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Same night

Swara was all numb due to excess crying . She isn't being able to trust all the fact . The family whom she taught will accept her rejected her because for them she is nothing but a sin of her mother's first husband . She taught they hate her as she is Bengali but the fact is something else . And other side just for the same of name , fame and money her baba was murdered and showed it to be a plain crash as being a businessman it was easy for him to show whatever he wanted to show. They killed her only world . She was having mixed feelings in her mind and wasn't knowing what to do . But she is happy thinking that her baba and dida got justice finally after so many years .

Sanskar's heart pains seeing her in this state but he too knew it was needed . It was most needed as only after settling past she can move forward in her life . This day was very much needed for her as this would solve all her miseries of her past , her culprits are punished and now her path towards happiness will start and she can completely be carefree as the culprits are finally punished .

Sanskar doesn't leave Swara for a moment and keeps her near to his heart . While Sujata passes a glass of water for Swara. Swara doesn't react . Sanskar takes the glass and places near her mouth .

Sanskar : shona please drink

Swara looks at Sanskar with teary eyes while Sanskar pleads her through his eyes . Swara with trembling hands holds the glass and gulps down water while Sanskar pats her back .

Swara finishes the water while Sujata picks the glass . Swara hugs Sanskar tightly and cries loudly pouring her heart out .

Everyone present in the hall feels bad for her. She was an innocent soul who was treated so worst and was just given pain . While for Maheshwari's she was not less than an angel who helped their princess to speak . Though Durgaprasad dint liked the fact of Swara being an heart patient but when he came to know that she is teaching Amaya to speak his respect for her increased and was happy to have her in their family .

Durgaprasad gains strength : I guess we all need to take some rest as the day was really hectic

Annapurna : yeah ji I agree and Ragini let Sharmisthaji and Kavita stay here for night as it's late and they are not in a position to go back

Ragini nods ger head .

Dada goes near Durgaprasad : we will take our leave

Durgaprasad nods his head . Dada goes near Swara and pats her head while Swara wasn't ready to leave Sanskar . Sanskar signs dada that she will be fine while dada passes an assuring smile and goes from there with his family.

Sharmistha gathers some strength and goes near Swara who was now moving towards her room gets stopped .

Sharmistha while crying badly : I'm sorry Shonu I know I'm a bad mother infact worst mother please do forgive me

Swara holds Sanskar's shirt tightly in her fist and just nods her head while not leaving Sanskar

Sharmistha gets happy and tries to hug Swara while Swara turns her face and hugs Sanskar making Sharmistha clear that she isn't ready to forgive her .

Sharmistha cries : I'm sorry Shonu I'm really sorry . I ..I .. dint knew that Shekar and maa had done all that . Or else I would have never married him .

Swara chuckles slightly

Sharmistha continues : I'm ready to bear your punishment beta but please forgive me

Swara slowly breaks the hug but doesn't leave Sanskar's hand as she is still scared : you know Sharmisthaji to give justice for baba , dida always used to roam around . She used to lock me inside our house and go . I was mere 4 years old and was too much scared . Dida used to keep cartoon channel and go but at times when power used to go and I was scared but you never cared me .

Sharmistha bows her head out of shame : I was busy with my new family beta

Sanskar holds Swara while Swara continues : when dida was murdered that night I was sleeping beside her . She was telling me bed stories . Always I used to sleep early but don't know why that night I wasn't able to sleep . It was late night suddenly power went and we were hearing footsteps sound . Dida hide me by keeping pillows on my body and kept her hand on my mouth so I wouldn't ahout and they wouldn't harm me . I don't know what they had did but when power came she was breathing heavily . I was calling you badly . Our neighbours gathered but you never came to see us . If you were there then there a small percentage of hope to save her. But no you were busy with your new daughters that you even forgot your mother .

Sharmistha was filled with guilt and shame . She bows her head down as she isn't being able to bear the harsh truth of herself.

Fresh tears forms in Swara's eyes : I thought maybe now you will come to me . Though dida used to say don't keep hopes from your mother as she is no more SHARMISTHA BOSE but now she is SHARMISTHA SHEKAR GADODIA but still I was waiting for you badly . Whenever Kavita used to play pranks in school and in home I was expecting you to be beside me but you never came . When Kavita used to put false blames on me , I was hoping you to support me but you never showed up.  When you put me in that room I was feeling scared being alone and I was waiting for you but you never came .

Sharmistha wasn't able to bear this abd starts sobbing while Kavita holds her mother

Swara continues while trembling : when Sahil tried to molest me I hoped you to support me . I had overcome my fear of darkness but alas he again made me fear about darkness . At nights I was craving for you , but you never came . Infact you too supported all the blame and made my room a living hell filled with darkness . Every night I was crying but you never came to me . In initial I used to get fever due to scardness but still you dint care me and now why should I forgive you ? Give me atleast a single reason to forgive you ?

Sharmistha doesn't raise her head and cries badly as whatever her daughter is saying is true and there is nothing wrong in it .

Swara continues : just because of your old lover my baba died , just because of your selfish happiness with your old lover my dida was murdered . I lost my world , my reason of living , my happiness , my freedom and mainly I lost myself . I dint had any kind of happiness in my life . My childhood was snatched . I was made to work at that age where your both daughters were pampered and sent to school . For my education I had to work plus I had to pay rent for my living . When at my sorrows you dint care me then now why should I forgive you ? You have your both daughters beside you isn't your selfishness fulfilled ?

Sharmistha is taken aback with Swara's questions . While tears are filled in others eyes . Sanskar dint expect Swara's breakdown like this . He in his wildest dreams dint expect her pouring her heart out like this. He feels more bad and guilt for himself to hurt her like this. Though he is happy that finally she poured her heart out and now she can overcome those sorrows though it's not as easy as he was thinking .

Sujata who had enough of all this looks at Sanskar : Sanskar please take Swara to your room . It's not good for her health . She fainted few hours ago and was given injection too . It's not good to cry for long so please take her

Sanskar nods his head and picks Swara in his arms while Swara doesn't say anything and keeps her head on his shoulder as now she only needs him beside her . Now only he is her everything .

Other side Ragini takes broken Sharmistha to guest room along with Kavita . Today they three realised what they have done to an innocent soul . They are ashamed with themselves for being so dumb headed . Jealousy , obsession and possessiveness of theirs have killed an innocent souls childhood . They are ashamed on themselves .


Sanskar slowly places Swara on their bed while Swara doesn't leave him and makes him sit beside her . Sanskar understood her and hugs her .

Sanskar : princess I'm not gonna leave you any sooner

Swara while hugging hum tightly : thank you so much Sanskar . I had lost the hopes that I would ever be able to punish my baba and dida's culprits but you have given them punishment

Sanskar fists his hand angrily : punishment haven't yet started

Swara slowly raises her head : please don't do anything to them let law give them suitable punishment

Sanskar smiles while having an evil smirk : don't worry Shona law will only punish them

Swara hugs him again : I'm feeling scared Sanskar

Sanskar kisses his forehead : don't be scared anymore . You aren't alone anymore . Everything should pass from me to harm you from now ok .

Swara hugs him : thank you for coming in my life

Sanskar chuckles : I should thank you for coming in my life

Swara feels shy and slowly changes the topic : Sanskar will I be able to leave long ?

Sanskar hugs her tightly : yes Shona your heart is gona be more stronger than before but only difference will be this time there will be only love in your life and sorrows will be erased

Swara smiles with tears

Sanskar continues : your phase of sorrows , struggles and unhappiness has finished now it's time only for happiness

Swara feels good

Sanskar smiles naughtily : and for this you need to forget someone too

Swara gets confused and slowly lifts her head and looks at Sanskar who is having naughty smile

Sanskar : you need to forget your heaven as I'm not gonna send you there any sooner and that too alone no way

Swara feels shy and hugs hum tightly while Sanskar chuckles and hugs her

Sanskar : now change your dress I will bring dinner for us

Swara hugs him : please don't go

Sanskar smiles : ok I will not go I will inform mom to bring dinner for us happy ?

Swara nods her head and goes to change while Sanskar too takes his clothes out and changes his dress.

Sujata brings food for Swara and Sanskar and smiles seeing Swara better . She knows Swara is hurt and thus feeds Swara with her own hands . Sometimes silence talks a lot than words and thus Sujata feeds Swara silently with a smile on her face . After feeding she kisses her forehead .

Sujata : good night beta forget whatever happened today and be happy that now your baba and dida got justice

Swara nods her head and hugs Sujata : thank you mumma

Sujata smiles and hits her back slightly and breaks the hug kisses her forehead and goes from there .

Sanskar thinks something and brings Swara's new phone out : did you use this phone or kept it as a show piece ?

Swara bites her tongues and lowers her face

Sanskar smiles a bit but quickly hides it : I haven't gifted you to keep it aside

Swara murmurs sorry

Sanskar smiles and inserts her sim to her new phone and teaches her to use it . Swara hears everything kneely and slowly falls asleep on Sanskar's arms . Sanskar smiles seeing her and gets happy as her mind got diverted . He makes her lays on bed and tries to get up but her hold on him was tight and thus he gives up his efforts and lays beside her while taking her in his arms and sleeps peacefully .


How was the part guys ?

I was crying while writing this part . I don't know why but while thinking and writing about Swara's past and sufferings tears automatically formed in my eyes . So I don't know what I have written exactly . So please pardon me if I wrote something wrong .

Do tell me your views on this part.

I'm really overwhelmed with the response . I dint expect this much love . Last part had got 200 votes which made me shocked and comments made my day ❤️ it just vanished all my stress that I was holding at the end of the day .
Thank you so much ❤️

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