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Same day

Swara was standing near pool area as she was feeling uncomfortable with many peoples around . Though Maheshwari's haven't invited many people has wedding is in outskirts but still it made her uncomfortable as she isn't comfortable in crowd . Till now in her life she has been alone and haven't allowed anyone to come near her nor she mingled with people .

Swara was all lost in admiring the ring and the person who put that ring in her hand. She was having a bright smile on her face .

Suddenly a hand comes across her waist from behind pulling backward . Swara understands the person and keeps her head on his chest smilingly .

" So you recognized me ? "

Swara smiles : because it's only you who keeps on pulling me everywhere

Sanskar smiles and places both his hands on her waist : if you were admiring me so much through your ring then why dint you come to me and said all this what your thinking ? Even I would be happy na

Swara blushes a little and keeps her face down : I .. I .. was just .. admiring the ring

Sanskar kisses her forehead from back : that also you could have done with me na why you came here ?

Swara makes faces : I don't like to be in crowd it suffocates me

Sanskar smiles : then you could have said with me na I would have accompanied you and we could have spend sometime together

Swara blushes : it's just ... I don't wanted you to keep away from your family and friends

Sanskar feels happy as now she started answering his questions without any hesitation and makes her turn to himself : but now even your my family and I can't let you alone anywhere

Swara looks at his eyes which is showing immense love for her and gets lost .

Sanskar smiles : I know I'm handsome but that doesn't mean you will stare me ok

Swara feels embarrassed : I ... I ... Wasn't staring ..

Sanskar smiles and pulls her near to his heart : you can stare me as much as you want as I'm all yours only yours

Swara feels shy and hides her face in his chest while Sanskar understands her and laughs while hugging her tight to himself .


After spending quality time with each other Swara and Sanskar head to have their lunch . Sanskar wanted to spend some more time with her and thus had planned a lunch date with her in garden area .

Swara gets teary eyes : why your doing all this ? I don't deserve all this

Sanskar wipes her tears : you deserve all this and much more than this so now stop your tears as tomorrow you have to use them more

Swara smiles a bit hearing him and wipes her tears

Sanskar makes Swara sit on the chair and brings his chair near to her and sits beside her .

Sanskar : so tell me what is your favorite ?

Swara looks at his face while he assures her : my favorite is rasgula I love them a lot

Sanskar smiles : then ?

Swara while having a bright smile : I love pink color a lot , then I love noodles .. it's been soo many years since I dint had noodles . But I have Pani poori almost once in a month or even sometimes twice a month

Swara goes on telling her favorites while Sanskar keenly hears her while feeding her food . Sanskar was happy to see her opening up with him freely . He was happy that now he need not blackmail her to ask anything as she is slowly getting opened up with him without hesitation . He takes it positively as he can understand that she was all alone in her whole life and there was none in her life till now with whom she could talk with .

Suddenly Swara chokes brining Sanskar back to reality . He quickly places the plate on table and takes a glass of water and makes her drink while patting her back from other hand .

Swara is touched by his gesture and mumbles : sorry

Sanskar pats her back : it's ok but be careful while eating

Swara nods her head and shuts her mouth while Sanskar feeds her .

Swara : you dint eat anything ?

Sanskar smiles : I will have it later first you have it you even have your tablets right

Swara smiles and takes roti from his plate and starts feeding him : even you have to eat now

Sanskar gets happy and eats from her hand . Silence prevails and they both feed each other happily forgetting the world being together .


Afternoon they all get ready for haldi ceremony . Swara and Ragini are made to sit with each other inside the hotel while Laksh and Sanskar's haldi ceremony was done in garden area and were sent to take bath .

( Swara's costume )

( Ragini's costume )

Everyone apply haldi to both Swara and Ragini . Sharmistha starts the ritual from Ragini while Shanti kaki starts the ritual for Swara and does things which a mother should do making Sharmistha angry and jealous at the same time but she can't speak and thus maintains silence .

Kavya comes to put haldi for Swara and smirks evilly .

Swara : no Kavya no doing masti

Kavya ignores her and takes hand full of haldi and applies it on Swara's full face making others laugh hard while Swara makes crying face.

Next Kavya goes to Ragini making Ragini gulp

Ragini : apply little Kavya

Kavya nods her head and completes the ritual just like others and applies a little bit . None from Gadodia's goes to put haldi for Swara and no one asks them to do so . Sharmistha was willing to do but Dadi doesn't allow her .

Amaya goes last and takes a small amount of haldi and puts it to Swara : yeahhh I did it

Swara smiles and pulls her cheeks : good girl

Amaya smiles : I'm always good

Swara smiles at her while Amaya runs to Ragini's side and does the same .

Ragini pulls her soft cheeks : Amy is so intelligent

Amaya giggles : yes I am

Annapurna : Swara Ragini go and take bath . You both should look fresh for evenings function so take some rest too

Swara and Ragini nod their head and gets up while Sharmistha helps Ragini and Kavya helps Swara .

Sharmistha : Ragini you go to our room and get freshn up

Ragini : but maa my clothes ?

Sharmistha : I will get it from your room

Ragini nods her head and goes to her mother's room while Kavya drops Swara to her room and goes .


Swara was picking clothes for her while suddenly Sharmistha enters the room .

Swara looks at her face and then turns her face and continues her work .

Sharmistha gets angry : Swara what the hell are you doing ?

Swara : picking my clothes as I have to get ready

Sharmistha closes her eyes out of anger and opens it : Swara why are you playing around ? Can't you be silent ? Don't you know if you do stupidity then Ragini's life will be at stake ? Your in-laws are her in-laws too so behave properly with them they aren't your baba and dida with whom you act childish they are your in-laws and if you continue all this then they may put you and Ragini both out of the Mansion .

Swara gets shocked : but I dint do anything ..

Sharmistha gets angry : what do you think I don't know anything ? From yesterday I'm seeing you .. you are treating them as your servant . Eating from their hands , making them angry , enjoying with the auto drivers family and running around here and there . See if you aren't bothered about your life then it's ok but don't risk Ragini's life . Your stubbornness had caused enough damage to my life now don't do it to Ragini . And yeah remember if Maheswari's kick you out of their life then Dadi will not allow you to stay in Baadi so behave like a matured girl .

Sharmistha pours her all anger on Swara and goes from there while Swara falls on the floor immediately and starts crying hardly .

It's not that it was first time where her mother scolded her , but it hurted her to know her mother thinks her in that way. Her mother thinks her own daughter as a burden . She never complained nor asked her mother to act like a mother but everytime her mother comes and scolds her and go without allowing her to speak. It hurts her a lot but she is helpless too as she can't do anything. She wipes her tears and slowly goes to freshn up as she knows it's waste to think and cry on her fate .


Evening everyone gets ready for sangeet . As 3 functions were kept on same day they had lots of preparations to be done .

( Swara's costume )

( Ragini's costume )

While Laksh and Sanskar had put same coloured sherwani matching with their partners .

Sanskar was lost to see Swara in his selected lehenga and see was looking dam beautiful but her eyes were reflecting her sadness clearly .

Sanskar goes near Swara and keeps his hand on her shoulder brining Swara back to reality : did you take your medicine ?

Swara nods her head

Sanskar : aren't you feeling well ?

Swara nods her head in no

Sanskar gets suspicious as she is again behaving with him oddly : did anyone say something to you ?

Swara eyes wideness and she nods no

Sanskar understands that something is wrong : then why your sad ?

Swara lowers her eyes and wishpers slowly : I was feeling bit tired so

Sanskar ups her face : I had always said you not to lower your eyes from me, dint I ?

Swara looks at his face and then nods her head and mumbles : sorry

Sanskar shakes his head and makes her sit as due to her health condition he had decided that they aren't gonna dance and just see everyone's dance . Thus sitting arrangement was done for them.

Sanskar holds Swara's hand : if you want something then ask me or else you can sleep on my shoulder too I won't mind but I will mind if you lie to me

Swara gulps and nods her head .

One by one all of them perform well making them happy . Amaya steals everyone's heart with her cute performance .

Sahil was observing all this while sitting aside : it's not fun at all . But as I'm here now it will be fun .

Sahil looks around and finds a waiter going towards Swara with apple juice : now it's gonna be fun

Sahil calls that waiter : please give me a glass of water

Waiter keeps the apple juice on table and goes to get water . Sahil quickly mix a table in it and sits quitely . Waiter gets a glass of water for him while Sahil quitely drinks it after thanking him .

Sahil smirks at waiters back : now it's gonna be fun .

Everyone finishes their performance and request Sanskar to sing a song as it's his great day . Sanskar denies them but they don't leave them and having no other option her gets up and goes on stage while one of the staff gives him guitar .

Sanskar smiles at Swara and starts singing " Maine hu hero Tera " song

Waiter gives juice to Swara while Swara denies . Sanskar while signing song eyes Swara angrily and she takes the glass and starts drinking quitely . She feels strange with the taste but she keeps quite and drinks it in a go .

Sanskar's performance wasn't completed and she starts feeling uneasy. Kavya who was sitting near to Swara observes her .

Kavya : di what happened ?

Swara while holding her head : don't know Kavya I'm feeling dizzy can you take me to washroom

Kavya : yeah sure

Kavya helps Swara to get up and takes her to washroom .

While other side Sanskar finishes his performance and was about to go behind Swara but Laksh and other family members stop him and asks him to enjoy with them and they starts music .


Swara's vision was getting low while Kavya was having difficult time to manage Swara and thus she decided to leave Swara to her room to take some rest . Sahil who was observing them sees a waiter coming from their opposite side and slowly goes behind them and keeps his leg in front of waiter making sure that the juice spills on Kavya's dress .

Sahil : oh God ! Kavya your dress is spoilt

Kavya makes faces to waiter : it's ok it wasn't his mistake

Sahil : you go and wash your dress I will take Swara to her room

Kavya leaves Swara's hand : are you sure ?

Sahil nods his head . Kavya trusts Sahil and goes to wash her dress . Sahil was talking with to Kavya and when he turns Swara wasn't there . He looks around and finds her slowly entering inside the lift . He runs behind but the lifts door gets closed .

Sahil's smirks : no worries Swara I'm coming to you .

Sahil smirks and goes towards stairs while Swara was feeling dizzy in lift and Sanskar was searching for Swara while his heart was indicating that something isn't right with Swara .


This was the largest part ever I guess .

And one more thing now I'm concentrating fully on this book and after completing this book I'm gonna continue my other book and I hope you all are ok with it .

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