Chapter One- I'm being what?!

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Woo hoo first chapter!!! So before anyone ask no none of the main cast knows each other. Like Naruto and Sasuke are going to be complete strangers to each other.

Second this takes place in modern times that means there are things like cars and cell phones

And that's basically it I really hope you guys will enjoy this story. I'm gonna work very hard on it!

Disclaimer-Well this is a Fanfiction so I'm pretty sure I'm not Kishimoto-Sensei


-Third POV-

*ring ring ring ring*

The sound of an alarm clock blared it's annoying banshee like call throughout the small bedroom. The blonde haired boy, Naruto Uzumaki, groaned and slammed his fist on to the off button. He sighed as he dragged himself out of his warm and comfortable bed.

He shivered as soon as the cold air hit his body and he zombie walked into the bathroom. Suddenly he was face to face with a hideous beast! Oh wait, that's just his reflection. He chuckled slightly at the fact that he managed to scare himself, and started brushing his teeth.

"Today I have to go and see the old man. He said he has something important to tell me. Haha maybe he'll give a "Free ramen for the rest of your life coupon!"

He thought to himself laughing. He quickly finished his teeth and hopped in the shower. After his shower he put on a simple pair jeans and a orange t-shirt.

He looked at his clock and saw that it read 8:30 AM. "Oh shit the old man wanted me there by 8:45 AM!!" Naruto yelled in panic as he grabbed the nearest pair of shoes, which happened to be a pair of slippers.

He sprinted out of his small apartment building, still with soaking wet hair, and ran like his life depended on it. "Gotta hurry gotta hurry!!! If the old man sees that I'm late he'll take away all my ramen eating right!!" Naruto thought to himself as silent tears dropped down his face. "How will I survive without ramen?"

He miraculously made it just one minute before 8:45 AM and was collapsed on the office floor, practically dying. A figure then entered the room carrying a binder filled with several documents. "Ah Naruto I see you decided to arrive early." The old man named Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled.

"E-Early?!" Naruto yelled confused.

"Yes I told you that the earliest you should arrive is at 8:45 AM and I see you decided to arrive at that exact time." The elder chuckled having realized that Naruto must of heard him incorrectly. "I can't believe that I ran through moving traffic just to find out that I wasn't going to be late!" Naruto groaned.

"Haha well Naruto we have some very important business to discuss so why don't you take a seat." He stated as he pointed to two chairs. Naruto picked the most comfy looking one and gave the old man a 'Okay so what did you want to talk about?' look.

"Well Naruto I've been hearing a lot of complaints around Konoha that you have been rather, troublesome lately. Well actually more like all the time." He said opening his binder. Naruto raised one of his blonde eyebrows confused as to what the man was saying. "Basically Naruto, I'm going to be sending you a University." He sighed. Naruto's jaw dropped and hit the floor.

"What do ya mean old man?! Sending me to a what?!"

"You'll be sent to Senju University and will be living there until you graduate. I once attended it myself back when it was still brand new. It's a very good University ran by a very intelligent woman."

He then continued. "I believe after you graduated high school, you've become bored with life. You need to have something to do." Hiruzen said as kindly as possible.

Naruto let out a frustrated groan as he jumped out of his chair. "Is there anyway I could get out of this?" He asked. Hiruzen shook his head. Naruto sighed. "Naruto you will be sent there tomorrow morning. The official school year will begin on Monday next week, but they requested the students to arrive a few days earlier. You should go back to your apartment and start packing." He said.

"But why a University? Couldn't you have just sent me to military school?"

"Naruto it'll be good for you to further you education. Going to the University won't be that bad." He sighed.

"Fine whatever." Naruto said as he stomped out of the office.

"Hiruzen-Sama are you sure sending him to the university is a good idea?" Hiruzen's assistant asked as they entered the room.

"This is for the best. I'm hoping he'll be able to make some friends. He's a lonely boy and is in desperate need of friendship. Maybe he'll even find himself a girlfriend." He laughed picturing Naruto going on dates and trying to impress women.

"That seems a bit far stretched." The assistant sweatdropped unable to picture any girl with the infamous Uzumaki.

-Naruto POV-

I swung my apartment door open and stomped inside. I can't believe that old geezer has the nerve to send me to some random ass University without even telling me until the last fucking minute!!!

I was pissed clearly, but I knew the old man wouldn't do this without a reason. He wasn't stupid but he sure was unreasonable!!! I threw myself on top of my magical bed and sighed.

So tomorrow I'll be living in a completely different place, probably stuck with some bitchy roommate, attending stupid classes that I don't even care about, and having to get up early! I bet everyone there is going to be all goody goody and shit. So I'll basically be reliving High School all over again.

I sighed once more. I suppose I should probably start packing my stuff up. I walked over to my closet and pulled out my suitcases. I only had two so I was going to have to make this work, somehow. I started pulling out a bunch of different clothes. I grabbed all of my t-shirts, pants, and underwear and somehow managed to cram it all in one bag.

I grabbed my one pair of sneakers, a pair of sandals,and my slippers. I set the in the same bag as the other clothes were in. I also threw in some other little items that had sentimental value.

"Now it's time for the most important item" I said with excitement. I grabbed the magical Holy cups of instant ramen noodles and set them gently into the bag. I wiped a tear of amazement as I gazed into the bag.

I wiped away my tears and frowned. "Should I be angry or nervous about this school?" I asked myself aloud.

It's true that I didn't have much to do these days, so I normally went around town playing practical jokes on people. I didn't have any friends to hang out with either, so I guess things have been pretty lame around here. I doubt it'll be fun, it's gonna be just like High School. High School was anything but fun. Instead of being one of the popular people, I was the Class Clown. I pretty hated Class Clown

But maybe this won't be too bad. I might be able to find some people that wouldn't mind hanging out with a loser like me!

But most importantly Maybe I'll meet a cute girl hehe.

Pfft yeah right!!! As if I'd ever meet a cute girl that would actually like me!!!

I'll probably end up getting myself expelled for pulling an awesome prank.

But, I should probably start telling everyone goodbye. Even if no one around here will miss me.



First chapter is boring asf I know

Next chapter things will start picking up anyways I hope you liked be sure to vote and comment what you thought! ❤

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