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Time passes soon and evening they prepare a small birthday party for themselves . They haven't called anyone and had kept a small party for themselves . Sujata and Parineeta had prepared cake while Ragini along with Laksh prepared for Swara's gift as Swara doesn't know about it . And Swara successfully dint allow Sanskar to get any doubt and was with him all the while .

Amaya happily : chachu cut the cake fast I can't wait anymore my mouth is watering

Everyone smile at her excitement

Sanskar : ok as my Amy princess says

Amaya claps while signing birthday song making them smile at her .

Sanskar bends down and closes his eyes and prays in mind " God ! Please don't let anything happen to my Swara . I don't want to loose her " Sanskar opens his eyes and blows candle and cuts the cake .

All look at him with wide eyes thinking whom will he feed first his mother or his wife while Sanskar too gets confused .

Sujata smiles : you can feed your wife first

Sanskar smiles

But Swara stops him : Sanskar mumma and papa always comes first and so you need to feed her first

Sanskar smiles at her maturity while Sujata and Ramprasad too feels proud of her . Sanskar feeds Sujata and then Ramprasad who feeds him too .

Later Sanskar goes near Swara and makes her eat while she too smiles and was about to feed him back but he eats by himself making her pout .

Amaya : chachu my turn

Sanskar smiles and takes another piece and feeds her who in return feeds Sanskar . Like this Sanskar feeds everyone while Swara just stands smiling . All this was completely new for her. She wasn't knowing about all this things before coming to this house, this family but now she is learning things.

As Sanskar finishes feeding everyone , Adarsh and Laksh smirks evilly making Sanskar gulp .

Sanskar moves back : no no you both can't do anything

Amaya starts clapping her hand : yeah papa yeah chachu go for it

Sanskar runs and hides behind Swara while Adarsh and Laksh picks a piece of cake and tries to put it on Sanskar's face .

Adarsh : Sanskar come out

Laksh : bhai you can't escape now

Swara who isn't aware of this ritual gets confused : Laksh , Adarsh bhai what are you both doing ? And why Sanskar is hiding ?

Laksh while smiling evilly : bhabhi it's ritual to put cake on birthday person's face

Swara gets confused : but that's not right . Cake is meant to eat not to waste . There are many who aren't able to eat it and when you all are blessed to have it then you shouldn't waste it .

Sanskar is taken a back with her statement while Laksh and Adarsh stands still understanding her . All present over there understands her while Ragini feels bad .

Swara gets tensed and lowers her gaze : I'm sorry if I said something wrong

Swara tries to go but Adarsh holds her hand and makes her eat cake with his own hand making Swara teary

Adarsh wipes her tears : from now we will not continue this ritual

Swara smiles : sorry bhai

Adarsh hugs her : you call me Bhai and saying sorry ? Not done

Swara smiles while Laksh whines like a child : not fair even I'm here

Adarsh winks at him : Laksh Amaya is the smallest one here not you

Amaya gets angry : only I'm the smallest one Laksh chachu so don't try to take my position

Laksh acts like being scared : ok Amy

Amaya : good for you

Laksh nods his head and goes near Swara and makes her eat " we are stopping this ritual" he goes near her near and whispers " but you should allow one thing bhabhi "

Swara gets confused : what ?

Laksh smiles sheepishly and takes a small cream from the cake and applies it on Sanskar's nose while laughing . Sanskar who was busy admiring his wife with his brothers gaining brotherly love made him forget what was actually happening around and comes to world due to Laksh's act .

Sanskar looks at Laksh angrily

Laksh : your looking so handsome bhai

Laksh quickly clicks the picture while Sanskar gets angry and runs behind him . All laugh at them while Amaya starts jumping while clapping her hands as she is able to watch live Tom and Jerry show .

Adarsh slowly whispers : your surprise gift is fully ready so after dinner you can give it to him personally

Swara feels shy while Adarsh laughs at her shyness.

Laksh makes Sanskar run all over the hall and gets exhausted and falls on sofa . Sanskar was also tired and falls on sofa beside Laksh , both panting heavily .

Annapurna : Sanskar, Laksh enough of your childishness come and have dinner

Laksh winks at Sanskar : yeah mom let's have dinner fast

Sanskar raises his eye brow : but what about my gifts ?

Durgaprasad smiles : now there is nothing to give you as a gift as you three can avail whatever you want

Ramprasad : yeah and if we plan to give something also you three will be having it before hand

Sanskar : so what happened ?

Laksh : how much ever we three get younger you need to give us gift

Sujata : I and jiji have prepared all Sanskar's favourite food so we both are safe

Annapurna : yeah so now you all think about yourself

Amaya comes running to Sanskar and passes a drawing : I made this for you chachu

Sanskar smiles and looks at the picture which is having him holding his guitar happily while Swara was standing beside him . Though the picture wasn't clear one but it was most beautiful for him .

Sanskar kisses Amaya's cheeks : thank you so much

Amaya with shining eyes : you liked it ?

Sanskar : yeah I loved it

Amaya claps happily : I knew it

Sanskar smiles and makes Amaya sit on his lap : you it's all of yours turn

Ramprasad passes a bracelet for Sanskar while Durgaprasad gifts him brand new watch making him happy .

Sanskar : so now both my hands are filled

They laugh at him while Swara gets scared as her gift is very small infront of all this .

Sanskar now looks at his siblings with questioning eyes

Parineeta : we have a very big gift

Ragini : but you will get it after dinner

Laksh : and it's gift from all our side

Adarsh while winking at Swara which was not seen by Sanskar : and it's much beautiful than all these gifts

Amaya angrily : only my gift is beautiful

Adarsh gulps : yeah Amy it will be less beautiful than yours

Amaya : good

Annapurna laughs : enough of all this now come and have dinner

All nod their head and go to have their dinner while Swara was all the while hell scared and nervous . Sanskar who saw Swara asks her through his eyes while she nods no and eats her food confusing him . They all have their food with nok jok having a perfect family moment .

After finishing dinner Sanskar gets curious : where is my gift ?

Parineeta : relax Sanskar and wait for sometime

Sujata gives Swara's tablets to her who gulps quickly as she was hell scared . Ragini and Parineeta takes Swara with them confusing Sanskar .


After sometime they take Sanskar too balcony making Sanskar more confused . While Parineeta and Ragini too comes out at the same time .

Parineeta with teasing smile : listen Sanskar this gift is from our side to you and Swara so tomorrow morning don't forget us

Laksh : yes bhai and now go fast bhabhi must be waiting

Sanskar gets shocked seeing the decorations : is Swara sure about this ?

Parineeta smiles : don't worry we made her agree and it's not with force ok

Ragini : now leave all this and talk with your wife

Adarsh : we are locking the door over here and will be opening tomorrow so bye

Adarsh pushes Sanskar a bit while Ragini and Parineeta goes out and they lock the door . Sanskar smiles at them and goes inside.

Sanskar goes further and looks all over the terrace where there is his and Swara's pictures . He searches for her and finds her staring stars .

Sanskar knowing her goes and back hugs her while Swara smiles

Sanskar : talking with your friend moon , baba and dida without me ?

Swara gets confused and looks at him : how do you know ?

Sanskar kisses her cheeks : I know everything about you

Swara pouts : that's bad

Sanskar points one finger towards moon : right side shining one is your dida and left one is your baba right ?

Swara nods her head with teary eyes : you know I always used to scold them for leaving me alone . I have always shared all my miseries to them .

Sanskar wipes her tears while Swara continues : but today I want to share my happiness with them

Sanskar looks at her face while Swara turns to him

Swara with teary eyes "I never imagined that I would get this much happiness in my life " Sanskar tires to stop her " please allow me to speak today " Sanskar nods his head

Swara with teary eyes " I was all the while thinking to go to them " pointing towards sky " as soon as possible . But I guess they don't want me to come there any sooner and sent you to me " turns towards Sanskar " I never believed in love , I never wanted to fall in love . I always thought that love is meant only in fairy tales but you proved me wrong . You proved me wrong in everything and showed me a new ray of light to live my life . Now I want to live my life with you , with mumma papa and whole family , I want to cherish many more memories with you and wanna be yours for life long "

Sanskar is overwhelmed with her confession while Swara continues : I don't know what will happen after 2 days , but I have full faith on you . I wanted to say this to you tomorrow but bhabhi and Ragini said me that today is perfect and I shouldn't miss this day

Swara feels nervous " I want to say that I LOVE YOU " and closes her eyes quickly

Sanskar is taken a back with her confession . He never dreamt that she will fall for her so early . He wasn't being able to trust his own eyes and ears .

Swara slowly opens her eyes and gets scared seeing his tensed and shocked face , tears form in her eyes : I'm sorry I don't know how and when but I fell for you

Swara tries to go but Sanskar holds her hand and pulls to himself : I'm really angry with you

Swara sniffles while crying : I'm sorry

Sanskar while pulling her towards him while she glues his chest touching her back to him : you should be

Swara lowers her gaze

Sanskar : how can you propose me first ? I wanted to propose you after your operation and was making all plans but you ruined it

Swara with understanding " I'm sorry I .. I " reality hits her and she blushes

Sanskar turns her to face him : this was really bad

Swara pouts : wasn't it a good gift ? I had said bhabhi and Ragini but they dint hear me

Sanskar wipes her tears : this was the best gift anyone could give me . I'm really very much happy to know that you too love me the way I LOVE YOU and now listen you aren't gona go from here anywhere ok . You are locked with me for lifetime .

Swara smiles : and I want to loose this keys forever

Sanskar smiles while Swara hugs him . They stand like this for few minutes watching stars while they were shining brightly .

Swara while still being in his arms : why do you love me so much ?

Sanskar smiles : you remember our first meet ?

Swara nods her head remembering his accident and holds him tightly .

Sanskar bats her back " at that time I had completely lost all my hopes of being alive . I thought this is my end . Those goons had made all plans but you came like an angel and saved me ." Swara smiles " I wasn't having exact vision , but the care , love and tension at that time you showed for me made me fall for you . You were crying and shivering while seeing blood but still you acted boldly , called your doctor and did everything ready for me . You even gave me your favourite scarf " Sanskar chuckles " you even donated your blood . I wanted to see your face when I gained sneses but you weren't there and I got discharged but you were always running in my heart and brain . I collected all your information and couldn't stop myself from marrying you as soon as possible . Then when you revealed me your health I dint wanted to wait till you fall for me and got married . But I'm happy that now even you are loving me "

Swara raises her head : that means you fell for me at first site ?

Sanskar smiles : yes and I had heard somewhere that the one who saves us from death , then our life belongs to them so now my life belongs to you forever and how could I leave you ?

Swara innocently : that means after operation my life will belong to you ?

Sanskar smiles : yes and now it already belongs to me as your  married to me , you love me and will be my princess forever

Swara smiles and hugs him : baba and dida must be happy today

Sanskar smiles : yeah and so they are shining brightly

Swara smiles : finally they sent me someone to take care of mine

Sanskar smiles and pats her back : but now where will we be sleeping ?

Swara bites her lips and breaks the hug : bhabhi has prepared tent for us

Sanskar smiles : bhabhi is too much forward now come let's sleep it's late

Sanskar breaks the hug and tries to go but Swara holds his hand nervously .

Swara with nervousness : Sanskar will you mark me yours ?

Sanskar smiles : you are mine and there is nothing to mark

Swara gets hesitant : I want to carry forward our relationship to other level

Sanskar was shocked again : Shona who taught you all this ?

Swara closes her eyes : woh actually when one of my colleague got married , Mrs Singh was asking her did you both mark each other and when I asked what it is she said it is taking relationship to next level

Sanskar being tensed : but do you know what it is in actual ?

Swara with shy smile : mumma had explained me

Sanskar cups her face : no Swara not now . I don't want to effect your health in any means . You love me that's enough for me all this we will do after you get fit and fine

Swara's eyes fills with tears : but I want to be a complete women Sanskar . I know you will save me , but I want to have some of our memories for ourselves . Please Sanskar .

Sanskar cups her face : nothing will happen to you and I'm not gonna leave you

Sanskar seals Swara's lips and they both kiss each other pouring their emotions out which was hidden with them . They break their kiss while Sanskar rests his head on her forehead .


It was biggest part ever till now I guess 😅😅 2535 words I'm shocked .

Night is longer 😉

What do you guys want ?

Should they take their relationship to next level now or after her operation?

Will be waiting to know what you all want .

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