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Same day

Sujata brings Swara to their kitchen . Swara's eyes widens looking at kitchen . In her childhood she has seen kitchen and would be sitting in its slab and chatting with her dida but after that she forgot how a kitchen looks like as then her everything was just her room and work . There was no place for anything else . She masks her face as she don't want to be embarrassed again and again in front of her new family .

Sujata : Swara it is a ritual of first rasoi so you need to prepare something special along with Ragini

Ragini smiles as she was present in kitchen before Swara .

Swara gets scared as she doesn't know anything : mumma I don't know to cook

Sujata smiles : so what happened ? Learn from Google and do fast ok

Sujata takes Annapurna and Parineeta along with her leaving Swara and Ragini alone in kitchen .

Swara looks around with wide eyes . Her phone doesn't support YouTube facility to learn . She doesn't even know to boil water and here she is been given a task of preparing something when she doesn't even know the names of food properly .

Ragini smiles looking at Swara's face : di need any help ?

Swara nods her head quickly

Ragini giggles : ok I will help you but in return I need something .

Swara gets tensed and nods her head slightly thinking she is gonna demand something just like her family does.

Ragini while taking utensils : see I can't work without talking so you need to respond me and most importantly no saying 'hmm' and 'ok' as I hate it a lot

Swara smiles "ok" bites her tongue realising what she said "done"

Ragini smiles : so tell me what you know to do ?

Swara's face falls : I know nothing

Ragini : it's ok no fear when Ragini Laksh Maheshwari is here

Swara giggles : yes

Ragini : so I have heard from Laksh that Sanskar jiju loves kheer a lot so you will be preparing kheer ok

Swara nods her head : and what about you ?

Ragini smiles : I'm gonna prepare pineapple pudding it's mine and Laksh's favourite

Swara nods her head : I need your full on help as I know nothing

Ragini : no fear when I'm here

Ragini on the stove and takes lighter and teaches Swara to use it . Then she takes utensils and goes on explaining things while Swara too learns them quickly without fail . Swara commits silly mistakes while Ragini laughs and teaches her . Like this they have good sisterly time making each other happy .

Laksh was standing near the kitchen door and feels happy to see both the sisters happy : see bhai my plan worked

Sanskar who was standing beside Laksh smiles : yeah Laksh and I'm happy to see Swara opening up with her real family

Laksh smiles : yeah her husband , mother-in-law and sister na

Sanskar hits Laksh's head slightly : you have been naughty now a days

Lakhs smiles : yeah I need to be na

Sanskar senses Swara and Ragini coming out : we need to move from here Laksh

Laksh nods his head and they both run from there quickly .

Swara innocently : Ragu I prepared kheer for first time can I taste it ?

Ragini gets happy to finally hear Ragu from her Di's mouth but for now she hides her happiness as she fears what if she stop calling her with it : dii just wait for some more minutes when all will praise na then you will be more happy

Swara pouts and nods her head . They both take breakfast which was prepared by Parineeta and along with that the special dishes they have prepared .


Everyone assemble on dinning table . Durgaprasad sits on the heads chair while Ramprasad sits on the opposite seat of Durgaprasad as both are the heads of the family . Annapurna and Sujata sits on right side beside their husbands . Next to Annapurna Parineeta, Amaya and Adarsh while opposite to them sits Sanskar and Laksh while keeping seat in middle for their wife's .

Swara and Ragini come with breakfast and we're about to pour on everyone's plate when Durgaprasad stops them .

Durgaprasad : we don't follow this thing in our house . We all eat together and do self service . So you both take your seat and have food with us

Swara and Ragini nods their head and sits beside their husbands. Laksh and Sanskar had kept place between them and thus Ragini and Swara were sitting together .

All have their breakfast and now it was time to taste the sweet dishes and both get scared . They both wait for everyone's reaction and gets happy when all praise them .

Sanskar : wow Shona kheer is too good

Laksh : Ragini pudding is superb and even kheer bhabhi

Amaya looks at both of them : how do you know that kheer Swala Chachi prepared and pudding Ragini chachi did ?

Both Sanskar and Laksh gulps hearing her innocent question while others laugh as they knew the answer . Swara and Ragini looks at their partners with questioning eyes .

Laksh : because Ragini knows pudding is my favorite and before ritual I had said her to inform bhabhi that bhai loves kheer

Ragini nods her head . While Swara looks at Sanskar .

Sanskar : I knew it that either mom or badimaa or bhabhi will tell you to prepare kheer but I dint expect that from Laksh

Swara nods her head while both the brothers take a sigh breath.

All give gifts to both of them for completing the ritual .

While Sanskar gives a wrapped box to Swara making her confused . But Sanskar signs her to open and she does and gets shocked to see a brand new Apple phone . Her eyes goes wide and looks at Sanskar .

Sanskar smiles : don't judge phone by it's brand it's your husband's first ever gift

Swara smiles at his taunt and nods her head as she can't deny it .

While Laksh gifts Ragini her favourite payal as she is more fond of it .

Annapurna : Ragini you need to go to Baadi for pagfera ritual so get ready

Sujata gets scared : jiji Swara won't be doing this ritual

Annapurna nods her head as she too knows the reason well why Sujata isn't willing to send Swara to Baadi .

Swara gets hesitant : mumma actually I forgot somethings in my room so can I go and get it ?

Sujata looks at her face : is it that much needed ? Can't you purchase new ones ?

Swara nods her head in no while bowing her head being scared.

Sanskar understands both his mother and wife's fear and interrupts : mom don't worry I will accompany her and get back all her things

Sujata sighs and nods her head while Swara gets happy that finally she can get all her paintings and hugs Sujata happily.

Sujata smiles and pats her back : go fast and come fast I will be waiting for you

Swara nods her head happily and runs to keep her gifts in her room while Ragini too does the same . All laugh at them .


Laksh was driving the car while Ragini was sitting beside him in passenger seat . While Swara and Sanskar were sitting in back seat . Sanskar was working on his laptop while Swara was admiring outside being lost .

Swara to herself : my life has changed a lot . I never had dreamt of so much happiness ever in my life . After dida's death I was expecting maa to be same with me . But she got so much busy with her new family that she forgot me fully . I just fear that same may not happen with me now . I know destiny never lets me be happy but this time I'm getting selfish and wanting to get all this love for lifetime . Please God ! This time don't break me . I have never asked anything from you but now I'm asking so please be with me .

Swara's chain of thoughts breaks as they reach Baadi .


Gadodia's welcome both the couples inside . Swara takes her leave and goes to room along with Sanskar making Gadodia's happy and they continue their rituals . While in Swara's room Sanskar helps Swara to pack all her paintings and remaining stuffs without disturbing her and they finishes it on time as they need to go back with Ragini and Laksh .

Sanskar and Swara come downstairs along with Swara's stuffs and at same time Sahil enters Gadodia house angrily . Laksh , Ragini and Sanskar controls their smile while seeing his nose as Sanskar had informed Laksh and Laksh said the story to Ragini while Swara who doesn't remember it looks at him with wide eyes .

Kavita runs near Sahil happily as she is seeing him after a full day : Sahil ! Where were you ? Why dint you pick my phone calls ? Do you know how much scared I was ?

Sahil removes Kavita's hand from his face harshly making Gadodia's angry .

Shekar angrily : Sahil .. what kind of behavior is this ? Don't forget before being your wife she is my daughter

Sahil ignores Shekar and goes towards Sanskar's angrily and grabs his collar : you did all that to my business right ? You purchased all my shares to bring me on roads ?

Sanskar pushes back Sahil angrily and rubs his collar : I did nothing it was my marketing teams decision

Shekar supports Sahil to stand while Sahil was burning in anger and pushes Shekar back . Sharmistha goes to catch him before falling down.

Kavita gets angry : Sahil !!! What the hell are you doing ? He is my father .

Sahil who was in anger mood bursts out : just shut the hell mouth of all yours . I know all the relationship very well and I really regret to marry you dumb headed girl

Swara gets scared and holds Sanskar's hand tightly while Sanskar side hugs her . Laksh too side hugs Ragini as he knew Sahil is getting his punishment . While Kavita stands numb .

Parvati gets angry : Sahil mind your language

Sahil who has lost his business , his way of income is now hell angry and is bursting out : it's better if you keep your mouth shut Mrs Parvati Gadodia . What did you promise me while giving Kavita's hand ? Forgot ?

Parvati shivers while Kavita stands blank .

Kavita : what she had promised ? Tell me Sahil I want to know it

Sahil gets frustrated : you want to know ? Then listen you are an infertile girl and your dadi knew it well before and thus she had promised me that if I will get married to you then she will give me Swara and I will get kids from her . You will be my legally wedded wife while Swara will be my kids mother .

This was a shocker for everyone . Sharmistha feels like her ground is broken and gets shattered but Shekar holds her . Ragini looks at them with disgust while Kavita stumbles and falls down . Swara was hell tensed and hugs Sanskar tightly while Sanskar gets angry to know their dirty planning .

Sahil continues : your so called dadi had also promised me that she will bring funds for me from Maheshwari's and make my business a big one while now she is planning to play with me by making me her slave and I'm not gonna be part of all this anymore . All what I want is my business and my Swara . I'm taking both with me now .

Sahil goes near Swara while Sanskar makes her stand behind him and stands like a pillar .

Sanskar is hell angry with Sahil : she isn't your property to whom your claiming to be yours

Swara was holding Sanskar tightly .

Sahil tries to hold Swara but Sanskar punches him hard . Swara gets scared and her hands fall from Sanskar . Ragini and Laksh fo beside Swara and support her . Gadodia's we're hell angry with Sahil so they won't stop him .

Sanskar takes Sahil out of Baadi and pushes him out : dare you try to come near my Shona I will chop you

Sahil gets scared with his anger and goes from there not knowing where to go.

Sanskar had enough of all this drama and enters Gadodia's house and holds Swara's hand and goes while Ragini and Laksh picks all Swara's stuffs and goes behind . Ragini was so much ashamed with her family's deeds that she doesn't even wish them before leaving the house . She feels bad for her Kavita di but while remembering her deeds to her other sister she gets angry and leaves her there and goes with her new family . Gadodia's are fully shattered with this and eyes Parvati angrily.


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