5. Books and Fears

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Arjun entered the library, his mind full with the thoughts of his friends. Were they really his friends? He had wondered that often in the past week. It had been exactly two weeks since college has started and one week since Fantastic Four had come into existence.

"Oye alarm clock," Mithali's voice dragged him out of thoughts. He chuckled at the nickname his friends had given him. Not just him actually, all of them had weird names – Mithali was the 'talk machine' (she could talk non-stop), Kanika was the 'make-up queen' (she was crazy about make-up) and Raunak was the 'name king' (Arjun had suggested that name because of Raunak's love for names and their meanings).

Arjun walked towards Mithali, "Fancy seeing you here." That was true. Arjun would have never dreamed about Mithali coming to the college an hour before the usual class timings and spend the extra hour in library.

"Assignments dude, assignments. Who, in their right mind, would give assignments after just two weeks of classes?" Mithali complained.

Arjun chuckled at her response. He looked at the book she was carrying. It was a good book but knowing Mithali, she was going to bang her head if she tried to read it within a week. He moved to the shelves and searched for another one.

"Use this one," he told her.
"This one is not good?" she pouted.
"It is but you will get confused. Economics is new for you. You need a book with easy-to-understand language and examples."

Mithali nodded, accepting his viewpoint. She was from science background and had recently changed her stream. She wondered why? Shaking her head to get rid of her thoughts, she replaced the book she had chosen, in the shelf and joined Arjun. Both of them sat completing their assignments, Arjun helping her when she asked.


Arjun plugged in the earphones and put his phone in his pocket, as he worked in the kitchen. Their maid had been on leave since a week. So, the two boys had divided the house chores among themselves. The dinner was Arjun's responsibility, since he reached the flat much earlier in comparison to Aashish.

"Hey dad. How are you...Yeah, I am fine...studies too. I don't know, dad. We will be having our semester exams just after Diwali...Yeah I will try."

Arjun took a deep breath while his father handed the phone to his mother. "Hey mom...Yes, I ate lunch and I am cooking dinner now...Don't worry mom. I can cook...Yeah, I have made friends, I told you about them, remember? Raunak, Mithali and Kanika...yeah, I will send you the pictures...no mom, I am not sad...no...it's just that, these three are so smart and so cool types. And I am just me. Why would they be friends with me...Yes, I know I am being stupid. I will talk to you later, mom."

Arjun sighed. His mother always reacted in the same manner. He couldn't help thinking like that. Suddenly, he was aware of someone's presence. He turned around and found himself face to face with Aashish. Something in Aashish's expression told Arjun that his conversation had been heard.

Aashish left the kitchen and Arjun followed him, carrying the dishes to the dining table. They sat down to eat in silence. For the first time in his life, Arjun found silence uncomfortable. He looked at Aashish. He wanted to know what was going on in his mind. Aashish had made him feel welcome in a new city. He truly was like an elder brother but now...Arjun was worried. Would he judge him for silly thoughts?

Aashish cleared his throat and spoke quietly, "Look I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I came to help you with the food and...can I ask you something?" Arjun nodded.

"Your friends from school...what was their name? Yeah, Akshay and Surabhi, did you feel the same about them?"
Arjun shrugged, not knowing how to answer it. Aashish raised an eyebrow.
"Akshay and I were neighbours. Then we went to the same school. He was the person I sat next to in class or shared my lunch with. We played as kids."
"You guys were not exactly friends. You knew him since forever so it was easy to just tag along."

Arjun nodded. "Akshay had other friends. They played together and did other things. Surabhi and I were not exactly friends. She was Akshay's girlfriend, so..."
"What happened after you chose Commerce?"
"Less conversations. Akshay and I met since we lived nearby. But..."

Aashish nodded. He was not surprised. Falling out is common among school friends. What was troubling him were Arjun's insecurities. "Do these college friends of yours make fun of you in any way?"

"No. That is what surprises me. Akshay always told me I was weird – always studying, always worried about academics. They don't. Raunak has named me 'alarm clock'. It is my responsibility to not let them forget that we have a class. Kanika is responsible for last minute information from seniors or college notice board. Raunak is responsible in case of emergencies. He has a bike, so...and Mithali for planning group outings."

"And who was responsible for these plans?"
Arjun blushed, "They gave me a responsibility so I pointed out that everyone should have some. They quickly volunteered."

Aashish chuckled and patted Arjun's back.

So, how is it?

I know I am veryyyy late with the update. I can possibly give you a multiple excuses. I am sorry, dear readers, and thank you to everyone who waited patiently.

The updates will be weekly. And special thanks to HetalARMY9 for her motivations.


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