Dr. Bedi she's not talking with me.... I tried but she's not leaving him..." she said eyeing her. " okay call Dr. Fatima quickly and hurry up..."I told her.

I turned towards her and bend down, I caressed her face "sweetie are you fine??? What is your name?? You can tell me anything... we are here to help you...."I told her cupping her face and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.... Her lips quivered and she broke down into tears.. " shh!! Shh! Baby you're fine.. look we are all here to help you... This is Dr. Fatima... she will check you up so that you can go to your home quickly to your Mom Dad... And look the uncle is bleeding" .. I pointed towards him he gave him a small smile.. " I have to check him up.. so will you go with her baby??" ... she looked up and nodded her head. I kissed her cheek and Fatima came and took her away....

I got up and saw that the man was looking at me intently. His gaze was soo intimidating... I told him to sit and asked the nurse to make him ready prepare for a suture ( stitches').... It was a gash in his arm. It was deep. I told him "It will pain a bit.. I will numb your hand ...and then we have to stitch your wound"... He was not replying So I looked up and saw him looking at me.....boring deep into my soul.... Well It goes same with me I was lost in his pitch black eyes.... I haven't given much attention till now but dude! He is handsome... I mean his hair is messed up a bit and there is a small cut near his forehead. He has neatly trimmed beard with a sharp nose... If not in this situation I would say that he came out of any fashion magazine like those models.. I was lost completely..........


She was looking at me.... Those green eyes looks like it has some kind of magic in them... She was saying something... I cannot hear it ... only her pink plump lips her moving and everything else seems to have evaporated.... Our trance was broken when the nurse came and she cleared her throat.... Clearly she was affected , she looked away and muttered incoherent curses.... My hand was numb and she started stitching my wound.... Well I landed up in this situation while saving that girl.

Today was a hectic day.... Our New York deal is finalised.... This weekend is Shreyas's engagement and we are trying to wrap up as much work as possible... I was returning home, it was 7.00 pm in the evening.... I was returning home, and it was kind of a deserted road which I take often to ditch the disguating Mumbai traffic... Suddenly my tyre got punctured.... God!!!... I came out of my car... and saw that my front tire is punctured... It was not possible for me to drive back home... So I called bhaiya... He told me that It will take him about half an hour to send me a car...I thought to wait inside my car....... I was going to enter suddenly I heard some muffling sounds near the bushes.... I went near towards the sound and what I saw made my blood cold.... A girl near about 10 years of age was lying there ... her hands and feet were tied... I went near her and opened her feet and mouth.... she was crying .... I told her," hey !! Hey!! Don't cry I am here ... " The girl was probably getting assaulted... and seeing my car halt here they ran away which I thought... suddenly that girl shouted, "Uncle...!!".. I turned around and saw that there is a man in his late thirties with a wooden log in his hands... He came back for her.. I dodged him and our fight started.. He was drunk and was not in his senses... it didn't took me much time to take him down..... By the end there was a gash in my arms which was bleeding badly... I took out my handkerchief and tied around it.. I took the girl with me ... she was shaken badly.. Her clothes torn from here and there.. I took her near my car... and gave my coat to her... Till then I saw my driver coming... I told him to call the police and hand over the man. I took the car and went towards the hospital .

Entering the hospital I went towards the emergency. It was one of our hospitals branches. As soon as we entered a nurse came towards us.. Then two interns came.... and they recognized me immediately and said "Mr. Singhania I am a fan of yours..."

Seriously guys fan!! Till date I didn't know that businessman had fans also!!

And then another girl chirped in ," come sir !!I will treat your wound..!" .. Seriously am I playing passing the ball here I thought .. It was Seriously getting on my nerves... I was going to bark on them suddenly I can hear a loud voice booming in the hallway ..
"Doctors!! Are you guys mad or what!!! A patient is waiting here, a girl seems to be harrassed... and you both are fighting... You guys are not worthy being called a doctor... JUST GET OUT OF HERE!!!!"
She was a lady probably their senior doctor...

The girls ran away their head hung low. She came near us.. I was agitated... and was going to give a lecture about their irresponsibility and this how they treat their patient in my hospital. I was expecting the same kind of reaction from them but she told me.... " Sorry for the inconvenience Sir... I apologize... "..

I said, " Its ok... I guess your interns are not responsible.."

I was angry and annoyed . She replied genuinely, regret clear in her eyes, "I am sorry sir!! I apologize ... If you could please sit here... " ...

what is this sir ! Sir! .. Didn't she know me I thought.

She gestured me to sit but the girl was hugging my leg tightly. The nurse tried but everything was in vain. The next thing which happened melted my heart..

Dr. Bedi sat down on her knees and caressed her face and said "sweetie are you fine??? What is your name?? You can tell me anything... we are here to help you...." she cupped her face and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.... Her lips quivered and she broke down into tears.. " shh!! Shh! Baby you're fine.. look we are all here to help you... This is Dr. Fatima... she will check you up so that you can go to your home quickly to your Mom Dad... And look the uncle is bleeding" .. she pointed towards me and I gave her a small smile my anger was long forgotten and I was admiring her.. She is kind... She further added " I have to check him up.. so will you go with her baby??" ... she looked up and nodded her head. She kissed her cheek and another lady Doctor came and took her away....

I sat down and looked at her. She started treating me. She was telling me something but I was lost in those green orbs... She was of medium height around 5.5" . She had those fair skin. Her hair tied in a messy bun. She had a mole around her temple. Few baby hair was falling around her face blocking her view , I had a strong urge to remove them ... but I controlled... Finally she was done... I called bhaiya and told him that I am in hospital and told him to come quickly...

She came back with probably prescription in her hand. She was not meeting my eyes with hers. She asked me, " What is your name sir? "

What!! She didn't know my name. Why the hell the person who I want to know me doesn't even recognize me!!

She again asked, " Sir, what is your name?"


I replied in a husky tone" Kabir! Kabir Singhania ".

I hoped now that she will recognize me....

She replied, " okay Mr. Singhania... I have stitched your wound and these are some antibiotics which will help you to heal quickly. Make sure that you avoid water in that area.. and don't stress that area much. And you are good to go."

She didn't know me!!

I muttered a Thank you when suddenly Dr. Roy came with another person. That person told her in a bossy tone which I didn't like for some unknown reason

"Dr. Bedi ! Do you know who he is? You should take him in the VIP ward and you are treating him here in this ER room!!"... That man is an asshole! I was going to reply when she said,

" Mr. Shah I think a doctor's primary concern should be to treat that person without checking their background. I don't know who he is but when he came here probably fighting some goons while saving a girl he was bleeding badly. So I had to treat him to prevent further infection. And now I think Mr. Singhania won't mind to shift in the VIP room despite it is not required... You know to keep your word." she said the last word looking at me... Till then bhaiya came and hugged me. I was controlling my smile and Dr. Roy stifling his laugh. That Mr. Shah or what went away from there.

Dr. Roy asked me, " How are you boy?? And how did this happen !! Looks like you went out for some adventure..... "

" No Roy uncle ,I am fine its just that.." I narrated the whole incident and saw her looking at me... our eyes locked and my heartbeat started pacing upwards... It was until then Roy uncle cleared his throat and asked " so Naina is everything fine??"

Ooo so miss green eyes your name is Naina....!

" Yes chief he is fine... It was a gash I did a suture... Mr. Singhania will be fine within week and the scar may take time to heal..." she replied... and then said " I will take your leave chief"... she went away more correctly ran away giving a small smile to both me and Bhaiya... Bhaiya told me Shreyas also came with him I asked him where is he without breaking my eyes from her.

In the meantime I saw Both Shreyas and Naina bumping into each other in the hallway...

Wait!! Do they know each other!

I saw them hugging each other... still it was for a brief time. Then they looked at me... I cannot hear what were they talking but they were talking smiling each other...

Hmm ! Looks like they are having a gala time... huh!...

Bhaiya was talking with me but I was replying him in monosyllables....

Shreyas came to me and asked me, "Oye Kabira !!!! Ye tune kya haal bana liya hai apna??" (Bro what have you done to yourself) .... I didn't feel like answering him .... some memories flashed... and I was back to reality.... bhaiya nudged me... I said " Stop calling me that....!!I am fine .. can we go home..."

We were sitting in our car .... Bhaiya and me in the front and Shreyas in the back seat... I was sitting silently my mood suddenly turned sour.. They both were talking... Suddenly bhaiya asked Shreyas eyeing me,

"Shreyas how do you know her??"


" Arre that lady Doctor?"

" Ohh !! Naina ... actually she is Nisha's bestfriend.. we know each other... well she is still very much single you know for someone's information".. he said.. I was looking outside the window and then I turned to him and said

" For your kind information no one needed that information " I told him sarcastically narrowing my eyes.

Bhaiya started laughing... I asked him gritting my teeth, "what is soo funny?
" Look who's telling... you are the one who was looking at her like she is the only one left in this whole world...."

he said

" sachhi!! I missed it... but you know bhaiya her grandma is looking for a suitable match for her... I mean last week a boy's family came... she rejected him... " he continued "look Kabir you know she is a good girl... Her life is not at all rosy... I mean she is not at all like Alisha.. I know her... you know you can date her.." he told me seriously...

I snapped towards him "wtf!! From where is this dating coming... I don't even know her..."

Now bhaiya started telling me," Look cheeku.. what you did in past its a mistake... your love was right but it was for the wrong person. What is wrong with dating her?? I mean chuck dating! You can atleast be friends with her... I have seen you looking at her.. you like her... just go with the flow... maybe all this years of waiting proves its worth.."

I was thinking deeply.. where is this leading too I don't know... I think that sometimes it was not my love for Alisha.. Its just that I was attracted to her and she used my attraction for getting everything she wants. There was no warmthness in our relationship. And I don't know what happened to me today but those pair of alluring green eyes were imprinted in my mind......... maybe for forever my heart said..❤

Hi guys!! Here goes the 3rd chapter...
shower your love with comments....
Take care Love you all...

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