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Sanskar happily sitting in living room : Amy

Amaya comes running towards Sanskar and sits on his leg though it was injured a bit he doesn't show his pain : how are you ?

Sanskar hisses in pain a bit but doesn't show it : I'm not fine as my Amy dint come to meet me

Parineeta who came behind Amaya gets angry : Amy chachu got hurt in his leg and your sitting on his lap ? Get down

Amaya hits her forehead cutely and gets down : sorry

Sanskar eyes Parineeta with bit anger but seeing Parineeta's over anger face he gulps and sits quietly .

Sanskar : from where did you learn to beat your forehead ?

At this point of time whole family gathers in living room as it's Amaya's rule that when she comes back to home at evening all her family members should be gathered together .

Amaya with a cute smile : Swala does it always

Sanskar with bit jealousy : your learning bad things from your Swala

Amaya twitches her nose : don't you dare to call her Swala only I can call her Swala

Sanskar gets confused with Amaya's sudden anger : but her name is Swala right ?

Amaya again hits her forehead : it's Swara not Swala

Sanskar gets confused : then why do you call her Swala than Swara ?

Amaya smiles brightly : because she always calls me Ammu and I don't like it when someone else than Swala calls me Ammu and thus I call her Swala as that's her nick name

Parineeta was all the while listening to her daughter with teary eyes standing near the sofa . Adarsh looks his wife and goes near her .

Adarsh : our daughter is finally learning to speak properly

Parineeta while wiping her tears : infact she is speaking more fluently than her age children speaks

Adarsh makes Parineeta sit on sofa : I had said you that our daughter will be better than others but you never listen to me

Parineeta wipes her tears and smiles

Laksh who reached home hears his Bhai and Bhabhi and goes behind the sofa where they were sitting and whispers near their ears : don't do romance infront of whole family mainly when Amy is present

Adarsh and Parineeta gets scared with sudden voice . Adarsh hits Laksh playfully while Parineeta blushes .

Laksh giggles and sits beside Amaya as Amaya was in between Sanskar and Laksh .

Sujata out of excitement : today what you learnt Amaya ? You dint tell us yet

Amaya : choti Dadi it's Amy don't call Amaya it's too old

Sanskar and Laksh chuckles while Sujata gets angry

Sujata : old ki bachi I will not give you your favorite milk shake

Amaya bites her tongue : sorry choti Dadi I won't tell you that

Sujata hides her smile : then tell

Amaya again hits her forehead : Swala had said me to tell this as soon as I met you all but see you all made me forget it

Maheshwari's looks at her with wide eyes while Amaya ignores their glares and stands in middle of the hall .

Amaya : good evening mumma , good evening papa , good evening dadu , good evening Dadi , good evening chotu dadu , good evening choti Dadi , good evening Sanskar chachu , good evening Laksh chachu

Maheshwari's claps at her : good evening Amaya

Amaya too claps her hand while jumping : yeah I said it properly without any break in good evening ... Yeah I will tell Swala tomorrow ... Yeah ..

Maheshwari's laugh at her cute talk while Adarsh and Parineeta hugs Amaya out of immense happiness which they aren't able to tell . All adore them while Laksh slowly makes a video of his brothers cute small family .


Swara hurriedly reaches her University when her lecture stops her

Lecturer : Swara your late today

Swara with her sheepish smile : I'm sorry sir one of the parent came lately to take their child so I couldn't manage to come soon

Being a teacher of evening college , all the lecturers know that very well that these students do job in day time and studies at evening time and thus doesn't say anything : you can sit

Swara takes a sigh and goes to her place and sits for 5 minutes keeping her one hand on chest to control her uneven breaths as she again came running and from other hand she holds her chudidar shawl and wipes the sweat that was formed on her forehead and starts concentrating on the classes .


Sanskar while checking mails in his laptop : did you get any information about that girl ?

Raj nods his head while passing a file to Sanskar : her name is Swara . She was coming back from college to home along with her relative who is an auto driver . They had saw the scene from far place and thus she used her brain and made police siren sound hearing which those goons ran away and took you to hospital

Sanskar nods his head while his hands doesn't move further looking at her picture

Sanskar while controlling himself : was she been sent by any of my rival ?

Raj : no sir . She is a college student who does job in day time and studies in evening college

Sanskar nods his head : what about Kuldeep Mathur ? Got his punishment ?

At this point of time Amaya reaches room : good evening Raj uncle

Raj smiles : good evening ma'am

Amaya looks at him angrily while Raj gulps : sorry Amy

Amaya : good

Amaya runs near Sanskar while Raj signs Sanskar that he will tell him later and goes from there .

Sanskar had closed the file as soon as Amaya entered the room : what my Amy wants ?

Amaya slowly takes laptop from Sanskar's lap and pulls him : come with me

Amaya : be quite and come with him

Sanskar slowly goes behind Amaya as his legs wound was better than before only his head had pain : ok ma'am

Amaya giggles and takes him to the mandir which is present in their Mansion and signs him to sit . Sanskar kneels down infront of Lord just like Amaya .

Amaya folds her hand and tells Sanskar to do the same : Godji you know everything na yesterday very bad bad uncle's beat my chachu and made him go to hospital and he even got big big injections . So you please beat that bad uncle more and give him 10 big big injections for hurting my chachu

Sanskar was all the while hearing Amaya's prayer and chuckling in his mind to an innocents prayer but doesn't show it : yes Godji please do it

Amaya gets happy and turns towards Sanskar : you know even Swala says the same , Godji will punish bad uncle's and we shouldn't go and beat them in return or else even we will be called as bad and I don't want anyone to call my chachu as bad ok

Sanskar gets lost in Amaya's innocence and hugs her tightly : no one will call your chachu as bad ok

Amaya smiles and hugs him tightly

While Sanskar gets lost in his thoughts : this girl Swala .. I mean Swara is really teaching good things to Amy . I need to know more things about her . Wait a minute is that scarf girl and this girl are same Swara ? Even Raj said that Swara works in day time and manages studies in evening college . I need to find out more about her only then I can figure out everything .

Sanskar breaks the hug and kisses Amaya's forehead : it's too late so go and sleep

Amaya kisses his cheeks : good night chachu

Sanskar smiles : good night

Sanskar and Amaya once again folds their hand infront of Lord and goes to their respective rooms . On the way to room Sanskar sees something and gets scared .


Dada looks at Swara through his rare mirror : what happened Swara ? Aren't you enjoying my ride today ?

Swara : I'm not in mood dada

Dada gets worried : why what happened ? Did you skipped your food ?

Swara nods her head vigorously

Dada : then what happened ?

Swara who was controlling her tears from long time finally breaks up : I lost my favorite scarf .

Dada gets confused : then buy another one na

Swara while crying : but it was precious one as dida had gifted me . I never kept it away from me , whenever I used to feel scared I used to hold it tightly near to my heart but now I lost it .

Dada feels bad at her state : I'm sorry beta but don't worry just pray to God who knows in future you may meet that boy and get back your scarf

Swara while twitching her nose which had turned red : but till then what shall I do ?

Dada chuckles : till then if you get scared then chant Hanuman chalisa it will save you

Swara giggles hearing it : ok I will try it

Dada feels happy seeing her laughing : you know smile suits your face a lot

Swara smiles while wiping her tears : dada are you trying to flirt with me ?

Dada makes sad face : now in my fate I can only do flirting nothing else

Swara giggles : your bad luck

Dada smiles : your stop came

Swara gets down : thank you dada and go home early and..

Dada cuts her sentence : and will not give lift to anyone at this hour

Swara giggles : good

Dada : ok go good night sweet dreams

Swara smiles : good night sweet dreams

Swara goes inside while Dada looks at her back : I don't know why but I feel like your scarf has reached to that person who belongs to you and I'm sure that person is been sent by your dida as you never gave that scarf to anyone but used it to protect someone's life . May God bless you child ! You deserve happiness .

Dada prays for Swara's wellbeing and goes from there .


Swara reaches her room from backyard and opens the lock : finally home sweet home

Swara closes the door and locks it from inside and looks at the side table where dinner was places : wow ! Today Sharmisthaji became generous towards me

Swara keeps her hand on her stomach : seems like I'm gonna make you full today

Swara chuckles at her own thinking and goes to get freshn up . She has her dinner then washes those plates and keeps it on her table again . Takes her night tablet and lays on her bed peacefully .


Longest part ever *shocked* don't know why I don't feel like stopping when I write this book .

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