Ch. 17 - She's Not You

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Warren wore khakis and a white button down shirt showing just a hint of his scant dark chest hair. But most gorgeous of all, was his smile. Half smirk, half embarrassed school boy he blushed when she opened the door and held out a bouquet of flowers.

"For you" he said thrusting them forward into her arms.

"Thank you. They're lovely."

As she went back in to find a vase and fill it with water, he followed. Hayden could smell the ocean and a hint of coconut. It caused her a traveling tingle, and she had a deep animalistic desire to just jump on his lap, rip off his shirt and shower him with her tongue.

She gulped instead and took a drink of the running cold water straight from the faucet. Things were crazy in her head, she needed to pull herself together.

"I have to be back early this afternoon. I'm judging the beefcake of the month contest today!" She blurted out three octaves a over her normal.

Warren burst into laughter. "Wow. They got to you quick. I expected you to be wrangled in, beautiful judges make the best contests, but to be honest I thought they would wait a few months."

Hayden scowled. She was hoping that would invoke a little of his jealous side, and didn't expect a dose of good natured humor. He held open the door and she walked out, thinking of how nice it would be to stay in and relax with a double massage.

They climbed into his car and headed back toward the cliff side of the beach. "I thought we were going to lunch?" She asked as he navigated up roads that looked like they were secret passages.

"I did. We're having lunch. Just thought  doing things a little different might be nice." He smiled wickedly as he drove higher up the cliffs before coming to a stop at a small uneven turn out.

"Here we are. Be careful, the ground is a little uneven here." 

Hayden took his words seriously on her very first step when she wobbled from the grounds severe downward pitch. He grabbed her arm and led her past the Rocky surfaces until they were at a moderately large clearing looking down over the water. It was covered by a screened in tent with the inside set up picnic style.

"Oh my God. You did this for me?" Hayden gushed as she made her way into the tent.

They sat together on the blanket where Warren fed her strawberries and champagne as he talked about stories from his beginning meetings with Dee. It felt like a fairy tale and when he leaned over to kiss her, Hayden understood the art of taking things slow.

The kiss started soft and tender, with the lingering taste of strawberry and bubbles and slowly built up in intensity into a pressing and urgent melding of lips and hands. He slowly rubbed his palms across her chest and she felt her heart speed and a fire ignite. She softly groaned as he lay her down and at straddled her, fully dressed, but feeling completely immersed in the moment.

"The thing about taking things slow is" he said between kisses and licks "that every moment can be a beautiful build up of its own."

She panted as he slid his hands across her legs and breathed softly into her ear. "I see, but what happens when there's too much of a buildup?" She asked.

He rolled off and handed her a piece of dark Swiss chocolate. "You take a break, and count down the seconds until you can start again."

She shoved the chocolate in her mouth happy for distraction. Somehow his antics made her angry and happy at the same time and she wondered if he ever intended to take it any further  than a pg-13 rating.

She brushed her fingers through her hair and decided she was better than this. If he could wait, she could wait. And today she'd get her fix of beefcake boys while he took a cold shower. She giggled as she noticed he definitely needed one. Obviously it wasn't as easy for him to "take a brake" as he acted.

They had another round of rolling with sweet kisses and light petting. Hayden felt like Cinderella, showered and pampered and losing all track of everything but the moment until Warren started packing up. As he began telling another story of how Dee once ended a business transaction by arm wrestling. Hayden couldn't help but giggle. Dee was always a wild one, and always true to her inner spirit. She hoped she could learn to let loose more and follow that example.

"You're packing? We're leaving?" Hayden glanced at her watch unable to believe the whole afternoon had passed.

Warren held out his hand and pulled her to a standing position. When she reached it, he leaned over and gently placed his lips on hers making her shiver despite the heat.

"You've got some fantastic men to ogle. I mean, judge. And standing them up isn't in your bet interest."

Hayden slapped her forehead and started folding the blanket. "I forgot all about it!! Thank you Warren. This was a perfect date."

"Let's hope it's the first of many. Well, after I get back that is." He said as he lifted the cooler into the trunk.

"Back? You're leaving? Already? But what about me? I mean, the resort. And Mason?"

He squeezed my shoulder as he got behind the wheel. "It's being taken care of Hayden. I don't live here remember? I have a desk full of clients that have been more than patient. I've gotta get back to the real world. But I'll be back in a month. That's no time. By then you'll be running this place like a champ!"

Hayden clicked her seatbelt and but her bottom lip. She'd forgotten that Warren wasn't a full time fixture. And now, thinking of him not being around filled her with a deep sense of sadness. "I'll miss you." She blurted.

"What? With Angie and Star and Tye and the beefcakes you'll hardly notice I'm gone. And for the record, I'll miss you more."

They drive back to the resort and Hayden grabbed his arm. "When do you leave? I could skip the contest. I don't know anything about beefcakes. I can take you to the airport."

She knew she sounded needy and pleading but right now she didn't care.

"I don't leave until tomorrow. I'll see you tonight after the contest and say goodbye ok? It's just a month Hayden. I'll come back, I promise."

She headed into the resort alone, suddenly feeling like a very small guppy in a very big pond. That is, until she hit the lobby.

The smell of suntan lotion assaulted her nostrils and she found herself swimming upstream in a mound of muscles. Mike was handing out numbers and yelling to keep
testosterone filled men in line. The whistles and catcalls started and Hayden felt a blush rise up her neck and spread across her cheeks.

Somewhere in the distance she heard Star squealing and felt relieved as she rushed up smiling and laughing at the crowd. "Welcome to your first contest Hayden, I hope you brought a fan, because it's gonna be hot!"

They walked through the swarm to the bar where they would begin to prepare for the contest with an ice cold drink. Hayden couldn't stop her eyes from wandering across the sizes and shapes of meaty muscle bound beach boys.

Star put her thumb and pointer finger in her mouth and whistled like a coach, the noise level decreased as heads turned our way. "Keep
It down boys, this is a hotel not a hostel. Get your numbers and find your way outside to the sectioned off part of the beach. Let's keep the peacocking to a minimum.

A tall blonde soccer type college aged guy handed Hayden a flower on his way out to the patio. Hayden blushed and Star yelled "hey, what about me?"

The blonde backed up and looked straight into Hayden's eyes. His deep blue's swimming with shine and mischief all framed by white squint lines missed by the sun.

"Tell your friend" he said to Hayden. "She's not you!" With that, he planted a kiss on Hayden's cheek and strut back out the door.

Star laughed and slapped Hayden on the shoulder. "Welcome to beefcake day, you're going to fit right in!"

Whew. That was a lot going on! Warren's leaving, the beefcakes are taking over snd Hayden is in the middle of it all. Something tells me she's going to be just fine. Was I the only one disappointed with Warren's picnic ending? Let's hope their goodbye has a little less sweet and a little more heat! Leave a comment if ya love me. I'll consider it a love note. 😍

"She's Not You" was recorded and released in 1962. The song is above if you want to hear it while reading.

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