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Next day

Sun rays peeps the room waking up Swara and Sanskar who were sleeping in each other's arms fully tired . Swara was wrapped with Sanskar's shirt while Sanskar had wore his pant and slept . Due to sunrays both open their eyes lazily . Swara looks at Sanskar and feels shy and quickly hides her face in Sanskar's chest .

Sanskar pats Swara's back : till yesterday you were all ready to eat me alive and now your acting like a shy baby ? Where did my tigress go ?

Swara feels shy and hides her face on Sanskar's bare chest : please Sanskar

Sanskar quickly places Swara on bed and climbs over her . All happened within nano second that Swara couldn't make out .

Sanskar while sensually touching her face : you did great mistake by awakening me with desires

Swara places both her hands on his shoulder : but no one is regretting here right

Sanskar chuckles : so the tigress is still ready to eat me alive

Swara : what to do when the tiger is all mine ?

Sanskar naughtily : really ? Then shall we start our planning for baby tiger and tigress ?

Swara's cheeks become wide red : Sanskar your being asanskari

Sanskar naughtily : when wife is so hot and sexy who is fully ready to give herself to me then why will I remain sanskari anymore ?

Swara slowly pushes him : enough of talks now let's go downstairs all might be waiting for us

Sanskar goes near to her : no one will wait as you planned all this with Ragini and bhabhi

Swara looks at the scattered decorations made for them and blushes hard : Sanskar please not now I'm hungry

Sanskar with husky tone : that means it's an invitation for night ?

Swara blushes hard : we will decide it later at night now leave me I need to take bath

Sanskar : not before a kiss

Swara smiles and kisses on his cheeks quickly : happy ? Now leave

Sanskar pushes Swara back to bed : till yesterday you knew right place to kiss and today you forgot ?

Swara's cheeks go red : don't be asanskari we haven't even brushed

Sanskar : then that's too good

Swara nods her head in no while Sanskar nods his head in yes and finally captures her lips while Swara closes her eyes and enjoys the moment which kissing back with equal passion . They break the kiss after 10 minutes and join their forehead .

Swara : now your wish is fulfilled so allow me to go to take bath

Sanskar smiles and gets up while Swara hiss in pain making him guilty

Sanskar : I'm sorry Swara

Swara smiles : no Sanskar don't be sorry infact I'm happy to be a complete women now

Sanskar wraps his hand around her waist and sits beside her : why were you so eager to be a complete women Shona ?

Swara places her head on his shoulder : I could never be a good daughter , good grand daughter , good sister nor I had any friends . But now what I have is you beside me and I want to be a good wife , good women , good daughter-in-law and a perfect women .

Sanskar kisses her forehead : you are good in everything and I'm not gonna make you bad in anything so stop thinking all this .

Swara smiles while Sanskar picks her to washroom and leaves her to take bath and selects dress for her. After she comes back Sanskar helps her to get ready and makes her wear her salwar while Swara was looking at him with a bright happy smile . He makes her wear her ear ring , nuptial chain and fills her forehead .

Swara : now you go to take bath

Sanskar smile and picks his cloths while Swara adores herself infront of the mirror as today her face is having a new glow , a glow of being a complete women and she was happy to see this new glow on her face .

Swara comes out of her dreamland hearing Sanskar's phone ringing sound and picks it seeing Raj's name : hello Bhai do you need anything ?

Raj : hello my sweet sister actually I called to inform your husband to get black file which he has kept in his study table which is near to couch and now you please remove it and keep out or else he will again forget

Swara giggles : ok bhai

Raj smiles : bye sweetie

Swara : bye bhai

Swara goes near Sanskar's study table and removed the file while her eyes stuck fall on something . Her eyes get wide but next minute it turns to anger and she awaits for Sanskar to come out .

Sanskar comes out of washroom after 5 minutes and search for Swara and finds her sitting on couch with angry face . He looks at her hand and gulps hard .

Sanskar : Shona woh ...I ..

Swara angrily : explain ?

Sanskar sighs : Shona I said lie that I lost your dida's scarp as I wanted to meet you daily and later I became selfish to make you wear my shirt so that I can feel your presence with me .

Swara gets up angrily : so for that you will lie ?

Sanskar calms himself as now a days anger became common for Swara and doctor too had said that some medicines reaction comes out like this and he needs to be careful and shouldn't stress her more or else she may be effected with blood pressure which isn't good for her being a heart patient and he haven't revealed this to family as he don't want them to take unnecessary tensions .

Sanskar : I'm sorry this will be my first and last lie to you I promise

Swara cools down : you need to keep this promise and should never hide my scarf anymore

Sanskar smiles : promise

Swara keeps the scarp near to her heart : I missed you soo much my dear scarf

Sanskar chuckles and side hugs her while Swara pushes him through her elbow .

Swara : from now I'm not gonna give this scarf to you

Sanskar chuckles : ok now come let's go downstairs

Swara hands him file and keeps the scarf in her wardrobe carefully and goes along with Sanskar .


Reaching downstairs , youngsters give a teasing smile to Swara and Sanskar unknown to elders while Sanskar glares them making them shut their mouth . They get seated to have breakfast while Sanskar's phone rings and he makes an excuse and goes aside while Swara happily starts having her breakfast with her family .

After finishing the call Sanskar finds a boy standing near the door who wasn't sure to ring the door bell or not. Thus Sanskar goes to him .

Sanskar : yes whom do you want to meet ?

Boy : I came to meet Swara , Swara Bose

Sanskar gives a tight smile : she is Swara Sanskar Maheswari now

Boy nods his head : yes I dint knew her husband's name and in college she is still Bose so I said Swara Bose . Between I'm Arun her project partner actually our classes will be started from next week so I wanted to discuss few things about project with her .

Sanskar fists his hands angrily remembering Swara's words of coffee said to her by Arun and he being her project partner which he completely forgotten . He goes a tight smile and takes him inside .

Swara who had completed her breakfast gets confused to see Arun and goes to him : hey Arun ! You here ?

Sanskar gets angry to see her free with him . Few minutes ago she said she doesn't have any friend and now this boy is getting so close to her and she is comfortable too .

Arun : yeah Swara actually I had to talk with you about our project work and later on I need to go for work so I came to meet you now . I hope you don't have any problem .

Swara smiles : no not at all please sit and let's discuss

Swara takes Arun to couch and gets indulge in their talks forgetting Sanskar completely making him more angry . He silently sits opposite to them and acts like doing some work in his mobile while in real he was listening their talks . Youngsters who were bit far from them were laughing seeing his face which was clearly showing his jealosuy .

After 10 minutes Swara and Arun completes their discussion and Arun gets ready to leave Maheswari mansion while something hits his mind .

Arun : Swara I want to meet your husband ?

Sanskar gets happy as now his Shona will remember him

Swara raises her eyebrows : why ? To complain about me ?

Arun : no no I just want to see who is gonna tolerate you for lifetime

Sanskar fists his hand angrily but his ego wasn't letting him to come forward as he wants her to introduce him as her husband .

Swara twitches her nose : firstly my husband loves all my tantrums and secondly don't you dare to fill his ears against me

Arun laughs : ok ok

Swara calls Sanskar , while Sanskar acts like he wasn't hearing anything and comes towards them : yes Shona

Swara : Arun he is my husband and Sanskar he is Arun my project partner and my classmate

Sanskar talks with Arun for a while with a tight smile confusing him but later as Arun needs to go for his work he takes his leave and goes from there .

Swara turns towards Sanskar : Sanskar did you had your breakfast ?

Sanskar who was hell angry and jealous being ignored by his love , just nods his head and goes to his office without kissing her forehead making her confused . But later she shrugges her shoulders thinking it to be work pressure and messages Raj to make sure that Sanskar has his breakfast and goes to kitchen to talk with her ladies party .


Reaching kitchen Ragini and Parineeta laughs at Swara making her confused

Swara : what happened ? Why are you both laughing at me ?

Parineeta : dint you see Sanskar's face ?

Swara : what happened with his face ? I dint ruin it ?

Parineeta laughs hardly

Ragini speaks up : di he was hell jealous when you were taking with Arun and he sat near to you both to hear all your talks and went to office without breakfast .

Swara then realises his behavior and smiles : no worries I will make him happy however he will come here by afternoon

Parineeta : why so ?

Swara shrugges her shoulder : my afternoon tablets are empty and he needs to bring it in afternoon or else I will not have it and he too knows that we'll so he will come

Parineeta looks at her face with disbelief : I never knew you are so much stubborn

Swara pouts : it's new strips and so he needs to open it and make me have it and keep in my medicine box as he made me lazy

Ragini laughs : bhabhi I guess we need to learn things from di or else our husbands will fully forget us

Parineeta thinks for a while : yes Ragini your right or else our husbands will take us for granted

Swara giggles : I'm all ready to teach many things

Parineeta and Ragini hears Swara kneely and laughs at all her tantrums that she throw on Sanskar like he needs to select dress and matching accessories for her , then make her have her tablet , night he should pat her head and make her fall asleep like a baby.

Sujata who heard all this thinks in her mind : Laksh and Adarsh now I pity on you both as your dead due to your own brother . But I know you both are mature than your wife's to handle this Strom named wife's.

While Swara unknown to the blunder she is gonna commit and continues explaining ways to Parineeta and Ragini who are now gonna use same formula on their husbands .


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