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Sujata being an over excited person interrupts while priest was busy checking horoscopes for marriage : panditji please try to get dates as soon as possible

Swara who was sitting beside Sujata as Sujata wanted to talk to her looks at her with wide eyes while Sanskar who was sitting other side of Sujata chuckles at his mother's excitement . Panditji looks at her face and then continues his work .

Ramprasad gets embarrassed : Sujata give some time it's not that as soon as panditji will check and get dates

Sujata : I want this marriage sooner

Swara looks at her face being shocked as her would be mother-in-law is getting excited as if it's her marriage than her son's.

Priest after checking horoscopes : there is auspicious time after 2 days

Sujata with excitement : after 2 days ?

Panditji smiles : or else after a year

Sujata : then this 2 days is enough we will manage

Swara gets shocked and tries to deny : but 2 days ?

Parvati who was standing beside Swara keeps her hand on her shoulder while in real she presses it hard making Swara gulp with pain : you don't worry beta we will do all the arrangements

Swara had turned her face not to show it to others and nods her head and gulps her tears while bowing her head . Sanskar had observed change in her behavior but dint understand what exactly happened and shrugges his shoulder .

Sujata out of excitement : if you all also don't have any problem then tomorrow we will keep mehendi function , then day after tomorrow morning engagement , afternoon haldi , night Sangeeth and next day marriage

Before anyone could speak Laksh interrupts : sure ok Chachi , you planned something and we won't agree is it even possible ?

Annapurna who was sitting beside Laksh slaps his shoulder slightly : behave we are in your in-laws house

Laksh smiles sheepishly while Ragini blushes at their excitement .

Sharmistha : if you all are ok then even we don't have any problem

Shekar : yeah we will start preparing for all the decorations

Sanskar : I will book hotel for 3 days so all the functions can be done there and so there will not be much work for us than concentrating on functions

Parvati smiles brightly : it would be the best idea

Shekar hesitates : but it would be costly

Durgaprasad assures : don't worry Shekarji we will manage and no more talks relating to this

Having no other option Shekar and Sharmistha nod their head while Parvati gets very much happy thinking her money is safe now.

Sujata cups Swara's face : take well rest today and be ready for tomorrow's functions

Swara feels happy as it's first time some one is talking to her with much love and care and nods her head .

Sanskar : and yeah morning we need to shift to hotel so all please do your packings

Swara : but I haven't informed in my play school yet

Parvati again holds Swara's shoulder while pressing it and this time Sanskar observes her activity : you can manage it beta

Sanskar fists his hand tightly : I will talk with them no need of worrying for all small small matters

Sanskar says while giving deadly glares to Parvati and thus she quickly withdraws her hand from Swara's shoulder while Swara sits silent .

Sujata hugs Swara : take care of yourself till then as from tomorrow we all are there to take care of you

Gadodia's understand the meaning but stays quite while Swara gets tears in her eyes and nods her head . Sujata happily wipes her tears .

Sujata : I have to talk many things with you , however tomorrow we will be in hotel na I will start everything from Tommorow

Annapurna laughs : Sujata if you want you can stay here with Swara and tommorow we will pick you both from here

Sujata smiles : I have no problem

Ramprasad glares her angrily making her shut her mouth and goes behind Maheshwari's while Swara smile at their family bonding .

Maheshwari's goes first while Gadodia's follow them . Swara was behind and thus Sanskar goes near her and hugs her .

Sanskar kisses her shoulder while Swara closes her eyes feeling an unknown emotion : take care of yourself from tomorrow I will make sure of everything about your safety

Sanskar breaks the hug while Swara looks at him with wide eyes : won't you come to send me off ? I'm your groom after all

Swara eyes him angrily : you go forwards husbandji I will come behind you

Sanskar chuckles and holds her hand and takes her with him : remember one thing we both are equal so you are never allowed to come behind me but you should be with me like this

Swara again looks at him with shock eyes . Sanskar kisses her palm and leaves from there .

Sanskar goes near his mother : mom I have some work so I will come home after sometime

Sujata looks at him suspiciously : are you planning to spend time with Swara ?

Sanskar laughs at his mother's curiosity : no mom I have some other work will tell you after I reach home

Sujata nods her head and goes towards the car . Maheshwari's leave from Baadi . Sanskar turns and looks at Swara who was standing behind her family and smiles at her and goes from there .


Sanskar enters the hospital where Swara is taking her treatment and takes urgent appointment with her doctor Naina .

Naina gets surprised to see him with Swara's case file : you want to save her ?

Sanskar nods his head : I want full details of her case

Naina sighs happily : her case isn't that much complicated one as much she is thinking. She will be cured if she does her operation within 1 month if she takes more time then it can be very dangerous for her , infact it can even lead to death .

Sanskar sighs : so that means she can be healthy later on ?

Naina : she isn't healthy actually .

Sanskar : what do you mean ?

Naina sighs : she is very weak . I don't think so she even eats food properly . In these type of cases she needs to have food which is very good for health which contains protiens and vitamins . I tried asking her many times but she doesn't tell me her food diet and thus I'm giving her tablets which has all these . But alas ! It is showing side effects like drowsiness and feels like sleepy whole day .

Sanskar remembers Swara's morning words : can you give me her food diet chart ? I will take care of it

Naina looks at him surprised : why are you interested in her so much ? Does she know this ? Till now I haven't even met anyone from her family .

Sanskar smiles : because I'm gonna marry her

Naina gets happy : really ! Oh God ! I'm so much happy . Just wait I will give all the details needed for her. 

Naina explains everything to Sanskar while he listens to get kneely and deeply understanding everything clearly .


Swara who was about to go to her room from backyard gets stopped by Parvati

Parvati : listen you girl don't you dare to do something that will harm our reputation . At least think about Ragini .

Swara nods her head and turns again to go while Parvati gets angry .

Parvati : should I give you invitation to use the main door to enter your room ?

Swara looks at her face being blank

Parvati : today is the last day for you to be here so use the main door

Swara nods her head and goes inside the house and directly runs to her room as she don't want anything else .

Parvati slaps her forehead : don't know how shall I bear her face for 1 day

Kavita keeps her hand on her dadi's shoulder : matter of few hours Dadi

Parvati nods her head and goes inside followed by others while Sahil stands there holding his fist angrily looking everything .


Sanskar enters Maheswari mansion and looks at everyone waiting for him eagerly . Amaya had slept as she sleeps afternoon and being a child of 5 years old she needs sleep very badly .

Sanskar sighs and explains them about Swara's case and passes diet chart to Sujata .

Durgaprasad goes near Sanskar and keeps his hand on his shoulder : Sanskar I never asked anything from you , Laksh or Adarsh . To whom ever girls you 3 have selected I have accepted to get you all married but do you think Swara is right ? Don't think me wrong as I'm asking this after knowing her past , but I'm tensed about her health condition .

Sanskar sighs : I can understand you badepapa . I very well know that you all want all 3 of us to be happy . But trust me badepapa her health condition isn't that much worse . If she will get operated then 1 year will be crucial for us as we have to take great care of her but later on she will be fine .

Sujata interrupts : and if we will take care of her out of love then she can recover within 6 months

Ramprasad slaps her forehead slightly : first time you said something worthy

Sujata makes faces

Durgaprasad sighs : I trust you Sanskar so I won't tell anything but remember one thing I need happiness of my son

Sanskar smiles : I know that badepapa and I will make sure nothing will go wrong .

Parineeta : papa when we all are together then why to worry ?

Annapurna : yeah ji we all will be together then nothing will go wrong

Durgaprasad smiles at his family and their unity and nods his head . They have a very unique bonding which isn't able for anyone to break . They give space to each other's family and even give suggestions when other one is not able to decide anything . Durgaprasad hugs Sanskar while Adarsh and Laksh hugs from either side . Parineeta pulls Annapurna and hugs Adarsh who side hugs them while Laksh extends his hand for Sujata and Ramprasad who joins the family hug happily .



Sanskar tries Swara's number repeatedly and gets the answer as switched off making him scared . He runs to Laksh's room and sees him talking while laughing .

Sanskar smiles and slightly hits Laksh . Laksh who was busy gets startled .

Laksh : Bhai ! You here ?

Sanskar : I'm trying to call Swara from long time but it's getting as switched off

Laksh : then what can I do ?

Sanskar hits him : I know your talking with Ragini so better tell her to check on Swara

Laksh realises : wait I will tell Ragini .

Ragini from other side : I heard you both so wait I will check her and call you back .

Laksh cuts the call and looks at Sanskar : Bhai don't you think we need to inform about Bhabhi to Ragini ? She has that right na !

Sanskar sighs : Laksh I can understand you but even she needs to realise the worth of Swara by herself . I don't know why she isn't mingling with Swara but she too needs to know what her sister is going through . And moreover even Swara doesn't want them to know about her health so I guess it's her right to inform them . And if she isn't informing them then even we need to be silent .

Laksh isn't satisfied but he nods his head as he knows that very well if his Sanskar Bhai has decided something then he must have think about it properly and thoroughly .

Laksh's trance broke due to phone call , Sanskar sighs Laksh to keep in speaker : hello Laksh, Swara is fine and she is sleeping , her phone got switched off due to low charge and she has kept her phone on charge .

Sanskar sighs : thank you Ragini

Ragini smiles : your welcome Bhai and yeah I guess now you can sleep peacefully

Sanskar smiles : yeah don't worry I will not disturb you both so continue

Ragini other side blushes hard while Laksh pushes Sanskar out of his room : now your work is done so go

Sanskar smiles at his brothers antics and goes to his room leaving Laksh to speak with Ragini .

Sanskar stares his phone which is having Swara's pic which he got from Amaya as he had taken number from Amaya and smiles while caressing her picture : just a day more princess then you will be infront of my eyes forever and I will not let anything or anyone come near to you . So please take care of yourself for today and from tomorrow I will be there for you .

Sanskar caress her picture and goes to sleep while having a big smile on his face .


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