Ch. 20 - "Forget Me Never"

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Hayden felt Warren's hand resting on the round of her hip as they walked out the door and into the salt flavored air. The soft breeze helped cool her burning skin and she hoped it would be a long walk to wherever they were going. At the moment her stomach was flipping and she hoped he didn't have a dinner date planned, the appetizer she'd just had, that sweet deep minty kiss had left her starving, but it was nothing that food would be able to cure.

The sun was setting and the waves crashing upon the shore made her realize just how lucky she was. She may not be getting what her body was craving, but there was no way she could complain here. She was a long way from being the miserable lonely art teacher she had been just a few weeks ago, and it felt pretty amazing.

When they got to the car Hayden waited for Warren to do his gentlemanly thing and open the door but instead his hand left her body, the presence of it already leaving a dent in her heart. He opened the trunk and pulled out a box, tissue box sized and waved her to join him. Together they walked to the bar side of the resort by the water's edge where Angie, Star, Tye, Mike and a group of familiar resort faces were waiting under tiki lights on a colorful mat.

Soft Elvis music played in the background and Warren placed a lai over Hayden's head filling her senses with sweet hibiscus and eucalyptus. She was glad for the dim light of the tiki as she felt the curse of blush crawl across her skin trying to figure out what could possibly be going on now. The whole event seemed magical and Hayden glanced down in the water where a small wooden raft was anchored with a Chinese lantern softly lot was tied but floating above it.

Warren stood with this back to the water facing the rest of the small crowd and smiled.
"We're all here to celebrate Dee. She didn't want a fuss, or a ceremony, or people dressing up for the occasion so Angie and I decided impromptu was the way to go. Tonight we will grant her wish and spread her ashes in the ocean, and, as she requested, Elvis will sing her off while I read her final words."

Hayden heard Warren's voice crack and from the glow of the small posted flames she could see the glint of tears in his eyes. He loved her, way more than a lawyer would, he was a friend and probably more of a family member than Hayden had been. She stood next to him and placed her hand on his arm. Being the support that he needed, her own selfish desires squelched by the moment.

Angie blew her nose loudly causing a giggle to rise from the rest. She stood stout in her white shirts and sea foam green button up top as she opened the box and spread the ashes in the foamy bubbles making sure to get a large portion on the tiny raft. When the box was empty she removed her lai of Orange tiger lilies and placed it gently to her lips before placing it on the raft. She then whispered into the wind and blew a kiss out to the water before taking her place back with the group.

Warren knelt for a moment at the edge, wiped his eyes and cut the rope sending the raft off into the water until only the light of the lantern made it possible to track.  When it was out of sight he pulled out an envelope from his front pant pocket and cleared his throat before reading:

If you're reading this you already know I'm dead. So I guess it won't come as a shock to any of you that I'm finally with my soul mate. No offense Angie. I loved you like no one on earth and you made my life amazing. But Elvis and I had a deal, and now it's time he kept his word and gave me that dance.

To the rest of you poor saps who won't get to witness the moment, be good to each other. I don't give a shit about the resort. Keep it, run it well, or burn it down. Do whatever it takes to make you happy because life is one big dance.

If you're gathered here it's because you were good people, a family to a sucker like me who believed in fun and love, and Elvis of course. Take a look around, and take care of each other. Families aren't always related, sometimes they're made. Now stop being idiots and start celebrating. I'm only sad I won't be around to give you grief, you guys always made that part of my job so easy!  Now, like Elvis, Dee has left the building.

There was a moment of shocked silence, quickly broken as Mike roared with laughter. Tye opened the cooler and made sure everyone had a cold bottle of beer to raise in celebration. There were sobs and sniffles but none of them could hold a candle to the laughter. Dee knew what really mattered, laughter, love, and having people to do it with.

The next few hours flew as they sat shoeless together on the blanket and shared their favorite memories of Dee; either causing trouble, or getting someone out of it. Hayden felt completely and utterly perfect. When Angie was ready to leave the group walked her back arm in arm singing "Forget Me Never" by none other than the king himself, Elvis.

Hayden and Warren stayed behind, she lay her head on his shoulder as they watched their makeshift family retreat to the bar for a more Dee like celebration. Warrens hand shot out as he pointed to a shooting star and Hayden smiled as she watched it above them.

The smell of his aftershave and soap mixed with the scent of the beach filled her nose and she inhaled deeply, already thinking of being without him. She could feel his steady gaze on her as she watched the star and soon his warm lips caressed her neck and his breath rippled across the skin sending her shivers of delight.

"Maybe we should get you inside and warm you up" he asked in a whisper.

She placed her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him closer. As he leaned in above her, blocking out the moon, Hayden's heart thumped as his lips again found hers. Her legs wrapped around his torso and he lowered his body on hers together making a dent in the soft sand.

To the music of the waves and Elvis's sultry voice in the background Hayden finally got her wish, as Warren took off her clothes and his hands and tongue explored places Hayden hadn't felt in years. She unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his broad shoulders as he paused and undid his belt and slid off his trousers.

He stood up momentarily to untangle his pants, and she smiled, knowing it was the perfect time, the perfect place for it to happen. As weird as it was, the moment felt so right. He lowered himself back onto the blanket next to her, his fingers caressing her breast and as he teasingly said "are you sure you're ok with this?"

Hayden was just about to answer when the deck lights from the bar flooded them with light and the doors opened. Angie's voice rose above Elvis's music as she yelled , "I love you Dee". The bar crowd cheered and as they starting making their way to the patio. Hayden and Warren did the only thing they could think of, they fled to the water.

Tye ventured down to the mat, beer in hand singing to the music as he saw the piles of discarded clothes in the sand. "Hey!" He slurred as he started taking off his own. "No one told me we were skinny dipping!"


Okay okay! No, I didn't chicken out! This book is supposed to have a vein of humor. Lol. And you have to admit, things going as planned would be about as rare as seeing Elvis at Kroger in Jersey.

Elvis released Forget Me Never on Nov.7, 1960 it's a beautiful song and worth a listen.

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