Part 1

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A man gets up from bed, leaving a beautiful lady behind.he walked towards his washroom.
after sometime he comes out wearing white shirt,black tuxedo and black pants. hairs perfectly gelled up.he was looking like a Greek god with sharp jawlines.
Girl hugs him from behind.

"how do u manage to look handsome all the time?" said girl smiling

Man just smirks,removes her hands and turns toward her and look down.she was wearing his shirt.his forehead get lined but it disappeared with an instant.

"your work is done u can leave...LISA"said man in cold tone.

"PRINCE.....can't i stay here with u?"said lisa,looking at him with pleading eyes

"NO"said prince and moves toward his dressing room,open a drawer and pick up a black dial watch and wear it on his wrist.he opens another drawer and look at different guns.he picked a gun and kept it in inside pocket of coat.
he comes out from dressing room and looks at lisa.

"why are u still here...don't spoil my mood in morning,lisa"said prince in his usual cold tone

"i love u prince...i want to live with u... i left everything for parents my everything.i did everything what u say.can't u just give me one thing in return?"asked lisa with teary eyed.

prince look at her and laughed in a mock.

"Love???....."said prince looking at her in mock.he walked toward her and slid her hair strand back.

"i do love u sweetheart but......when u are in front of me in your full glory"said prince and wink at her.Lisa turn her face,feeling disgusted for him.prince chuckled coldly and turned to leave from there.
Lisa takes knife from fruit basket and keep it on her wrist.

"prince!!!"lisa shouted

prince cluntch his fist tightly in anger and stopped but didn't turned back.

"say that u love me..otherwise i will kill myself"said LISA while tears role down from her cheeks.

prince again start walking,not caring about her threat at all.Lisa closed her eyes,seeing him walking out.

"prince i curse day u will fall in love with someone and she will walk out the same way u are walking out"shouted Lisa.

prince stopped,take out his gun from inside,turns and shot at her on shoulder.Lisa screamed in pain,keep hand on her shoulder from which blood was coming out.

"i left u alive only because u pleased me a lot,last night....and off course u are one of my favorite mistress..."said prince in cold voice.

he keeps his gun inside his coat again and looks at her.who was looking at her with her pained filled eyes.

"and yeah about "LOVE" such girl didn't born till now who can make underworld prince fall for her"said prince and left from there.

prince comes out from room and look at left side.A man wearing white shirt and pants was standing there.he bows his head seeing prince coming out.

"abheer!...ask man to take Lisa to**y bit***h speaking too much now a days"said prince in disgust.

"yes prince!"said abheer in obedient voice

prince leaves from there.abheer entered inside the room and look at unconscious Lisa in blood pool.abheer sighed,picks her up in arms and left.


A girl is shown beating a boy with a hockey stick,without any break.she was not giving a single chance to the boy.
Girly angrily:u jerk....u bastard......what u think huh?......u will molest a girl and nothing will happen to u?

She again hit stick on boy's head with full force.boy's head fall down on floor and his body stopped showing any moment.

Girl kicks him on stomach and sits down on bar stool and signs the bartender to bring a drink.
bartender was looking at her with horrified expressions.
Girl loudly:water...
bartender nodded quickly and gives her a glass of water.girl drinks half glass in one gulp,put the glass on shelf again and stands up.
At that time manager came there looks at the boy's body and look at bartender.bartender sign towards girl.

Girl cutting manager:not dead....just fainted....shift him to DHQ Hospital and say SWARA BOSS will pay the bills.

she open her bag and give him some amount.

Swara:for broken things.

she turned and left from there.she entered in the parking area and stopped near sports bike,sits on it,start it with one kick and drove off with full speed.

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