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Next day

Everyone in Maheshwari Mansion are busy for pooja . Annapurna is busy with the preparation while Sujata is busy preparing prasad for pooja while Parineeta and Ragini are assigned to prepare breakfast . Durgaprasad and Ramprasad looks after arrangements while Laksh is assigned to bring Panditji while Adarsh is assigned to look after catering.


Swara and Sanskar were sleeping peacefully and no one disturbed them knowing about Swara's condition and allowed them to sleep peacefully . They always wish Sanskar at 12am , but keeping Swara's health in mind they waited for morning.

Sunrays fall on Sanskar's face while he moves a bit and opens his eyes . His movements effect Swara's sleep and she too gets up .

Swara realises that it's his birthday and gets up quickly : happy birthday Sanskar

Sanskar who just opened his eyes gets confused but later realising that it's his birthday his eyes shines as she wished him first and pulls her to himself making her fall on his chest : thank you so much Shona

Sanskar kisses Swara's cheek while Swara blushes

Sanskar : but you should wish your husband with a small kiss

Swara lowers her gaze while feeling shy but Sanskar shows her his cheeks making her more shy . She slowly kisses his cheek making him happy .

Swara : happy birthday

Sanskar pulls her near to him : now that was a perfect wish with gift

Swara lowers her gaze : we need to get ready as there is pooja today

Sanskar : don't worry there is still time

Swara : but we need to take bath too

Sanskar : so what 10 minutes will not effect

Swara : but now due to our talks 10 minutes is over so leave me to go

Sanskar makes sad face : it's my birthday today and you should listen to me

Swara looks at his face with wide eyes : is there any such rule ?

Sanskar smiles at her innocence : yeah this rule is specifically for all wife's and not for others

Swara while thinking : ok so tell me what should I do ?

Sanskar smiles at her innocence : so today should be with me and shouldn't go out of my sight

Swara smiles : only so much ?

Sanskar pulling her cheek : yes

Swara thinks for a while : but what if you go to washroom ? I can't come there na ?

Sanskar hits his forehead : then you need to wait for me outside

Swara smiles : then ok now you go for bath I will be waiting for you here only

Sanskar smiles at her innocence and nods his head and goes to take bath . Later Swara too takes bath and comes out wearing saree .

Sanskar gets mesmerized seeing her in saree . He smiles at her and helps her to get ready by making her wear nuptial chain, filling her forehead , makes her wear ear rings and lastly matching necklace .

Swara was all the while lost in him looking his love and care towards her . A smile never left from her face whenever she was with him . The smile never got any reason to leave her face for a second being with him . She was watching him deeply , the way he was making her ready as if she is a baby who doesn't know to wear all that .

Sanskar keeps his face near Swara's face and looks into mirror : now it's perfect

Swara comes out of her world and smiles while having a pinkish layer on her cheeks which is her newly found friend along with smile as these two things never leave from her face .

Sanskar : now let's go down

Swara nods her head and they go down while holding each other's hand .


Reaching downstairs all look at them with "aww" expression as they were looking perfect with each other .

( SwaSan costume for pooja )

Amaya runs towards Sanskar while Sanskar picks her in his arm : happy birthday chachu

Sanskar smiles getting kiss on his cheek and kisses back Amaya's both cheeks : thank you so much my Amy princess

Amaya giggles and looks at Swara and jumps from Sanskar's arms : Swala Chachi you are looking hot and sexy

Swara's eyes gets widened while other looks at Amaya with confused look

Annapurna comes out of shock : Amaya who taught you all this ?

Amaya with innocence : papa always says this to mumma

Adarsh's eyes wideness and later strach his head while Parineeta blushes .

Laksh goes near Adarsh : bhai be careful while complimenting bhabhi as you have a 5 year old kid

Ragini too joins Laksh and goes near Parineeta : waise bhabhi look hot and sexy every day

Parineeta couldn't control all this and runs from there while elders laugh at her . Adarsh too acts like getting a phone call and runs quickly while other laugh hard leaving Amaya confused .

Amaya while keeping hands on her waist : what wrong did I say ? Mumma looks beautiful every day but papa says her hot and sexy so I too said the same to Swala Chachi

Laksh picks Amaya in his arms : Amy you can't understand it now as your bacha

Amaya twitches her nose : I'm not bacha I'm a 5 year old kid

Ragini giggles : but till yesterday someone was saying that she is bacha ?

Amaya cutely : I'm a 5 year old bacha while you are Laksh chachu's bacha

Now it was time for Ragini and Laksh to get embarrassed . Ragini runs from there giving an excuse of breakfast.

Laksh tickles Amaya : you naughty girl started teasing your parents and your chacha chachu ?

Amaya laughs loudly : I ..  di... Nt ... Hahaha ... Say ...hahahah ... Any... Hahaha ... thing....  wrong ... hahahaha

Sujata goes near them and takes Amaya from Laksh : don't tickle her she is a kid

Amaya shows tongue to Laksh while Laksh glares her

Annapurna goes near them : she is a kid and will learn what ever you people will speak so be careful

Amaya innocently : but dadi , dadu calls you Annu darling right ? Why he calls you darling ?

Durgaprasad gets embarrassed while Annapurna eyes Amaya

Laksh goes near Annapurna and keeps his hands around her shoulders : maa she is a kid so we elders should be careful while romancing anything with our partners

Annapurna hits Laksh playfully : even your getting naughty day by day

Annapurna goes from there being embarrassed while Durgaprasad too goes from there while acting like giving instructions for workers

Laksh goes near Amaya who was in Sujata's arms : so Amy what does your chotu dadu call your choti dadi ?

Sujata eyes Laksh angrily while Ramprasad gulps

Ramprasad : Laksh it's time for pooja so go and bring Panditji

Laksh laughs and goes from there not before wishing Sanskar

Sanskar smiles : thank God atleast someone remembered that it's my birthday

Laksh laughs : all thans to our Amy princess who revealed all secrets but you and chachu got saved

Sanskar chuckles : that's true now go back to your work

Sujata leaves Amaya down : now go and play in your room for sometime ok

" Ok " says Amaya and runs from there

Sujat and Ramprasad go near Sanskar : happy birthday beta

Sanskar hugs them both together : thank you mom and dad

Ramprasad widened his hands for Swara who was admiring them . Swara feels hesitant while Ramprasad assures her through his eyes . Swara smiles and joins them while Ramprasad keeps his hand on her head giving her fatherly love which she was missing .

Breaking the hug , Ramprasad : Sanskar I have some work with you so come and look after decorations for pooja as anything shouldn't effect Swara's health

Sanskar nods his head and looks at Swara who smiles at him and goes behind Ramprasad to make sure Swara doesn't get allergy from anything .

Sujata : Swara beta you can take rest for sometime I will call you when pooja will start

Swara pouts : no mumma I'm bored being in that big room please allow me to do something for today please

Sujata's heart melts : ok go to kitchen and help Ragini and Parineeta as I'm sure after Amy's incident they aren't able to cook anything

Swara and Sujata laughs remembering their face few minutes before and goes to kitchen while Sujata goes to do ger pending works .


Swara enters kitchen and looks at Parineeta and Ragini who are preparing breakfast while having a blushing face as both were teasing each other .

Swara smiles and goes towards them : can I help you both ?

Parineeta and Ragini smiles at her : yes you can

Swara smiles brightly : what can I do ?

Parineeta : we are hell bored with teasing session so please do talk with us

Ragini : yeah di and with this we are forget our embarrassment too

Swara's face falls : talking ? But I want to do work !

Parineeta diverts the topic : you do work later but first tell me what gift have you decided for Sanskar ?

Swara gets confused : gift ?

Ragini looks at Swara's face with wide eyes : yeah di he is your husband and you need to gift him

Swara's face falls : but I don't know that

Ragini feels bad while Parineeta keeps her hand on Ragini's shoulder and assures her through her eyes which Ragini understands .

Parineeta : so what happened ? We are there na ! We will help you

Swara's face brightness : I will do kheer he will be happy

Ragini hits Swara's hand slightly who went to pick vessel : you will get good scoldings and more than you we both will get scoldings for allowing you to work

Swara's face falls : then what can I do ? I don't know anything

Parineeta goes near Swara and keeps her hand on her shoulders : no worries I have a very best idea for you so listen to me carefully

Parineeta asks few questions to which Swara answers and then Parineeta tells her something hearing which Swara feels happy .

Swara : but how can I make all that arrangements ?

Ragini smiles : don't worry we will look after it you be with jiju till then ok

Swara smiles brightly : ok I will give him the bestest gift

Parineeta with a teasing smile : which he can never forget in his life

Swara blushes : nothing like that bhabhi

Ragini : yeah and then jiju will be thanking us for lifelong for this gift

Swara feels shy and starts blushing

Parineeta and Ragini together : ohho ! Somone is blushing blushing !

Swara feels shy and runs from there while Parineeta and Ragini laughs loudly looking at her shyness while Swara directly goes to Amaya's room to avoid all teases .


After few hours pooja gets over . Swara and Sanskar perform pooja together and Panditji prays for their well-being and bright future ahead along with Swara's health . All wish him making Sanskar happy .

Later Sanskar gives bonus to all their workers and afternoon lunch making Swara proud on him .

Sanskar who saw proudness in Swara's eyes smiles : whatever we are today it's all because of their hardwork too

Swara smiles brightly while nodding her head . While Sujata makes them have prasad from her hand.

Amaya cutely : chotu dadi even I want prasad

Sujata smiles and makes her eat with her own hands

Amaya gets happy : I will take some prasad for my doll

Sujata smiles and gives bit prasad for Amaya who smiles and runs from there making others laugh at her

Laksh goes near Sujata : chachi even I want prasad

Sujata smiles and puts prasad in his mouth while Laksh smiles

Adarsh pushes Laksh and Sanskar slightly while Sanskar falls on Swara who holds him while Ragini runs towards Laksh and holds him .

Adarsh royally ignores both his brothers glares : chachi I'm the eldest one so don't forget me

Laksh signals Sanskar who understands what he said and takes prasad from Sujata's hand and put it inside Adarsh's mouth making it hard for Adarsh to eat while others laugh at him .

Adarsh while gulping with great difficulty : I will not leave you both

Laksh : for that catch us first

Sanskar and Laksh runs from there while Adarsh with great difficulty tries to run behind them as he has to eat the prasad which they had put in his mouth and he can't spit it . He gets tired and stops while Laksh and Sanskar comes from either sides and hugs Adarsh who swallow Prasad , hugs them while beating them slightly .

All adore their bonding and laughs at their childishness . While Swara was admiring all these bonds as this was new for her .


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