Meet The Students!

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Naruto Uzumaki-

Age- 18

Family- The Uzumaki Clan

Appearance- He's a cute boy with big sky blue eyes, spiky sunshine blonde hair, and whisker like birthmarks covering his cheeks. He is known for having a big and mischievous smile.

Favorite Subjects- Gym

Least Favorite Subjects- Everything else

Personality- He's a mischievous and rambunctious boy with big dreams to become the head of, well... something. Okay he hasn't fully decided yet but he knows he wants to be the leader of something epic!

Even though he is most known for being an empty headed troublemaker, he is actually a kind hearted and good spirited boy.


Sasuke Uchiha-

Age- 18

Family- The Uchiha Clan

Appearance- He is a handsome boy with spiky black (sometimes it appears to have a blue tint in it) hair. He has dark black eyes and a normally serious or angry facial expression.

Favorite Subjects- Math and Gym

Least Favorite Subjects- Art and Music

Personality- He is a mysterious and easy to anger person who doesn't open up with anyone. Rumor has it that it's because of his family.

He shows little to no interest in relationships of any sort and prefers to focus his attention on his education and skills. He is very talented and intelligent. He was as well extremely popular in his previous schools (mostly due to his handsome appearance.)


Sakura Haruno-

Age- 18

Family- The Haruno Family

Appearance- She's a pretty girl with bright pink hair, reaching the middle of her back, sea green eyes, and a slim figure. Unfortunately though she is most known throughout her previous schools as 'Forehead Girl' or 'Billboard Brow'

Favorite Subjects- English and First Aid Class

Least Favorite Subjects- Math

Personality- She is known to be rather hot headed and to have the occasional violent outburst but is still a kind girl. She is shown to be respectful to her superiors and is quite intelligent. Having had the highest grades at previous schools.


Hinata Hyuga-

Age- 18

Family- The Hyuga Clan

Appearance- She has pale lilac eyes, long dark blue hair, and a adorable face. She wears baggy clothes that cover the majority of her figure and hates anything revealing. During her childhood she was bullied for her eyes having no pupils (A Hyuga clan trait) and now is extremely self conscious about them.

Favorite Subjects- Art, Music, and English

Least Favorite Subjects- Biology and gym

Personality- She is a rather shy and self conscious girl. She also a very kind hearted and gentle person with not a mean bone in her body. She hates violence and loves to read and is rather talented in the arts.


Kiba Inuzuka-

Age- 18

Family- The Inuzuka Clan

Appearance- He's a boy with wolf like eyes and shaggy brown hair. He has red marking on his faces, many believe it is part of his family's tradition and others think it's a birthmark of some sort. He also likes to wear hoodies a lot.

Favorite Subjects- Gym and Zoology

Least Favorite Subjects- Math and History

Personality- He is a HUGE dog lover and has even snuck his own dog, Akamaru, into his previous school. Many teachers say he has a bad attitude and is cocky. But, he definitely isn't a bad guy. He is normally pretty nice to most people and is extremely kind to animals.


Shino Aburame-

Age- 18

Family- The Aburame Clan

Appearance- He's a spiky brown haired boy who constantly wears trench coats and sunglasses. Nobody knows what his eye color.

Favorite Subjects- Insect Biology

Least Favorite Subjects- None

Personality- As you can probably imagine he is a very mysterious and strange man. Even the teachers don't know much about him. But he is extremely fascinated by insects and is even rumored to have befriended them.


Shikamaru Nara-

Age- 18

Family- The Nara Clan

Appearance- He has brown, about shoulder length, hair that he keeps in a high pony tail. His eyes are brown and are at all times sleepy looking. He wears simple clothes the majority of the times.

Favorite Subjects- None

Least Favorite Subjects- Gym

Personality- Shikamaru is a rather lazy guy that hates putting effort into well, anything! But he's hiding a pretty big secret from his teachers concerning his intelligence. One of the few things in life that he enjoys is a game called Shoji


Ino Yamanaka-

Age- 18

Family- The Yamanaka Clan

Appearance- Ino is a very beautiful female with platinum blonde hair, held in a high pony tail with bangs covering the right side of her face. She has pale blue eyes and a bright smile. She is known for being very confident in her appearance and often wear revealing outfits but nothing to revealing.

Favorite Subjects- Botany and English

Least Favorite Subjects- History

Personality- Ino is a rather feminine woman who appreciates beauty in everything. She is said to be rather shallow by some but other say she is a kind person once you get to know her. She is also very protective of those close to her. Some of her favorite things are fashion and flowers.


Choji Akimichi-

Age- 18

Family- The Akimichi Clan

Appearance- He has long spiky brown hair that lays upon his back and dark colored eyes. Like most of his family members he has a larger figure and red marking on his face.

Favorite Subjects- Lunch...wait is that even a subject?

Least Favorite Subjects- Health Class

Personality- Choji is a very polite, gentle and kind gentleman with a heart of gold. He was often bullied for his weight and will spark into a violent outburst if comments regarding his weight are made. Other than that he is a non violent guy preferring to settle things in a more peaceful matter rather than fighting. He also deeply loves food, especially potato chips.


Neji Hyuga-

Age- 19

Family- The Hyuga Clan

Appearance- Neji is a handsome young man with white eyes, fair skin, and long blackish brown hair, reaching the bottom of his back, usually tied in a low pony tail. He also always wears a serious and intemadating expression.

Favorite Subjects- English and Gym

Least Favorite Subjects- None impertucular

Personality- He is a very serious and cold hearted person. Not really caring for anyone around him. He was known throughout his previous school as one of the scariest people to walk it's halls! He is also extremely intelligent and talented.



Age- 19

Family- ?

Appearance- Tenten is a cute young woman with brown hair that is ALWAYS in two buns sitting on top of her head. She also has light brown eyes and a bright smile. She often wears more comfy clothing and tomboyish styled clothes.

Favorite Subjects- Gym

Least Favorite Subjects- English

Personality- Tenten is more tomboyish girl who loves sports and other athletic activities. She is kind,caring, and brave. She also wishes to become a powerful woman and prove that girls can be just as strong as boys.


Rock Lee-

Age- 19

Family- ?

Appearance- Rock Lee has dark black hair styled in that of a bowl cut. He has very round black eyes and a big bright smile.

Favorite Subjects- Gym

Least Favorite Subjects- English

Personality- Rock Lee is a very kind and polite person with a love for martial arts. He dreams of becoming a Martial arts master. He was often teased when he was younger because he didn't look "cool" enough to be a Martial arts master. Lee continues to work extremely hard to achieve his life long dream.



Age- 18

Family- ?

Appearance- Sai is very pale skinned boy, with short, dark brown hair and black eyes. He usually wears black clothing and always carries a canvas and paint brushes with him.

Favorite Subjects- Art

Least Favorite Subjects- Biology/Science

Personality- Sai is a rather quite and awkward person. He has extreme difficult communicating with others and often ends up offending them in the end by mistake. Sai's only passion is that of art, specifically painting. He is extremely talented and most of the time he is drawing or painting.


Gaara No Sabuku-

Age- 18

Family- The No Sabuku Clan

Appearance- Gaara is considered a scary but attractive looking guy. He has short reddish brown hair, light blue eyes, and pale skin. One of his most noticeable features are the black rings around his eyes. Many believe this eye liner but they are actually dark circles.

Favorite Subjects- None

Least Favorite Subjects- None

Personality- Gaara is a extremely mysterious boy and is known for being extremely terrifying. He is almost too quite and also appears annoyed with everyone. The only people he talk to are his siblings so no one knows hardly a thing about him, other than don't piss him off.


Temari No Sabuku-

Age- 19

Family- The No Sabuku Clan

Appearance- Temari is young woman with sandy blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and a slightly tanned skin toned. Her hair is ALWAYS in its four pony tails and not even her siblings have seen it down.

Favorite Subjects- History

Least Favorite Subjects- Art

Personality- Temari is a woman who is rarely afraid to speak her mind. She has a slightly cruel personality and is rarely afraid of anything. She is also short tempered which resulted in her getting in her fair share of fights.


Kankuro No Sabuku-

Age- 18

Family- The No Sabuku Clan

Appearance- Kankuro has spiky brown hair and dark brown eyes. He often wears purple face paint for an unknown reason.

Favorite Subjects- Theater

Least Favorite Subjects- Math and English

Personality- Kankuro most noticeable trait is his love for puppets. He has loved them sense he was a child, nobody really knows why but he always has a puppet on him for some strange reason. He also has a strong dislike towards children.



Age- 18

Family- ?

Appearance- Matsuri is a short brown haired girl with dark brown eyes and a tomboyish demeanor.

Favorite Subjects- Cooking

Least Favorite Subjects- Nothing

Personality- Matsuri is often shy and timid when with strangers but is usually brave and much more outspoken. Matsuri is a kind girl but will hurt anyone that hurts someone she cares for.



Age- 18

Family- ? (Yes I know what family she is apart of this is for the story tho)

Appearance- Karin is definitely most recognizable for her bright red hair and matching red eyes. She also wears a pair of red glasses.

Favorite Subjects- Math

Least Favorite Subjects- Gym

Personality- Karin is a rather loud and short tempered woman. She isn't afraid to fight for what she wants and speaks her mind most of the time. She also has a love perfume and even has a collection of perfume.


Suigetsu Hozuki-

Age- 18

Family- The Hozuki Family

Appearance- Suigetsu is a young male with white hair that nearly reaches his shoulders. He has purple eyes and a pointed tooth that sticks out of his mouth.

Favorite Subjects- Gym (specifically swimming and swordsmanship)

Least Favorite Subjects- Pretty much everything else

Personality- Suigetsu is a bit of a troublemaker. He often enjoys seeing people angered and finds it humorous. He is considered annoying by some but he is a skilled swordsman.


Tamaki- (I gotta make a character for this girl so let's hope I can do this 😣)

Age- 18

Appearance- Tamaki is beautiful brunette with goldish brown eyes.

Favorite Subjects- Zoology

Least Favorite Subjects- Swimming

Personality- Tamaki is spunky girl that loves cats more than life itself. She is very kind and optimistic and hates when people are sad. She always wishes to make people happy and her dream is to make there no longer be any stray animals.



Thanks to everyone that read all of that it was so difficult to find some of those fanart's XD

Anyways, the next part will be the first chapter just wanted to give some insight on how I'll be writing with these characters

Disclaimer-The Series Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and the fanart's all belong to their respected creators

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