Chapter 8

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I've never been so scared of losing something in my life, 

then again, nothing in my life has ever meant as much as you do.


(Next day)

Y/n pov:-

I was on my bed thinking about Taehyung, again! I can't believe I'm in love and that too with him. And also, he can get any girl he wants in that case why would he want me... how am I supposed to face him now?

"Ah!! I don't know." I yell onto my pillow before messing up my hair.

I get up from bed to get started with this day. Though there's no function today, it's like a break day for everyone cause tomorrow is the wedding. And since everyone was so hyped-up last night in sangeet, today they can do what they want. I was thinking of going out to a café to have some peace and sort my thoughts...about him.

After I got ready in my casual winter-wear since it's getting so cold here as the days go by, I grab my small bag, walk out of my room locking it behind me, go down stairs and stroll  towards the dining room where Ahuja's, Kim's, and my families were along with Jimin.

"Morning everyone" I greet to which they all wished me back even Taehyung who was staring at me intently.

"Umm...I was actually thinking of going out to a café for some time, just wanted to let you guys know. Oh, and dad I'm taking your car, you don't need it today, right??" I ask him trying to avoid Taehyung's stare.

"No, you can take it princess!" he smiles at me earning one back from me.

"Y/n!" I hear Myra's mom call me causing me to look at her.

"Yes aunt?"

"Umm... I was thinking why not you take Jimin, and Taehyung with you too, I mean they both will just get bored staying here. There's nothing for them to do here anyways." She says glancing at Jimin and Taehyung.

"Umm... I-I don't think they would want to aunt..."

"Yeah sure, we would love to go out with you Y/nie, right Taehyung?" Jimin beams cutting me off.

"Right" Taehyung mutters still looking at me.

There goes my plan of staying out of his sight for a day goes into water.

Why God, why?

I'll just try to ignore him all day, maybe I should call Akhil since he's able to walk and we're going by car so, yeah, he can help me with it.

"O-okay then, I'll wait for you both in the lobby" I say, faking a big smile I could make up at that moment as they both nod and leave to get ready.

Taehyung's pov: -

I was so grateful when I heard Mrs. Ahuja ask Y/n to take us with her. I just want to be near her all the time. She made me the happiest whenever she's around me. It just feels like a serendipity. A warm feeling that I never thought I could feel but still her I am yearning for her.

Though I know that she doesn't actually want to take us with her or maybe just me, but she doesn't wanna seem rude, that's why she agreed to this. It does make me feel a bit sad but, my excitement overpowered it. I wish it was just me and her though. But I don't wanna make her feel more uncomfortable than she already is, and being alone with me would only add fuel to it.

"Tae, I think it's a good opportunity for you to confess your feelings to her. Cause you know, tomorrow is the wedding and after that, she'll leave and us too. And today is the only day where you'll actually get time to tell her about it. I'll give you guys some privacy at that time. Just make sure you do it." Jimin says tearing me out of my thoughts.

"I know man, I –I just feel like, she doesn't like me...I don't know if I can. You remember what happened with her right?"

"Okay, first, you need to forget what happened with that woman. I know you loved her but she just wanted your money and to hell with that bitch to cheat on you!! I always knew something wasn't right with Sarah, but you were just so in love with her" Jimin says rolling his eyes.

"And second, I never thought I'd be able to see a day where the Kim Taehyung would be nervous!" Jimin cackles up earning a glare from me.

"Shut up Shorty! You'll know once you fall in love! I just don't wanna lose Y/n." I say as I roll my eyes at him."

"Whatever you say Tae, let's go she must be waiting for us" he says as he grabs his things and walks out.

Yes, me The Kim Taehyung has been cheated on and you know the worst part is to see the girl you were about to propose, hooking up with someone in your house, your room, and on your bed. I still don't know how shameless Sarah is, that she thought, it was normal and I was the one making fuss over it. There was just no ounce of regret in her.

That was the time I made up mind that to never trust a woman, all they know is to trick people except for my family of course but then I saw her, Y/n.

She's just so different from the woman I have met. I like how she speaks up her mind and doesn't let any one dictate her, feisty like a kitten yet soft ball from inside. A queen, that's what she is. 

Please, let her answer be yes. And I really hope this time I won't get my heart broken again.

I thought as I grab my things and exit my room as well.


Anger, jealousy, sadness,

That's what Taehyung was feeling, when he saw Y/n ran into Akhil's arms as soon as they entered the cute café.

"Bro, calm down, I know you're angry but at least calm down a bit." Jimin mutters to Taehyung.

"You want me to freaking calm down? The girl I love just ran into some other man's arms and that to in front of my freaking eyes, and you want me to fucking calm down?? Why in the hell that prick is even here? I want to punch the hell out of him right here!!" Taehyung hisses at Jimin, drilling holes at Akhil

"I know Tae, but you need to calm down first. People are looking at us man."

"I don't fucking care about that Jimin! I-I think she doesn't even like me. W-what if she likes h-him..." Taehyung says in a timid manner, making Jimin feel bad when he heard his best friend's voice break, so in pain.

"Taehyung, trust me, be positive, I know she doesn't like him more than friend, she just sees him as a friend or brother, there's nothing going on between them. Now calm down a bit, don't think about stuff like that, I've seen the way Y/n looks at you. She likes you Tae. Be positive. Let's go now, see, Y/n is waving at us to come." Jimin tries to console him, which seemed to work a bit as Taehyung nods a little, and gives him a small, sad smile before they both walk over to where Y/n and Akhil were.

"I called Akhil to join us, you guys don't mind right?" Y/n asks giving them a sweet smile.

'Oh yes, I do mind that prick'

Taehyung wanted to voice it, but couldn't cause he didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"N-no, it's fine Y/n, he's our friend too now, right Tae?" Jimin says, glancing at Taehyung, nervous about his answer.

"Yeah, he's our friend too now." Taehyung says in not so friendly tone and gives them a big fake smile.

Jimin shakes Akhil's hand while Taehyung ignores him, when he extends his hand to him and glare at him.

"Ha-ha-ha, we should sit r-right Jimin?" Y/n says trying to ease the tension between them.

"Y-yeah, your right Y/n. Come on." Jimin says as Y/n ushers Akhil to take the seat and sits right beside him which just pissed Taehyung off more.

"Tae, ignore it, remember what I told you. Now come before Y/n gets more suspicious." Jimin whispers to Tae to which Tae sighs as he looks down before he takes a seat, followed by Jimin.

They were all chattering happily with each other, and having their breakfast with beverages except for Taehyung who was busy drilling holes in Akhil's head most of time and stabbing his food. After about some time, Jimin sent a text message to Akhil about the plan of Tae's confession, while Y/n and Tae were busy staring at each other for a minute or two.

"I was thinking maybe we should go visit Neemrana Palace. It's just 9 am, we have whole day and that place isn't far too? What do you guys say??" Akhil asks them tapping his mouth with napkin as they all finish their food.

"N-" Taehyung was about to decline it but Y/n cuts him off.

"OMG yes!! I think we should, I always wanted to go there but never had the chance to, you guys are okay with it right??" Y/n chirps excited for the plan.

"Umm..." Jimin starts and looks at Taehyung to answer her.

"S-sure, we can" Taehyung says as he gives her a smile which earns him a big grin from her.

'Anything for you Y/n'

He thinks as they all leave the café.


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