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Same day

Sanskar leaves Amaya to her room and goes to his room where Swara was waiting for him nervously .

Sanskar enters the room and looks at Swara who was playing with her fingers nervously . He hides his smile and goes near her and pulls her close to him . She gasps with the sudden pull .

Sanskar : so you said Ragini that I helped you in selecting gown ?

Swara nods her head innocently

Sanskar with a naughty smirk : were you admiring me on my back to your sister ?

Swara looks at his face being confused as she thought he is angry with her .

Sanskar pulls her near to him while her hands rest on his shoulders : you were admiring me or praising me ?

Swara blinks her eyes twice : I just said her nothing else

Sanskar : nothing else

Swara nods her head innocently

Sanskar : aren't you happy that I selected dress for you ?

Swara nods her head into yes quickly

Sanskar : I will never forget my duties towards you but in case due to some or the other reason if I miss any of my duty you should be angry like Ragini ok ?

Swara giggles and nods her head

Sanskar : bhabhi too might give you many ideas against me but you shouldn't listen to them and be with me always

Swara smiles and nods her head

Sanskar : you shouldn't get manipulated by ladies of this house when I miss anything ok

Swara nods her head while having a bright smile on her face . She is seeing this shade of Sanskar's which she hadn't expected .

Sanskar makes faces : why your smiling ? I'm having a very important discussion with you and your smiling ?

Swara hides her smile quickly : why are you thinking like this ? I know how much ever busy you will be , you will take time for me

Sanskar smiles : I know that but after seeing Ragini's dangerous face I got scared thinking even you may learn those things while Parineeta bhabhi is more dangerous in these matters . I don't want you to come under their influence so I'm telling you all this before hand

Swara was having difficult time to control her laughter and thus just nods her head while hiding her smile

Sanskar kisses her forehead : you might be tired right ? So sleep for sometime evening you should look fresh and beautiful

Swara blushes hearing it . Sanskar picks her in his arms and makes her lay on bed and covers her with blanket .

Swara holds Sanskar's hand : evening even you need to look fresh and handsome so even you too take some rest .

Sanskar smiles seeing the progress of their relationship : don't worry your husband is born handsome so I will look fresh and handsome anytime . You sleep peacefully I have some work I will complete that and come .

Swara nods her head : but please go after I fall asleep

Sanskar nods his head and sits beside her and pats her head . Swara falls asleep sooner and Sanskar kisses her forehead and goes from there after informing his mother to take care of Swara .


Sanskar goes to godown to look after Sahil's condition . Raj welcomes Sanskar .

Sanskar : how is he now ?

Raj smiles : he is fine sir . We are making sure to make him suffer . But the fun part is when ever we ask are you STILL ALIVE he shivers out of fear

Sanskar chuckles : this fear is most needed for him . The same fear he had given to my Swara so now even he needs to know how it feels to leave a life daily out of fear .

Raj nods his head

Sanskar : did you give him food ?

Raj : yes sir as you said 2 times a day and he eats like he was kept hungry for years

Sanskar chuckles : due to him even Swara faced the same situation now let him too learn it

Raj gets hesitant : sir everything is ready

Sanskar understands his hesitation : make sure that nothing goes wrong .

Raj nods his head : ok sir

Sanskar looks at Raj's face and understands that he wants to say something but isn't being able . Sanskar knows everything about Raj and trusts him a lot . He is his very faithful employee and thus he has made him his pa . He does his every work without questioning back as he know that Sanskar doesn't do anything without a reason .

Sanskar : Raj is everything fine ?

Raj hesitantly : sir actually I needed some money for my sister's marriage and even leave of a week

Sanskar smiles : only so much ?

Raj nods his head hesitantly

Sanskar smiles : tell me marriage date even I will come

Raj looks at his face with shock : are you sure sir ?

Sanskar laughs : yes and don't worry money and leave both will be given so enjoy your sisters marrige

Raj smiles happily : thank you so much sir and bring bhabhi too she will feel happy

Sanskar : sure

Raj smiles and goes to continue his work while Sanskar meets Sahil who is in worst position now . He is been given very worst treatment . He is kept in dark room while giving 2 times food . When he shouts to leave he gets shock treatment and then pouring cold water which is dangerous combination and asking every now and then are you still alive .

Sanskar smirks : how are you feeling now Sahil ?

Sahil who had enough of everything looks at his face with pain : why are you doing all this ? I haven't hurted Swara in any manner and still ?

Sanskar's eyes turns red : though you haven't harmed her you have been a cause for her miseries . After your first harassment she was kept in a dark room just like you , wasnt given food . Do you how much scared she might have felt ?

Sahil's face color turns and he lowers his eyes out of guilt .

Sanskar : if you had really liked her then you wouldn't have agreed to keep her with you illegally you would fight for her to be legally with you .

Sahil feels guilt for his deeds

Sanskar : but thank God you dint legally go to accept her or else I would have missed an angel in my life .

Sahil's eyes fills with tears : I'm sorry Sanskar I realised my mistakes . I want to be back to Kavita forever.

Sanskar chuckles : do you think after all this she will accept you ?

Sahil lowers his gaze out of shame

Sanskar : if you knew she was infertile then you could have tried to adopt a child or else contact with doctors . Technology has changed a lot you could have found any means for your happiness of having kids but still you opted such a low and cheap mentality .

Sahil starts crying : I was just carried out of hunger of gaining name , fame and money . I forgot what was right and what was wrong . I'm sorry for that please forgive me and give me my freedom . This time I will not get manipulated by anyone .

Sahil starts begging while Sanskar's stone heart turns light .

Sanskar : give me sometime to think

Sahil nods his head while Sanskar goes from there immediately while Raj follows him .

Sanskar wears his goggles : Raj make an legal paper where Sahil will agree to be away from Swara and won't ever try to harm her or harass her . He should agree that Swara will be his sister and he will not ever cross boundaries . If he rejects to sign it then give him worst punishment and if he agrees to sign then set him free .

Raj nods his head and goes to contact their lawyer while Sanskar moves from there to Maheshwari Mansion



Maheshwari Mansion is decorated beautifully like a bride . It was a big function for them as both their sons are married and they are introducing their daughters to the world . All guests have arrived to the party .

Host : hello everyone . I know all are eagerly waiting for the couples . So without wasting time lets welcome them .

Lighs goes while focus light falls on Swara and Sanskar who comes holding each other's hand . Swara was hell nervous but Sanskar holds her one hand tightly assuring her while other hand on her waist to show world that she belongs to him .

( SwaSan attire )

Behind them Ragini and Laksh comes holding each other's hands with a bright smile . A focus light falls on them too .

( Ragini's attire )

( Laksh's attire )

All claps for them and welcomes them . While flowers were showered on them from either sides welcoming them grandly .

Host : must say both the couples are looking perfect with each other

Everyone hoots claps for them while Swara and Ragini smile and holds their partners hand happily .

Host : but that doesn't mean the elder most couples are neglected

Durgaprasad, Annapurna , Ramprasad, Sujata , Adarsh and Parineeta smiles hearing it

Host : they are also the beautiful couples

Laksh and Sanskar hoots claps for them while they have a bright smile in their faces

Host : it's said bahu's are the ones who take all the families foot steps forwards isn't it ?

All agrees with him

Host : so I would like to call the eldest bahu of the house Parineeta Adarsh Maheshwari . As she is eldest of this generation her message is most important for the new bahu's , isn't it ?

Adarsh hoots claps agreeing him while Parineeta smashes him slightly and goes towards the stage . Gadodia's were looking all this with shocked face .

Parineeta goes towards the stage and takes the mick from host " good evening everyone ! "

Amaya shouts from audience : good evening mumma

All smile at her innocent antics while some were shocked .

Parineeta takes a breath " before marriage my mother had said many things like how to behave with in-laws , what and all responsibilities I will have and many more things which had scared me a hell lot " Parineeta looks at her mother who gives her sheepish smile while Ragini smiles remembering her mother's words while Swara is expressionless and hears everything.

Parineeta continues with a bright smile " but all that was proved wrong when I came to Maheshwari Mansion . Many might think I'm saying this to save our families reputation but it's wrong . I never felt like I'm being treated as a daughter-in-law but I was been a daughter here . I guess even Swara and Ragini will agree with it "

Swara and Ragini nods their head

Parineeta continues " after some months of my marriage I came to know that I can't be a mother " Kavita's eyes fills with tears " many said me that now Maheshwari's will throw me out , I won't be treated well anymore . Infact even my mother was scared about my future " Parineeta looks at her mother whose eyes are filled with tears . Parineeta nods her head in no while her mother wipes her tears .

Parineeta continues " I was broken to know the fact and then more scared hearing all the rumours . But Adarsh stood beside me strongly . We said the same to our family too but their response again made me proud . As soon as they came to know they supported me . Infact they had even planned to adopt a child for my happiness " she chuckles " and has even taken appointment with many doctors . Then luckily chachiji introduced me to one of the best doctor who treated me and then I got blessed with the feeling of being a mother ." Parineeta looks at Amaya who isn't understanding things but is happily hearing her mother being in her father's arms .

" My all three mother's took great care of mine . But still God wasn't happy I guess . I met with a minor accident which turned out drastically and Amaya was delivered when I was 7 months pregnant . She was very weak and doctor feared for her . But still my family supported me . Sanskar and Laksh contacted nearly 10 doctors and Amaya was under Observation of 10 doctors . I and Adarsh were broken a lot but our families dint leave us for a second and been a part of our fight " Parineeta chuckles while remembering those days while Laksh and Sanskar has tears in their eyes remembering those days . Ragini and Swara hold their hands

" Amaya was fine after an year but she has lost the ability of talking . We tried a lot and got succeeded . She missed her one year of education too but now she speaks so efficiently and all thanks to Swara for that " Parineeta looks at Swara while Swara nods her head in no as she hasn't done anything great

Parineeta smiles : don't think that I'm making environment emotional . I'm saying these things because you both are blessed to be a part of this family . I said this story to you both as it has a message to you both to know what kind of family you both have got . Our house is fully filled with open minded people . When one falls down all will hold their hands . When one gets injured all turns out to be a doctor . This isn't your in-laws house but your own house. Both the mother-in-laws are mother's more and saas less while same with your father-in-law's . You are even blessed with 2 brothers just like me . Sanskar and Laksh aren't my devars but are more than my brother's and in times beat friends too. When I came to this house maa had asked me only one promise that is too keep her this family together forever even after your both arrivals . And now same thing even I'm asking from you both to follow this promise . That's all what I have to say .

All claps for her while she goes beside Adarsh who side hugs her . Sanskar and Laksh along with their wife's go near Parineeta and side hugs her .

Sanskar : you shouldn't have made us remember those days

Laksh : we have fought that phase of our life's happily

Parineeta smiles : that's why I said it to your wife's so that they too needs to know about our family, our struggles and most importantly our bondings .

Adarsh side hugs Parineeta as Amaya was in his arms . While Laksh side hugs Adarsh while having Ragini in his arms . Parineeta pulls Swara to herself while Sanskar too joins the hug .

Maheshwari's looks them being proud while Gadodia's are shocked to know their bonding .


Hope it wasn't boring .

I felt like showing this part as many might be having doubt why Amaya being a 5 year old kid is been sent to play school when she deserves to be in school . Every 5 year old kid will be able to speak a bit efficiently while Amaya is learning now . Just to show the reason I wrote this part .

I guess now there is no more doubts related to storyline .

If there is still confusion you can ask me freely through your comments .

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