Ch .4 - 'Fairytale'

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Hayden boarded the plane with one medium sized suitcase in baggage and a backpack carry on. She didn't bother to tell anyone she was leaving except the school principal she taught for and her landlord who she paid a whopping three months future rent plus the two months she had been behind. She didn't give the details of her cash, or her new plans, but did make an empty promise to keep in touch. It was strange how not being chased for back rent made her seem so much friendlier.

As she sat on the plane next to a young couple and a excitable toddler, she almost felt guilty about not sharing her big news with her parents or sister, but if this didn't work out it was just one more way for them to tear her down. And if she was good at it, she could always invite them down for a visit to rub it in.

Stepping out of the plane was like stepping out into Africa in summer. It was hot. Hot as in she could feel her hair expanding from the heat and her shoes stuck to the tar between the cement cracks. This would take some adjustment.

She hailed a cab and headed to Sand Dollar Bay. Pulling up, she had to catch her breath. It was beautiful. St. John was a gorgeous island all together, but the resort looked like a dream. It wasn't a high rise, over priced and looking like a vacation spot to the stars, but it was well kept, with bright tones of blue and grey, like the sky. To Hayden, it looked like home.

Getting out of the cab she paid the driver and reached down to grab her bags. Before she could turn around she saw someone in her peripheral vision next to her with their hands reaching for her bags.

"Hey, my bags, hands off." She said it with all the gruffness she could manage. If there was one thing the the big city had taught it was that attitude meant everything! When she looked up at the hands owner she saw a startled muscle bound Adonis who quickly raised his hands in the air.

"Sorry about that, they pay me to take them in, but your free to carry them if you want to, no worries!" He flashed a Hollywood smile that Hayden felt she could get lost in. She grabbed her forehead, facepalm style. So not the way she wanted to get started.

"I'm so sorry, city habit. Of course you can carry them. I'm Hayden."

Now it was his turn to look shocked. "Hayden as in Hayden Holt, Dee's niece?"

Hayden put her hand down, obviously hand shaking wasn't a big deal here, note to self. "The one and only. It's nice to meet you."

At that, Hayden was lifted into the air and twirled around. She was shocked and flailed a little at the unexpected turn of events. When he placed her back on solid ground she found herself looking straight into his bulging pecs. Which were definitely not a bad view!!

"So nice to see you! We didn't know you were coming! I'm Tye, not short for anything, before you ask. Just Tye. Wow. You're gorgeous. You certainly don't match your letters. Come on, I'll introduce you!"

Hayden was finding it hard not to be sucked into his enthusiasm. And his looks. Dee sure knew how to upgrade the front of the business! She froze mid step.

"What do you mean I don't match my letters?" She found herself frowning. Had he read her letters to Dee? All those letters of self seeking and soul searching? All those intimate moments she shared?

"Your letters. You know, the one's Dee read to us every night at closing. Well, when you sent them. Your a regular part of the family. We all do it when we get a letter from home. Who better to share with? Come on, everyone's gonna freak that you're here!"

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. So much for going in with a new start and professional attitude. She made another mental note to re-read those letters and remember exactly what these people knew!! That is, if they hadn't all been pinned to the wall for customer entertainment or thrown in the trash.

Walking in was like a scene from a movie. The lobby was total island theme right down to a palm tree planted in the middle. It screamed tourist, but at the same time fun. Music was playing, and she could hear laughter bounce around the sky blue room. They passed the lobby and went right to the bar/restaurant.

Tye motioned the bartender over. A beautiful brunette in a tiny white tank and cut off shorts. She had a tatoo of a star just to the right of her dark green eyes. As she got to the side of the bar she gave Tye a glare that would scare delinquents.

"I'm working Tye. I don't have time to meet your latest conquest."

Tye grinned. "You'll want to meet this one. Trust me."

The bartending beauty gave Hayden the once over before smiling sweetly and shaking her head. "Be careful honey, he may be adorable, but he's a professional heartbreaker. When it's over, feel free to have a drink on me". She flashed a Wise Cheshire smile at Hayden, and gave Tye the death glare before turning to leave. Hayden sensed tension here.

"Knock it off Christie!" This is Hayden, as in our Hayden, as in Hayden Holt." Now it was his turn to grin like a cat.

The color drained from Christie's face. "I'm so sorry, my brother is an idiot. It's so nice to meet you. Can I get you something to drink?Ok, let's start over shall we? I'm Star. Well, Christie. But I don't like bar customers knowing my name, Dee taught me that, so now I'm Star."

"That's great advice, it's nice to meet you too. Brother and sister aye? That's gotta be something!" Hayden could see a resemblance now that she looked.

"It's something alright, my mother the genius got Dee to hire this blockhead for his charm with the ladies.  She hired me because I have exceptional people skills and know my way around the bar."  Star picked up an ice cube and whipped it at her brother who dodged behind Hayden.

"Let me show you to your room before my sister ends up forgetting your the new head honcho around here." With that he spun her around and she followed him down the hall. To adventure, her future, and the biggest fear she ever knew.

The room wasn't really a room at all. It was a king sized suite with a bedroom, living area, kitchen, and bedroom fit with a heart shaped king sized bed. Framed artwork of Elvis lined the walls. The satin sheets on the bed were blood red and Hayden had to laugh out loud at the scene. Above the bed was a ceiling made entirely of mirrors.

"Do all the rooms look like this?" Hayden couldn't imagine the hotel being this flamboyant and having so many guest milling about.

Tye gave her the playboy grin and wagged his eyebrows. "Nope, only Dee had the hots for the King. The rest of the rooms are pastels and beach themed. Dee had vision, and passion."

Hayden didn't want to think about Dee's passion. There was a limit to love, red sheets, mirrored ceilings, and Elvis watching her pee seemed to cross that fine line.

She put 'decorate bedroom' as a top priority in her list of things to do.


So, you've met Tye. And Star. And gotten a taste of aunt Dee's style. Seems like Hayden has some big shoes to fill. Will it be 'Promised Land' or 'Heartbreak Hotel?' (Both Elvis tunes). Put on your 'Blue Suade Shoes' and stay on the proverbial dance floor.

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