Part 2

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Abheer enters in lavish room and stands beside prince who was sitting on couch, reading newspapers.

"Prince.....Don has come"said abheer

prince smirks,puts news paper on the table and gets straight on couch.

" let him in...must be come to congratulate me on my new success"said prince while chuckling devilishly.
abheer nodes smiling wide and walks out from room.after a second, a man entered inside with four men, behind him and sit just opposite to prince.

"welcome at my place...DON"said prince with smirk

"sometimes your hospitality amaze me"said don,smiling little.

"so tell me what bring u here?said prince

"ah! prince.......u know it very well but anyway....congratulation u got the deal this time"said don chuckling.

"how it felt to be defeated? it hurting?"asked prince taunting in light way.

"u know what PRINCE....that's why i love to play game with u...u are only one in Mafia who has ability to defeat me but not is not finished yet"said Don said in steely,standing up from couch voice

"we will see"prince said smirking.don left from there.prince picked news paper again and starts reading.


"swara...where are you?....i will kill you if you didn't come in front of me in 5 minutes"a girl scolded swara on phone.
"arra baba..i am can i miss your marriage...."swara said in busy tone.
"come here as soon as possible"girl said angrily.
"just give me five minutes"swara said and cut the call.

swara throw phone on her bed,picks up a silver lehanga and walks toward washroom.
she comes out after five minutes,apply pink lip gloss, thick mascara,wear a beautiful anklet and let her long hair open.
Meanwhile lucky and kunj entered inside her room.swara looks at them and makes face.
"where are you going?" lucky asked,looking at her preparations.
"friend's marriage"swara said,picking her purse.
"soooo much make up.......its not your marriage"kunj said making fun of her.
swara looks at him angrily.

"kunj....i just put lip gloss and mascara"swara said angrily
"number one liar of the world"kunj said in mocking tone.
swara clenches her fist in anger.
"kunj...its good she apply this much make up otherwise all guest would have got scared from her and run away"lucky said,suppressing his laugh.
"right..."kunj said and both laugh.

"dadddddd......"swara shouted with full force.
kunj and lucky put fingers in ears.swara moves out from her room in full anger.kunj and lucky run to stop her.
"dad! see kunj and lucky making fun of me"swara said poutingly,hugging shaker.
shekhar looks at them with raised eye brow.
"why are you troubling kitten....she is your sister, have some shame"shekhar said in scolding tone.kucj and lucky makes bad bad faces.shomi comes there at that time.

"what is happening here?"shomi asked looking at them.
"your sons are troubling my daughter"shekhar said.shomi narrowed her eyes at him.
"mom....we just said that apply some make up...its not good to go like this."kunj quickly said.
swara's mouth dropped to the ground.
"see mom she is looking so JHALI"lucky said,putting oil on fire.
"swara how many times told you......take care of yourself,didn't you see kavita she maintain herself so well and look at you"shomi said worriedly.

"mama! its not my marriage and don't compare me with kavita......i am fine like i am"swara said making face and sign shekhar to say something.
"my daughter is right....she is beautiful like need of make up"shekhar said quickly.
"shekhar plz don't take her side......she is looks like boy more than a girl.
"shomi said worriedly.
"she went on you were also like this"shekhar exclaimed

"what do you mean?"shomi asked angrily.
both keep on arguing.lucky,kunj and swara looks at them dryly then at each other.trio walked to side.
"i am leaving they will not stop easily"swara whispered.
kunj and lucky nodded and looks at their parents who were fighting like newly married couple.
swara comes out from main door and walked toward her car.
"mama is busy with dad.....she will not come to know i am taking car"swara thought and sit inside.

swara hugged the bride and shake her in happiness.
"congratulationssss...'swara said loudly.
bride breaks hug and looks at him angrily.swara holds her ears and makes puppy face.bride smiles.
"where is twinki? "swara asked,sitting on chair.

"she is in washroom"bride said and looks herself in mirror.
at that time twinkle comes out and looks at swara.
'thank god swara you came....always late"twinkle said in scolding tone.
"its not my brothers wasted my time"swara said making face.
"kunj?"twinkle asked smiling a little.
swara nodded vigorously.

"piya come...pandit ji is calling you"piys's mother said coming inside the room.
"okay mom"piya said and twinkle and swara took her outside.
Marriage was going on when swara's phone started ringing.swara goes out to attend it.
"hello!...."swara attended the phone after coming out.

"ragu!.....make your father agree for Shimla.....i don't know anything.......we all took admission in that college.....tomorrow we all going there and i had already booked house there"swara said annoyingly.

"swara! papa wants me to take admission in some lakhnow's college"ragini said sadly.
"what is his problem?.........we are finally getting chance to meet each other...make your father understand"swara said
"okay i will try...where are you?"ragini said smiling.
"i am....."swara's sentence was not completed yet when someone put wet handkerchief on her dropped from her hand and she fainted.
man picks her up on shoulder and walks toward a car.

"prince.....khuarana is ready to do a meeting and"abheer told prince
"Good....tell him to come at our under construction hotel......careful about police"prince said in his usual tone
"yes prince"
"what about Lisa?"prince asked.
"she is said she can go home after one day"abheer said.

"what about weapons dealing in shimla?"prince asked
"prince......there are huge problems there.....some local goons and few other people are creating problems"abheer said.
"do my preparations for going there......."prince said in strict tone.
"there is another problem......the major person who is creating problem is very clever and there are rumors he is police's will be dangerous "abheer said
"fine some house i will go there as common man and handle them in my way.......they should also know who am i?"prince said in cold tone
abheer nodded and left from there.


Swara opened her eyes in dark room.she blinked several times.
"that psycho kidnapped me" her mind yelled loudly.
swara looked around the was partially dark room,just a single din bulb was glowing above her head.she was sitting on wooden chair.she quickly gets up and walked toward single door.Her anklet sound echoed in the silence of dark room.

swara opens the door silently and peeped outside the room and looks was small dark house and had one another room from which light and loud voice of people talking were coming out.swara moved her ear toward direction of room.
"kallu....the girl would have gain consciousness till now.....did you tie her hands and feet?"a man asked.

swara shook her head vigorously.
"what's the need to tie....what will she do?...will again faint seeing the darkness"kallu said in mocking tone. and their laughter sound came out.swara twitched her nose.Guards again started talking about something.
"MCP...but good for me na....i got chance to escape"swara murmured.she opened the door,came out,walked toward door tiptoe, again sit down near the pulls the door slowly and locked it from outside.
"well done swara..."swara said patting her own shoulder.
she gets up and walks toward exit door.swara strikes with something because it was very dark there.swara muttered some curses while rubbing her knee.

"kallu that girl is escaping....don will kill us"goon shouted seeing swara from small window of door.swara looks back at them.kallu and other goon start breaking the door.
"sayappa!..."swara said,quickly gets up and run outside.
swara's heart stopped beating when she came out.she was present at some hunted house.
she looks at jeep which was parked there.

"thank god"swara said and went toward the jeep.
meanwhile goons came out and run toward her.swara starts the jeep and leaves from there breaking the iron door of the hunted house.
goons also followed her in another car.swara increased the speed to maximum.

"when i am in one can catch me"swara said and changed the gear.
soon goon lost her and swara was smiles when she didn't find them behind her.
"well done..'swara said patting her shoulder and exact that time jeep took few jerks and stopped.
"what the hell!" swara said and came out.her eyes widened when she saw goon's car.
swara looks around and runs toward under construction building,holding her lehanga with both hands.swara looks at her back while running and strikes with prince.she was about to fell when prince holds her at right time.swara closes her eyes tightly.prince leaves her and swara falls down on ground.
"aaa!...mama!"swara cried and looks at prince angrily.

"mannerless idiot"swara muttered under her breath and gets up.
Before swara would have scolded him,prince grabbed her arms, twist at her back and pull her close.
"who send you here?......what did you heard?"prince asked angrily,twisting her arm more.
"what the hell" swara said angrily and tried to push him back.prince didn't move a little.
"leave me..."swara said in irritated tone and hit on his foot with full force.

prince hissed a little and moved back,freeing her from his grip.
"such a weird person you are.......i am not a parcel which someone will send....mannerless idiot"swara said in loud irritated tone,rubbing her wrist.
prince throw daggers at her.swara looks back and sigh in relief then looks at prince.
"what are you looking at me?....never seen a girl"swara said raising her eyebrow.

prince turned his head, muttering some curses.
"give me your phone"swara said, forwarding her hand.
"what?" prince asked,amazed with her attitude.
"are you deaf.....i said give me your phone,i need to call my dad"swara said in loud voice,so that he can hear.prince looks at her angrily
"what are you looking?.....give me your phone na,one psycho just kidnapped me i hardly escaped from him,i need to tell my father and you are not coming out from your silent mood"swara said in irritated voice.
"someone just told me i am mannerless idiot....."prince said with smirk and sit on few bricks.
"listen...right now i am in very big tension....some goons after me,if they found me that psycho will forcefully marry me and my whole life will be spoiled"swara said sitting in front of him on some stone.

"and what if i kidnap you?" prince said looking at her face deeply.

"here i am asking for help and you are thinking to kidnap me?" swara said throwing daggers at him.
"i know i am very pretty but it doesn't mean everyone will kidnap me"swara said before prince could have said anything.
"who told are pretty?" prince asked chuckling lightly.

"what's need of someone else...i know i am pretty,i see my face daily in mirror"swara said touching her face.prince laughed a little,seeing her antics.
swara put hands on her waist and looks at him with narrowed eyes.

Meanwhile there were sound of bullets.prince looked at direction from where someone was shooting at him.
"shit...i should not have stay here for so long"prince thought in his mind getting up.
"they found me"swara almost shouted, gets up and was about to run when prince holds her hand and pulls her behind some bricks
"what???" prince asked looking at her face.
"those goons.....who kidnapped me....i told you to give me phone"swara said and slaps him on shoulder.
At that time someone shoot just near swara.swara screamed loudly covering her face.prince closes his eyes at her so loud yell.

'thank god i am fine...."swara said after removing hands.prince sighed in relief seeing her fine.

"how dare you shoot at you know who i am? second."swara shouted angrily after getting up then remove her shoe and was about to throw at shooter's direction when prince pulls her down.
"are you mad?...what if he would have shoot at you?"prince said angrily
"how dare he shoot at me.....if i didn't beat hell out of him my name is not swara wait here"swara said fuming in anger.
"he has come with me"prince said,holds her hand and made her run with him.
prince sit behind wheels and swara beside him.prince drives with full speed.shooter was still shooting at them.

"you are fine?" prince asked when they were far from that place.
"don't talk to didn't let me beat him"swara said,crossed her arms over chest and turns her face.prince looks at her then looks toward road with smile on face.
"call your father"prince said giving her phone.swara takes phone from him and call shaker.
"hello dad!.....that psycho kidnapped me"swara cried loudly.
prince shook his head.

"i am fine come at XYZ place"swara said after hearing something and cuts the call.
swara gives him phone and wears her sandal.
prince stopped car after reaching XYZ place.after few seconds a BMW comes there with two cars behind it and shekhar comes out from it.swara quickly steps down from car,runs and hugs shekhar.four to six guards also comes out with heavy guns.
prince also comes out from car and laid back on car , crossing his arms on chest.
"are you fine?'shekhar asked worriedly.swara nodded vigorously.
"why didn't you take guards with you?....i told you to keep guards until i don't handle this matter"shekhar said in scolding tone.

"dad...."swara tried to speak but shekhar cuts her.
"not a word...what if something would have happened but have swear on God that will never listen to me just like your mother"shekhar said not letting swara speak.
"dad...'swara said loudly stamping her foot.
"my friends get scared seeing these African gorillas"swara said making face,looking at her African guards.prince chuckled and looked at guards.all were african with well maintained body and tall height.all guards looked at her.
shekhar hit his palm on forehead.

"dad i am fine...don't worry"swara said poutingly.shekhar looks at her.swara gives him sweet smile while blinking eyes.
"okay....."shekhar said patting her cheek.
"he helped me.....a little" swara said pointing at prince.shekhar looks at prince and walked toward him.swara also walks with shekhar.prince stands straight.
"thank you for helping her"shekhar said shaking hand with prince.
"my pleasure..."prince said.shekhar talked with him for few minutes then left
"thank you for giving lift"swara said and murmured something under her breath.she also leaves,guard open door for her,she sit inside and left.
prince smiles,shook his head,sits inside the car and left.

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