6. Friendship

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If somebody would have asked Arjun his favorite hobby, the answer would be overthinking. Whether lying on the bed or bored by the numerous concepts, Arjun Rao could overthink anytime. He could stand in front of his wardrobe and overthink instead of dressing up for meeting his friends.

"It has been twenty minutes, Arjun. Are you going to get ready or not?" Aashish asked, frustrated by the statue Arjun had become.
"But what should I wear?"
Arjun glared at Aashish who grinned.
"Why so much thoughts today?"
"Today, we are meeting outside college for the first time. Shouldn't I, like, get ready properly? Something fancy."

Aashish shook his head, "Wear something which makes you feel comfortable. Wear a T-shirt and jeans. That would be enough. You are going to have fun and not on a date. Just relax."

Arjun shrugged and took a white t-shirt and black jeans. He went to the bathroom to change. "Where are you guys meeting?" he heard Aashish asking him.
"Central park. Raunak will pick Kanika and will meet Mithali and me there."
"I thought this Raunak was Mithali's best friend. Why will he pick up Kanika?"
Arjun chuckled. Mithali had asked the same question.
"In Raunak's own words, Kanika is new to the city, how will she reach."
"But didn't you tell me that Raunak and Mithali were also new to the city?"

Arjun came out with a rare mischievous smile on his face. "I think Raunak fancies Kanika. He even took her to the local shops, the previous Sunday. This was his way to spend a little more time with Kanika."
Aashish chuckled, "What about you? Do you fancy anyone?"
Arjun blushed a deep shade of red.
"I don't talk to anyone other than these three."
"Two of these three happen to be girls. And there is nothing wrong in fancying a boy."
"I am more interested in the fairer sex."
"You are avoiding my question."
"You are wasting my time. Bye."


Arjun reached the Central Park and walked towards the entrance. He tried to flatten his hair. "Why are they always all over the place?" he thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice full of mischief.

"Your hairs remind me of Harry Potter."
Arjun shook his head, "I don't have a cool scar."
Mithali chuckled at his response and looked at her watch.
"Raunak is late," she commented.
"He and Kanika will come through the longest route."
"How do you know?"
Arjun grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Of course."

They were interrupted by Raunak and Kanika. Raunak gave Arjun a manly hug while Kanika and Mithali embraced. "We thought you'd be late," Arjun said, causing Mithali to chuckle. Raunak glared at them both and pulled them inside. The group was soon settled under a tree. Mithali took out the snacks she had brought.

"So, the assignments done? Tuesday is the last day?" Arjun asked and received positive response from everyone.
"Those assignments were a nightmare," Mithali muttered.
"It is just the first semester, Mithali, we have five more. If this was a nightmare, what will you say in the final semester?" Kanika laughed.
Mithali pouted in response, "It is easy for you people but I have never studied these subjects before. Economics has so many graphs and Accounts has so many calculations."
"And this is just Micro. What will you do when Stats comes in?" Raunak teased her.

The expression on Mithali's face was worth a picture and Arjun clicked one. Mithali glared at him making everyone else laugh out loud. That was when it hit Arjun. He realized that for the first time since many years, he was actually laughing and teasing people, having fun with people he could call friends. He smiled at the thought. It felt good to have friends.


So, how is it? 

I published sooner than promised. Couldn't wait for hearing from you guys. 

Please share the story with your friends and family.


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