Ch. 25- "The Fool"

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Hayden snuck back into the hotel at 3 am. She tiptoed past Mike who was helping a drunk college kid and the buddy who was half carrying him while trying to push the elevator button.

She wasn't even sure why she was sneaking, she was an adult. She didn't have curfews and she sure as heck was able to pick where she spend her time, but guilt weighed on her like a Mac truck.

Finally inside the fortress of her room, she collapsed in the bed hugging her pillow. Austin had been a true gentleman which is more than she could say about herself. Well, not that she'd ever call herself a gentleman because that would be an outright lie. But she did act like a horn dog dude --on steroids.

When he kissed her she was ready to take her clothes off and christen his pristine shiny kitchen until the sterling silver had grooves that wouldn't come out for years. That kiss was magical. Or, she was indeed, a horn dog.

After a few minutes Austin pulled back, he twisted her hair and kissed her neck and turned his face toward the ceiling. Almost painfully he said "let's eat a little something."

Hayden chewed, her dinner which now tasted like guilty remorse as he made casual conversation. She didn't regret the moment, and at the same time she didn't regret his stopping. Perhaps that's what bothered her.  The fact that he put the brakes on when she should have. She began to wonder if she would be attracted to Austin if it weren't for Warren leaving.  That, and Austin's near perfect physic. 

Rolling over with a groan tired of always playing the fool and hoped for a dream involving calendar boys and an orgasm that made her sore for a month. It could happen. It wasn't likely, but it could happen.

She woke up with the sun coming in the blinds at seven. She'd forgotten to pull the heavy drapes and no amount of rolling over would let her drift back. Here, the sun was an alarm and the ocean was the thermometer. If people were in the beach and staking out prime spaces, it was always going to be a good day.

Her interviews with Angie weren't for another few hours and she wanted to look over the resumes of the people applying for Mason's job. It was a responsible decision and it made some of the guilt from last night sting less.

Pouring her coffee and taking a seat at the small table she grabbed the folder of the potential applicants. While reviewing the first one she had to laugh out loud and then clean up the coffee she had spit across the table, from her nose. He listed Mason as a reference. Sorry Drew old boy, that isn't gonna get ya anywhere today!

The next one went to Brown and was retired from the construction business. He ran multiple job sites and had impressive references. Hayden couldn't help herself imagining him coming to the interview in a hard hat and a Carhartt. 

Totally unprofessional and unacceptable Hayden. This is exactly how you prove you can't handle the job, or a steady relationship. Grow up!

Hayden slammed the folder closed and lay her head on the table making sure to make contact with the wood. Maybe she really wasn't cut out for the easy life. Here she was with the perfect job, in the perfect location with a guy she dreamed of and she couldn't keep it together for a full day. Forget the day. She'd been up less than an hour and she was already acting like a fool. What would Elvis say?

She grabbed some cream colored slacks and an emerald green tank and made her way to the shower. At least she could look and smell professional! If only she could scrub her mind, things would be so much easier.

Under the hot water she let go of her stress and began to feel better about taking on the day. Angie would spearhead the interviews, she knew what was going on and Hayden totally trusted her judgement. She had been running the place for months and Dee obviously had faith in her. As for Austin, she dodged a bullet, and he was a perfect guy, but not Warren.

Warren was strong on the inside. Warm and friendly and protective and he made Hayden get tingled every time she was around him. He had a great job and knew Hayden, and it didn't scare him off. If he didn't live in the other side of the world he'd be perfect. But he did. She wondered if she could handle a relationship like that. Weeks here and there and time in between without him. What if she wanted a family?  Would he be okay with that?  A part time dad who goes home after a visit? 

She shook the questions off like a dog shaking off water. It was way to early to be thinking long term. She was young, and this life was supposed to be about taking a risk and having fun.

As she stepped out of the shower she heard the familiar ping of the phone. No doubt Angie reminding her of the interviews. At least she hadn't screwed that up. She put on her clothes and applied some make up. Dried her hair and put it in a twist. She looked pretty good for someone who acted like a dude.

On her way out the door she grabbed her phone and hit the home key. The screen showed two messages. From Warren.

'Thinking of you.'

'Good luck with your interviews today, I'm sure you'll pick a winner. My meeting last night ran late but I can't wait to tell you about it. Off to meet with the partners, -W'

Frantically she tried giving him a call and it went to voicemail. Of course she'd miss the opportunity to talk with him. Stupid shower.  She grabbed the interview folder off the table and headed for the elevator.

Bummed that she missed his text, and the opportunity to talk to him, she tried to look at the bright side. He had been thinking of her too, and he missed her!  All her doubts about his feeling vanished and were replaced by happiness. Suddenly Austin being a gentleman and ignoring her guy moment was the best thing that had happened to her in a long time.  Technically she hadn't screwed up at all, her loneliness had taken her someplace dark, but not somewhere she couldn't climb out of. 

As the elevator door opened she squared her shoulders and put on a smile. Suddenly the world was brighter and her future was taking shape. She was ready to face the day.

She passed by the desk and gave a nod to the desk happy Mike wasn't there to look smug. Hayden was sure he was wise to everything that happened. He was the fly on the wall. A very big, muscle bound fly with a smile that made you flinch and happy at the same time.

Her face was smug when she barged into Angie's office excited to tell her she had brushed up on some of the candidates. The smug look quickly faded when she  found Angie sitting across from Mason. Both of them smiling like they were old friends.

Her instincts told her to shut the door and walk backwards digesting the information, but Hayden was never one to follow her instincts, why start now!  Someone had to get the fury of spewing lava that had instantaneously ignited in her core.
Poor Hayden just can't seem to hit a home run. Her life is a series of roller coaster rides and I for one wish she'd hit the pause button and take inventory. Lol. Thanks for reading!

Elvis recorded "The Fool" from
1971-1972. It was released in 1973 by RCA records.

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