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After 15 days

It's been 15 days of Swara's operation and Swara is fit and fine now . Many things changed in this time gap . Swara and Sanskar's love as been increasing day by day and understanding level as increased a lot . Swara had a good bonding will all family members and turned naughty like Amaya and tease all family members . Swara shared a unique bonding with Parineeta and Adarsh who have now became her bhai and bhabhi and Sanskar is very happy to see his Shona happy .

But today it wasn't a like a normal day , something changed which has caused great effect on Maheshwari's and being the head of the house Annapurna Maheswari is hell angry with Parineeta , Swara and Ragini and thus had called all her son's to home immediately.

Sensing seriousness with their mothers voice , all 3 come home rushing only to face their angry mother .

Adarsh gains some courage : maa what's wrong ? Why did you call us immediately ? Is everything fine ?

Annapurna who was controlling her anger bursts out : listen Adarsh , Sanskar and Laksh this is my house and I won't bear anything rubbish over here. From years I and Sujata have managed this house and did things good for each other and never fighted like your wife's . They aren't kids now make them understand .

Sujata keeps her hand on Annapurna's shoulder : jiji calm down

Sanskar who was fully confused finally speaks up : mom what happened ? What's the matter ?

Sujata sighs and makes Annapurna sit on sofa and passes water for her : I will explain you three


Few hours ago

Swara Ragini and Parineeta were having good time in kitchen when suddenly Ragini's phone rings and she goes to pick it . Coming back she was tensed making Swara and Parineeta scared .

Parineeta : Ragini what happened ?

Ragini : maa isn't well bhabhi and Kavita di is all alone to manage things. I called them here but both are stubborn to come back what shall I do ?

Parineeta : Ragini I can understand but Kavita is not a child now she can manage her mother

Ragini gets angry but controls herself : bhabhi I understand what you mean to say but Mumbai isn't a small city and they haven't settled themselves well over there

Parineeta : then I guess you and Laksh should go there

Ragini nods her head and goes towards Swara : di I'm sure if you will speak with maa she will come back here

Swara is shocked to hear this . After the incident in hospital Ragini had never spoke about Sharmistha and Kavita with her . But today it was something which she can't digest .

Parineeta understands Swara's condition : Ragini why are you forcing her ? If she isn't comfortable then please don't force her

Ragini gets irked by now as one side her mother is not well , her sister is all alone to face the situation , she can't go as Laksh is having an impact project and only way for this solution is to bring her mother and sister back to Kolkata so that they can have some rest and she can take their care well while Parineeta's talks made her frustrated .

Ragini : bhabhi please you stay out of this matter as it's matter of our maayka

Parineeta is taken aback : Ragini I just said truth ! When Swara was ill none of you cared and being alone dint she face everything ?

Ragini shouts : bhabhi these 2 are different things Swara di never said about her illness to anyone but now she is our maa and please don't interfere in this matter as it's between sisters

By now hearing voices Sujata and Annapurna too came to kitchen

Swara who was all silent till now couldn't take such harsh words on her bhabhi : Ragini what wrong did bhabhi say that your shouting like this ? She is right in her place and don't forget she has all right to interfere in our matters and moreover that's not my maayka it's only yours

Ragini gets frustrated : di she is your mother too don't forget she gave you birth . What's her fault in all this ? Loving my father wasn't her mistake nor Kavita di acting all that was her mistake . She is our mother for God sake

Swara gets angry : enough is enough Ragini . When I was having fever she never came to me , when I was facing breathing problem she never came to me all she did was taking care of you and Kavita so now it's your and your Kavita Di's responsibility not mine

Parineeta goes near Swara : Swara this much anger isn't good for your health and Ragini please before raising the topic of past look at your sister's condition before 15 days she got operated and came back these things aren't good for her health

Ragini : I know about my di so please don't interfere bhabhi

Annapurna gets angry : Ragini what kind of behavior is this ? And Parineeta why are you dragging the matter ? Swara if you don't want to do what Ragini is saying then reject it why you 3 are taking this house on your head ? I never expected this from you 3 . And Parineeta I thought you to be sensible while being elder even your doing the same ?

Parineeta gets teary eyes as it was first time when Annapurna scolded her : I'm sorry maa I was just tensed about Swara and her health

Swara supports Parineeta : it all started due to Ragini's irritation and anger we aren't at fault .

Ragini : is thinking welfare of my mother is wrong ?

Annapurna : shut up you 3 what is wrong with you ? I never wanted this to happen ! I want you 3 to stand with each other and support each other when other one falls but here you are making group of yourself and fighting ? This isn't allowed in my house .

Swara Parineeta and Ragini bow their head and go from there being ashamed

Sujata supports Annapurna : jiji I can understand you but they aren't that much mature please don't get angry .

Annapurna : Sujata you aren't getting my point . I know they aren't at fault but they 3 should know that this is a single family . Did you see how Parineeta and Swara were teaming and answering Ragini ? What will happen in future do you know ? It might cause an harm with brothers too which I don't want . This wasn't a small mistake .

Sujata sighs : bhabhi let's go and talk with them and make them understand

Annapurna gets angry : no we aren't going to talk but now their husbands will handle it

Sujata : but jiji ..

Annapurna : no Sujata don't stop me

Annapurna takes her phone and calls all 3 to mansion immediately



Sujata : go and speak with your wife's and make them understand

All 3 nod their head and go to their respective rooms. While Annapurna sighs and goes to her room Sujata was also tired of everything and goes to her room .


Sanskar enters his room and looks at Swara who was weeping hugging her knees tightly . Sanskar's heart pains seeing this and he runs to her .

Sensing Sanskar's touch Swara hugs him tightly and sobs more : Sanskar please tell badimaa that me and Parineeta bhabhi dint do anything wrong . I agree Ragini was scared but she should understand me that I'm not ready to accept her mother .

Sanskar breaks the hug and wipes her tears : you know Shona anger is common for everyone there is nothing wrong in anger but this anger should be in limit . See I agree you were hurt with Ragini's words and bhabhi was also right but have you imagined what Ragini might have felt at that moment ?

Swara nods her head in no

Sanskar cups her face : when I came to know that you aren't well my breaths had stopped. Even Ragini might have felt the same na? After all she is her mother

Swara nods her head

Sanskar continues : and about bhabhi I agree she supported you but why? Thinking about your health condition. And about badimaa she always want you 3 to share a bonding like sisters. When one falls she wants other two to hold her hand. That's why she scolded you and bhabhi.

Swara nods her head : I'm sorry

Sanskar hugs her : it's OK but remember always anger shouldn't overpower relations

Swara nods her head and understands why Annapurna reacted like that . It was true that Parineeta and Swara thought only about themselves and dint think what Ragini may feel as whatever her mother and sister did , it's the truth that she is Ragini's mother and for Ragini her mother means a lot and out of tension she reacted like that .


Laksh enters his room and looks at Ragini who was crying silently holding her pillow .

Laksh goes to her and cups her face : bacha don't cry

Ragini cries loudly : Laksh is thinking betterment of my mother and sister is a crime ? Why aren't maa di and bhabhi understanding me ? There my mother is not well , di is all alone , she never had any sort of responsibility on her head as dadi dint allow her to take any tension while now she is loaded with tension . Thank God ! That she got leave or else what would happen with maa ?

Laksh cups her face and wipes her tears : bacha I understand your condition and you have full rights to order your mother and sister to come here but for that forcing Swara bhabhi isn't a way

Ragini removes his hand : means even you came to say that I'm wrong ?

Laksh sighs : Ragini I can understand what is going on in your mind but do you think it's easy for bhabhi to forget all that happened with her due to her mother and step sister ? They had literally made plans to ruin her life and in some extent they were successful too

Ragini cries : I know Laksh and I never forced di to forgive them I just want my mother to be fit and fine and I'm sure if di will ask her she will come

Laksh sighs : yes she will come but do you know why she will come ?

Ragini looks at his face kneely

Laksh : Ragini if Swara bhabhi talks with maa and brings her here then maa will get hopes that bhabhi might forgive her . Giving these kind of false hopes isn't right . She may start giving hopes to herself to do things to gain bhabhi's forgiveness which may disappoint her later and can make her more sick .

Ragini understands the depth and why Annapurna scolded them as this shouldn't continue always between them : I'm sorry Laksh I really acted stupid . I need to seek forgiveness from bhabhi and di . I got angry with bhabhi as she was fully taking Di's side . It's not that I'm jealous but in this matter I couldn't bear her .

Laksh hugs Ragini : it's ok bacha and with this first fight learn that don't overpower your anger on relations it's not good . If you 3 will be fighting like this then it will effect us also . We brothers won't be able to support anyone over here .

Ragini sobs : I will seek everyone's forgiveness

Laksh kisses her head : that's like my good bacha

Ragini blushes and hides her face in Laksh's chest making him laugh loudly .


Adarsh too goes to his room and looks at Parineeta who was silently preparing Amaya's wardrobe . Hurt was clearly written all over her face making Adarsh feel bad .

Sensing Adarsh near Parineeta turns : you came early today ? Is everything fine ?

Adarsh takes Parineeta and makes her sit on bed : Pari maa said me what happened today so don't hide anything from me

Parineeta hugs Adarsh and cries her heart out : I know Adarsh I was bit partial with Swara but I truely dint intend to drag the matter . Maa took me wrong . How can I create a problem between Laksh and Sanskar's wife's when they two are the soul reason for me to have a kid . If we are a blessed parents then it's due to Laksh and Sanskar's contact towards famous doctors .

Adarsh pats Parineeta's back : I understand you Pari but the thing is you are the elder one and being elder you need to be a bit sensible one just like maa . See chachiji does all mischief but maa being sensible sometimes supports her while sometimes scolds her . Now take my example , whenever Sanskar and Laksh does mistake in business I support them . We 3 have our own different business and many times we had clashes too but we dint effect it in our relationships and maa wants you 3 to do the same .

Parineeta : but I'm not at fault I was trying to cool the matter but they both were burning with anger

Adarsh : shh ! I can understand as they are better half of Sanskar and Laksh . But in such situations you need to calm down and pacify both of them . Ragini might have felt so bad when she came to know about her mother right . How she could feel when you said like that to her mother and sister . She is still younger one in our family while you and Swara are elder ones . You both need to control your anger as Ragini is really younger than you both .

Parineeta nods her head : I will try my best from now on Adarsh

Adarsh pecks Parineeta's forehead and hugs her tightly .


I'm sorry for being late but I'm facing network issues so I'm not being able to be regular but yeah from now I will try my best .

Many may feel this part was dramatic , yeah I agree but I wanted to show the reason of this strong bonding between Maheswari's thus I wrote it .

Sorry if it was dramatic and someone dint like it as many don't like dramatic ones . But it's common in a family to have fight on silly matters too and pacifying each other's .

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