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Next day

Maheshwari's had informed Gadodia's to get ready sooner and will have breakfast outside as Sanskar wanted to make sure that Swara will have her breakfast . Thus Gadodia's agreed and packed all the things needed for them .

Maheshwari's soon arrive Baadi and they start their journey . Sanskar has selected best hotel for the marriage which is in outskirts of Kolkata and needs 2 hours of journey.

Ramprasad, Sujata , Durgaprasad and Annapurna were in one car . While Adarsh , Parineeta , Amaya , Laksh ,Ragini and Parvati in other car . Sahil , Kavita , Shekar , Sharmistha and Deendayal in one car . While Sanskar and Swara were in separate one as he wanted to spend time with her and knowing Swara's condition no one from Maheshwari's argued while Gadodia's weren't bothered .

Swara looks at her families cars : where you taking me ? Family members have went to some other hotel for breakfast

Sanskar smiles : I'm taking you to some other hotel which is better than that one

Swara gets confused : but why ?

Sanskar smiles : because I need privacy with you which I will not get with my family

Swara shouts : what ? Privacy ? Why the hell your bent behind me ?

Sanskar smiles : there are many reasons and I don't know which one I need to tell you but before that did you take your medicine ?

Swara glares him : why should I tell you ?

Sanskar : you know me very well if you done answer I can cancel Ragini and Laksh's marriage

Swara gets irritated : why do you always prove me that your a businessman when I know that

Sanskar : then why don't you answer my questions ?

Swara : urgh ! I haven't taken them yet as I didn't had my breakfast

Sanskar : just to answer this you took so much time

Swara turns her face and gets shocked as Sanskar stopped it in front of a big hotel : we are having our breakfast here ?

Sanskar chuckles : yes now come

Swara gulps : I don't want to eat here

Sanskar chuckles while stays serious : stop your drama and come

Swara looks at him angrily and gets down the car and goes behind Sanskar .

Manager welcomes them and takes them to a private block as Sanskar had booked the private block for them . After settling themselves waiter gives them menu and goes from there .

Swara looks at the menu and gulps : it's so costly and I can't afford all these

Sanskar chuckles : you are here with your would-be husband so stop all those things and order what you want

Swara hesitates : but ..

Sanskar acts like being angry : can't you listen to me for once ?

Swara gulps : ok

Sanskar smiles in his mind but doesn't show it : so what you want ?

Swara slowly : I don't know any of these as I haven't tasted these any in my life

Sanskar looks at her face being serious : then what do you eat ?

Swara bows her head : Sharm.. I mean whatever maa does and gives me I eat that . I don't know names of it as she never said nor I ever asked .

Sanskar looks at her face for a while and then calls the waiter : get 2 plates of sandwich with more Vegetables in it and ( looks at Swara and asks ) tea or coffee ?

Swara nods her head in no for both

Sanskar continues : 1 apple juice and 1 coffee

Waiter goes from there while Swara looks at his face .

Swara : how can you drink both coffee and juice together ?

Sanskar laughs while Swara gets lost in his laugh : juice is for you not for me

Swara gets shocked : but I haven't tasted it ever , I don't know will it be good or not

Sanskar again looks at her face being shocked : just tell me how much do you earn ?

Swara slowly : 20000

Sanskar : what do you do with it ?

Swara looks at his face while he acts being angry : woh I need to give 10000 per month to Gadodia's as I'm staying there and then 5000 I need for my health check up and medicines and in remaining money I do my savings and need for my college activities too

Sanskar looks at her face for a while which isn't showing any emotion while explaining her problems : then what about your health ?

Swara chuckles : till the time breath is there will be healthy

Sanskar now really gets angry and was about to shout on her but waiter comes with food making Swara relax . Sanskar holds his fist tightly and calms down himself .

Swara's eyes widens : it's very big and I can't eat so much

Sanskar eyes her angrily as he was hell angry with her : finish it or else consequences won't be good

Swara nods her head being scared of his anger and sits quitely . She doesn't know how to eat and observes Sanskar and acts the way he was eating . She observes him and finishes her sandwich slowly while making faces as it had many vegetables like tomato , cucumber , carrot and green leaves . She hasn't eat any of these though in childhood her baba and dida used to make her eat these , but she was small at that time and when she grew up no one took care of her . Thus she doesn't know all these and it's like fully new for her .

Sanskar has understood her by now that all these things are new to her and he needs to teach her things the way they are teaching it to Amaya as now Swara is also a learner like Amaya . He doesn't say anything but indirectly helps her .

Swara finally finishes eating 3 pieces of sandwich and sits being exhausted : I'm done

Sanskar chuckles as waiter keeps a glass full of apple juice infront of her making her gulp .

Sanskar slowly sips his coffee while raising his eye brows to Swara . Swara gulps again and slowly starts having apple juice . After taking a sip she likes it and drinks it in a go .

Swara : it was tasty than sandwich

Sanskar smiles : don't worry you will get it daily from now

Swara widens her eyes : daily ? Rarely it's ok but not daily

Sanskar chuckles : I will decide it now come

Sanskar pays the bills when Swara goes behind Sanskar silently . Sanskar opens the door for Swara while Swara silently enters . Sanskar settles himself in drivers seat .

Sanskar while putting seat belt : took your tablets ?

Swara pouts : my stomach is full

Sanskar eyes her angrily while Swara gulps and picks her hand bag which she had kept in backseat and takes her tablet and gulps it . Sanskar was having a wide smile in his face .

Swara : happy ?

Sanskar hides his smile : wear seat belt

Swara makes faces and tries to put the seat belt but wasn't able. Sanskar looks at her struggling and removes his seat belt and goes near Swara. Swara stops her struggle and looks at Sanskar with wide eyes . Sanskar was too close to her face . Sanskar slowly takes the seat belt and puts it while Swara was observing his face kneely .

Sanskar chuckles and sits on his seat : checking me ?

Swara gets embarrassed : no no

Sanskar while putting his seat belt : you can check me as I'm your going-to-husband

Swara gets embarrassed and bows her head while a pinkish layer forms in her cheeks unknown to herself making Sanskar happy .

As Swara's stomach was full than other days and took tablet she feels sleepy and within 10 minutes she falls asleep .

Sanskar smiles : always sleepy but no worries soon I will make her fine

Sensing Swara in deep slumber , Sanskar increases his cars speed and manages to be with his family . After journey of 2 hours they reach the resort .

Sanskar slowly stops the car but Swara's sleep breaks and looks around : we reached .

Swara gets embarrassed hearing Sanskar

Sanskar understands her : no need of being embarrassed you can sleep as much as you want

Swara nods her head slowly and gets down and picks her handbag with her as it as all her needed medicines which she can't misplace them .


Maheshwari's were grandly welcomed as it is one of the hotel managed and owned by them .

Manager passes keys to them " this room is for brides " Ragini takes it " this for grooms " Laksh takes it " bride and grooms rooms are opposite to each other and in 3rd floor "

Manager continues " this key for Durgaprasad Maheshwari and this one for Ramprasad Maheswari and these rooms are in 2nd floor and opposite to each other . Adarsh Maheswari and Sahil Gupta your room 3rd floor opposite to each other while Shekar Gadodia and Deendayal Gadodia 2nd floor beside Maheshwari's "

They all pick their room keys

Manager with a smile : if there is any complains then call us

All nod their head and starts moving while Sujata stops them

Sujata : listen girls and ladies I have called mehendi artists at 4 pm so be ready at 4pm and we all will be having lunch at 2pm

All nod their head and move to their respective rooms being tired with the traveling . They all reach their rooms .


Sanskar while entering the room : Laksh are you sure ?

Lakhs sighs : Bhai I have said you many times that this plan will work

Sanskar : but I'm scared

Laksh keeps his hand on Sanskar's shoulder : Bhai I know what I'm doing . And more over Ragini will not hurt Bhabhi I have that much trust on her. If 2 days they will stay together they can reduce their difference and get to know each other well . And even you want the same right ?

Sanskar : yeah Laksh but I'm scared as Swara doesn't open up with anyone so easily

Laksh smiles : but Ragini will make sure that she will open up

Sanskar : I hope so

Laksh sighs : don't worry Bhai we have lifetime opportunity to clear all this mess and make those sisters one so relax and yeah I'm hell tired so I will sleep

Laksh goes and lays on bed leaving Sanskar behind . Sanskar sighs and goes to freshn up and later he too sleeps on bed beside Laksh .


Swara and Ragini enter their room and there was pin drop silence as both weren't able to start their communication .

Ragini breaks the silence : I will freshn up and come

Swara nods her head and sits on the couch tiredly while Ragini sighs and goes to freshn up .

After 15 minutes Ragini comes out and looks at Swara who has closed her eyes .

Ragini gets hesitant but she slowly calls her : di

Swara gets shocked and opens her eyes instantly and looks at Ragini

Ragini too gets hesitant : I can call you di right ?

Swara chuckles and nods her head : if you want you can call me di or even you want can call me Swara I don't mind

Ragini smiles : then I'm fine with di so di go and get freshn up then we need to take rest as for mehendi function we both need to look fresh

Swara chuckles and nods her head and goes to washroom

Ragini pouts : I talked so much but she is showing attitude . Can't she understand that after knowing whole truth I'm trying to mend our relation ? I will punish her for this later on first I need to make her comfortable with me

Ragini too lays on bed being exhausted .

Swara comes out from washroom and looks at Ragini who was sleeping peacefully : please Ragu don't try to mend our relation later on it will hurt you a lot as I'm here for few days and I don't want anyone to cry for me or anyone remember that there was someone called as SWARA in their life . But before that I need to try to break this marriage as I can't be a burden on Sanskar too . I know I took time but now he needs to know that I'm not interested in this marriage .

Swara plans to go and speak with Sanskar : but he might be sleeping now it's not good to wake him . I will msg him and will talk to him before the mehendi ceremony starts , yeah that would be better .

Swara takes out her small phone and pouts : I don't have his number how shall I contact him now ? ( She sighs ) no worries will talk to him after lunch maybe then he will understand . But till then what shall I do ?

Swara looks around and doesn't find any magazine : it's better to sleep than pacing around

Swara looks at Ragini laying on bed and thus she goes to other side of the bed and lays down while closing her eyes slightly unknown to the plans that destiny had made for her .


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