Chapter 7

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Long chapter ahead


Sometimes I get jealous thinking that someone else 

could make you happier than I could.



Y/n pov:-

I was in my bathroom, watching my reflection in the mirror in front of me. Only to see how flushed my face looked. I gently place my hand over the right cheek where the haldi was, reminiscing what Taehyung did a while ago. I literally felt my heart skip a beat when I felt him so close to me.

He's gonna be the death of me.

Why do I feel like this when I don't like him...or do I?

I don't know the answer to that question but whatever I was feeling,

I like it, scratch it, I love it.

I chuckle, before I wash my face and change into some comfy clothes for the dance practice for tonight's sangeet ceremony. The ceremony I was waiting for so damn long.

In this sangeet ceremony, the couple is entertained by the choreographed dance numbers performed by friends and relatives. And it is also considered as a form of social bond that connects the families with themselves and the couple. It usually centers on the bride leaving from her parent's home to how to make a successful marriage.

I head to the terrace where we usually practiced since I arrived in India, to see that almost everyone who was gonna perform there already. I let my eyes wander around to find my dance partner, but instead my eyes caught his eyes, Taehyung

I could feel my blood rushing though my cheeks. I try to look away to avoid his stare only to find Akhil, who was a few steps behind Taehyung, waving at me. I smiled before I ran into his arms, giggling.

"You missed the haldi, buffy!" I pout at him. He's my dance partner and also he's a very good friend of, mine and Myra. 

"I'm sorry cupcake, I had to go urgently for that meeting, don't be sad now I'm here for you." He says patting my head.

"Hey!!! Not my hair again Buffy" I say as I yank his hand away from my head only for him to grab my hand.

"Let's start now; we don't have much time left!!" He says as we take our positions along with others and start rehearsing, unaware of someone shooting daggers at us.

Taehyung's pov:-

A smile took place on face when I saw Y/n running to me but it faded as soon as it came when I see her run past me, towards a guy who was a few steps behind me and hugged him tightly.

WHAT THE FUCK?? Who the hell is even this guy and why is she hugging him so tightly? Is he her boyfriend?

All types of insecurities and questions hit me like truck at once but anger was the only thing the stood out most. I glare at the guy when he patted my girl's head, before they both walked to the center and start rehearsing.

How dare he touch my girl? And why the fuck is she even letting him touch her like that? Why the hell are they being so touchy for man? I wish I could just punch the hell out of that man and drag Y/n out of here and show her who she truly belongs to.

"Hey Myra, do you know who that guy with Y/n is?" I ask Myra who was sitting beside me sipping her drink with Jimin beside her, without taking my eyes off of my Y/n and that guy.

"It's Akhil; he's a very good friend of mine and Y/n's. Her and Akhil are actually really close than me and him as they knew each other since their diaper years. He's her dance partner for the event as well." She tells which just added fuel to the fire.

"Oh, a friend huh..." I mutter still not taking my eyes off them both.

After a while, it was break time and as soon as they stopped for the break Myra took Akhil somewhere with her with Jimin trailing behind them, leaving Y/n confused. She shrugs before she walks over to me and sits beside me grabbing the water bottle and a towel from the table beside her.

Author's POV:-

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill Myra, you're getting married sweetie, you can't have fun with me, I know I'm just irresistible but still- oww!!" Akhil yelps as Myra pinches him, making Jimin snicker at him.

"That's what you get for being dumb. Anyways this is Jimin my friend he's from South Korea, he's a flirt like you too but he's better than you and Jimin, this is Akhil the dumbest guy ever on earth and sadly my friend as well." Myra introduces them.

"I'm never buying you any chocolates from now on." Akhil mutters under his breath earning him a glare from Myra and a grin from Jimin.

"Oops!!Pretend like you never heard it." Akhil says showing her his teeth.

"Whatever!! We need your help and you'll do it or else I'll karate chop your future." She threatens in a low tone, causing Akhil to gulp as he places his hands covering his junior and Jimin to wince at the thought of it.

"Bro, I think you should just agree to her before she actually does what she said." Jimin whispers to Akhil earning a nod from him.

"N-no need to threaten my babies, sissy, Of course I would help you, it's not like I have any other option." Akhil

"Okay so this is what we want you to do..." Myra and Jimin explain the plan to Akhil.

"Ooo... I never expected my cupcake to fall for someone, but how can she be so dumb that she isn't even able to realize her feeling. Man, my friend is one dumb human." Akhil mutter as he shakes his head, as Myra and Jimin give him a *you're the dumb one* look.

"Whatever, I'm ready to help you guys only cause it's for that dumb cupcake." He rolls his eyes at them.

After few minutes they all agree to what they have to do and get back to the terrace, where everyone was.

Meanwhile (with Y/n and Taehyung)

It was silent for few minutes before Taehyung decides to cut the silence.

"You and that guy seem to be close."

"Umm...who are you talking about?" Y/n asks looking at him.

"I mean, that partner of yours" Taehyung says as he turns to face her with a fake smile evident on his face.

"Oh...him, but why are you asking about him though?" she raises her brow at him.

"J-just cause, he was being very touchy- touchy with you..." He mutters slowly, making Y/n stifle a chuckle when she realizes Tae was getting jealous so she decides to tease him.

"Well...his name is Akhil, and he's a really-really good and close friend of mine. His goofy personality and he's so handsome right? Though he teases me, he's always there for me." Y/n says dreamily as she breaks the eye contact with Taehyung and looks ahead.

"Anyways, the break-time is over I guess, I'll go now" with that she walks away grinning to herself leaving Taehyung fuming in his jealousy.

Y/n pov:-

It's been around 20 minutes or so since we started rehearsing again after break. Since then I have stealing few glances at Taehyung only to find him glaring at Akhil, poor buffy. I snap out of my thoughts when I heard a screech from beside me only to find Akhil, on the ground, clutching his right ankle, groaning in pain.

"W-what happened?? You were just okay a minute ago buffy??" I ask as I panic and kneel beside him as everyone gathers around us.

"I-I think he sprained his ankle, we need to get him to bed already, Myra can you call a doc, I'll take him to the guest room, Move aside people, make way." Jimin says as he helps Akhil up and wraps his hand around his neck making Akhil lean on Jimin and they walk away with me, Myra and Taehyung trailing behind.

Lord, why now?




We were four were in the guest room as the doctor just ;left saying that Akhil need to be on a bed rest for at least 3 days, which directly means that he can't dance anymore and which make me partner less.

"I-I'm sorry Y/n..." Akhil mutters looking down.

"It's fine, your health comes first, I'll just... drop my performance, It shouldn't be a big deal." I sigh as I look at Myra.

"N-no, I mean Y/n , you have to perform, It's my wedding Y/n" Myra pouts at me, fidgeting with her finger and looks at Jimin.

"Yeah, she's right Y/n, it's her wedding, and it's like a life time opportunity which I know you also wouldn't like to miss." Jimin says looking at me.

"I-I know but..."

"No buts Y/n, you just need a partner we can find one."

"But who'll be able to learn the steps that fast?? I don't think there's anyone who'd be able to." I say as I put my hands on my hips.

"Taehyung!! I m-mean, Taehyung is a really good dancer and he can learn dance steps quickly too." Jimin beams making both me and Taehyung look at him with wide eyes.

"M-me?? I don't think I-I would be able to." Taehyung mutters as he avoids any eye contact with me.

"I...I don't know guys. Even Taehyung doesn't want to; I don't think we should force him." I sigh.

"Taehyung please, can't you do that for me, please" Myra pouts at Taehyung as Jimin walks over to Taehyung and whispers something to him making Taehyung nod at him.

"Okay, I'm ready to be her partner." Taehyung sighs before looking at me making me blush.

"If he's okay with it then I guess, W-we can do it!!" I say as my eyes make contact Taehyung's, everyone cheers except for me and Taehyung.

Oh boy!! I just hope this ends well.

Time skip (the sangeet ceremony)

The function started first with the wedding couple, Myra and Nihal's performance with everyone cheering for them, it was all sweet and mesmerizing to see. Even though it was an arranged marriage, they both seem to be so in love already, which is just like a cherry on top.

At least she's happy, that's what matter

I cheer for my lovely couple, as their performance comes to an end and go hug her tightly.

"You guys were so cute, already in love or what??" I tease them both.

"Oh we can talk about it later but sissy are you ready for Taehyung, I-I mean the performance??" she says making my eyes widen at her comment for a hot second.

"Oh y-." I got cut off when someone answers her, from my behind-


"Yeah Myra, we both are ready, aren't we Y/n" Taehyung asks in his deep voice sending shiver down my spine.

"Y-yeah, of course w-we are." I mutter trying to avoid his godly scent.

Author's pov:-

The event was going smoothly everyone was enjoying the performances even Jimin performed with few other guys with Jimin as center and it was so good yet funny at the same time.

"And now, everyone's favorite, the gorgeous, Y/n and the handsome, Taehyung, So let's give it up for our last but definitely not the least and amazing performance of the night people!!!!" The host announces, and the crowd roars, cheering up for their lovely friend, relative or whatever you can name it.

{Now you guys can watch the video that I uploaded  ;) Think of the guy in green dress as Jimin. If not the whole video just watch the ending for an idea. and the costumes are same as in the video.}

It was also in that moment where Y/n finally realizes that she already fell for the man that was looking at her with an emotion, that she couldn't point out.

The only thing that was going on in her mind was 'What if he doesn't feel the same way as she does?'


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