Ch. 24 - "Animal Instinct"

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Austin put up his hand and the bird immediately climbed off her head and clung to him. It's feathers ruffled and he shushed it using his pointer finger to give it a gentle scratch behind the neck making it release a weird bird equivalent of purring.

After a moment he placed it back into a large wicker cage but left the door open.

"Alarm system?" Hayden asked with a laugh smoothing hair back down into place.

"Something like that!"  Cooper was abandoned by a large family. She'd never make it on her own and we don't have a bird shelter on the Island so I decided to keep her. She's not territorial, just social. She really hates being here alone. I usually leave the tv on for her but I must have forgotten."  He took off his shirt and Hayden couldn't help gawk at his physique. Austin looked like the cover of S magazine. His chest was firm and the defined six pack almost looked like it had been sculpted.  She tucked her hands on her pocket afraid she'd follow her instinct to rub them.

"Be out in a jiffy. Just let me clean up. Make yourself at home."  With that he turned to leave and Hayden saw the back of him and wondered if people actually could pass out from holding their breath too long. He was gorgeous. She bit the inside of her cheek and quickly tuned away to keep her mind in a safer place.

Hayden waited for Austin as he sang in the shower getting ready for the date. She scanned the house and could tell a lot of things about him. He either was either a neat freak or had a cleaning lady, probably the latter. He loved his family, she could tell by the pictures strategically placed in areas that he seemed to frequent.

The chair by the window had a worn dent, obviously he spent a lot of time there. Perhaps eating while watching the ocean. Hayden could see Herself sitting there. Inspired by the waves while painting.  She tried to think of the last time she had picked up a brush. The day before she got the calls about Dee, the wedding painting. It seemed like years ago.

Austin came out from the bathroom wrapped in a small white towel more likely designed to dry your hands than cover a naked torso. Especially one shaped like a Greek Olympian.

"I could cook if you'd rather eat here. I mean, I'm not trying to get out of buying you dinner, it's just an option."

Hayden smiled. "You cook too?  Is there anything you don't do?"

He winked at her. "Lots. I don't do Windows. Or steroids. Or stick with things I don't believe are worth it. Oh, and meat. I can't very well believe in the sanctity of animal life and be a carnivore."  He laughed as he disappeared into the bedroom. 

Suddenly Hayden wished she had stayed home. She wished she were sitting on a couch with Angie waiting for Warren to text. The whole situation seemed more dangerous than swimming with sharks while eating a cheeseburger. Austin was a dream, her thoughts were anything but profession or calm and she suddenly felt like there weren't enough air in the room. She lowered herself to the couch and took deep breaths putting her head between her knees.

When Austin showed up beside her rubbing her back she shot into a standing position. "I'm just hungry, or tired. I'm fine."

He grabbed her wrist with his fingertips and frowned. "You're pulse is racing. Have you drank any water today?"

She laughed at him being so clinical. There was no way in hell she was telling him he was too hot for her to handle. She pulled her wrist away and stammered. "Yeah, it's water. I mean, I need water. I'm thirsty. We should go get some water."  She headed for the door.

Austin steered her by the shoulders into the kitchen. He got down a glass and poured her water which he placed in her hand. "Drink it."
He said as he sat down next to her.

She gulped the water, feeling some trickle from the glass down her chin. She kept her eyes focused on the bottom of the glass, and thought of things that disgusted her. Turkey fat, messy toilets, insects, and muscles. No, not muscles. Gah!  It wasn't working. She had to bail out of this date.

When she placed the empty glass on the counter Austin wiped her chin with a napkin and looked at her closely. "Feel better?"

She looked into his sky blue eyes filled with concern and nodded. She did feel better. Better than she had in a while.

He placed his hand on her chin and leaned in slowly placing his lips on hers. Fireworks exploded inside her and she felt herself falling. When he pulled back she felt as if he'd taken away her ability to get air and wanted nothing more than to lean back in for more.

"I'm seeing someone!" She blurted out as if confessing to murder.

He smiled and placed his hand on hers. "I know Hayden. Whalen, the lawyer. I do my research. But you aren't engaged or married  are you?  And I'm not asking you to marry me. It's just a date. Don't take things so serious. I'm not looking to ruin your life, just get to know you."

A thousand pounds lifted from her shoulders and the fuzziness of the room cleared. Just a date. Sure. That's all it was. And she wasn't a liar or hiding anything. She could totally do this.

He opened the refrigerator and started pulling out packages of vegetables and placed two knives on the counter. Hayden picked one up and started chopping. He turned on music and they began to get into the groove of talking and Hayden found that Austin was hilarious.

It wasn't until she splashed a bit of red wine vinegar on herself and he pulled of her shirt that she felt like she was totally in trouble. His hands explored her skin which burned with heat more intense than the flame from the stove and a moan escaped from her mouth.

It was easy to stifle as Austin placed his mouth on hers, and for once she was glad he had strength to spare, because she was no longer able to stand. The fury of passion had swept across her like a tsunami.

Oh man. Hayden's in trouble with a capital T. And what about Warren who I adore? Things may seem like they're heating up, but now I'm worried someone's gonna get burned!!

Elvis released "Animal Instinct in 1965". Yeah, that one was way before my time but it definitely inspired a hot chapter. Go Elvis!!!

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