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Sanskar enters Baadi followed by Swara behind him while Maheshwari's look at him with questioning eyes .

Sanskar takes a deep breath : badepapa papa I want to get married as fast as possible

Laksh who was drinking water coughs hard : means even I will get married sooner

Adarsh hits Laksh's back slightly while Laksh laughs sheepishly while Ragini blushes hearing his statement .

Sujata : if you 4 don't have any problem then even we don't have any problem isn't it bhaisaa ?

Durgaprasad laughs : yes and I have called our panditji too he will take out the dates sooner

Laksh slowly asks : can I spend sometime with Ragini till then ?

Durgaprasad looks at him : dint you spend sufficient time before ?

Laksh whines : please papa

Durgaprasad laughs : ok go

Laksh stands up like a gentleman : Ragini won't you show me your room ?

Ragini blushes and nods her head while Sanskar too takes Swara to her room . Parvati tells Sharmistha and Shekar to bring Swara and Ragini's horoscope while she goes to kitchen followed by Kavita . Sahil and Deendayal spends some time with Maheshwari's while Amaya is busy playing in her mother's mobile not knowing what is happening around . Being an understanding child she understands the situation though she isn't able to know the matter .


Ragini takes Laksh to her room while Laksh angrily closes the door making Ragini gulp knowing his anger .

Laksh : why the hell dint you tell me about your one more sister Ragini ? I have never hided anything from you then how could you ?

Ragini gulps : I myself don't know anything about her . I just knew that she is my sister but I dint knew much about her .

Laksh calms himself : if you knew she was your sister then why dint you try to talk with her ?

Ragini sighs : Laksh she is 5 years elder than me and when I was 5 years I came to know that she is my sister after getting to know that I tried a lot to speak with her but I never got time . She never used to be in home it's just night she comes and sleeps in room and early morning she used to go out . When I asked the same with Dadi then Dadi said that she isn't good person with whom I should talk . Even Kavita di never allowed me to mingle with her nor papa . Maa had said me if possible meet her , talk with her but to talk to her I even needed to know her free timings and even she dint take any initiative to talk with her sister . Then I thought she doesn't like her family and gave space to her . But her real truth I came to know today . I dint knew about my parents story .

Ragini starts crying while Laksh hugs her feeling bad : I'm sorry Ragini . It's just I love my brother a lot .

Ragini while hugging Laksh : it's ok Laksh I can understand . You siblings have great love and strong bond which we don't have .

Laksh chuckles : don't worry after marriage you can keep that bonding with your sister

Ragini blushes : I think you know nothing rather than getting married as fast as possible

Laksh laughs : yeah because now at present only that is important for me or else your dadi may find someone else for you .

Ragini blushes and hits Laksh shoulder playfully .


Kavita angrily goes behind her Dadi to kitchen and looks at Parvati who was heating food for Maheshwari's .

Parvati : it's good you came Kavita now help me

Kavita goes near Parvati angrily : Dadi how could you agree for this ? First Ragini and now Swara ? Your gonna get them married to Maheshwari's ? You had promised me that you will get Ragini married to a small middle class family

Parvati sighs : it's not my mistake that your husband's business is running in loss . I had made you both married as Sahil's dad was a big businessman and thus promised to keep Ragini and Swara as your slaves but I guess now destiny wants you to be their slave .

Kavita gets angry : Dadi how could you make me as their slave ?

Parvati sighs : listen Kavita I know what I'm doing and you should also understand that I'm doing all this for your wellbeing . Now see if Ragini and Swara both will get married to Maheshwari's then I will manipulate Ragini and get money from them and will invest on Sahil's business . Then Sahil can earn more than Maheshwari's . Now see money will be of Maheshwari's and even luck will be of Maheshwari's but hard-work will be of Sahil's then you can be queen and all those Maheshwari's will be your slave .

Kavita thinks on Parvati's words : I think your right Dadi

Parvati smiles : I always keep your happiness in my mind before doing anything Kavita don't forget that .

Kavita hugs her Dadi happily : your the best Dadi

Parvati smiles : but you don't realise

Kavita breaks the hug : sorry

Parvati hits her shoulder slightly : it's ok and now help me we need to impress them

Kavita : oh yes Dadi

Kavita and Dadi starts preparations for impressing Maheshwari's .


Sharmistha takes out Swara's horoscope from one bag which she had kept it above her cupboard while Shekar takes out Ragini's horoscope .

Shekar : listen Sharmistha I'm not bothered about Swara but I don't want my Ragini to suffer because of her

Sharmistha smiles : don't worry Shekar she isn't among the one who spoils others happiness

Shekar laughs sarcastically : yeah that's why she took away my and Kavita's happiness isn't it ?

Sharmistha shuts her mouth : it's waste of speaking about past now and let's hope for better future

Shekar : I'm happy that from now she isn't gonna be part of my house

Shekar goes from there angrily while Sharmistha stands still listening his hatred towards Swara . She wipes her lone tear and goes behind Shekar .


Sanskar enters Swara's room and gets happy to see the whole room filled with paintings : you love to do painting ?

Swara sits on her bed : yes

Sanskar goes towards every painting and sees the paintings having her picture along with her father and dida and smiles understanding that she is creating her own memory through the help of paintings .

Sanskar in the name of checking painting checks her room which is having an attached bathroom and no windows just a front door with a small ventilation above the room for air and light . Sanskar gets angry to see the room but stays quite as he can't do anything .

Swara keeps her head on the headboard : if your done checking with my room and painting then you can leave as I'm very sleepy

Sanskar chuckles : aren't you satisfied with your sleep ?

Swara while closing her eyes : no

Sanskar smiles : you be sleeping for a while when lunch will be ready I will tell you

Swara laughs and opens her eyes : you think they will call me for lunch ?

Sanskar looks at her face and nods

Swara chuckles : maybe today I'm gonna get special treatment

Sanskar doesn't understand her : now give me your doctor's prescription and case file

Swara looks at him : why ? You have doubt that I'm lying ?

Sanskar smiles : maybe who knows I can't trust you in this matter

Swara laughs and gets up from her bed and goes near her table and removes two books from the table and passes him her case file : this has all the details

Sanskar looks at the file and then at her face : who keeps such an important file openly in her table

Swara chuckles : me

Sanskar holds her waist and pulls her near to him while Swara gets scared with the sudden pull and places her both hand on his shoulder with closed eyes : but why ? Isn't it important ?

Swara slowly opens her eyes and looks into his eyes : why you want to know this ? Is it due to sympathy or charity ?

Sanskar removes some hair strands from her face : why your thinking this as sympathy or charity ? Can't I do this to save the one who saved my life ?

Swara while looking in his eyes : so your doing barter system as I saved your life your saving mine ?

Sanskar chuckles : might be I don't know

Swara tries to push him but he doesn't allow : now answer me why you kept such an important file like this carelessly

Swara while trying to push him : why should I tell you ?

Sanskar pulls her more near to him : if you don't tell them Ragini and Laksh's marriage will be broken

Swara's eyes widens : just for this small reason you will break their marriage ?

Sanskar laughs loudly in his mind but doesn't show : it isn't a small reason ok now don't waste my time and tell me

Swara closes her eyes : if I keep things in my cupboards locker then Dadi will take it as she checks my cupboard and table every week . But if I keep things carelessly infront then she won't check thinking it to be an unnecessary one

Sanskar gets shocked : that means your family doesn't know about your illness ?

Swara chuckles and opens her eyes : why should they know it ? You think they will give charity for my life ? They would be very happy if I will leave this world forever

Sanskar gets angry and pulls her more near to him . Their lips are just an inch apart .

Sanskar angrily : don't you dare to say this thing again then there will be no one worst than me

Swara shivers seeing his anger and nods her head slightly out of fear . Sanskar realises their position and leaves her slowly . Swara lowers her gaze out of embarrassment .

Sanskar too gets embarrassed : I guess we need to go down

Swara tucks her hair behind her ears and nods her head .

Sanskar calls his driver and gives the file to him and tells him to keep in his car safely . Swara is observing all this with wide eyes but isn't allowed to speak anything as she fears that this too may cause harm for Ragini and Laksh as they both love each other a lot .

Swara , Sanskar , Laksh and Ragini gather to hall after spending sometime with their partner .

Amaya finally comes reality as her mother's phone battery gets over and jumps on Sanskar happily : you wanted to give me surprise ?

Sanskar nods his head while Amaya jumps from his lap happily and goes near Swara who was standing beside Ragini and brings her near Sanskar and makes her sit beside him .

Amaya settles herself in Swara's lap : so now your gonna be my chachi ?

Swara smiles and nods her head

Amaya claps happily : that means from now on no need of meeting those Naman and Jia in play school as you will teach me in home

Swara looks at her with wide eyes while Parineeta scolds Amaya : you always want to go to school and today your planning to leave it ?

Amaya pouts : they tease me a lot when Swala won't be present so now I will tease them telling Swala will be with me forever

Sanskar chuckles : we will decide this in home

Amaya : pakka ?

Sanskar smiles : pakka

Laksh : oh Amy won't you come to me ?

Amaya angrily twitches her nose : firstly bring my favorite ice cream which you emptied last night without sharing with me then I will talk to you and Chachi

Laksh looks at her with wide eyes : I didn't eat your ice cream

Amaya : there is no one else than you who eats my ice cream at night so I know you well

Laksh starches his head sheepishly while Ragini hits Laksh slightly and whispers : you dint even left child's ice cream

Laksh smiles sheepishly : I was hungry and there was nothing in fridge than ice cream

Ragini hits him slightly while Parvati calls them for lunch . All men have their lunch first while ladies have their lunch later having a happy family moment .


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