His second chance

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"Miss.swara stop, " Sanskar said in sharp voice.

 A hope raised in her mind but she jerked it as he never gave second chance to anyone. Swara turned toward him.

"yes sir..."

"Where do u live? "

""huh!...near India gate," She said in confused tone.

"Is there a room free at your house? " He asked with a frown.

"yes sir...."

"My house is under renovation, I can't go back.... Do you want to save your job? " sanskar said while standing, closed the button of his coat.

"Yes sir..."she said hastily.

"Then arrange a room in your house for one month... Take your resignation letter back, " He ordered in sharp tone. Her face glowed up instantly she picked  the letter with fast pace.

"Miss.Swara i am giving you another chance, just because I have no other option left. I have serious allergy from paints and if u did another mistake then don't dare to come in front of me again.got it?"he said in serious tone.

"yes sir..."

she quickly goes to her cabin,picks up her everything and went out.sanskar was already in car.swara sits at front seat, beside driver to show him the way to her house.

after 5 mins they were in front of her house.sanskar stepped out from car and looked toward house.it was small beautiful house. there was two grass land on either side of a small path which leads to a main door of house.he sighed and asked driver to take out  luggage.

swara ringed the door bell and looked at sanskar who was looking at the house with narrowed eyes.

A girl opened the door and exclaimed with happily after seeing swara.

"thank God swara you came..."

"why.....what happened kavita?"swara asked worriedly,seeing her frustrated face.they stepped inside the hall

"first take this little devil"she said and gives her pari.swara takes pari in her arms and kissed her on cheek.

"she is crying from half an hour.....i wonder how do you manage these two devils?"kavita said while keeping both hands on her waist.swara glares at kavita.

"sorry...these two angels..."kavita quickly said,seeing her angry face and murmur something under her breath.

"why are you crying?"swara asking while wiping  her tears.pari shook her head and hugged her putting her small arms around swara's neck.

"who is he?.."kavita asked after looking at sanskar.swara turned back and bites her lower lip.

"oh! i totally forgot."swara thought in mind.

"he is my boss..."she introduced him to kavita.pari and kavita looked at him with deep eyes.

"ohh!...hello i am kavita........swara's friend."kavita said with smile and extend her hand.sanskar just nodded

"rude..."kavita murmured.pari was staring at him with her big brown eyes.sanskar looked at pari annoyingly.he don't like children.

"stop staring...bad manners."swara whispered in pari's ear.

"sorry.."pari said meekly.swara smiled.

"this way..."she shows sanskar his room and driver puts his luggage in  room.sanskar looked at the room then at swara, who was looking at him.

"arrange my clothes.... i will take shower."sanskar ordered her.

Swara nodded.he goes inside washroom.kavita and pari,who were peeking through the door,entered inside.swara opened the beg, arranged his clothes on bed and then started putting things in cupboard.

"swara what is this?"kavita asked in confused tone.

"i will explain latter first tell me where is sunny?"swara said in busy tone.kavita's anger rose up to maximum heights.

"don't ask about that devil...u know! he made me run whole house 2 times."kavita said with red face.swara just smiled.

"u are smiling...oh my god!"kavita said in frustrated tone and looks up at sky.swara kept clothes in cupboard and turned towards kavita.

"thank u kavita for staying with them for 2 hours."swara said with thankful look on face.

"don't be...you are my best friend,anything for you"she said and helped her in arranging clothes.

In meantime sanskar shouted "clothes" from washroom.kavita gets annoyed.swara gives him clothes.he stepped out from washroom after wearing clothes.

"sir will u have dinner?"swara asked.kavita got tense.sanskar nodded.kavita hold swara's arm and dragged her out.

"i didn't prepare dinner...u know i don't know cooking."

"i know...come."swara said while nodding.

sanskar heard them and shook his head then looked toward pari who was again staring at him with big brown eyes, holding a doll near her chest.sanskar feels uncomfortable.

"what???..."sanskar asked in sharp tone.pari shook her head and run outside.

"i didn't know that she is married and she has two kids also......its quite surprising.she doesn't look like mother."sanskar said while feeling unknown pain in one corner of his heart.

"i don't care she is married or not...."sanskar murmured and shook his head.


swara had quickly made some dishes and salad.she did all this in 45 mins.kavita was sitting on slab and eating carrot.swara had explained everything to her.

"kavita...stop thinking much and help me in arranging dishes."swara said after seeing her lost in thoughts.kavita makes face,step down from slab and started helping her.when sanskar walked out from his room.he walked toward hall but stopped hearing kavita's voice

"swara but what will people say......if he will stay here and his room is also just opposite to yours."kavita said in worried voice.There was a silence for a min.sanskar unknowingly waited for swara's reply.

"i have stopped thinking about the peoples from long time"swara said in uncaring tone.sanskar was a little surprised hearing her sentence.kavita open her mouth to say something but swara stopped her.

"kavi! listen....i can't afford loosing a job right now and i don't care what will people think.they are not going to help me when i will become jobless and most important thing i don't want to argue on this more.......okay?"swara said in serious tone.kavita nodded.

"she is practical...."sanskar thought.

"throw people in hell but what if he did anything to you?"kavita said and looked at swara mischievously.sanskar gets annoyed and angry.

"what do u mean?.."she asked confusingly.

"arrra! u are a beautiful girl."kavita said winking at her.swara rolled her eyes.

"did u ever tried to look at mirror...u know i have complain from GOD."kavita said while making faces.


"he should have made me a boy..."kavita said and sanskar frowned at that.

"why? what would have u done..if u would have been a boy?"swara asked with raised eye brows.

"i would have flirt with you."kavita said mischievously and came near swara.she giggled.

"i would have hold your hand slowly (and slowly hold her hand) then pulled u near me (and pulled her)"kavita said in naughty way,swara laughed.

"then slide your hairs beside your ear (and slide her hair strand)....but see he did injustice with me,making me a girl..."kavita said and leaves swara and makes pout face.

"kavi! u know on marriage night groom romances with bride and bride feels shy but..."swara said while chuckling.kavita looked at her with narrowed eyes

"but in your case u will romance with karan and he will feel shy." swara said burst out  laughing.

A smile appear on sanskar's lips after hearing swara's laugh for one sec but it disappeared quickly.

"swara your smile is very beautiful...."kavita said after staring at her flawless smile.

"kavi! control your emotions i am not that type of girl...i am straight."swara said while controlling her laugh and again started laughing

"shut up...i am also straight."kavita hit her on shoulder and also started laughing with her.In meantime sunny and pari came there.

"i am hungryyyyy.."sunny shouted.

"sorry bacha(dear)...come sit"swara said and makes him and pari sits on dining table.

"i will call your boss...by the way what is his name?"kavita asked.

"i...don't know."swara said after thinking for sometime.sanskar also get surprised that she don't know his name.kavita gives her unbelievable look.

"he is your boss not mine.i will call him by his name."

"i know his last name.call him mr.maheswari"swara sad with smile.kavita sits again on chair.

 "u worked in his office for 8 months still don't know his name? "kavita with frown.

"ufff.....i call him sir or mr.maheswari."

"swara?..."kavita sad after a pause.


"what is market price of his company?.."kavita asked.sanskar frowned.

"500 billions why? (its an imaginary)"swara said.

"and in how many companies he has shares?"she again asked with smile.

"8.......why are u asking this?"swara said after thinking a little.

"and where is his penthouse?"kavita asked while giggling.

"xyz colony and house no 123.."swara said being irritated.

"last one plz..."kavita pleaded.swara sighed and nodded.

"how many files are present on his desk."

"20....kavita stop all this right now."swara said angrily.

kavita laughed loudly.sanskar was amazed at her information.he knew it she is talented but didn't know she is too devoted to her work.

"i think kavita maasi has gone mad."sunny said while looking at kavita.swara smiled.kavita stopped laughing and hit sunny on back.

"now will u tell me why did u asked about sir's bio-data?"swara asked calmly.

"u know swara i never saw unique piece like u before u know everything about his office,even files on table but don't know his name."kavita said giggling.kavita laughed loudly.swara hit her on shoulder.a smile appear on sanskar's lips.

"shut up! i know all this because i  have kept those files on his table and there is one rule in office."

"and what is that?.."

"keep your work with work."

"who made that rule?"sanskar thought.

"and i have no work with his name."swara said,glaring at kavita.

"who made that rule? your boss?"kavita asked.

"nope...at my first day in office everybody came to me and said that if i want to work in this more than 2 months just keep your work with work."swara said chuckling.

kavita laughed loudly.anger rose up in sanskar.he knew that he is famous as stone hearted person who throws  his employees out at their first mistake.

"in your talks i forgot to call sir.u wait i will call him by myself."swara said irritatingly.

she hit her on shoulder again and turned to go.At that time sanskar stepped in hall.she stopped in her path.he silently sit on head chair all looked at him.pari looked at him and smile.sanskar ignored her.swara silently served him food, sit beside pari and started making her eat with her hands.

kavita cleared her throat and tried to say something but swara hit on her foot under table and signed her not say anything.

"so...."kavita said,ignoring swara's signs.swara hit her hard this time as they were sitting opposite.

"ouch..."kavita cried in pain.all looked at her.

"what happened?"sunny asked.

"nothing.."kavita said and give death glare to swara.swara pleaded her from eyes.sanskar was seeing everything but remain silent.he was irritated because pari was continuously staring at him. once he gives her angry glare but instead of getting scared she smiled back at him that made him more angry.


"okay swara i am leaving."kavita and hugged her.

"bye.."swara said hugging her back.


"lock your room before sleeping..."kavita whispered in swara's ear.

"stop watching movies mad girl.."swara giggled and hit on her head.kavita laughed loudly and leaves from there.

swara came to lounge.sanskar,pari and sunny were sitting there.sunny was watching tv.sanskar was working on laptop and pari was staring at him.swara looked at watch '9:30'.she walked toward them.

"sunny go and sleep...its late"

"please 5 mins..."sunny said in pleading voice.

"pari come..."swara shook her head and called pari.

pari obediently goes to her.swara picks her up in arms and leaves.sunny looked at her and then stands in front of sanskar.sanskar looked at him.

"hello uncle...."sunny greeted him.

"uncle...i am looked like an uncle??"sanskar said angrily.

"u are going to live in our house for one month.there are some rules u have to follow them."sunny said nodding his head.

"what rules?..."

"first...u have to be in my team.."


"there are two girls in this house I am man here but now u will be in my team.okay??"

"Alone....where is her huaband?"sanskar looked at him confusingly and thinks

"first tell me something.."sanskar said,getting straight.


"is she your mother?..."

"no pari is my sister..."sunny said innocently.

"i was asking about swara."sanskar said irritatingly.

"no she is our maasi...."

"where are your parents?.."sanskar askex being curious.sunny gets sad.

"muma..."sunny said but before he could have complete his sentence swara shouted.


"coming maasi..."sunny shouted back.

"wait......"sanskar said quickly but sunny runs from there.sanskar shook his head and started working again. after half an hour she came out from kids room.he looked at her.swara switch off all lights of house except the lounge because sanskar was sitting there.

"sir u want something?"swara asked from sanakar.sanskar nodded in no.swara goes to her room.

sanskar worked late at night sitting in the hall about 12:30 he got extremely tired.so he gets up and starts moving toward his room but for his surprise swara's room lights were ON.he looked at his wrist watch.he stepped toward her room to see what she is doing at this time but stopped,thinking it wrong and goes to sleep.

"why do i care.it is her life?.."sanskar said to himself.

To be continued......

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