Part 3

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"take your medicine at time......don't trouble your brothers"shomi said hugging swara.
"mama! i don't trouble them they trouble me"swara said in irritated voice.
shomi breaks hug and cups her face.
"behave like lady and study well and don't roam in cold nights,keep your inhaler always with you and cover yourself properly"shomi said in motherly love.
"mama first thing i am already a lady not a man, second i will study well third i will take good care of myself and forth can i take my car plz plz plz"swara said in one go.
"no...not until you don't understand fast driving is dangerous"shomi said in strict voice.
"mama that accident was not my mistake someone hit me from behind"swara said poutingly.
"no means no"shomi said
"how will i go college?" swara said sadly(drama)
"on bike....shekhar had already send your and your brother bikes there"shomi said
"i don't like bike" swara said irritated
"why?....what problem in bike? you all do things which boys do then what's wrong in bike?"shomi said
"i can't drive it fast?" swara muttered under her breath,scratches her head.
"therefore i told shekhar to send your bike"shomi said slapping her with love.
"don't trouble your sister...."shekhar ordered kunj and lucky.
both nodded at once and hide their smile.
shekhar holds their ears.
"if i came to know you two troubled her then you two will be in big trouble"shekhar said in warning.
"aaa! dad.....tell your daughter to not create trouble there....where ever she goes she creates trouble"lucky said freeing his ear.
"and tell her also to control her anger and slapping habit" kunj said and made face.
Exact at that time swara slapped on his head.
"what are you saying to dad?" swara said angrily.
"see....."kunj said angrily to shekhar.
"show me also....."swara said looking here and there.
"what?" kunj asked in confusion
"which you were showing to dad"swara said slapping him on head again.
"control you hands woman"kunj said slapping on her head.
both start fighting like kids.
"lakshah.....both are but you are elder brother,you have their responsibility"shekhar said keeping hand on his shoulder.
"they don't consider me elder brother what's the need of putting us in same class....."lucky said in irritated voice.
"arra....what's wrong in that kunj and swara are twins and you are just one year elder so we thought that it will be good if trio will start their studies together"shekhar said chuckling.
lucky looks at swara and kunj who were still fighting.shomi puts hand on lucky's shoulder.lucky looks at her and takes blessings.shomi kiss on his forehead.
"take care of yourself and theirs......"shomi said.lucky nodded.

Meanwhile kavita with her parents comes there.she was wearing short dress and straight hair.
"hello choti maa1″kavita greeted shomi.
"hello are looking beautiful"shomi said with smile.
"thank you...'kavita said.
"why did she took admission in our college?" swara whispered in kunj's ear.
"for you"kunj said and went to greet AP and DP.swara also greet them.DP give swara blessing with love but AP makes face.
"hey spoiled brat"kavita said hitting swara with her shoulder.
"hello miss cheap material."swara said pulling her cheek with full force.
"awao!!..."kavita cried and rubbed her cheek.
"i think you all should go inside"shekhar said looking at his wrist watch.
"dad twinki didn't come till now"swara said worriedly.meanwhile twinkle comes there and greeted everyone.after sometime lucky,kunj,swara and twinkle went inside airport bidding them bye.
"shekhar in Shimla winter is so harsh......swara has asthma we should not have send her there"shomi said worriedly.
"she will be fine...don't worry"shekhar said rubbing her shoulder

Everyone comes out from airport and looks around.swara takes deep breath and smiles.
"dad told me that he had arranged a house for and and a car will drop us there"lucky said and takes out there.
"see that man is holding board of our names"swara shouted pointing toward man.
kunj who was standing near her,closed his eyes because swara yelled near her ear.
"can't you tell one thing without shouting"kunj said angrily,hitting on her head.
"No...i am so excited"swara exclaimed slapping on kunj face.kunj gritted his teeth.
"kunj normal people talk normally,abnormal shouts"kavita said in mocking tone.
"right"kunj said quickly.
"miss cheap material.....according to me those are abnormal who poke their nose in others talks"swara said sweetly.
"excuse me"kavita said angrily
"excused...."swara said and walks toward man.kavita throw daggers at swara.twinkle and lucky looked at each other,shook their heads and walks toward man.kunj and kavita also follow them.

prince was sitting in front of tied person and abheer was standing behind him.
"let em go...i promise i will not come in your way" tied person said pleading.
"this you should have thought before coming in my way"prince said in cold voice.
A current passed from man's spine,seeing cold look in his eyes.
prince points gun at him and shook at his forehead,right in mid.
"abheer throw his body and make sure no one should come to know i am here"prince said in cold tone.abheer nodded.
at that time door bell started ringing.
"who came here?" prince said getting up.
"i don't know..."abheer said in little worried voice,looking at dead body.prince looked at him angrily.
"i will something of him"prince said and walks out from room,without listening anything.he climbs down from stairs and moved toward door with gun in his hand.
he opens the door and was about to shoot the person but gets extreme shock seeing swara there.
"you!!!..." prince said in extreme shock.
swara was looking at him with wide eyes.prince looks at her back.kunj,lucky,kavita and twinkle were also there.
"what are you doing here?" swara asked in shock.
"what are you doing here?"prince asked in same tone as her.
"asking from owner that what are doing in his own house"swara said laughing,push prince to side and entered inside.her gang also entered inside looking at prince from top to bottom.
prince put gun inside his black coat.
"how do you know him?" kunj asked from swara.
"who said i know him...i don't know him,i don't even know his name......oye what is your name?" swara blabbers without a break.
"sanskar..." prince said after thinking for a minute.
"what are u doing here sanskar?" swara asked sweetly.
"this is my house...what are you doing here?" sanskar said angrily.all looks at lucky.
"i think there is some problem...let me check address again"lucky said and takes out his phone.kunj and swara slaps him on head.
"can't even do one thing properly"swara and kunj said in union.
"address is same....."lucky said and slapped them back.
"give me i will check.."swara said and snatched phone from lucky.
"arra...can't even see floor clearly,keep on striking here and there....and will see address"kunj said,slapped on swara's head and snatched phone from her.
swara throw daggers at kunj.
"address is right"kunj said in confusion.
twinkle and kavita silently go and sit on large sofa.swara's sight fall on fruits and her tummy ground.she quickly goes,picks up an apple and start eating.
Meanwhile abheer comes down and looks at everyone.
"who are all they?" abheer asked in confusion.
"they are saying this house is there..." sanskar said through gritted teeth.
"what?..... this house is allocated to us"abheer said
"there is some confusion we are also given the same you have number of manager?"lucky said trying to handle the situation calmly.
"i will call him..."abheer said and call someone.
kunj looks at swara who was eating apple.he goes toward her and looks at her with one raised eyebrow.
"what.....i am hungry,i didn't eat anything from 3 hours"swara said and again start eating.
"here we are trying to handle such a big problem and you are eating"kunj said, slapped on her head and snatched apple from her and was about to eat himself when he got slap from swara.
"its my apple...."swara said and snatched apple from him.both were again going to start fight but lucky comes in front of them with all angry face.
"if you started fight now then you two are going to be in big trouble"lucky said in warning tone.
"he/she started"kunj and swaa said pointing at each other.
"shut up both of you"lucky said angrily.kunj gives him sheepish smile.swara silently start eating apple.meanwhile manager comes there.
"what the hell is this?" abheer asked angrily
"what's wrong sir?" manager asked worriedly.
"they are saying this house is allocated to them"abheer said.
"one minute sir...."manager said and called someone.
sanskar was looks at swara who was eating apple as that is most important work of the world.sanskar shook his head.
"actually sir there is computerized house is mistakenly allocated at two names......sanskar maheswari and swara gadodia...."manager said apologetically.sanskar coughed hearing that.
"fine give them another house...'abheer ordered.swara looks at him with narrowed eyes.
"i am sorry sir but there is no free house left"manager said
"hold it..." swara said giving apple to kunj and walks toward manager.
"we all will live on your head"swara said and slapped manager.abheer and sanskar looked at her with shock expression.kunj and lucky beat their heads.twinkle covers her mouth.kavita shook her head.
"i am sorry ma'am....."manager said
"sorry my foot"swara said angrily.lucky and kunj pull her back holding her arms.kunj gives her apple.lucky slaps on her head.
"ma'ma...sir plz adjust for few days until we don't arrange another house....its my request"manager said and looks at swara being afraid.
"just for few days...'manager said
abheer looks at sanskar.he shrugs.abheer gets surprised a little.
"we have no problem...."abheer said controlling his surprise expression.
"we are also okay" lucky said thinking about swara's was not good outside it would have bad for her if they would have roam in this weather.
"thank you sir.....thank you ma'ma"manager said and leaves from there.
"rooms?...." lucky asked from abheer and sanskar.
abheer tells them free rooms.everyone selects their room and left.swara holds sanskar rooms and pulls him to side.
"listen....don't tell anyone about my kidnapping and we know each other"swara whispered in slow tone.
"why?" sanskar said and frees his arm.
"vo actually my brothers don't know anything about it.....and i don't want them to know"swara said.
"why so?...."sanskar asked with raised eye brow
"that's none of your what i am saying"swara said in ordered way and left from there.sanskar glares at her back.

"swara your plants came...."kunj said making face.swara gets happy and runs outside.
there was a truck in which small plants were present.
"oh my baby plant..." swara said caressing a plant leaf.
"ma'am.....sign here plz"a man said giving her register.swara quickly sign there.
"plz will you take them to my room."swara said pleading nodded and start taking plants inside.swara's room was on second floor just adjacent to sanskar.
swara was taking a plant,talking with it continuously when kavita comes in front of her.swara tries to move from one side but kavita again comes in front of her.swara looks at her angrily and tries again to move from another side but again kavita comes in front of her.lucky and kunj saw these and shook their heads.
"what..."swara snapped.
"nothing"kavita said sweetly.swara clenches her fist.swara push her to side and walks out from there.she climbs the stairs and was walking toward her room when she strikes with sanskar and her plant's planter fall down and gets break.sand gets dispersed on the floor.
swara looks down at her plant then at sanskar with crying face.
"my baby plant..."swara cried and sit down.
"baby????" sanskar whispered to himself.
"are you blind.....can't you see?....i am warning you if something happened to my baby plant na then i will kill you"swara said cryingly.
"what happened?" kunj said coming there.lucky was also with him.
"my baby plant"swara said crying,tears start rolling down from her cheek.sanskar gets a little shock seeing her crying this much for a plant.
"uff hoo....wait i will bring spare pot..."lucky said and leaves from there.
lucky brings an empty pot and swara started putting sand in it.
after planting plant in it she picks up plant carefully.she throw daggers at sanskar and moves toward her room.
"don't mind sanskar....she is little crazy"kunj said chuckling.sanskar nodded.

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