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Same night

Swara and Sanskar were being in each other's arms happily

Swara : Sanskar don't you love me ?

Sanskar gets confused : why you got this doubt ? Don't you know I love you the most ?

Swara slowly : then why don't you want to take our relationship to next level ?

Sanskar cups Swara's face : you know when it comes to you I'm very much selfish . I know if I will make you happy by taking our relationship to next level then surely you will not respond to medicines as all your wishes are fulfilled . So I don't want to fulfill your this wish and want you to fight and get well sooner for me , for our love and for our union

Swara with teary eyes : I will fight with this situation Sanskar but I want to be a complete women too

Sanskar wipes her tears : you will be a complete women after you will recover

Swara : but

Sanskar keeps his finger on her lips : no buts and ifs I gave my decision and that's final . No more talks on this matter .

Swara pouts : this is bad I hate you

Swara tries to go but Sanskar pulls her near to him : never dare to leave me . If you want to hate me then you can hate me but you aren't allowed to leave me ok

Swara keeps her hands around his neck : and I don't want to go also

Sanskar smiles and hugs her tight to him : now it's late so gets go and sleep

Swara pouts : but I want to talk to you

Sanskar chuckles : what you want to talk ?

Swara with shinning eyes : I know nothing about you so I want to know you

Sanskar smiles and picks her in his arms : you have life long time to know about me

Swara pouts : that means you aren't gonna speak with me ?

Sanskar chuckles : I will speak a lot with you but not about me . I will tell everything about me only and only when you will get fit and fine not before that .

Swara : you are really selfish

Sanskar smiles and kisses her nose tip : only for you

Swara smiles while Sanskar takes her to the tent and gets surprised to see the arrangements. A small bed was kept for them while a table fan was attached as terrace had electric facility and many candles were placed around giving the tent a romantic atmosphere .

Sanskar : so you all had planned this before ?

Swara : this wasn't my plan . Bhabhi and Ragini said that proposal is done in this kind of atmosphere

Sanskar smiles : you are really to much innocent . Don't fall in bhabhi and Ragini's trap they will kill your innocence .

Swara giggles : ok

Sanskar makes Swara lay and sleeps beside her taking in his arms : so now tell me how did you fell for me ?

Swara while making patterns on his chest : I don't know

Sanskar chuckles : it's ok but I'm happy that you fell for me

Swara giggles : how can I fall for someone else than my husband ?

Sanskar looks at her face : you are no more that innocent

Swara giggles and hugs him feeling shy

Sanskar pats her back : now you sleep it's too late

Swara pouts : but I don't want to sleep

Sanskar strictly : you need to sleep

Swara yawns : but I need to spend sometime with you

Sanskar eyes her angrily while she gulps and closes her eyes instantly making him laugh at her .

Sanskar : we will talk everything after you get fit and fine till then no compromise with your health

Swara feels blessed to have him with her . She hugs him tightly and falls asleep within few minutes .

Sanskar who sensed her sleeping chuckles " can't compromise with her sleep and wanted to take relationship to next level ane talk with me " kisses her forehead " I need to take class of all ladies tomorrow as they aren't teaching her appropriate things "

Sanskar too falls asleep after few minutes being tired .


Next morning

Swara and Sanskar were having peaceful sleep that gets disturbed due to Sanskar's phone call sound . Sanskar gets irritated and picks the call while Swara snuggles more .

Sanskar with sleepy voice : hello

Other side : get up and come down fast

Sanskar gets angry : bhabhi

Parineeta giggles : do this scolding later now come down

Sanskar angrily greeting his teeth : yeah we are coming

Sanskar cuts the call and pats Swara's back : Shona get up it's 9am

Swara's eyes widens : 9am ?

Sanskar smiles : yes

Swara snuggles more : so what let me sleep for some more time

Sanskar is shocked : Shona

Swara makes faces : why moon can't stay for more time ? Why sun comes early always ?

Sanskar slowly gets up while holding Swara and picks her in his arms : next time when you will talk with your moon ask him this question and tell me what he will say you ok

Swara folds her hands across her chest : your teasing me ?

Sanskar chuckles and kisses her nose tip : whatever you think

Swara pouts while Sanskar smiles


Swara and Sanskar gets freshn up and reaches downstairs . Swara gets busy with Amaya while Sanskar goes towards ladies angrily who are in kitchen .

Sanskar : mom bhabhi Ragini what you all are teaching to Swara ?

Sujata shrugges her shoulder : she asked me what does marking each other means and I explained it as now or later she needs to know it

Sanskar looks at her face who royally ignores him and starts preparing food

Parineeta : she wanted to confess her feelings before her operation and I said your birthday is the best occasion and did all the preparations

Parineeta too shrugges her shoulder and continues scrolling her phone to learn new recipe

Ragini being bit scared : jiju today or tomorrow di should learn all this so we were helping her

Sanskar keeps his hand on his head : why don't you all understand she is innocent and takes things seriously ? It's not time for her to learn all this

Sujata ups her face : Sanskar if we teach her all this now then her mind will be diverted from operation to you

Parineeta : and we are doing all this for your betterment rather than thanking us you are scolding us ?

Sanskar folds his hand : it's waste talking with you all

Annapurna who was observing all this smiles : when you know only I'm the sensible one in this house then why do you even argue with these insensible ones ?

Sanskar smiles : that's true badimaa only you understand me well

Sujata makes faces : yeah yeah we are good for nothing

Annapurna giggles : see your mom agreed that she is good for nothing

Annapurna and Sanskar does hi-fi while Sujata gets angry . Parineeta and Ragini giggles at them as Sujata always gets jealous due to Sanskar and Annapurna's bonding .

Sanskar and Annapurna hugs Sujata making her smile brightly .

Sujata : enough of all this now go and have breakfast with Swara . We all had our breakfast

Sanskar : ok mom


Coming out of kitchen Sanskar is shocked to see the scenario infront of him . He looks at either sides where his brothers are too watching the same thing with wide eyes .

Sanskar goes near them and keeps his hands on their shoulders : are we three seeing same thing ?

Adarsh : even I'm thinking the same

Laksh : how can this even be possible ?

Sanskar : that's what

Amaya who saw them seeing with wide eyes shouts angrily : don't put your bad eyes on Swala Chachi she will get stomach ache

Sanskar Adarsh and Laksh acts like gulping . Sanskar quitely goes and sits to have his breakfast while seeing his dad feeding Swara while his badepapa is pampering both Swara and Amaya by telling stories .

Swara : papa I'm full

Ramprasad angrily : you eat only 3 parathas you need to eat one more

Swara makes crying face : no papa I'm full

Durgaprasad : Ram let it be if she is full Swara beta you drink chiku juice

Swara's eyes shines : chiku juice

Durgaprasad chuckles : it's your favourite right ?

Swara nods her head while Durgaprasad passes juice which Swara drinks happily

Durgaprasad : want one more glass ?

Swara nods her head happily while Ramprasad makes her drink with his own hands . Sanskar gets happy seeing Swara's happy face . She was very happy .

Sanskar : Amy don't you have school today ?

Amaya who was in her dadu's laps smiles : no today no school and no office as mumma said tomorrow it's big day for Swala Chachi so today we are spending too much time with her

Swara gets tensed remembering tomorrow while Ramprasad places his hand on her head and assures that everything will be fine .

Sanskar smiles : so what are we gonna do today ?

Amaya : today we are gonna watch movie , play games and do lot of masti

Sanskar smiles : ok done

Amaya claps her hands happily : yeah 

Sanskar : so which movie are we gonna watch ?

Amaya happily : lion King

Laksh makes faces : childish movie

Amaya glares him : I'm a kid and I will watch childish movies only

Adarsh chuckles while Laksh glares him angrily . Sanskar completes his breakfast while seeing his Shona happily being pampered by his badepapa and dad .


After having breakfast they all assemble to watch movie . All the couples sit together while Amaya was in centre as she was eager to watch the movie . Amaya was all the while enjoying movie while Laksh Ragini , Adarsh and Parineeta were having their own time with each other .

Durgaprasad, Ramprasad enjoy along with Amaya as Amaya was sitting in between them while Annapurna and Sujata were too enjoying with her .

Swara was speaking with Sanskar and falls asleep fast on his shoulders while Sanskar starts checking his mail as he had some surprises for Swara after her recovery .



Parineeta made Amaya sleep while all the couples planned to play truth or dare .

Laksh spins the bottle and it stands on Adarsh and Parineeta : so truth or dare ?

Before Adarsh could speak , Parineeta interrupts : truth

Laksh smirks : so bhabhi when was the last time you surprised bhai ?

Parineeta : 2 days before by wearing his favourite saree

Laksh : ohho red one ?

Parineeta glares him : only one question can be asked so now spin the bottle

Laksh spins the bottle and it stops on Ramprasad and Sujata . Laksh smirks while Ragini's phone rings for 25th time making her irritated and keeps her phone aside . As it was in silent mode none could hear it .

Ramprasad : I opt for dare

All hoot for them

Laksh : chachu propose chachi

Adarsh claps : yes chachu go for it

Sujata feels shy while Swara admires them and hugs Sanskar tightly making him smile at her

Ramprasad gets up while Laksh passes flower vase for him : Sujata your the most beautiful person whom I met in my life . You changed my life completely . I never imagined that you could keep our family like this together . You blessed me with a happy family . I love you a lot .

Sujata gets shy while Ramprasad hugs her . Youngsters adore them .

Sujata shyly : enough of teasing now continue the game

Laksh smiles and spins the bottle which stops on Sanskar and Swara

Swara gets scared and holds Sanskar's hand while Sanskar understands her fear and opts truth

Laksh : bhai we all want to know when , where and how you fell in love with bhabhi ?

Swara gets shy while Sanskar smiles and explains how she saved him .

Sujata gets teary eyes : thank you so much Swara for saving my son

Swara smiles : mumma you shouldn't thank me as I saved my own life

Swara snuggles more into Sanskar while others adore them . Ragini's phone again gets beeped making her irritated and she quickly switches off her phone .

Adarsh : now I will spin

Laksh nods his head while Adarsh spins the bottle and it stands on Durgaprasad and Annapurna

Annapurna : we go for dare

Adarsh smiles : wow great maa so you need to propose papa . We also want to be blessed like Sanskar to see his parents proposing manner

Annapurna smiles " what's big deal in that " she turns her face towards Durgaprasad and feels scared and nervous " woh ji you are the best husband anyone would wish for . I was scared in initial as I came to a joint family . I wasn't sure will I be able to take care of your brothers family the way you take . But you helped me a lot and taught me everything . All say that I'm a ideal wife , sister-in-law , mother , mother-in-law and grandmother . But it's all because of you . I love you a lot "

Annapurna hugs Durgaprasad shyly while others claps for them making "awww" sound

Adarsh smirks : so now only Ragini and Laksh are remaining

Laksh gulps : I prefer truth

Annapurna : what happened to you three ? Became so boring . When I can take dare why can't you ?

Durgaprasad chuckles and keeps his hand on her shoulder : your kids aren't daring as you

Annapurna smiles while Laksh and Adarsh glares him

Durgaprasad : glare me later first ask question

Parineeta : Laksh how did you propose Ragini ?

Laksh sratch his head while Ragini speaks : bhabhi it was not proposal it was a threat for my life . He took me for sky dining and there he proposed me saying if I won't agree he will push me down

Lakhs giggles remembering it : but I got punishment for that later . Madam dint speak with me for a month

Adarsh hits Laksh who was sitting beside him : you deserved more than it

Ragini hugs Laksh : but there he realised his mistake and did all things possible to gain me back

Parineeta : aww so sweet

Sujata looks at Swara yawning as she was hell tired : enough for today let's sleep tomorrow is a big day for all of us

All nod their head as they realise that now there is very less time for Swara's operation . Swara too feels scared while thinking of tomorrow but Sanskar assures her through his eyes though he was also scared . They promise each other to face it bravely .


I dont know what I have written . I was fully blank today don't know why . So please forgive me if I wrote something wrong .

As many of them said that they should take their relationship to next level , I too felt that would be a better one . I was confused regarding it but later I realised all your points . Thank you so much guys ❤️

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