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Same day

After explaining their wife's about everything clearly , 3 brothers bring their wife's downstairs while all 3 were bowing their head .

Parineeta being the elder one comes forward : I'm sorry Ragini I dint think from your point of view and just scolded you

Ragini starts crying badly : no bhabhi it's my mistake . I should have tool the matter into my hands bit maturely than being a stupid . I know I shouldn't have had forced di like that when I knew what and she had faced but being a daughter I was worried for my mother and Kavita di she has never got any responsibility as dadi never allowed her to take any tension and that time nothing else was running in my mind . I'm sorry bhabhi I'm sorry di

Ragini folds her hand and cries . Swara and Parineeta goes towards her and makes her hands down and wipes her tears .

Swara : even I'm sorry Ragini . Being elder than you even I took the matter with anger I'm really sorry

Ragini nods her head in no

Parineeta smiles : it was all 3 members mistake so all said sorry now matter finished

They three hug each other happily while 3 brothers look at them with wide eyes as few hours ago they were having heated talks while now they have patched up . But they are happy to see things normal .

" Oh God ! What is happening here ? " They hear a big loud shout from behind and all shake their head knowing the person well

" How could you all do this to me ? " Says the person while angrily keeping her hands on her waist

Parineeti laughs : Amaya Maheswari stop your drama

Amaya twitches her nose : I'm the smallest here so you all need to do hugging with me not alone

Swara smiles : ok then join us

Amaya jumps on them while having her school bag on her back and Parineeta picks her daughter while laughing at her antics .

Annapurna who heard voices along with Sujata comes to hall and gets happy to see things normal . Swara Ragini and Parineeta looks at them and bows their head and goes near them while Amaya runs to her room after breaking her hug

" We are sorry " three of them say together

Annapurna smiles : even I'm sorry to scold you three like that . I know you 3 were all right in your own places and today the matter was small and you all would have solved it . But still a part of yours wouldn't agree with the outcome that would have come . See all the relationship starts with happiness in begining but later these small small matters bring big big difference in relations and that was the reason I shouted at you 3 and called your husband's home . Now you three realised everything and so I expect these things won't happen again .

" We promise " they three say together and hug Annapurna and Sujata

Adarsh sighs : finally matter solved

Laksh : yes bhai or else don't know what would have had happened in evening

Sanskar smiles : these things will make their bondings stronger

Adarsh : that's true but ladies and their fights are dangerous

Laksh smiles : yeah bhai

Sanskar : I agree but our ladies are different

Adarsh and Laksh nod their head .

Sanskar goes in middle : Ragini I know your mother isn't well and I have appointed well doctor and nurse . It's just she had neglected her health and got high fever but now no worries as her fever is decreasing

Ragini smiles : thanks jiju

Sanskar : you are our family Ragini and we can do anything for our families happiness

Ragini nods her head while Swara looks at Sanskar with proudness . It's true she doesn't like her mother but the fact will never change that she is her mother. How much ever a child try to hate their mother , but it's not always possible . She is happy that Sanskar dint keep any bad thoughts in his mind and is helping that women who had almost neglected his wife . But now she is proud and happy with her love .

Adarsh : maa if everything is settled then shall we three go back to office ?

Annapurna smiles : yeah you can go now

Sanskar goes near Swara : be ready by 7 we need to attend Raj's sisters marriage

Swara smiles : I remember it and I will be ready don't worry I'm sure Raj will be happy to see us

Sanskar smiles : yes a lot

Swara : now you go

Sanskar kisses her forehead : very desparate to send your husband out haa ?

Swara blushes : yes now go

Sanskar chuckles while his brothers too talk with their wives and go to their own respective offices .



As Sanskar said , Swara gets ready wand checks herself again infront of mirror while Ragini and Parineeta sighs at her .

Swara : bhabhi I'm looking good na ?

Parineeta hits Swara's head slightly : this is 5th time your asking

Ragini shies : and it's 5th time we are saying your looking beautiful

Swara pouts : I'm going there as Sanskar Maheshwari's wife so I need to good look right

Ragini : ohho Sanskar Maheshwari's wife

Parineeta joins Ragini : and from now only thinking about his status

Swara pouts : so what I need to do it right afterall I'm his wife

" Exactly my wife Swara Sanskar Maheshwari and she should know her class too " says Sanskar while standing near the door of his wife which wad slightly open . He had wore matching shirt with black pant and black coat

Swara blushes while Ragini and Parineeta tease them

Sanskar acting stern : enough of all this teasings, now we are leaving

Parineeta winks : all the best

Swara blushes : bhabhi

Ragini : bhabhi we shouldn't tease them as it's not their marriage

Swara eyes Ragini while her cheeks were pinkish making Sanskar smile at her .

After having all the teasings Swara and Sanskar start their journey . It needs an hour to reach the venue while Swara was dam excited as it's first time she is enjoying a marriage .


Reaching the venue Swara and Sanskar are very warmly welcomed by Raj and his family as they know about Sanskar and he had helped them well . Swara and Sanskar seeks blessings from his parents .

Swara being excited : Raj Bhai can I meet your sister please

Raj smiles : your calling me Bhai and requesting ? This is not done

Swara pouts : sorry

Sanskar chuckles at her antics

Raj's mother smiles : come I will take you to her

Raj's father goes near Sanskar : come beta we will leave these ladies to gossip and have our real fun

Raj and Sanskar : no drinking

Raj's father makes faces : it's my daughter's marriage

Raj and Sanskar both eye him angrily making his mouth shut while Swara giggles at his antics who shows puppy face to Swara who royally ignores him and goes to meet the bride .


Swara looks at bride happily : oh my god ! Radha your looking so beautiful

Radha blushes : thanks bhabhi

Swara looks at her tensed face : what happened Radha is everything fine ? Are you happy with this marriage ?

Radha : I'm happy bhabhi as Raj Bhai and Sanskar bhai searched him for me but I'm scared of first night I heard it's painful too

Radha's mother who was present there smiles : there is nothing to worry my child it's common but it makes you feel a complete women . First night doesn't always means having intimacy it's a different feeling of being a complete women and you need not worry as Ayush loves you and you love him . Ayush will understand when your ready and when your not .

Radha gets scared : and what if he force ?

Her mother : then kick  him at main part and come to me simple

Radha eyes her mother angrily while Swara smiles at them . She was seeing a new shade of mother and daughter . Swara's mind was revolving around her words as Sanskar never forced her for intimacy . They had their first kiss when she confessed her love but after that he never kissed her but always kissed her forehead making her feel blessed . She is feeling herself lucky to have him in her life .

Swara's thoughts breaks as a girl comes saying " groom came "

Raj's mother : Swara you be with Radha I'm going to welcome groom

Radha holds her mother's hand : maa take bhabhi along with you and let her see all the rituals I will be here with my cousin's .

Radha's mother smiles and takes Swara with her. Swara seeing Sanskar goes near him and stands beside him observing e ery rituals happily without leaving his hand .

Sanskar is bit taken a back by her behaviour : Shona is everything fine ?

Swara smiles : I'm feeling so happy today Sanskar and thank you for brining me here

Sanskar smiles and side hugs her : and I'm happy to have you beside me forever

Swara smiles : and ever

Swara keeps her head on Sanskar's shoulder . Being shorter is always advantageous while Sanskar keeps his hand on her waist and enjoys all the rituals along with Swara .

Soon marriage gets over and it was time for bidai . Swara feels happy to see Radha's understanding parents who dint make her feel low . She remembers her kaka kaki how made her feel special and mainly Kavya who dint allow her to cry more . She smiles remembering them while looking at Raj and Radha where Raj was making fun of his sister though he was having tears in his eyes . Radha goes along with her husband Ayush while Raj and his family breaks down . After consoling them Swara and Sanskar start their journey back to Maheshwari Mansion silently as Swara was lost in her thoughts and Sanskar was busy driving as it was late night .


Reaching their room Sanskar was shocked to see the decorations and then looks at Swara who was standing beside him nervously .

Sanskar : Shona you started this again ?

Swara : Sanskar it's been long since we got married and we dint take a step ahead so I planned all this

Sanskar : but Shona ..

Swara boldly comes near him after locking the door behind : don't forget you promised me that after getting well you will not stop me and now it's been 15 days and I'm fully fit and fine

Sanskar pulls her towards him through her waist though he was trying hard to control himself : but it's just 15 days Shona

Swara keeps her hands on his shoulders : and I'm fully fit and fine

Swara doesn't allow Sanskar to speak further and seals her lips on his . Sanskar was taken aback but responds quickly while pinching her waist for the sudden move as he wasn't ready for this and she attacked him suddenly .

They break their kiss and pant heavily while Sanskar joins his head with Swara's forehead : are you sure Shona ?

Swara looks into his eyes : yes Sanskar

Sanskar who was controlling himself gets drown with the feelings and kisses her again while pulling her more near to him and slowly starts undressing her . After breaking the kiss he picks her in his arms and takes her to bed and two souls get one.


I'm sorry for being late . I'm not being able to manage time .

Do ignore grammatical errors and mistakes as I wrote it in hurry

And I hope the part wasn't boring

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