Ch. 19 -"Only The Strong Survive"

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Hayden chased away the drab by lighting a few candles and kept busy by rearranging things that had just been arranged. As she swiped the damp cloth across the Elvis clock with the swinging legs she realized she was a bundle of nerves. She took a moment to inventory her thoughts and finally in a flash of importation her voice rang through the empty room. "I want tonight to be about sex. There. I said it. I am utterly lonely. Having a boyfriend is good but I'm starving for some physical connection."

Her head swiveled as she glanced around the room hoping someone was around to comprehend this bolt of psychological diagnosis. When it failed to give her a triumphant high five she dusted the ceiling fan and let herself think deeper.

Maybe Warren was actually old?  Was it possible he had reached and surpassed his sexual peak and now just wanted intimacy in other ways?  She didn't think he was quite that old, but he had to be aware that a girls got needs. She pushed the chair back under the table and put the cloth on the laundry pile. She couldn't help but wonder the ultimate question. If he isn't able to do the horizontal mamba could I stay with him? 

Her mind flashed to the night she stood in front of him naked. His parts worked, and he certainly looked like he could enter w dance contest, so what was it that she needed to do to speed things up?  . She took a long look in the mirror.  The contest had given her just the right amount of peachy pink kiss that made her feel confident.  Her hair was gently scooped up off her face she combed down a few tendrils because the romance books all said guys loved that.

So why was her stomach tied up in knots and her mind giving her glimpses of what Austin would look like dressed in a tux playing James Bond? She spoke to the reflection staring back at her. "Am I turning into a guy here?  So consumed with physical need that I'm willing to give up what could be a perfect foundation for a relationship and jump into the sac with a beach hunk? What the heck is happening to me here?"

A large crease appeared across her forehead as she mentally scolded her hormones. She was an adult!  An adult that ran a business that may or may not be in trouble and being taken over, but not a hormone driven teen!  It had to be the contest, she thought to herself.  All that ogling and free drinks and the sun beating down on my head. That's all it was!  I got this!

Just in case, Hayden added another layer of cherry Chapstick and readjusted her bra. No sense not looking your best at all times. Magic happens, be ready for it. She wondered if she'd made that up or read it on a greeting card. Either way it was perfect. 

When Warren showed up she found herself already distracted about her goal. Had she decided to ravish him no matter what?  Or let the magic happen on its own. She remembered magic, but also remembered wanting to push things forward.

She opened the door on the third ring and he stood in the hallway, small bouquet of flowers in his hands and sheepish look on his face.

"I thought maybe you were still downstairs. How were the hunks?"

She laughed and pulled him in by the arm grabbing the flowers as she ushered him to the table. "Hunky!"

She busied herself with getting a vase and adding water and let him stew. The concerned look on his face gave her some smug satisfaction that at least he was imagining her with other guys. That could only help her chances of moving him along.

"Care to elaborate that?  Who won?  Why are you so happy?"

His questions were unlike him, and she missed he swanky confident version. She sat the case in the middle of the table and planted a kiss on his lips.

"The contest was fun!  The winner was a hunk and I got a new friend. He's in vet school and is a very nice guy."

Warren smiled and looked at his watch. Hayden felt the color drain from her face. Suddenly she was sorry for bringing up Austin, sorry for the games, and most of all sorry she had ever wanted to waste a moment of the night making him jealous.

"You looked at your watch! Are you leaving? Dos you come here to just say goodbye like it's nothing and move on back to the real world?" Hayden knew she sounded desperate and panicked and tears filled her eyes as she tried to think of a way to keep him longer.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her back. "I'm not leaving Hayden. Not until the morning. I'm looking at my watch because l have a surprise for you and I don't want to be late."

She swiped at her face and felt a deep blush rose against her cheeks. "Oh. I knew that. I mean, not the surprise. How could I know that? But that you're leaving in the morning. I'm just emotional."

He held her tightly against his chest. "I know. Believe it or not I'm not looking forward to leaving either. But I'll be back in a month. By then you'll be settled in and running this place like a champ."

Hayden felt his chin rest on the top of her head and the whole world seemed steady and manageable. He inhaled and exhaled and her hair moved in the motion of the breeze. Taking his thumb he swiped below her eye and his thumb traveled it's way down to her mouth where he outlined her lips.

She felt herself quiver, but on the outside only smiled, as his thumb traveled to her chin and lifted it. His lips slowly meeting hers and the electric pulse of the moment filled them both.

Hayden felt herself weaken as his arms tightened around her giving her the strength to stand. Her synapses worked in a flurry of activity sending impulse signals everywhere as zaps of happy pleasure danced across her skin. His hand reached her lower back and she arched, relaxing and living in this exact moment of time without any other thoughts.

Suddenly he dipped her, like a dance partner. Her lips separating from his causing her temporary shock and an almost painful stab of reality.

Standing her back upright he looked st her with a twinkle in his eye and said "Grab a jacket! We don't want to be late!"

Hayden stood with her mouth open frozen and stiff waiting for him to laugh. Was this really happening? Did she really just get so close to everything she's been dreaming of and then get it snatched away in a blink?

As her brain searched it's data retrieval system trying to figure out where the system failure occurred she felt Warren wrap a warm jacket across her shoulders and pull her out the door. Only one thought was running through her head as they got into the elevator.

Does Austin live close enough to be here to help me clean up Warren's dead body?

Hahahaha. Elvis recorded and released "Only the Strong Survive" in 1969

Will Hayden survive - or maybe more importantly will Warren? That surprise better be a good one !

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