Ch. 3- 'All Shook Up'

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Hayden sat in the car staring at the bank book. It made her giddy and nauseous and honestly, afraid. She worried about being in charge. She worried about having control of someone else's dream. But most of all she worried about being stupid.

She took out her phone and thought about who to share her news with. Not her family, for certain. They would immediately tell her to sell, invest, and get herself back into the fold. She had some casual friends, but none she wanted to talk to about a bank book bigger than her dreams and a new resort.

As she held the phone in her still trembling hands it hit her. She actually had nothing whatsoever to lose by packing up and running immediately. Her inventory showed that her life actually did suck. It wasn't just her view of things. She had a part time job that she didn't love, and an apartment where she hid from the creepy landlord in the evenings. Her ties were essentially non existent.

Immediately her fear was replaced by hope. Apprehension sure, but hope in a new life where she could put down some roots, grow some dreams and become who she's always dreamed she could be.

That night Hayden made plane reservations. She gave herself two days to get packed up and get out. She'd quit her job in person. She was a business owner now and needed to be adult about it. As she sat in her living room with her empty boxes, she realized how little of this stuff mattered to her.

All this time, hoping for just enough of a break to live little. And here she was, getting the break of a lifetime. It was time to book her flight, and spread her wings.

Hayden listened to the ringing on the other end of the line waiting for the secretary to answer. She just wanted to give Mr. Williams a thank you and let him know she had pulled herself together and was ready to move on.

"Hello Warren Williams speaking".

Hayden looked at the phone. Was it possible he gave her his private number? It was shocking and she ran through scenarios of reasons.

"Hello, Hayden, is that you?"

She snapped to attention. "Oh, yes. Hello. I'm sorry to bother you. I just---

" Your not a bother Hayden, what's happening, are you alright? Is there a problem?" He sounded concerned. Hayden wondered if she were having a problem other than palpitations from speaking to him directly.

" Umm, no. No problem. I just wanted to say I used some of the money today to buy a plane ticket. I'd like to get out to the resort as soon as possible."

There was a chuckle at the other end. "Hayden, you don't need to tell me about any purchases. That money is all yours. I'm happy your getting a move on though, the resort is a relaxed business, but an owner should be there and familiar with what's going on. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Hayden waited to filter her words. She took out the take me to dinner, finish the imaginary kiss we started and go out with me and ended up saying "I feel pretty good about it so far. I actually have way less here to tie up than I thought, so I'll be leaving the end of the week."

Now the silence was on the other end. Maybe he was multitasking? "Ok, that sounds great. I should be arriving in about 2 weeks with some last minute paperwork and just to make sure your settling. I'll see you then. Call again if you want to, it's a big move and I'll be here if you need me."

"I will, thanks again Mr. Williams."

"Hayden, please, call me Warren. I'm thinking we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other and I don't want to be looking for the real Mr. Williams over my shoulder whenever we speak."

Hayden wanted to let out a squeal of excitement at the thought of seeing him 'quite a bit'. She could get used to seeing those deep brown eyes more. But reality set in and she realized he was getting paid to see her. She needed to keep her head out of the clouds for once and be an adult. Mr. Williams, Warren was a professional and she needed to start seeing herself as a professional.

"Ok, sorry about that, goodnight Warren."

With the phone on the dresser Hayden did a happy dance. She survived the conversation and despite her new found resolve to be a professional adult, her heart skipped a beat that she would be seeing him again in two weeks, at the beach resort! It was too much to hope for! She wanted to make a good impression. She could totally handle this.

Now all she had to worry about was how to become a boss in a week. Maybe YouTube was the place to start. She would be determined not to fall for cute kittens and crazy rants. This time, she would get her life right. After all, it was a total do-over. A dream come true. What could possibly go wrong?

She lay in her bed surrounded by boxes and felt herself relax for the first time in..., well, maybe ever. Life was finally giving her a break. And a hot lawyer. Maybe she had died and eternity was one big bout of excitement after the other. She grabbed her iPhone and pushed the home
screen. It was never too early to start learning. But just to get her in the right spirit she stopped to watch a kitten play chopstick on the piano.

It's a short chapter. That's true. But the buildup is killing me. I want the resort!!! Do you think Hayden is boss material?

Is Mr.Williams interested in more than law?

Can YouTube teach you to be a boss?

Elvis released "All Shook Up" in 1957. It was a quick rise to number 1 on the billboards and times were changing.

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