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Same day

Sanskar was driving car speedily as his anger has reached its peak . He hadn't even dreamt of this thing . While Swara and Ragini were in back seat . Both were lost in their world's as it was unexpected for them . Laksh was sitting in passenger seat not knowing what to do , whom to console and thus he sits quitely .

Soon they reach Maheshwari mansion and get down from cars .

Laksh stops Swara and Ragini : please don't tell anything with maa or chachiji, even they will be tensed and it won't be good for your family's reputation too . Just tell them that you both are tired and will have some sleep .

Swara and Ragini understands him as whatever Gadodia's had did but the fact won't change that they are their family . And if a single word their in-laws speak against them will hurt them too . They enter inside the Mansion and do what they were said to do.

Laksh goes near Sanskar and keeps his hand on his shoulder : bhai what are you doing ?

Sanskar who was hell angry bursts : what the hell was that Laksh ? Seriously is Swara a kid making machine for them ? How could they think such a disgusting thing ? I'm not gonna leave them

Laksh : Bhai I will not stop you from punishing anyone but please calm yourself . Just think about bhabhi . She is more hurt bhai . How she might be feeling after hearing all this ? Just think from her point of view too . She is a girl and hearing such a thing might have effected her a lot . That too Sahil had tried to harass her 2 times upon that she is a heart patient . Being a man you are in so much anger then what about her ? For bhabhi you need to reduce your anger and go to her before it gets late.

Sanskar realises his mistake. It is true that he is hell angry with Sahil and Parvati Gadodia but for their mistake he can't punish his Shona . She is more broken and needs more love and care . Sanskar nods his head and runs to his room . While Laksh laughs at his brothers mood swings and orders the servants to get Swara's stuffs inside .


Sanskar enters the room and looks at Swara who is hugging her knees while shivering. She is crying badly while shivering . Sanskar feels bad and runs to her .

Sanskar hugs Swara : shh ! Shona my bacha don't cry

Swara while crying : they ... Think ... Me like that ...

Sanskar : shh no one thinks wrong about you . Till the time I'm with you no one will ever hurt you .

Swara while sobbing : why they hate me that much ? What wrong did I do to them ? I did whatever they said and still they are behind me . Why can't they see me happy ?

Sanskar's heart pains hearing her and hugs her tightly : no one will ever come in between your happiness anymore . From now you will be getting only happiness . Think all this to be a nightmare and try to forget it for me , for us . Please Shona .

Swara slightly nods her head though it is not that easy for her to forget all that. She weeps in his arms while Sanskar allows her to cry her heart out as it is much needed . After crying for 15 mins she feels tired and sleeps . Sanskar senses her being slept and slowly places her on bed and takes his phone .

Sanskar : Raj is the work done ?

Raj : yes sir , Sahil is with us and we started giving him all the good treatment

Sanskar smirks : good don't leave him easily

Raj : yes sir don't worry

Sanskar : what about my other work ?

Raj : even that is done sir . After instructing here I will come to meet you

Sanskar : ok be fast .

Sanskar cuts the call and sits beside Swara while patting her forehead : all the ones who tried to harm you will be punished badly Shona . That's my promise to you.

Sanskar kisses Swara's forehead and then takes his laptop and starts working sitting near her .


Other side Laksh too consoles Ragini as even she was broken a lot after that incident . She never knew that her family is so much cheap and low thinkers. Laksh manages to console her . But their moments gets broken by Shekar's call .

Ragini half heartedly picks the call and gets shocked to know that Kavita tried to commit suicide and Shekar calls her to hospital immediately .

Laksh who had heard things as Ragini kept in speaker : you need to go Ragini even she is your sister and is broken a lot .

Ragini : but Laksh what about Swara di ?

Laksh : don't worry about bhabhi as bhai is with her and even our whole family is there so nor worries but now Kavita is all alone and broken . Her husband ditched her , her dadi betrayed her she has lost herself Ragini try to understand . Whatever she had done in past is wrong I agree but the fact won't change that she is also your sister .

Ragini nods her head : ok I will go to meet her

Laksh : come I will drop you .

Laksh msgs Sanskar about the same and leaves Ragini to hospital and goes to his office .


Ragini enters Kavita's ward and looks at her family who is busy blaming dadi .

Shekar : all because of you maa . Why did you do that ? Couldn't you say these things to us ?

Sharmistha while having tears in her eyes : I knew you hate Swara but I dint knew you will stoop so much low

Dadi gets angry : just shut up you both . I did all this for the betterment of Kavita . She would be blessed with kids and would lead a happy life .

Ragini interrupts : but would she be happy having kids and other women in her life ?

Dadi gets angry : you be quite . You left your family for that girl and now came to see what we are doing ? If you would stay with us then kavita wouldn't be doing all this stupidity

Ragini goes near Kavita who is fully blank and looking at ceiling blankly .

Nurse comes there : why are you all shouting like illiterates ? Don't you know it's hospital not your drama school . Just go outside the hospital and do your drama .

Gadodia's go from there while Ragini stays with Kavita .

Ragini looks at Kavita : you no Kavita di always everyone says that whatever we do we will get it's fruits return in this brith only . I wasn't believing in all this but today I started trusting that God looks our deeds . I dint knew you hated Swara di . You always used to blame her and I being a child agreed to you and I too used to irritate Swara di indirectly . I regret it now .

Kavita looks at Ragini's face blankly while Ragini continues : I agree at very small age you lost your mother but still you had your full family with you . For dadi you were just like a daughter not grand daughter . She loved you more than anything. But what about Swara di ? She lost her father then her grandmother and at last even her mother who was hell busy with her new family . You were always jealous of her and never allowed me to go near her as you were scared she would snatch me from you isn't it ? So you too kept on filling my ears against her and even I indirectly started disturbing her. But she never said anything and beard everything silently . And now see the result you snatched her only family who was alive that was her mother and God snatched your ability to be a mother . Somewhere God did justice isn't it ?

Kavita's eyes fills with tears hearing her deeds .

Ragini : now don't think I came here to misguide you . I know very well that again you will fall in dadi's trap and will do mistakes only . And yeah I'm smaller than you so I have no right to speak with you so please do forgive me for speaking so much against you . But remember one thing what ever I had said is true . And still if you think Swara di is reason for all this and try to mess with her then this time you have to face Sanskar jiju's wrath . As Sahil jiju misbehaved with di he snatched his everything and if you too commit same thing then even you will loose your everything . So think wisely . Your still 26 your life hadn't stopped here . You still have a life ahead think wisely and take a bold step than being a coward trying to suicide . Rather things are in your hand . I'm leaving .

Ragini comes out of Kavita's room and assures her family that she is fine. Shekar had sent Parvati to Baadi . Shekar enters inside to meet Kavita .

While Sharmistha stops Ragini : Ragini how is Swara ? Is she fine ? Why she dint come to meet Kavita ?

Ragini chuckles : don't worry about her anymore maa she is in right hands now . And about her not coming here is I dint inform her anything about Kavita di and I don't think she even needs to know all this. Who knows what would had happened if I bought her here ? You all would have barked at her unnecessarily

Sharmistha feels guilty it's true whatever Ragini said but somewhere a guilt has formed in her heart . Being a women she can understand what Swara might be feeling at this point of time . She just nods her head while Ragini goes from there .



To lighten up Swara's mood , Sanskar had planned special and had placed all her paintings in their hall . He hadn't missed any of the painting and placed everything neatly .

Swara was standing beside Sanskar nervously as till now none had praised her painting skills .

Maheshwari's go through a the paintings . Some paintings were of her baba dida and her while some were of nature , sea and her imaginations .

Ramprasad : I'm impressed with all your paintings Swara

Durgaprasad : must say your a good artist and I think we need to promote her paintings what you say about it Ram ?

Ramprasad : even I'm thinking the same bhaiya with this even our name will be raised and Swara will also be famous

Swara looks at them with wide eyes

Parineeta : papaji chachaji all that will be later but before that I need Swara to do my painting

Adarsh chuckles : you do painting daily right ?

All laugh at them as they understood he is teasing her for make-up

Parineeta hits Adarsh slightly : I'm talking about Swara drawing my face

Amaya jumps : no I'm the smallest one in the house so first my painting will be done then others

Ragini joins Amaya : yeah Amy after you I'm the smallest one so after  yours it will be my turn .

Laksh : yeah after Ragini my turn but yeah bhabhi I need one couple painting too

Ragini hits Laksh slightly while others laugh at them .

Sanskar : then comes my turn

Adarsh : yeah yeah we are the oldest ones in the house

Amaya giggles : oldest ones are dadu and dadi not you papa

Annapurna acts being angry : Amaya Maheshwari we aren't old ok

Durgaprasad : yeah we are still young and better looking than your parents and chacha chachi's

Ramprasad chuckles : only hairs are missing

Sujata smashes Ramprasad : don't forget it went due to over tension

All laugh at them while Swara and Ragini looks at thus family with proudness. Ragini knew that this family isn't like her family but still she was surprised to see thus shade while Swara was fully new to this family .

Durgaprasad fakes anger : see Swara they all are teasing me a lot so you need to draw my paintings in which I will be having more hairs than Ram ok

Swara giggles and nods her head

Annapurna : and make him more young too

Swara laughs hearing it and nods her head .

Amaya : but it shouldn't be more longer than my hairs

This was it everyone bursts into laughter while innocent soul Amaya doesn't understand what she said and looks at everyone's face only to get more confused while gulps looking at her dadu's angry glares and pouts .

Sanskar side hugs Swara who was laughing her heart out . Feeling Sanskar's touch she feels happy and lays herself on Sanskar's shoulder .

Swara : thank you for diverting my mind

Sanskar kisses her forehead : I will do this always so don't thank me and enjoy your moments with our family .

Swara nods her head and hugs Sanskar while having family moments together .


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