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swara was sweating badly and breathing heavily.she was throwing her head side to side vigorously.suddenly she wakes up with a jerk, looking here and there.she quickly gets up from bad and moves outside.

At meantime sanskar also come out but swara didn't noticed him because she was lost somewhere.sanskar looked at her face and frowned.swara walked toward kids room and open it.she sighed in relief looking at them sleeping peacefully.

"what's wrong?..."sanskar asked.swara gets afraid and turns around quickly.

"no...noth...nothing."swara said stammering.

she again looks toward sunny and pari, wipes sweat from her forehead and closes the door slowly.sanskar was looking at her deeply.swara avoids eye contact with him and leaves.sanskar narrowed his eye.

"she is hiding something..."sanskar thought.swara looked at watch 5:00.

"perfect timing... "swara murmured.she tied her hair in bun and goes from there.sanskar was standing there thinking about her.he again goes to his room, changes dress for jogging and comes out.

"i am going for jogging,will be back after 30 min.i want orange juice after that."sanskar said to swara before going out.swara just nodded.he goes from there.

swara quickly completes work and after that take shower and lights diya, folds hands and closes her eyes at the same time sanskar entered the house and was mesmerized to see her.

Long wet hairs were open at her back.water droplets were dripping down to the floor.she was looking so pure with closed eye.he was just standing there looking at her face.suddenly he feels something new in his heart.he never saw her with open hairs she was always in simple bread or sometimes in bun.swara open her eye and smiles.sanskar's heart beat increased when she smiled.swara turns, rubbing her hairs with towel and looked at him.her hands stopped seeing him.

sanskar comes to his senses.swara looked at the time 5:30.her eyes widened.she quickly goes to kitchen.sanskar also goes behind her.he stands at the door laying against the door folding his arms around his chest.swara quickly give him juice.sanskar silently takes it from that side where she was holding the glass.there hands touched each other.she looks at him.there was a short eye lock and swara quickly pulls her hand back.after some time swara break silence.

"Sir what will u take in breakfast?"

"toast,boiled egg and black coffee without sugar."sanskar said in soft tone.

swara nodded and tied her hair in bun which were little wet now.sanskar gets annoyed when she tied them and leaves from there.swara made breakfast and arrange it on table.she was going toward kids room when sanskar called her.she goes toward his room and knocked at the open door.(it was weird but he never closed his room door)

"come in.."he shouted from washroom.swara entered the room.

"swara arrange clothes."he shouted again.swara silently arrange the clothes and was about to leave when he again called her

"clothes!!!! "

swara takes deep breath, gives him clothes and goes from there.she wakes up the kids and as useual make pari ready and when she was making pony tail of her hairs sanskar called her.swara shook her head.

"pari i will just come.."swara said softly to pari and she nodded innocently.swara goes toward sanskar room and enters inside after knocking.

"yes sir..."

"make a knot of tie."sanskar ordered her.

swara looks at him, sighed deeply, take tie from him silently and make a neat knot.during all this process sanskar was staring her putting his hands in his pockets.swara give him tie and leaves.

sanskar comes at dining table pari looks at him and smiles. he in return give her glare.sunny giggles.swara make pari eat breakfast.swara goes to get something from kitchen.

When she left.sunny exchange his glass of milk with pari which was almost empty.

"bhai cheating...."pari protested

"if u told maasi i will pull your bread."sunny said in warning.

pari gets sad and hugs her doll tightly.sanskar gets angry it was not like he liked that small cute girl who always stares at him with her big brown eyes. it was just.....boy was doing wrong therefore he satisfied himself with this answer.

In meantime swara comes.she looks at glass with narrowed eye, exchange the glasses and hits sunny on his head.

"finish it now..."swara said in serious.pari's face lites up and a smile appear on sanskar gets amused,seeing swara like this.

"but..."sunny tried to say but swara cuts him.

"or else u will drink two glass of milk instead of one."swara said in warninh.sunny's eyes bugged out.

""twoooo...."sunny said getting mini heart attack.

he quickly holds the glass and drinks it in one breath.pari giggles and sanskar smile a little seeing his antics.

"slowly..."swara said worriedly.

"it is better to drink one glass instead of two."sunny muttered to himself.

he gives her tight smile.swara bite her lower lip to stop herself from laughing. they hear school bus horn.swara picks up pari quickly, makes her wear shoes and give them school bottles.swara kisses sunny on cheek

"maasi don't kiss i am not girl."sunny cried being irritated.

he rubs his cheek.pari and swara giggle and sanskar chuckles. both kids run outside.swara looks at clock.

"uffo!!!...."swara said,thinking she is late.

she drinks one glass of juice quickly and start taking used things to the kitchen.sanskar silently finishes his breakfast and leaves.swara runs toward her room, picks home keys.files and duppta.

she comes outside the house.sanskar was already gone.swara lock the house and also leaves for office.

Both reached office at same time.they looks at each other but sanskar turns his face goes inside.swara also goes inside after him.

"good morning ms.rose."swara greeted old lady as usual.

"good morning swara.......boss has been reached already......go fast."mis rose said in worried voice.swara nodded and leaves.she knocks at the door of sanskar's cabin.

"may i come in sir?"

"yes...."sanskar said in sharp tone.swara enters inside the room.sanskar was sitting on couch which was placed near the window.Room was dark.swara quickly opens the curtains, sets the table and then goes toward sanskar.

"sir medicines."swara said,giving her few tablets.sanskar take it silently without looking at her.after that swara leaves from there.

whole day passed working.


AT 6

swara was packing her things meanwhile her phone started ringing.swara picks it, puts it between her shoulder and ear and continues her the same time sanskar enter inside the cabin.


"swara should i go to pick sunny and pari?"kavita asked from other side.

" am leaving i will pick them."

"oh!...okay."kavita said and cut the call.

"swara..."sanskar said in his usual sharp tone.

swara gets straight.Phone slipped from her shoulder.she catches it at correct time.she took deep breath and looks at sanskar,raising her head.

"yes...yes sir?"

"finish this file till tomorrow..."

"okay sir..."

He was about to leave from there when swara stopped him.sanskar turns and looks at her.swara gives him keys.

"these are duplicate keys of house..."

sanskar takes them and leaves.swara hurriedly pick file from table and almost run outside.she comes outside the house and started looking for taxi.



sanskar was sitting in the hall.unintentionally waiting for swara and kidssss.....

The main door gets open and he hears sunny's irritated voice.

"maasi u asked teacher to cheek my lunch this is so unfair."sunny's irritated voice touched sanskar's ear.

"i don't want u to spend whole day with empty stomach...."swaea said while chuckling.they entered inside.swara was holding pari on her waist and holding sunny hand with other hand.

"but maasi its so embarrassing."sunny said with red face.

"okay then i will call principal to check your lunch...she is my good friend."swara said with naughty smile.sunny stamps his foot on floor.pari and swara giggle.

"fine from Monday i will finish my need to call anyone"sunny said with cute angry face.swara make pari sit on sofa and looks at him.

"good boy."

sunny mumbled something under his breath.sanskar was looking at them amusingly.sunny sits on sofa.swara also sit beside him to take some rest.she was looking tired.she leaned back at couch and close her eyes.sanskar looks at her tired face.but his gaze shifted to pari who was as usually doing her favourite work "STARING at him"

"why this little girl always keep on staring me? "sanskar said in his mind.

"maasi i am hungry..."pari said innocently.

swara opens her eyes and stands up without wasting time.

"sunny go change clothes first i will prepare dinner."

"maasi i am tired....."sunny said without moving a little.

"u will get a slap...go change clothes."swara said strictly.

she makes him stand by hokding his arm.sunny makes bad faces and leaves.then she picks pari from couch and goes to her room.sanskar saw her disappearing behind the door.

"too caring....."sanskar thought.

they did dinner and after that as usual settled down in lounge but kids were looking excited.sanskar shakes his head and goes to his room.

"maasi come fast..."sunny and pari shouted excitedly.

"coming.......coming"swara yelled from kitchen.

"bhai should we call UNCLE?"pari asked from sunny.

"u are right.......he is my partner come."sunny said after thinking for a second.they go to sanskar's room and peeks through door.sanskar looks at them and frowned.both enters inside the room.

"partner we are doing ice cream party...can u come?"sunny said excitedly.

"no i have work.."sanskar sad in serious tone.

"its special will be fun...come plzzz"

"what is special in this?.."sanskar asked getting curious a lottle.

"actually... maasi made a rule that we have to do one exciting and new thing in one week and this day is fixed to tell what we did."sunny explained him.sanskar laugh in his mind at this childish thing....but maintained poker face

"no..u go i am good."sanskar said.sunny leaves making sad face.pari moves toward sanskar and put her little hands on his big one.

"please...friend,it will not take much time."pari said in her sweet voice.

she blinks at him twice.sanskar gets surprise when she called him FRIEND.he just nodded unknowingly and stands up.pari gets happy and jumps in excitment.

"thank u..."

sanskar smiles and goes with her.they sit on couch.swara came their at that moment.she was holding a tray in which ice cream cups were placed.she was little surprised and more shocked to see his arrogant and rude boss their.she gave icecream to kids and looked toward sanskar who was staring at her.she get more confused.

"maasi one for partner also......he is also joining us in game."sunny said quickly.swara narrowed her gaze at sunny.

"partner?.."swara murmured confusingly.

"who?..."swara asked confusingly.sunny points toward sanskar.swara looks at sanskar.sanskar smiles an unseen one.

"huh!!!..........sir which flavor?"

"chocolate..."sanskar said calmly.

"i also love chocolate but maasi and pari eat strawberry,they are girl na."sunny said excitedly and happily.

sanskar chuckles.swara and pari gives sunny glare.swara brings chocolate flavor and gives it to sanskar, sits with sunny and makes pari sit on her lap.

"so partner u are new so i will repeat rules.....1st we have to do new thing in a week and we can't repeat it.second thing we always start from small to bigger.okay.."sunny said like a teacher.

sanskar nodded with smile.swara looked at his smile.

"what happened to this kahroos?"swara thought stoll starring at him. due to her intense gaze sanskar looked at her.swara changes her gaze quickly.sanskar smiles and eat his ice cream looking at her.

"pari what did u do this weak?"swara asked from little angle.

"maasi i read poem in front of whole class and u know teacher gave me a kiss on cheeks."pai said cutely.all smiled.swara kisses on her cheek.

"maasi last weak she read lesson.its same thing."sunny protested.swara making pari eat ice cream.

"sunny lesson and poem is different thing and for a three year old kid its a big thing."swara said and again kisses on pari's cheek.pari stuck out her tongue at him.sunny makes face.

"your maasi is saying right partner."sanskar said and swara almost fainted when he called sunny 'partner'

"u are my partner.....don't take their side"sunny said while making face.

"come on now its your turn what did u do?"sanskar said with smile.
"i made a girl-friend."sunny said happily.

swara who was eating ice cream coughed.sanskar chuckled.

"maasi are u fine."sunny asked worriedly.swara was still coughing.sunny brings water for her.swara drinks water.

"maasi u know she is sooo beautiful."

swara puts glass on table quickly and makes pari sit on sanskar lap.sanskar looked at her in surprise.swara twists sunny's ear.

"what did u just said? girlfriend?"swara said angrily.

"aaa!! maasi its hurting."sunny cried.

pari giggled and sanskar was looking at her in amusement.

"i sent u school for study and u start making much old u are?"swara said with red face.

"aaaaa!! 7..."

"this is your studying age not doing this stupid things."swara said leaving his ear.

"maasi then at what age i should make girlfriend."sunny said making cute pout.sanskar chuckle.swara again holds his ear

"when u will turn 18."

"okay maasi i promise now leave my ear."sunny said in pleading voice.swara leaves his ear.

" its your turn."pari said quickly.swara smiles.sanskar feel himself lost in her smile.

"i will just come..."swara said while getting up and goes from their.pari and sunny peeks through hall door.

"bhai is that girl more cute then me?"pari asked and looks at him blinking.

sunny nodded vigorously.pari gets sad and sanskar hits sunny on his back and gives warning from eyes.sunny presses his back with hand.

"but she don't have dimple like u."sunny said giving sheepish smile to sanskar.pari smiles wide.

"really?.."pari said happily.sunny nodded.

"is she more beautiful then maasi?"pari again asked. sanskar looked at sunny face.

"NO...she is not beautiful than maasi."sunny said with smile.


"she has deep connection with kids."sanskar thinks in brain.

pari hugs that time swara entered with a chocolate cake in her hands.

"chocolate cake!!!!...."sunny and pari yelled happily.she sit in front of them and gives them small pieces.she hesitated to give it to sanskar.

"it might be not good.i made it first time..."swara said hesitantly while looking at sanskar.sanskar just takes it silently.trio eat cake.swara was looking at them expectantly.

"how is it?..."swara asked,pari and sunny exchange looks and made bad faces.swara get sad.then suddenly both hug swara.

"maasi its yummy..."both said in union.swara laughed.sanskar smiles.

"who will make me eat?"swara asked.

"me.."pari said quickly.

"me...."sunny said glaring at pari.both start their cute fight.swara giggled.

"stop both of and u both can make me eat."swara said,after making her eat, sunny looked at sanskar.

"now partner its your turn."sunny yelled.sanskar get serious.

"he is smiling that is enough for full month."swaea thought and giggled.

sanskar looked at her giggling and narrowed his gaze at her.swara stop giggling at once and started eating cake.

"i first time in my life give second chance to someone."sanskar said in deep voice,looking at swara.

her hand stopped in mid which was moving toward her mouth.she looked at him.who was looking at her deeply.she changes her eyes direction quickly.

"really..u never give second chance to anyone."sunny asked in shocked voice.sanskar shakes his head.

"bad manners friend....maasi always say we should give second chances to everyone.(to sanskar) right maasi(looking at swara)."pari said cutely.

swara bites her lower lip.sanskar feels like his blood start boiling when she bites her lower lip.he gets up and leaves from their quickly to stop himself doing something.she was making him crazy in just 2 days.swara takes deep breath.

"sunny pari come on its late.u have to go school tomorrow.get up."swara said.sunny goes from their.

"pari go i am coming."swara said to pari.

she smiles and goes from their running.swara picks up things and goes toward kitchen.she puts cake in fridge and washes dishes.

"maasi...pari is calling u."sunny yelled from his bedroom.

"coming."swara said loudly and goes from their quickly.she made them sleep and goes toward her room after kissing them.


sanskar rubs back of his neck, switched off his laptop and stood up from bed.His eyes gets narrowed when he saw light of swara's room was ON till now.he shakes his head and walks to her room. he forward his hand to open door but stops in between.(sanskar's room door was open)

"her own choice..."sanskar said and went back to his room, switched off light and laid down on bed.he turns toward door side.he can easily see the lights on.

"she would have a habit to sleep in light."sanskar thought before falling asleep.


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