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No one is sent by accident to anyone.


After 2 years:

Y/n's Pov:

I can't believe that it's already been two years since me and Taehyung got together. I can now understand why people say that time passes real quickly when you're with your loved ones; it feels like it was just yesterday when we met. Though he has gone out since the morning, saying that he has a meeting, he didn't even wish me, but then again, I know how hectic his work can be, so I can't exactly blame him for forgetting this day.

After Myra's wedding, we all went back to our daily routines. Me, back to London to complete the semester and Tae to South Korea. It was hard at first not to be able to spend time with each other because of distance, but soon enough we got the hang of it with all the video calls and late-night talks. Taehyung used to come to London whenever he got free or whenever there was a meeting to attend here.

Soon enough, after completing my course in London, Taehyung wanted me to move in with him. I know things were moving fast at that time, but I just knew that he was it. No one could ever replace him. I was nervous as hell, but excited too. The only problem was convincing my dad, who, like every dad, was not ready to let his precious daughter go away.

I don't know how Taehyung managed to pursue my dad to agree to me moving in with him, but then again, he's The Kim Taehyung. He just knows how to manipulate people with his words and charms.

I still remember the day when I went to India first after completing the course. My dad literally gave me all the rules and precautions about all this moving ordeal.


"I'll be fine, dad; I trust him, and you know that you trust him as well. And you also know that if anything happens, Taehyung's mom will kick his butt the very next moment, she meets him. Don't worry."

I smiled, giving him the assurance, he needed.

"I know, sweet pie; I just hope you could stay here a few more days." He said, patting my head gently.

"I wish I could, but I'll make sure to visit soon. I promise. " I say this while hugging him.

End of flashback:

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my phone go off. Tae's message, hmm... let's see what it is.

Taebear🐻: There's a big red velvet box under the bed. Can you please go check it out? No need to reply back! Bye!

Okay, weirdo!!

I bend down to see under the bed, and grab the box he was talking about.


I opened the lid of it only to see a beautiful green dress in it. There was another box that had these beautiful heels.

When I take the dress out of the box to look at the design properly, a letter falls off the dress.

I grab it only to find Tae's handwriting. It said,

Babygirl, be ready by 7 pm. Jimin will pick you up and take you to me. I would be waiting to see this dress on you.

With love,


Maybe he didn't actually forget it.

Whatever, let's just get ready!!

I look at the time, 5 pm.

"Okay, I guess I have enough time to get ready." I sigh as I walk into our bathroom, and start pampering myself.

By the time I got ready, I heard the doorbell ring.

It has to be Jimin.

"Coming!" I yell as I grab my purse, give one last look at my reflection in the mirror, and rush downstairs to open the door.

"Wow!! You look amazing, Y/nie! Ready to go? " Jimin asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Lol, thanks Jiminie, and yes I'm ready. Let's go!!" I say as I walk out, locking the door behind me.

Taehyung's POV:

Never once in my life did I think I would do this, ever, but here I am, in the garden of morning calm, which I rented for the whole night, waiting for the love of my life with a bouquet of purple roses to walk down the path I personally decorated for today. I know she adores purple roses so much.

After meeting Y/n, the day I'd been waiting for finally arrived.

Yes, you guessed it right!

I'm proposing to her tonight. And no one will be able to stop me from making her mine forever and ever.

I even got permission from her parents personally. I just don't want any other obstacles to come in my way of finally making her mine, completely.


Two weeks ago, I came to India, to meet Y/n's parents to ask for their daughter's hand in marriage. I know it's a pretty big deal in India to ask before proposing.

I asked Jimin to look after the work and Y/n when I wasn't there and to make sure that she didn't come to know where I actually went, because I only told her that I was going to the US for a meeting. She was kind of upset that I told her at the last moment but I know my baby would get over it soon.

Right now, I'm sitting in front of Y/n's parents, who were waiting for me to say what I came for so suddenly, and that too, without her daughter knowing about it.

"So, tell me, Taehyung, what's the reason for your coming here? It must be something important, seeing that you personally came up to us. " Mr. Bhatt says, crossing his arms while Y/n's mom just nods at me to speak.

"Actually, you're right Mr. Bhatt, I did come here for a very important thing..." I say placing my cup of tea on the table.

"And what might that be, Tae?" Y/n's mom says, smiling gently at me.

"I don't know how exactly to explain it to you, but this has to be done, so what I wanted to say is that I want to have Y/n as my life partner! "

There was a silence for a minute before I heard Mrs. Bhatt squeal in joy, calming a few of my nerves. Though Y/n's dad was quite silent and was just staring at "me," which isn't exactly relieving.

"Oh my god!! I'm so happy for you, Taehyung, I know Y/n will say yes. I've been waiting for this for a long time!!Right, dear? " Y/n's mom asks her husband.

"I know this is kind of sudden, but I felt like I should ask for your permission before asking her...I promise to cherish and love her till the very last breath of my life. So now, Mr. Bhatt, I want to know your opinions on this. I will respect whatever you decide for her, as you're her parents. But I'll make sure you'll never regret saying yes to this. " I say it all in one breath and wait for his reply.

"Hmm..." He nods, making both me and Y/n mom look at him curiously.

"I think you very well know how precious my daughter is to me, and I very well know how precious you are to my daughter, as I've seen how happy she's with you, which is exactly what I want for my daughter, to be happy forever. I know that no one can ever stay happy forever. There will be ups and lows, but I know that both will be able to cross them, together." He finally said, staring intently into my eyes.

"I give you my permission to ask her for marriage, but remember one thing, Taehyung, I'm trusting you with her. Don't disappoint me." He says as he walks over to me and pats my back.

"Never sir, I would never give you that chance, Thank you so much, Mr. Bhatt!" I speak.

"Call me dad from now on, my boy!" He says, chuckling, making me and Y/n's mom smile at him.

Flashback ends.

I snap out of a chain of thoughts when I hear a horn sound.

She's here.

I take a deep breath before I hide behind a tree waiting for her to walk in.

I can hear her heels clicking on the floor, the sound rising as she comes closer. I peek from behind the tree to watch her reaction as the lights slowly turn on with every step she takes towards me.

My breath hitches when she comes into view, looking so magnificent in that dress. So beautiful...so mine.

She gasps when she sees all the lights along with the decorations, I prepared for her while I took my sweet time checking out my lady.

"Taehyung," she calls out to me, making me snap. I step out from behind the tree, making her eyes connect with mine.

"Hey, baby girl!" I wave a little, earning a giggle from her.

Wtf Tae? Hey? You couldn't say anything else?

"Hey to you too, Tae-tae." she replies as she gives me a peck, making me smile at her.

"By the way, what's this all about, Tae? " she asks, taking in all the décor with her eyes.

"I organized it... for us. Do you like i- it? " I asked curiously, handing her the bouquet.

"Like it? I love it Tae!! It's so beautiful here! " She squeals before hugging me.

"Not more than you though." I mutter, making her blush.


"Come, let's eat something. I prepared this especially for you." I say as I pull her seat out.

"Are you sure that you prepared it?" She smirks, knowing the answer very well.

"I-I didn't prepare it... but I did have the best chef make it for us. " I say, avoiding her teasing eyes, and take my seat in front of her.

"Whatever you say, man!" she chuckles, lifting the cloche from the dish.

Time Skip:

We both ate our food in peace, just enjoying each other's company with soft music in the background that played from the sound system I had Jimin arrange for. Just as the song "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri started, I stood up and took her hand in mine, making her stand up as well.

"Dance with me," I whisper in her ear, to which she nods and blushes a little.

"You're being hella sweet today, Tae. Something's up?" She asks, looking straight into my eyes.

"Nothing precious, I just love you," I say as she blesses me with that stunning smile.

"I love you too, babe," she says, making me grin before I twirl her gently, leaving her hand and kneeling on one leg as the music stops.

Y/n turns around to face me, only to find him on his knee, making her gasp and eyes widen.

"I have something to confess, Y/n," I say, taking her hand in his.

"W-what...?" She asks, not taking her eyes off mine.

"I won't make this long, I have been wanting to ask you this for so long already. And seeing that we have been together for a while now, you have made me so happy and more alive. I feel like I've become a better person, and all of that is because of you, my love. That's why, today, on our second anniversary, I want to ask you this. " I take a small pause before taking out a small velvet box from my coat's pocket, opening it, and holding it in-front of her.

"Will you marry me and complete me, Kim Y/n?"

There we go. I finally said it. After such a long time, I finally asked her. But the silence after that is slowly killing me. I can feel my heartbeat rising as the time passes by.

Waiting for her answer... What if she doesn't want to marry me? What if she's not ready yet? All kinds of negative what ifs started surrounding my mind, but my sole focus was on her... my love.

Y/n's pov:

Am I dreaming or is this actually happening?

I pinch myself to see if this is real or not.

Fuck!! That hurt, but that means... this is real!! This is actually happening. Oh my goodness!!!!

I snap out of my world when I see the sad look on Tae's face. Yikes, I was making him wait too much!! But what can I do? I actually froze because of the sudden act.

I blinked a few times before opening my mouth to say something, but it felt like I had just forgotten how to speak, so I just did the first thing that came to my mind.

I kissed him.

I knelt down and kissed him. He was a little taken aback but did instantly respond to my kiss, hugging me tightly as if I would fly away at any moment.

"Yes, Taehyung, I'd love to marry you, my love." I mutter, pulling away from the kiss, trying to catch my breath.

"Thank you so much, baby!! Gosh, I love you so damn much. " He says, making us both stand up before placing the ring on my finger.

I was so lost in the beauty and simplicity of the ring. He knows me so well!

"I guess I must be the happiest man alive today. And you, my love, are the whole sole reason for that happiness." He says this before smashing his lips on mine. I could feel him smiling through the kiss, pulling me closer.

This man right here, is mine, and I'm his, and no one in this damn world could ever change that. He's everything that a girl could ever dream of, and I'm damn lucky that I get to call him mine.

"l love you, Tae. More than yesterday, but still less than tomorrow, " I whisper to him when he places me down.

Now I do finally believe in fate and destiny. We were both made for each other. It made us find and choose each other at a time when we both had no belief in true love or soulmates. But here we are, ready for a new chapter in our lives, together. And if I ever get to choose a guy again in my next life, I will choose him, again and again. No matter what, may it be 1000 lives or a thousand worlds,

I would find him and choose him.

I promise, in good times and bad, happy and sad, with all the ups and lows, I'll always be by your side, with you, my love.

Forever and ever.


Finally, here's the much-awaited epilogue to this story.

I know I have delayed it for so long now, but I guess things happen when they're meant to, just like in our story. Me and my friend, @sugarrmelody, never thought that we would come up with an idea for a fan fiction, and the fact that we don't even know each other makes all this very special for us. We are both online friends who met each other because of being in the Army, which is just like a cherry on the top.

But in the end, we just want to say thank you so much for choosing this book to read. We really appreciate it, and if you liked it, then please vote, comment, and help us share this book.

It would mean a lot to us.

I hereby take my leave, and hopefully will see y'all soon with a new idea or new book.



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