Part 21

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"ma'am your medicine...."nurse said forwarding small white dish in front of swara.

"i don't want it...."swara said in harsh tone.

"ma'am please...i am ordered to....."

she was not able to complete when swara throw medicine away with jerk,being furious.

"who had ordered you,had left me alone here......what the need to do this?"swara shouted with full force and started panicking.she removes the drip with jerk and tried to step down from bed.she felt again sharp stabbing pain in her stomach.

"ma'am plz your stitches will get break...."nurse said worriedly but swara jerks her hands while breathing hard,tears falling down from her eyes.

white fog came in front of her eyes,she fainted and fall down,nurse holds her at right time.being stubborn girl she had not even eat anything.nurse make her lay down on bed,checks her stitches, adjust glucose drip to other hand,bandages her hand and comes out but stopped seeing sanskar there.

"i am sorry sir but she didn't take medicines...."nurse said in scared voice.

"give her anesthesia....she will be find after peaceful sleep"sanskar said sighing heavily.nurse nodded,goes inside and give small amount of anesthesia and leaves.sanskar entered inside the room after 10 minutes,knowing that she will be in deep sleep.

sanskar sits on stool,near her bed and takes her bandaged hand in his and kissed on it.

"first time in life i am not liking your stubbornness..."sanskar said and wipes tears from corner of eyes.swara's eyes gets little open and she had vague vision of his but she went into sleep again because of anesthesia.after spending one hour there he left.


"nurse had someone came here?" swara asked lost in thought.

"no ma'am...."nurse said,give her soap and leaves.swara looks at her bandaged hand and bites her lower lip.

"he was here and was saying something.....he took promise from me that i will not leave him and he himself.....No he can't left me like this,reason is something else"swara whispered to herself then she looks at soap and licks her lips.

"you are so dead from my hands darling hubby..."swara smiles and  starts drinking juice.


"ma'am where are you going?" nurse asked worriedly,walking behind her.

"home...."swara said in careless tone.

"ma'am you can't leave until your stitches don't get open..."nurse said,wiping sweat from forehead.

"stitches will get open after 15 or 20 days and i am not going to stay here so long....and give this to my darling hubby."swara said sweetly,pulled her cheeks and give her a folded paper.

"and i am sorry i misbehaved with you.....actually someone else anger i throw at you"swara said in apologetic tone and leaves.


"where is swara?..."sanskar said in furious tone.

"sir ma'am left and told me to give you this..."nurse gulps and gives him paper which swara gave her.sanskar takes paper from and reads it.

"you should not have come me at home and don't you dare said anything to nurse"

"i am sorry sir but ma'am didn't listen to me"nurse said with fidgeting fingers.sanskar looks at her,turns and walks out.



"what are you doing here?.."abheer asked with shocked expression.swara looks at him with narrowed eyes then give him tight slap.

"i had never thought you will ever get slap from me...what do you mean what am i doing here?...this is my house"swara said throwing daggers at him.

"ouch!...."abheer rubs his cheek and smiles.

"we are ordered to not let you in but i am really glad to see you here"abheer said and moved to side.

"its mean he knew it i am going to come...'swara said,smiling while entering inside the house.

"abheer i am very tired,i am going for sleep and sanky will be come any minute then tell him that my stitches are not open yet.."swara said sweetly but abheer looks at her confusingly.

"abheer just do what am i saying...he will understand rest."swara said and walks toward her room.

abheer rubs his temple,being confused but gets alert seeing sanskar coming with furious face.

"when i had told you to not let her come then why the hell you let her in..."sanskar said in strict voice.

"when she didn't listen will she listen to me..."abheer said dryly.

"where is she?..."

"in room and she said her stitches are not open yet..."abheer said in plain voice,not able to understand anything.

'blackmailing woman..."sanskar cursed hard under his breath.

"what does this mean?"abheer asked,finally not able to control himself.sanskar looks at him with angry eyes then walks toward room.

"will anyone tell me what is happening..."abheer said in irritated voice.


"swara sleep on bed..."sanskar said angrily but swara didn't move a little.sanskar gritted teeth his teeth at her stubbornness,he picks her up and throw her on bed in anger. swara looks at him angrily,gets up and tried to move toward couch but sanskar holds her arm in tight grip.

swara tried to free her hands and bites on his hand but gets irritated when its doesn't work at him.

"only this much strength you have?"sanskar asked dryly.

"leave me..."swara said still struggling hard.

"Are you mad,your stitches will be broken if you will sleep on tough place"sanskar said in strict voice

"I WILL SLEEP ON COUCH..."swara said stressing on her every word.

"why?.."sanskar said getting really furious.

"i don't want to sleep with liar like you..'swara said angrily.

"why the hell you have come to liar like me.."sanskar said in hurt voice,leaves her arm and walks toward door to leave.

"you hurt him swara...very bad"swara thought,biting her tongue.

"AAAAA!!!!!....mama!"swara screamed loudly and sit down,keeping both arms around belly.sanskar turns and run toward her,with scared face.

"swara are you fine?"sanskar asked,making her look at him.

"i am look fine to you...its so paining,i had not even took medicine"swara said (drama).sanskar open his mouth to scold her badly but swara interrupts.

"sanky its paining...'swara cried and holds his hand.

"if you will take medicine then it will be fine...therefore i was telling you to sleep on bed"sanskar said,holds her from waist and make her lay down on bed

"where are your medicines?" sanskar asked,pulling cover on her.

"huh!..."swara said looking at him with wide eyes.

"you didn't brought your medicine only came here"sanskar said in annoyed voice and swara pouts.

"you also left me without checking i am dead or alive" swara said while making face.

"i was there all the time.."sanskar said in follow and closed his eyes,regretting for saying that.swara smiles brightly.

"i will bring your medicine....don't move,it will hurt"sanskar said and left from there.swara covers her mouth with both hands and giggles.


"take them with one gulps..."sanskar ordered her while swara looked at medicines and gulped.

"so many medicines,two,three,four and five..."swara counts medicines with her index fingers on his hand.

"OMG!...i am feeling so good suddenly,its not even paining,i even forgot it was paining."swara said,lay down on bed and pulls cover on her face.

"swara get up right now otherwise i will take you hospital"sanskar said in threatening voice.swara removes cover,gets up and looks at him poutingly.

"i will take only one..."swara said in extra sweet voice.

"don't look at me like this...i am taking"swara said seeing him throwing daggers at her.she picks up medicines and gulped them down with half glass of water.

"where are you going?"swara asked seeing him leaving.

"i have some work you sleep..."sanskar said in plain voice.

"what if i started feeling pain in night....what will i do?"swara said poutingly(drama)

"i will come in an hour...'sanskar said after thinking for a second and leaves.

"so worried for troubles him a lot swara"swara said,scolding herself then giggles and sleep.

At night swara eyes gets half open,feeling movement around her,she looks at sanskar.

"sorry i woke you up...are you feeling pain."sanskar said sliding inside covers.swara shakes her head,moves close to him and sleeps on his shoulder.sanskar corrects cover on her and sleeps himself.


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